Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 619 Go Easy On Them



Li Fengjin had to agree with what Parker said. They do make a pretty good team. One gets all the info and the other strategies with them.

"Then I shall start making the secret move. A good and better deal with good cash inflow for both parties will do the trick. I just have to be very discrete about it and make sure my man is safely out of that gang," Parker made verbal arrangements.

"It will. Let's get that done with first. If you need help coming up with a deal that can be turned down, I will gladly put my skills to use," Li Fengjin said.

"No problem. I will tell you when I need it," Parker gave a curt nod.

"Well then, let me pay a visit to my men," Li Fengjin stood to his feet.

"Ask anyone to show you the way. I need to get something done."

"Sure, no problem."

"Oh, and Li Fengjin," Parker stopped him.

"Hmm," Li Fengjin paused in his tracks and slightly turned back.

"Go easy on them," Parker said with a small knowing smile.

He knew very well that Li Fengjin was not going to 'visit as he says. He will want to test if his skills have gone rusty.

And by doing that, those men would suffer in the process.

Li Fengjin nodded his head and walked out of the study room.


Back in City X, everyone, his family and friends were now worried about Li Fengjin's disappearance. It had been more than a week since the day he left. A month to be precise.

But even with that much time gone, not a single piece of information was heard about where he went to. He, himself had not called or even sent a text.

It brought a kind of dread to their hearts. Especially to Bai Renxiang. Things were even more complicated for her now that some of Li Fengjin's became her responsibility.

Being the other shareholder with the biggest shares aside from Li Fengjin and his father made it that way.

And the fact Mr Li was fully retired was another setback for her. He could not fill in the space of a leader now that Li Fengjin left without notice.

Even if he does, he barely had a hold of what is currently going on in the company. This is to show how much trust he has put in Li Fengjin to head the business.

So in one sense, it all came down to Bai Renxiang. And it was not easy. Luckily, she had Wang Tingxiao helping her.

Also, she was a bit familiar with the people working with Li Fengjin and in his company. They were all willing to let her take charge of things.

And the members of the board were the same. It was just one of them that had a problem with it. But he was the least of her concerns during this hard period.

So today was just like most days of the week when she has to work from her office. Bai Renxiang had just got off from a meeting with a businessman working with Li Fengjin a few minutes ago.

Now she was going through loads of papers piled up on her work desk. These past few days, she was more focused on Emperor's Enterprise than Jiang Corporation.

The reason was that Emperor's Enterprise seemed to suddenly have more work to be done when Li Fengjin also suddenly left.

But she knew it was hardly an excuse to abandon hers. So she will be making up for it as of this moment.

Bai Renxiang was totally engrossed in the papers she was going through. Minutes and soon hours had gone by without her noticing.

And by the time she had gone through half of the workload, lunchtime was almost over.

"Phew. The time sure flew by quickly," she sighed and let her back lean fully on the chair.

"Lunch is almost over and I have not had a proper meal. And my head is starting to ache. What a drag," she complained to herself.

Looking around her office for a while, Bai Renxjang decided to have some yoghurt Li Fengjin stocked her mini refrigerator with.

Just remembering him and that little gesture made a smile form on her face. She made her way to the refrigerator and opened it.

Her smile dropped. To her surprise, her yoghurt was not there. It was at that moment she remembered that they got finished a few days ago and she made a note to restock.

But as usual, she forgot. A heavy and disappointed sigh left her lips. With her shoulders slouched and faced down, she walked back to her table.

However, before she made it there, a sudden wave of dizziness washed all over her. And before she could find something to hold for balance, she slumped weakly unto the floor.

Suddenly everything went blank.

Meanwhile, Xia Xinyi was worried about her boss, Bai Renxiang. The latter has been working day in, and day out for the last few weeks.

She barely had rest. Xia Xinyi was left to wonder if her boss even had a proper meal. To make sure she at least had one at work, Xia Xinyi decided to bring much for Bai Renxiang

Bai Renxiang has been locked up in her office after the meeting and all through the morning. Xia Xinyi was eager to pull her off of those papers even if she can't get her(Bai Renxiang) to go out.

So with a cup of vanilla protein shake and a takeaway pack of healthy food for lunch, Xia Xinyi made her way to the top floor where Bai Renxiang's office was.

"Boss needs to take a time out despite the workload. I really wish Mr Li will come back from wherever he went quickly," Xia Xinyi mumbled to herself.

"Hi, beautiful," a male voice called for her attention.

"Jinhai," Xia Xinyi smiled and came to stop before his desk.

"I see why you are just coming back from lunch," Jinhai nodded at the things in her hands.

"Oh, yeah. I bought it for the boss. I doubt she has had her lunch with all those documents waiting for her," Xia Xinyi replied.

"Yeah, that's true. You are a good assistant," Junhai complimented her.

"It is the boss that is good. It is at times like this that we get to do things for her. Even if it is the smallest of all things."

"Yeah. Well, let me not stop you from doing that. Go on ahead," Jinhai said.

"Hmm. Bye handsome," Xia Xinyi smiled at him before walking away.

Their relationship has blossomed so much so far. They were both willing to move in with things about their future together. But they knew how to lay low at work.

On getting to Bai Renxiang's door, Xia Xinyi knocked and waited for permission to come in. But she got none so she knocked again.

After doing so a few other times and there was still no response, she opened the door and walked in.

"Boss, I brought you lunch considering you have been in here since morning. Guess what. I got you a vanilla protein milk- gasp," Xia Xinyi gasped in horror at the sight of the motionless body of her boss on the floor.

"Boss! Oh my God," Xia Xinyi's hands let go of the lunch in her hands and rushed to Bai Renxiang's side.

"B-Boss. Boss, can you hear me?" Xia Xinyi lightly tapped on Bai Renxiang's shoulder.

With the lack of response, Xia Xinyi felt her fear gripping her heart.

"Help! Jinhai! Jinhai help. Come quickly, please," she shouted for help.

"What happened? What's– oh no," Jinhai rushed into the room. "How did this happen?" He asked.

"I don't know. I came in and saw her on the floor. Jinhai, she was not responding to my voice or touch," Xia Xinyi explained in panic.

"Call the driver and tell him to get the car ready as soon as possible. Contact Mr Li's assistant and anyone else after. We need to get the boss to the hospital now," Jinhai said as ge gathered Bai Renxiang into his arms and carried her.

"Yes, I'm on it," Xia Xinyi nodded and got to work.

While she placed a call to the driver, she carried Bai Renxiang's purse, phone and suit jacket. Then she rushed after Jinhai. But she did not forget to lock the door before leaving.

As soon as they got to the car, Bai Renxiang's bodyguard came rushing toward them. Jinhai did not bother with them and put Bai Renxiang in the car. Xia Xinyi went in with her.

"I will take care of things here. You stay with her and make sure to call her family, okay?" Jinhai instructed.

"Okay. Quick take us to the hospital," Xia Xinyi hurried the driver.

Soon they were on the highway, driving with speed and care to the hospital.

"Boss, please be okay. Please be okay."

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