Path of Absolute Transcendence

Chapter 41: 41. Heaven's Wrath

'It seems I have to take this battle seriously,' thought Kai. He never thought that Leiyin was good at real fights since he spends most of his time with girls, but this move changed Kai's perception of him.

"Ha Ha Ha! Did you see that? This is the move I created called Heaven's Wrath. With this, I can control the weapon of heaven and enforce justice on its behalf." Leiyin replied proudly as he saw the quiet crowd.

Nobody said anything, as his words were somewhat true. Even though he isn't fully capable of controlling the true power of lightning, he has a chance to do that in the future.

"It seems we have misunderstood him just based on his personality." The grand elder said it with some emotion.

"What are you trying to say, grand elder?" Yang Wudi asked Yang Liwei.

"The technique that he created has a lot of potential. If he fully develops this technique, he will have the same attack power as an emperor realm expert. But he also needs to be at least a supreme realm peak to achieve that. He is a once-in-a-century genius." The grand elder praised Leiyin without hiding a single bit.

"Then, do we have to eliminate him to avoid any trouble ?" Asked Yang Wudi in desperation.

"Wudi, I have already said that you need to change your mindset if you want to reach the peak. You are always thinking about eliminating the competitor without even fighting them." The grand elder paused a little and continued, "You need to make them your whetstone to sharpen yourself; also, don't forget about your physique.

You do have the potential to participate in the battle of destiny, but it is hard to fight in your current state." Yang Liwei reprimanded Yang Wudi for being spineless.

"Okay, grand elder, I will change it." Yang Wudi expressed his apology with an ugly expression on his face.

"I hope you will also put your words into actual practice. I won't hesitate to change or revoke your position as a holy son; even your father won't be able to question me." The grand elder said it without any kindness. He did not like a person who acted like a coward.

He will also supports eliminating potential danger for the sect, but he does not like it when Yang Wudi thought about killing Leiyin just because he created some incomplete technique with great potential.

"I don't think this move can intimidate me." Kai isn't afraid of this since the power that Leiyin is capable of using from the heavenly dao is a very small amount.

"We will see that after this," Leiyin said, moving his hand towards Kai. The lightning in the clouds directly struck Kai.

'Wha the fuc..?'

'It is also capable of attacking'

Kai thought he did not think Leiyin could directly attack using the thunder, so Kai was careless about that. He immediately dodged the attack and tried to attack Leiyin.

"Don't think I will let you near me," Leiyin said, and a dome of clouds started forming around him. It became like a fortress around him, protecting him from danger.

'Tchh! I won't be able to break it in a short period' thought Kai. He activated his Ultimate Sense talent for the first time in the tournament. His eyesight improved, and he can now clearly see the movement of the lighting. With that, Kai was able to dodge them a little easier.

"Don't think this is my full strength; see the true power of thunder." He said that and increased the number of lightnings attacking Kai. The situation became worse for Kai, and he also had to activate his soul perception ability to avoid them.

'I won't be able to hold on for a long time,' thought Kai. He used his phantom steps and heart control ability to directly increase his speed and dodge the incoming attack.

He evaded every attack at a narrow distance and also closed the gap between him and Leiyin little by little. During the process, a small amount of lightning hit him, but due to his strong physical body and primary elemental resistance, he did not suffer any injuries.

Leiyin dispersed his dome and took his sword to directly fight against Kai. He knew throwing lightning at Kai from a distance would only exhaust him, so he decided to engage in direct battle.

Both of them crossed swords with each other, but Kai was at a disadvantage at their first clash.

'I had to consider the lightning in the sword' thought Kai. In the first move, Kai's hand became numb due to lightning energy transferred through his arms. Kai backed down a bit and started fighting again.

This time Kai used his sword intent to destroy the lightning that transferred from Leiyin. He did not use sharpness as an attribute this time but used a combination of earth and heavy attributes.

"Why isn't my lightning affecting you?" Leiyin asked in a panic.

"It's just because your lightning is too weak to affect me," Kai replied in a mocking tone.

"What? Are you afraid that you will lose the battle? I didn't even use my full strength until now." Kai mocked Leiyin again to infuriate him. He did not say anything and tried increasing his lightning on the sword.

"No matter how much you increase the intensity, the result will always stay the same." Kai provoked him again.

Leiyin did not speak, tried for some time, and stopped doing that after seeing no results. He dropped his sword and instead focused all the lightning on his body alone. He also used Heaven's Wrath on a small scale to assist him in the battle.

"Don't think I'm out of cards. You will pay for provoking me." Leiyin gained some advantage due to the combination of Heaven's Wrath and elementalization. He started throwing punches at Kai; both fists and swords clashed against each other.

A lot of lightning appeared and disappeared on the battlefield; it looked like a festival instead of a fight between people.

Leiyin used his fist intent in combination with lightning to make it more lethal. It increased his attack power, and some small scratches appeared on the sword.

'He has some talent, but compared to his talk, it is useless.' thought Kai. He acknowledges Leiyin for creating his moves, like Heaven's Wrath and reaching the fist master realm, but does not like his narrow-mindedness.

Kai also increased his power of sword intent and used his talent. He knew the clouds above his head might attack him at any time, so he had to keep an eye on them.

They exchanged moves for a long period, and both of them almost exhausted their strength.

'It's time to end this battle' thought Kai. He immediately started gathering an immense amount of sword intent in his sword and also changed his attribute to sharpness. He did not want to reveal the destruction attribute, which is more suitable in the current situation as he was battling in the crowd.

Even the grand elder thought that Kai's sword intent was dynamic; he did not expect that Kai's sword intent was capable of changing into anything in existence or non-existence. Yang Wudi almost guessed correctly, but he is also wrong in a way, as it did not work according to his wish but instead just his thoughts.

Yeah, Kai can manifest anything just by thinking about it; that is how his sword intent is powerful.

Leiyin also started to get ready for the final move after seeing Kai. He gathered all the lightning and thunder in his fist and also added his fist intent to it. The combination of both gave a feeling of destruction.


Kai used his move without any reservations, and he willed it to destroy anything on its path.

"[Lightning Fist]"Leiyin also used his final move, but he said it aloud for others to hear.

His move appeared like a big fist and traveled towards Kai. Kai slashed his sword towards the incoming attack without any hesitation.

The sword's intent directly cut the fist into pieces and traveled towards Leiyin without losing its momentum. He tried to block it with his hands to avoid getting injured on his face, but his strength was too weak compared to the sword intent, and it directly cut through him.

Seeing Leiyin, who was going to die, the grand elder directly intervened by teleporting him outside the battlefield. But the sword destroyed everything on its way.

The battlefield that is capable of withstanding the full blow of divine realm cultivators is destroyed beyond recognition. The sword intent severed everything in its path and made a huge gap in the field.

"The winner of the battle is Kai." The elder came out of surprise and announced the result.


The disciples in the crowd started crazily cheering for Kai. Nobody cared about Leiyin, as everybody was surprised and excited by Kai's performance.

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