Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 165: A Letter That Crosses Time And Space

Chapter 165: A Letter That Crosses Time And Space

'My darling daughter, if you are reading this, then you must have done something crazy. You are probably wondering about a lot of things. Like how Japanese writing was even able to end up in another world or how or why you were able to cross time and space and enter another body after supposedly dying. This is all in part due to your race and the planet you are on is one of the many you could have gone to. Those of the celestial race spread themselves out over the universe. 

' We of the celestial race are nomads as they are called on Earth. We spend our time going place to place within a new world observing how the beings of each planet grow over time. We normally only spend the dominant species' lifespan worth of time on each world. We then move on to the next world. We use illusion magic to change our looks in order to fit in with each world's inhabitants and grow old along with them. 

'But on Earth, I did something taboo I fell in love with one of the inhabitants of Earth, your father. I am not human but your father was. I lived a human life, went to work every day, went shopping, and paid bills. This was all so I could fit in with the people of earth and live my life with the man I love and then one day I found out I was pregnant. You have no idea how happy I was when I found out that I was pregnant. Just knowing I was with child, created by me and the man I love, put me on cloud nine. Then nine months later I had you Higuchi Akari.

'As you grew older I started to realize that you were not a normal human. You had more celestial blood in you than you did human blood. Because of this, if you were not on a planet that had Magicules to allow you to release the magic inside of you, you would have died and your celestial soul would have scattered ending your life. 

' Please forgive me, my darling daughter. Mother did what she did in order to allow you to live a long life of happiness. I created a body for you on many different worlds with your soul's wavelength. Although I do not know how these bodies were treated after I created them, I could only hope that you would not have much trouble once you had taken it over. I had your father teach you some survival skills just in case something were to happen. 

' Each world had the same similarities. They had Magicules and they were in an era that had knight orders. I knew how much you loved knights and had always dreamed of becoming one. So I selected each world carefully. Making sure it had all the things you wished for while you lived on Earth.

' It was then during the time you were having a match for your kendo that you're father and I decided the time was ripe. I set up a situation that I knew you could not ignore. I knew with your sense of justice you would jump into action to save the child. The man, who seemed to have gone crazy after you had woken him up, do not blame him That was your Mothers doing. I had to put you in such a situation in order to allow you to leave this world and move to the next world. I made your body disappear before it hit the ground and teleported your soul to transverse space and time to allow your soul to be reborn in a world where you could flourish. I did all this so that you would have a chance at life. A life where you could freely release your magicules and maybe hopefully, find someone you love to live a long life with. 

'As your Mother, this was the main thing I wished for more than anything. My darling daughter, Akari, I hope you were and are able to find happiness in this new world. At some point, Mother will come to visit you after your father has passed. I understand after hearing all of this that you might hate me. But please understand I did this all for you 

'Akari the thing I left for you, you would have noticed it sooner or later at some point later in life after you had formed your magic domain. It is a record of the Celestials and much more. Only when you have acquired enough power will you be able to open it and only you are able to open it. You will understand how later on. If you are reading this message before you gain that power then you must have casted a spell large enough to find this by accident. 

' Akari my darling daughter I wish for nothing more than your happiness. Remember that from the time you were born on earth and even in your new body, your mother and father will always love you. Akari, find your happiness...'

Flashes of images floated in Alicia's mind of the time she had spent with her mother and father back on earth. The two people in her world at that time that showered her with care, love, and affection. The two people she would never forget no matter how much time had passed. Tears streamed from Alicia's eyes, she would have never thought that from the beginning even on Earth she was a Celestial, and because Earth did not have Magicules she would have died an early death. Her mother and father went through so much in order to allow her to live a long lasting life The pain they must have felt knowing they could no longer see their daughter again must have been great. What's worse was knowing they had to basically kill their daughter in order to allow her to have a full filling life must have been even more painful.

Blake looked at the crying girl in his arms and his heart clenched. The thing he hated most in this life was seeing Alicia cry. He wrapped his arms around her and tightly hugged her allowing Alicia to cry to her heart's content.


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