Path of Absolute Transcendence

Chapter 31: 31. Spying

Kai and James arrived at the place of the coronation ceremony. The ceremony was held at the sect master's peak, and it was full of people. There are a lot of girls waiting to see the Holy Son; some of them are even willing to become maids of the Holy Son.

'It seems something never changes, even in other worlds,' thought Kai. A lot of people are trying to climb the ladder by using the people from above, but they don't know that they will only be used as loyal dogs or slaves.

After waiting for some time, the Grand Elder arrived at the venue. Seeing him, all the noise dropped, and all of them kept quiet for him to talk.

"Since the sect master is in seclusion, I am the host of the ceremony." The grand elder said without any introduction about himself. The Grand Elder's name was Yang Liwei, and with his status, he did not need to introduce himself.

After a few moments since the arrival of the Grand Elder, the Holy Son also arrived at the location.

"All disciples show respect to the Holy Son." He said in a commanding tone. He did not use the word Candidate Holy Son; instead, he used Holy Son, indirectly implying that Yang Wudi is already the Holy Son for the upper echelon of the sect.

All disciples, including Kai, bowed in the direction of the holy son, and he passed them without any expression on his face, his face was calm the entire time. He took the seat that was placed for him in the center and sat in it.

"All disciples should take their seats." He again said in a commanding tone. All of them took their seats, but a few of them stood and tried to talk against the Grand Elder.

Before they could raise their voice, a life-threatening aura appeared, and they became silent as soon as they sensed it.

"It seems some files are adamant about disturbing the ceremony. Let's get rid of them and start the ceremony." The Grand Elder said as he waved his hand in the air. Soon, the people who tried to talk against him turned into bloody mists.

The surroundings became full of blood, but he again waved his hand, and all the blood and organs disappeared as if nothing had happened.

'It seems fools also exist in other worlds.' thought Kai. The people who tried to talk did not like the tone of the Grand Elder and also had the idea of going against him without sufficient strength.

They did not even consider the difference in strength and status, they only had blind arrogance and a limited amount of knowledge.

They considered their talent top-notch and thought themselves valuable to the sect, so they acted recklessly without even thinking about the consequences. Kai also has a lot of pride and arrogance, but he knows how to act in a situation.

He is also not a narrow-minded person who gets angry at someone for bowing to them. If he were to act like them, he would have died long ago.

"I welcome Yang Wudi to take the oath and officially become the holy son." After his voice, Yang Wudi also stood up from his place.

"I, Yang Wudi, after becoming the Holy Son, will take you, the disciples, to a height that you never dreamed about. In this generation, our sect will become an emperor-tier sect." Yang Wudi made his statement.

His words may seem simple, but he announced that he would be competing in the battle of destiny and had the confidence to win in this generation.

After hearing the oath from Yang Wudi, all the disciples started to scream in excitement. They did not have a lot of knowledge about the outside world, so they just believed these words.

'It seems they are planning something since they are just openly announcing it.' thought Kai. The statement made by Yang Wudi contains a lot of information. Since they dared to openly state their decision to fight in the battle of destiny, they may have some backup.

Participating in the battle of destiny is openly going against the emperor-tier family and sects since they will eliminate a potential danger to winning the battle. They don't want another emperor-tier family and sect into their rankings.

Then the coronation ceremony continued after Yang Wudi's oath, and he directly took the token representing his status as a holy son. The Holy Son's position is only below the sect master and grand elder. He did not even take the test but directly became without even taking the test.

Kai did not care about the sect directly supporting Yang Wudi. He has to make plans about making his physique.

Kai severed the connection between him and the ants to avoid getting caught in the future since he already obtained all the useful information from the scripture pavilion. He then caught another set of bugs, but this time he did not choose any ants and only chose bugs that were capable of flying.

He controlled all of them using his willpower and made them his puppets. He spread the insects all over the sect to spy on anything interesting.

'Let's hope this plan succeeds,' thought Kai. He plans to find some bait for luring the Holy Son, so he needs some secret information about the person to blackmail him.

Kai did not want to be directly involved in capturing the Yang Wudi since he would be heavily guarded and he may have some means to contact his father in an emergency. So, he preferred his safety first and would choose another person as a sacrifice.

Then Kai started viewing things from a bug's point of view.

'It seems I am watching all the people from the monitoring room,' thought Kai. Kai was able to use willpower to manipulate a lot of bugs and see things, but he was only able to obtain clear information from three at the same time.

It is the reason, he only used three ants at the same time to obtain information from the scripture pavilion.

Then Kai started to spy on his fellow disciples using the bugs. The bugs traveled to hiding places and did not go to heavily guarded areas.

"We should visit the brothel next week. The girl from last is too good; we should visit her soon. " Said a disciple.

"She is the most famous girl in the brothel, but it is a pity that she is a mortal; otherwise, I would marry her. " Replied another disciple.

"We need to visit the store to buy that new dress." Said a girl.

"Yeah, I also want to visit that store. I had an eye on a dress for a week, now I had money. I want to buy it." Replied another girl.

Kai heard this type of useless conversation between the disciples, and he became speechless.

'It seems a lot of people did not even have the idea to become strong. They just want to enjoy benefits without even working hard,' thought Kai. He ignored this type of useless conversation and started spying on any suspicious individuals.

'She may be the key to breaking through the situation,' thought Kai. He found a perfect target after spying for a week.

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