Professor Vampire.

Chapter 302 - 302 Uninvited guests at Durmstrang’s headmaster election ceremony

Chapter 302: Chapter 302 Uninvited guests at Durmstrang's headmaster election ceremony

For the Austrian magic world, these days have been spent in panic.

Compared with the British magic world, which has not been affected by Grindelwald because of Dumbledore's existence, even after fifty years, the wizards in the Austrian magic world have basically heard of Grindelwald's story.

Most of the wizards in Austria graduated from Durmstrang. On one wall of their school, there is still the symbol of the Deathly Hallows carved by Grindelwald. No headmaster has ever been able to remove it from the wall!

The officials of the Austrian Ministry of Magic were panicked. They knew that Grindelwald had been imprisoned for decades and his strength should be much worse than before, but they still did not dare to rashly arrange Aurors to search.

In order to prevent being accused of inaction by the International Confederation of Wizards, the Austrian Minister of Magic acted very quickly to release owls to other countries, contacted the magic ministries of other countries, and tried to drag them to deal with Grindelwald together.

This is how the news of the British magic world's "Daily Prophet" came.

However, just when the Austrian wizards and even the entire European magic world were in a panic, Dracula and Grindelwald were standing on a peak in the Alps not far from Nurmengard.

They were almost standing under the nose of the Austrian Ministry of Magic, and the Austrian Aurors might have discovered them, but they didn't dare to come over.

Grindelwald stood on the snow on the top of the peak, squinting his eyes, and the cold mountain wind blew in his face.

"Huh... Is this the feeling of freedom?" He raised his hand to tidy up the white hair blown by the cold wind and said softly.

Unlike Dracula's guess of excitement or expectation and other complex emotions, Grindelwald looked calm, as if he was going out for a drive after staying at home for a few days.

Although he had just stayed in the coffin for a hundred years a few years ago, which was twice as long as Grindelwald's fifty years in prison in Nurmengard, there was still a big difference between the two.

Dracula's sleep was almost a complete hibernation, just like taking a short nap in a coffin, and when he opened his eyes again, a hundred years had passed in a hurry.

Grindelwald actually stayed in a small, dim, dirty room for fifty years. No one talked to him, and there was no fun. There was only silence and darkness for decades.

Compared with this cell in Nurmengard, Azkaban can be regarded as heaven.

Put yourself in his shoes and imagine that feeling. Dracula thought that he would be bored to death if he couldn't find fun in five days, let alone fifty years.

I don't know how Grindelwald persisted.

Dracula also had a trace of admiration in his heart, turned his head and asked Grindelwald: "So, what does freedom feel like?"

"What does freedom feel like..." Grindelwald murmured softly, repeating Dracula's question.

There was still a little daze on his face, staring straight at the snow-covered mountains, the several roads that were built in the mountains at some unknown time, and the small village formed by the few small wooden houses at the foot of the mountain.

This area was the base camp where Grindelwald led his followers fifty years ago. He should have been very familiar with this place, but now he only felt strange.

"What's wrong? Can't describe it?" Dracula chuckled.

Grindelwald turned his head to look at Dracula, and the daze in his blue eyes gradually disappeared, and the flying spirit flowed into his eyes.

"Actually, there is no special feeling, but I just think the wind on the top of the mountain is quite noisy," he raised a wild smile at the corner of his mouth, "It makes me upset."

Grindelwald suddenly raised one hand high, with five fingers spread out.

The next moment, the five fingers clenched into a fist.

The cold wind on the top of the mountain suddenly stopped, and the few snowflakes that were blown up by the cold wind suddenly lost their power and fell straight down, melting with the snow on the mountain.

Dracula looked at him, and a smile of interest appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that these decades of imprisonment have not completely destroyed the previous generation of the Dark Lord..." He said with a smile, "So what will you do next? Summon your former 'hundred thousand believers'?"

"I am already an old man out of touch with the times, so how can there be believers all over the world?" Grindelwald shook his head self-deprecatingly, "Compared to fighting and killing, I now want to learn from Albus Dumbledore..."

"I want to experience what it feels like to be a headmaster, and he can be immersed in this position for decades."


That day, near the northernmost part of Europe.

In a small castle with only four floors, the graduation ceremony at the end of the school year was being held in the lobby on the first floor.

The style of this hall is quite plain and simple, just like the students sitting in the audience.

A group of students sat in their seats like they were in military training, wearing blood-red robes and standard leather hats neatly placed on the table in front of them.

The seventh-grade student union president was standing on the podium to preside over the meeting.

The student union president was a tall, thin, sallow-skinned young man with black hair and eyes, and a large, curved hooked nose.

The contours of his face were very clear, and he was one of the most famous Quidditch players in the world, Viktor Krum.

"The graduation ceremony has come to an end, and there is one more thing to announce before the holiday." Krum still had a hesitant expression and read the manuscript in a serious manner.

"It has been a year since Ingor Karkaroff escaped. During this year, the position of Durmstrang's president has been vacant - the school is actually run by the vice president, Professor Monte."

"Adhering to the principle of fairness and justice, Professor Monte proposes that all students of Durmstrang vote together to elect a new president from among all professors."

"Now, the voting begins. Students who support Professor Monte to become the next president, please raise your wands and cast a spark spell on the ceiling..."

Under the stage, Professor Monte, who has short gray hair and is over 50 years old, showed a satisfied look.

This vote is actually just a formality.

As the vice president who has actually managed Durmstrang for a whole year, Monte's reputation in the school is higher than that of other professors combined. The position of the next president of Durmstrang is almost a foregone conclusion for him.

