Protagonist?Antagonist? I Reject Both

Chapter 267 267:Flashes Everywhere

Chapter 267 267:Flashes Everywhere

After taking care of a few noisy birds, the entire journey was smooth except for the pouting Sophia who wanted to burn the bastard responsible for this.

Seeing her frenzy-burning hair rising in the air, Leon already burnt a few pieces of incense for Ye Chen.

That guy already has him as an enemy and now he made Sophia angry.

It seems that bastard life was really pitiful.

Till now the only decent guy he had met was Lucien and Cameron.

Though Cameron was a bit incompetent he was a nice guy with morals.

The descent of the plane created quite a buzz.

"Finally, we are home," Gwen leaped in joy, feeling tired from tumbling all around the world.

Irina also smiled and patted Gwen and Leon's heads but both of them shook her hand with a scream.

"We aren't kids anymore?"

"You will always be kids."

"Enough, let's go out. I don't think it's going to be peaceful."Arthur coughed eyeing Lia.

As Leon walked out was lost in thought with Sophia nestled in his arms, making Irina and Gwen angry for not being able to hold Leon, their pleasant silent journey was interrupted by a loud scream, the moment they stepped out.

"He is here.."

"Click his photo."

"Look for others also."

"Uh! There he is!!"


Seeing so many flashes erupting before his eyes, Leon's vision was almost blinded.

It was his first time having this novel expression.

"It's Leon....."

The reporters finally discovered Leon and his family members amidst the chaos of flashing lights and camera clicks. As the crowd closed in, Irina and the others found themselves blocked by the swarm of reporters

Bright flashes of light exploded from the cameras wielded by the reporters. Leon quickly yanked out his sunglasses from his inner pocket and put them on, before scanning the crowd with a pair of very sharp eyes.

"Hello, Sir don't we also have people to interpret so if any of you feel odd, please refer to us. We are from an association."

Sure, Irina felt grateful that the Association helped them out with the interpreter situation, but navigating through the sea of reporters was proving to be quite the challenge.

"Where are the guards?"Irina asked through the crowds.

"Mam, your flight was scheduled to arrive yesterday so the Cops and officers left due to an emergency nearby."A man screamed as his voice was drowned by reporters'' screams.

As the reporters closed in, their shouts merged into a cacophony of questions, each looking for Leon's attention.

Some reporters, fueled by adrenaline and competition, surged forward, pushing and shoving to get closer to Leon and his family.

Among them, a particularly ambitious reporter, Mike, rushed ahead, his camera held high above his head, capturing every moment. His voice pierced through the chaos, shouting questions about Leon's recent exploits, his family, and even rumors about his next moves.

"Mr....Leon....How did it feel to wipe an entire power structure."

"Me. Leon, you were unable to cultivate so how did you gain so much power? Did you use forbidden means?"

"Instead of protecting the weak, why are you killing them? Don't you take laws in your eyes?"

"Answer the world's call. You are killing people wantonly and thereby decreasing the forces."

Meanwhile, other reporters cried out for attention, and their voices blended into a relentless barrage of inquiries.

Seeing Leon keeping quiet they pushed towards Sophia.

"Are you Mr Leon's girlfriend? How can you choose someone so violent who murders in broad daylight?"

Sophia's expression darkened and she almost raised her hand to burn them. Fortunately, Leon held her hands.

They thrust microphones forward, desperate for attention, while simultaneously snapping photos with rapid-fire precision.

Irina shielded her eyes from the onslaught of flashes, her expression a mixture of anger and discomfort. With her hands she shielded Gwen standing beside her, attempting to navigate through the crowd but her expression stiffened upon hearing their question. Despite Leon releasing videos containing cruelty of the families, they were still asking this question.

Arthur's veins bulge on his forehead hearing this.

"What is this bullshit?"

And killing the weak.

Just which one of those m*therfucker was weak?

Arthur was about to burst out in anger but Lia clasped his hand with a benevolent smile.

"No need to show your eloquence dear. Your fame is already far and wide."

Arthur coughed with an embarrassed expression.

Despite the overwhelming attention, he maintained his composure, trying very hard to keep his grin from leaking from his lips.

He harbored deep resentment for these people for kicking the asses of big corrupt people while traumatizing good people and painting them in a negative light.

Still, he controlled his intrusive thoughts.

At least he tried to..

However, hearing the same question spoke in a roundabout way.

His anger from his previous life erupted.

'Whether it was in the previous life or this...You are true to your agenda.'

"Hey, Gwen, watch me."

"What?''Gwen made a flustered squeal.

"I am gonna talk so record it with your phone as all these guys may twist everything."

Gwen and Irina felt deja bu crawling up their skin.

Saying this, Leon took a step and reported just plumped at him like birds flocking together.


His voice boomed through the mikes drawing everyone's attention.

"Who...Which family gave you donations to spout bullshit here?"

"What do you mean?"

"What are you saying?"

The reporters feigned ignorance.

"Just how long are you gonna twist the truth and show it to others and manipulate people."

"You gave galls to ask me about my killing then why don't you answer about the number of lives you have taken by false reporting? Your false reporting kills thousands every year. Instead of looking for those big families who have done all kinds of heinous deeds, you came here to shit on me thinking I am an easy target."

Leon's voice became louder and louder.

"Stop doing petty tricks and report what is going on. Work like a real reporter instead of carrying out your vendetta, you crazy bastards."

Saying this, Leon activated his Draconic eyes slightly making the reporters crazy and stagger in fear.

They wanted to say something more and ask more questions but their throats lost their voice. Even the simple task of carrying the mike looks daunting.

Thinking of this as an opportunity, Leon decided to hit the nail on the coffin and spoke with a sinister smirk.

He pulled out a mike from one of the reporter's hands and muttered.

"You want something hot, right?"

"Now, listen to my words carefully."

"All of the people watching here.....If within a month, all bastards don't stop your shady deeds then I warn you. This demon would be hunting you down."

Last time he didn't have the power to stop it but now since he had power if he doesn't make those assholes show the meaning of fear, he wouldn't be him.

Since he had the power to do it, let's do it.

The new report was bewildered by the sudden announcement. On the one hand, they were afraid but on the other hand, they were excited about the news.

Just then as they proceeded to get along with the news, they heard the sound of hurried footsteps.

Hundreds of cops lined up and started pushing at bay.

Among them, one of the senior officers of the Department named Sike put out his cap and laughed.

"Esteemed Fellas, please show some respect."

"The Crown Prince of Aurorica is returning to his home."

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