Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 147: Test Of Generosity Part Thirteen

Chapter 147: Test Of Generosity Part Thirteen

A large floating barge with a medium sized hut built on top of it floated gently in the calm waters of a small section of river that was situated within the borders of the Empire. Within this medium sized hut was the delegate of the Empire as overseer, the Kingdom, and the Dukedom. They were gathered to bring peace between the Kingdom and the Dukedom before a full blown war broke out. 

The delegate for the Dukedom was their First Prince and first in line to become the next Duke, Prince Henry. On the Kingdom side was Alicia as the main speaker and Prince Chris. The Overseer from the Empire stood up and announced the start of the meeting. "We will now commence the meeting. We will start with the Kingdom who was on the side to be invaded but also annexed part of Dukedom's lands. Miss Alicia if you will." 

"Wait a minute! Is this little girl going to be the one handling the Kingdom's delegation? Prince Chris are you okay with this?" Price Henry asked, not hiding his disdain for Alicia. 

"Prince Henry I would watch your words. It is this exact little girl that you lost your land too in a matter of a few hours. It is also this little girl who had built an entire wooden fort in half a day. If not for her running the show, I have to say our Kingdom would have lost a bit of land and not taken land for ourselves." Prince Chris said in a mocking tone.

Have no words to say Prince Henry gave a "Humph" and sat back down. Alicia paid him no mind as she stood up and took a deep breath. "As I see it, the reason the Dukedom even attempted to invade the Kingdom was due to the famine that is spreading throughout your outer regions. You're short on food supply and have little to no farmland to help supply your population with the food needed for your citizens to be able at least a meal a day. Please correct me if I am wrong Prince Henry."

"No, you are right." Prince Henry reluctantly answered. The Dukedom was a male dominated country so being placed at even standing with a female, that that still smelled of her mother's milk nonetheless, really hit a sore spot for Prince Henry.

"Then I will continue." Alicia gave a smile before continuing. "Since that is the case, instead of waging war and trying to steal lands, you should have sent out a delegation to ask for assistance from the neighboring countries. Why did you not try to handle things in a diplomatic manner instead of putting the lives of your already weakened citizens at risk?"

"We did! We sent a message to the king of Kingdom, Prince Chris's father, but our request was rejected!" Prince Henry angrily roared out.

"Oh? Such a thing happened?" Alicia raised an eyebrow and looked at Prince Chris, who immediately looked away. "I see... Then that does justify your actions. Because of this, Kingdom will not seek any compensation for trying to annex our lands. Instead, I wish to make a deal with you. Prince Herny, though the stupid king of this Kingdom did not answer your call, I will. I have a contract here written up and both signed by the King of Kingdom and also by the Emperor of the Empire. This contract states that both the Empire and the Kingdom will be willing to rent large plots of land that are not currently being cultivated. The rent price for these large plots of land is twenty percent of your yearly crop.

" That gives you eighty percent to return home with. On top of that, you will, allow us to keep the portion of the river all the way up to the river's bend that goes to the Empire. There will be no tolls but it is also to ensure the security of our land and will also become a major free trade route for merchants after a bridge is constructed to bridge the gap between the Kingdom and the Dukedom, as well as the Empire. Our three nations are all connected at this point and would make the best place for such a route. Boats can enter and exit freely after strict checks of course. 

"What do you say, Prince Henry? This deal is not half bad right?" Alicia explained her plan in detail ending with a question to Prince Henry.

"Are you really saying we can rent your fields at such a cheap cost?" Prince Henry's tone quickly changed when he heard Alicia's plan. He never thought such a good deal could exist. 

"Of course, twenty percent for the land we are allocating to your country to rent is quite a bit. Also if you find that either the Empire or the Kingdom is going back on their words. I have also brought in the Head Abbot of the Theocracy, who has just arrived." At Alicia's words, the Abbot walked into the medium sized hut with a big smile on his face.

"It is good to finally meet you Miss Alicia, The letter you sent me was very interesting. As for your request, we of course accept. If either nation goes back on this agreement, then the Theocracy will call upon God's worshipers and have them strike down whichever country breaks this contract. But such allegations must come with evidence! If no evidence is present then God's worshipers will not move." The abbot gave a faint smile as he looked around the room.

Alicia smiled and nodded her head to the Abbot before returning her gaze to the dumbfounded Duckedom prince. "Prince Henry, Your answer?"


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