Realm of Monsters

Chapter 232: Preliminaries Part 1

Chapter 232: Preliminaries Part 1

Stryg opened his apartment door and walked in with a cautious step.

Hello? he called out carefully.

Feli sat at the kitchen table, reading a merchant ledger. She noticed his entrance but didnt bother to respond.

Stryg sighed and walked over. He sat across the table from her and simply watched her work. She said nothing, only read and occasionally scribbled a note in the ledger. They sat in silence, the light of the afternoon sun fading in the window. 

He enjoyed watching her work, enjoyed seeing the hints of concentrated thought flowing behind her chestnut eyes. He knew he could not let this moment fall out of reach. He knew he had to speak.

Stryg cleared his throat, Im sorry Ive been away this past week.

Feli jotted down another line on the ledger.

Im sorry Ive been distant, he said quietly. You deserved better.

Felis hand froze, she dropped the feather pen, and looked up at him. What happened?

He chuckled sadly, but there was genuine mirth in his lilac eyes. A friend reminded me of what was important. Im sorry it took me so long.

She fiddled with her purple hair and stared at him, uncertain.

Stryg reached out and grabbed her hand, Can we talk?

Feli sighed in defeat, a small smile crept over her lips, Im listening.


Loh stared out the office window, the snow was melting from the academys grounds. Soon, spring would arrive. The Great Cities Tourney was nearing.

Are you ready for this? Loh asked.

Ready to give a simple speech to a bunch of twenty-year-olds? I quake with fear, Elzri said in a sarcastic tone.

Loh turned around and stared at her grandfather sitting at his desk, surrounded by tomes and papers. Are you ready to tell Stryg he isnt allowed to go to the tourney?

Elzri tapped his fingers on the desk, deep in thought. There are too many risks. Its too dangerous for the boy. Hell understand.

Loh barked with laughter, Yeah, right. For being his so-called god parent you sure know very little about him.

Elzri narrowed his eyes, Its a ceremonial title. I dont have to share a close relationship with the boy to know that his mental health has degraded since the Widows Crag incident. If the boy has a meltdown at the tourney itd prove very problematic for all of us.

House Thorn, Loh said darkly as if to confirm his worries.

We needed more time, Elzri muttered. Stryg needs more training, more time to heal. Undergrowth is hosting the tourney this year. House Thorns influence over Undergrowth is practically unbreakable. We dont want that kind of threat near Stryg.

House Thorn hasnt been very vocal of their hate towards Hollow Shade. It may not be as bad as we think.

No, Elzri shook his head. House Thorn is simply biding their time, waiting for an opportune moment to deal a deadly blow. Not to mention, dozens of the most powerful Houses from across the Ebon Realm will be there, watching each tourneys participant closely. Whatever children we send will be in danger.

All the more reason to send Stryg. He can handle himself. Besides, he seems happier recently. I dont know how to put it, somethings changed, he seems more confident?

Stryg is very advanced compared to his mage peers. But we have other potential candidates for our academys team. The dire hybrid is very promising, she alone could very well carry our team to victory.

True, Loh shrugged. In terms of 3rd-years, Sylvie is quite powerful, and from what Ive heard, Ismene has trained Nora into a force to be reckoned with too. They wouldnt even need their other two teammates, Nora and Sylvie alone could probably destroy everyone at the tourney. Id bet a lot of money on them if it wasnt for an enormous issue that you seem to be conveniently ignoring.

Im not ignoring, Im simply contemplating an apt solution, he said.

Loh rolled her eyes, Well please tell me how you plan to deal with Sylvie and Noras competitors. Because from what Ive heard, Frost Rim is sending another scion of House Lilith to compete.

Kalliste Lilith, Elzri said grimly.

Loh nodded, House Lilith is as old if not older than House Thorn and just as powerful. I dont think I need to remind you that Kallistes older sister won last years tourney. Rumor has it, Kalliste is just as talented as her sister.

Mm, Ive asked House Veres for information on Kallistes exact magical capabilities. Unfortunately, Lord Veres wife, Regina ne Lilith, still holds more love for her original House than she does for this city.

So youve got nothing, then?

Working on it, Elzri said, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

What about the Great City of Murkton, hm? The Grand Warlords son is a 3rd-year, we both know he is going to be among Murktons four chosen. Loh shrugged, Im just gonna take a wild guess and say that the son of Murktons most powerful mage is not a foe to be taken lightly.

Who knows? Look at your mother, he said dryly.

Stop deflecting, Loh glared at him. Everyone knows the importance House Morrigan places on power. The Grand Warlord wouldnt have hesitated to kill his own son if he had been found powerless.

Tenacious orcs, indeed, Elzri muttered.

Loh threw her hands up in the air, As if all that wasnt bad enough, House Thorn has produced the greatest prodigy their lineage has seen since Ebon Lord fucking Thorn. This has to be the most difficult tourney in decades!

Whats your point exactly?

My point is Hollow Shade has lost the Great Cities Tourney seven years in a row! Our great city looks weak, our academy looks weak, House Noir looks weak. You know as well as I that if the other three great cities think weve grown soft, that our new generations are filled with nothing but mediocrity, then Murkton, Undergrowth, and Frost Rim wont hesitate to turn their backs on us.

...Im well aware.

Loh sighed, Look, all Im saying is that we try not to make this the eighth loss, yeah? Put Stryg on the roster. With Stryg, Sylvie, and Nora on our team the chances of winning will be increased dramatically.

Elzri pushed his chair back and stood up, ...Very well. Ill administer the exam, as usual, no special treatment. Well see who comes out on top.


Stryg glanced around the crowded assembly hall. The entire 3rd-year student body had been gathered, half a dozen classes. The professors had only told them to meet here and wait. It had already been fifteen minutes. Stryg was beginning to get annoyed, he rather be off with Feli and Rhian, or training, or really anything else.

The large double-doors swung open, Elzri strode in, his silver-white robes billowing in the cold wind behind him. The students stiffened and quieted at the sight of the arch-mage, whether it was out of fear or respect, Stryg wasnt certain.

Lord Noir walked over to the podium at the front of the hall and looked out at the students who watched him with anticipation.

You've all been gathered here today for a singular purpose, Elzri began. The Great Cities Tourney is near. This years tourney will be held in the Undergrowth. As you most likely know, four 3rd-year students from each of the four academies will be selected to compete.

All of you will participate in a short series of magical duels, the top four students will be selected as the chosen who will represent our academy at the Great Cities Tourney. The four chosens graduation ceremony will be held at Undergrowth, at the end of the tourney as is tradition. Before that day comes, the chosen will be given a series of exclusive training during the spring trimester in preparation for the tourney and be exempt from all other classes.

The students broke out into whispers, many of them eager to skip out on one class or another.

Elzri raised his hand for silence and continued, Todays duels will count as your winter final exam, as such failure to participate will result in a failing grade. Just like the last two practical final exams you had during the spring of your 1st and 2nd years, this exam will mirror one of the challenges you will face at the tourney. Your best is expected, hold nothing back.

Being chosen is a great honor. You will have a chance to display your abilities in one of the largest arenas in the entire Realm, under the eyes of some of the most powerful and influential leaders alive. I do not doubt there will be many offers of wealth, power, and prestige waiting for you, with only more to come if you achieve victory. Simply put, your status as one of your generations most powerful mages will be solidified forever.

Let me fight already! a student yelled from among the crowd.

The students cheered in response.

Thats the spirit, Elzri smiled.

Stryg looked at the students around him, at the competitors surrounding him, at the unknowing prey who cheered. He grinned maliciously, Finally.

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