As for letting Krum, the president of the student union who is about to graduate, preside over the student vote, it is just to make it look better and to convince other professors with an overwhelming advantage.

However, just as the students were about to start voting, a figure suddenly appeared on the podium in the castle hall.

The figure had light blond hair, a pair of blue eyes, a fine white beard on his chin, and a wild, playful smile on his face - it was Grindelwald who had restored his middle-aged appearance under the magic of Metamorphmagus.

"Can this voting session be postponed for a while?"

Grindelwald walked leisurely to the center of the podium. Krum barely reacted and subconsciously moved to the side of the podium, leaving the center of the podium for this uninvited guest.

Krum finally reacted until he moved to the edge of the podium. He frowned and asked:

"Excuse me, who are you...?"

Grindelwald did not answer Krum's question. He just leisurely looked at the simple and concise furnishings around the hall, and smacked his lips with emotion: "I really miss it. I haven't been back for about a hundred years."

The students in the audience were still wondering who this impolite wizard who interrupted the vote casually was. Some of them with bad tempers had already protested to the podium, wanting to drive Grindelwald off the stage.

The hall gradually became noisy, but the students sitting in the front row noticed that the situation on the scene was a bit weird.

Some young professors wanted to go on stage to preside over the situation, but they were held tightly by the older professors, who would not let them act rashly no matter what.

And their vice-president, the elderly Professor Monte, was even more out of control. He stared at the arrogant figure on the podium in amazement, and didn't even hear the students next to him asking him questions.

"Grindelwald, come you are here?"

After a long time, Monte finally recovered from the shock and asked slowly in a trembling voice.

He tried to raise the wand in his hand several times, but he couldn't muster up the courage.

More than 50 years ago, the first generation of the Dark Lord left a deep impression on the magic world, especially in this school where Grindelwald was trained, no one had not heard of his name.

Hearing what Professor Monte said, the young professors around and the students near the first row suddenly opened their eyes wide and looked at the man with light blond hair and blue eyes on the podium.

"He is Grindelwald?!"

"Why is Grindelwald here?"


The noise in the hall suddenly dropped by dozens of decibels, but there were more whispers.

They never expected to see this famous predecessor, the most powerful and notorious Dark Lord before Voldemort appeared, at the graduation ceremony of Durmstrang.

The mark of the Deathly Hallows that Grindelwald carved before he was expelled is still clearly left on the wall not far away. Every time students pass by, they will deepen their impression of him...

In fact, there are still many students in Durmstrang who admire this most outstanding wizard in the history of the school.

Many people secretly draw the mark of the Deathly Hallows left by Grindelwald on their homework books, thinking that it looks cool - of course, they don't know the specific meaning of this mark, just as a decoration.

But it is undeniable that Grindelwald's influence in Durmstrang is indeed very huge.

Looking at the many expressions of fear, shock, expectation, and even fanaticism in the audience, Grindelwald laughed happily.

"You don't have to look at me like this. I used to be a student of Durmstrang. I came here just to see my alma mater." He did not ignore the question of Vice Principal Monte and said to the students in the audience with a smile.

A cold sweat broke out on Vice Principal Monte's forehead...Although Grindelwald was indeed a member of Durmstrang, he was an extremely dangerous Dark Lord!

When the Dark Lord suddenly claimed that this was his alma mater and wanted to come back to visit, Monte always felt that there was some daunting meaning in it.

Comparing it with another Dark Lord, Voldemort's actions when he returned to Hogwarts, we can see it.

Sure enough, Grindelwald changed the subject-

"It seems that I came here by chance. I heard that you haven't elected the next principal yet?"

He asked casually, but it seemed to give Monte a blow to the head.

"You... you want to?" Monte asked tremblingly.

"Don't be nervous, Professor... Monte?" Grindelwald easily learned Monte's name with Legilimency, and said to him with a playful expression, "I don't want to seize the position of the headmaster. You value fairness and justice the most, don't you?"

Then, Grindelwald turned around and faced the many students in the audience, smiled and said:

"Dear outstanding juniors of Durmstrang, I will participate in your headmaster election as a student who once studied at Durmstrang - everything is based on the principle of fairness and justice, and the winner is determined by voting."

Mont looked at Grindelwald's image on the podium in a daze, and just wanted to slap himself for setting the rules for voting to elect the headmaster in the past.

It is clear that he can become the headmaster directly, so why did he mobilize students to vote?

Now, a dark lord who has disappeared for fifty years suddenly appeared at the voting site and said he wanted to participate in the headmaster election.

Monte wanted to refuse his participation, but he couldn't muster the courage to fight against him - Grindelwald's reputation was too great, and he couldn't even hold his wand tightly now, let alone confront Grindelwald face to face.

Monte remembered a widely circulated saying in the last era -

If you oppose Grindelwald's ideas, then go listen to his speech! It only takes less than five minutes, and you will spontaneously become a supporter of this man, believe in his ideas, and be willing to follow him wholeheartedly!

And Vice Principal Monte, who had experienced that era, knew that this sentence was true.

Unlike Voldemort, who was a terrorist, Grindelwald had his own unique personal charm. He did not rely on extraordinary force to scare his believers, but directly conquered the hearts of all believers!

Monte sighed and put down the wand in his hand.

He knew that if he gave Grindelwald a chance to speak, he would no longer have any chance of winning.

So he completely let it go and simply gave up the opportunity to become the new principal.

"It is an honor for Durmstrang to have a wizard like you participate in the headmaster election." Monte stood up and said solemnly.

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