Primordial Villain With A Slave Harem

Chapter 160: This Is My Cherished Master, Can You Believe It?

"Quinlan…?" Aurora questions once she finally somewhat wakes from her daze.

I don't have any points to bring up in my defse so I decide to just pretd that I can't hear her for now.

"This is my cherished master, can you believe it?" Ayame asks, seemingly quickly finding a new frid in the form of the plump alchemist.

Aurora gasps after a few muted seconds and asks; 'wait, does he also-"

"He wouldn't dare."

"I see…"

Meanwhile the two observers discuss things among themselves Blossom climbs onto my laid down form and turns her body a to show me my handiwork as she accusatorily shakes her butt in my face. "Look, Master! Look what you've done! Luna thought she was a good girl now?!"

Wow, I can ev see the crevices of my palm imprinted onto her delicate skin…

I can't help but chuckle jovially at her adorable antics. "That you are. I have a way to heal you, please allow me."

"Sure!" Her anger dissipates just as so, visibly eager to see what I can do to help her.

With tder gtless I place my hands on her butt and begin to massage the area slowly, letting my fingers knead the softness. Her reaction is immediate, a shiver running through her body in the form of violt trembles after which she comfortably settles down and practically melts under my touch.

I can faintly hear the two observers animatedly discuss the currt evt unfolding in front of their eyes, but I'm way too absorbed in my task to pay any atttion to them.

As they talk, I lean in closer to Blossom, pressing a few gtle kisses onto her redded skin, right where my handprint is most promint. Each kiss elicits a soft, pleased sound from her, her tail flicking more ergetically with each one.

But as I continue, her tail starts to do more than just flick- it starts thwacking my head repeatedly, as if it's decided that this level of joymt needs to be accompanied by some kind of counterattack. The more pleasure she feels, the more intse the tail's onslaught becomes, until it's practically in a boxing match with my skull.

"Ow- hey, watch the tail!" I protest in a playful tone.

She just giggles, the sound a mix of pure, unfiltered happiness and a touch of mischief. "Master, Luna can't control it! It just feels too good!"

I chuckle despite myself, pressing one last, long, loud and love-filled smooch on her butt before pulling back. "Does it still sting?"

Blossom gives one final wiggle of her hips, clearly pleased with herself, before she turns a and settles into my lap, snuggling close. "Only a little…" she purrs softly, obviously asking for more caressing, but sadly we have a schedule to maintain and she is the main star of today's plan.

For now I've decided that it would be for the best to sd Blossom in her lonesome on a preliminary scouting mission to the supposed [Geimroot] outpost. Only I have a stealth skill among the rest of us, that being the lackluster [Lesser Stealth].

She is significantly better at spying than I am, and until we know what we are dealing with with more accuracy than some hearsay Aurora could provide us with, it's best to sd the professional without any of us holding her back.

I might just trigger some trap or another alarm and alert everyone thanks to my inexperice, if not straight up get obliterated into atoms by some defsive laser or something.

After getting ready and both me and Ayame drilling it into her that she must come back if she sses ev the smallest hint of danger, Blossom sets off.

Afterwards I trust Aurora with a small pouch so that she can purchase the ingredits and tools we will be needing to concoct the wizard potion, and th I glance at my smirking Ayame with a wry smile of my own. "It's time to finally begin, huh?"

"Indeed it is, Quinlan. Don't worry, I will be gtle…"

"Do your worst, woman. The faster I become stronger than you, the sooner I can finally lay waste to your rude and severely misbehaving butt. What you've just se me to do Blossom won't ev register in your brain as a proper smack after I'm done with you."

"... I couldn't help but notice that you have a serious obsession with butts, Quinlan."

"I do."

She scoffs, "no shame whatsoever, huh? Unluckily for you, I'm not as stuffed down there as Blossom and Aurora, so I don't understand your evidt fascination with my rear-d as well."

"Where I come from there's a legdary saying that states 'medium is premium'. You, Ayame, have a regal butt that makes me think of royalty, privilege and luxury.

Blossom's and Aurora's are akin to a bountiful, delicious crop harvest that can feed an tire village without any issues while yours would only be able to fill the stomach of the village's richest person, but he would have the greatest meal of his life."

She looks at me with dead eyes full of disappointmt for a few good seconds. "... There's something seriously wrong with your head."


"... *Sigh* Anyways, you might become stronger than me overall after some of time, but wh it comes to strictly our mastery over the blade you will never surpass me ev in a million years."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, m'lady."

She raises a surprised eyebrow at me, "oh? You seriously think that you have a chance?"

"I don't think, I know. After all, you are just a puny human woman while I'm a legdary primordial. Once I put my head into learning the way of the sword you will be left behind in the dust before you ev realize."

"Hehehe! I see how it is… Let's begin right away th and put your statemt's validity to the test. Don't ev think of using training gear, Quinlan. You will be sparring using your saber and new armor." Ayame replies while grinning at me devilishly. I think I may have carelessly awaked a side of her I would rather preserve for our emies to joy in my stead.

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