Realm of Monsters

Chapter 264: Drinking Toasts

Chapter 264: Drinking Toasts

Calex Thorn wandered into his castles family gallery. Dozens of extravagant paintings decorated the wall. His ancestors, on display for the world to see, for the world to witness their greatness, or so his mother often told him. 

Whenever Calex strolled through the gallery all he could think of was his familys legacy and what it meant to be a part of such a legendary heritage. It was often daunting to ponder. Yet his mother always found this place so comforting, she said it reminded her of their Houses greatness.

Calex smiled, I thought I would find you here, mother.

Ophelia stood in front of the largest oil painting in the gallery. The portrait stood over ten paces tall, its frame was forged from gold and studded in rubies from the Bronze Realm. A set of silver lanterns inlaid with magestones glowed softly above the painting and dozens of roses laid at its feet. More than a painting, this was a shrine, a monument to The Last Ebon Lord, Atreus Thorn.

Atreus seemed regal and calm in his portrait. His grey skin seemed to almost glow and blue eyes were indeterminable as he looked down on all who gazed at the painting. The white-petal cloak, Blossom, was wrapped around his shoulders. In one hand he held their familys heirloom bow, Rose, and in the other he held Nightshade; the infamous sword had a thin blade, its metal a dark purple.

Calex unconsciously wrapped his hand around the hilt of the sword at his waist. The Nightshade in Atreus portrait seemed like a work of art, an expression of love by its mage smith, and yet Calex knew the Nightshade in his own hand was a weapon meant for the sole purpose of ending life.

Calex released the hilt and walked over to the portrait and Ophelia, Mother?

Ophelia slowly turned to him, as if registering his existence for the first time. She smiled half-heartedly, Calex, what are you doing here?

I was about to ask you the same question. Everyone is at the party at the city square, celebrating the end of the 1st Challenge. Shouldnt you be celebrating right alongside them? The people would be happy to see their Lady.

I could ask you the same thing. Why arent you celebrating with your teammates? You did well today. You led your team to victory. You should be proud.

Then why dont we both go together?

Your sister can represent us. Shell deal with whatever niceties are required. Its not like shes doing anything else useful with her time.

You mustn't be so hard on Lerdea, she is only 18, shes barely coming into her own. And you know she hates large gatherings.

Lerdea can handle it, she is a Thorn.

Calex held his tongue and let the matter go. Instead, he studied his mothers glass-like features. She seemed distant, her mind far away. He glanced up at Atreus portrait. His mother usually came here when she sought wisdom from their ancestors.

...Mother, is something bothering you? Calex asked tentatively.

Ophelia chuckled, Heh, you could say that.

What is it? Can I help?

Perhaps, she sighed. Unfortunately, the other cities teams didnt encounter the viperidae. So I may just require your help.

Wait, his eyes widened. The viperidae? You knew about them? It was a trap? How could you, mother?

Calex, youre still too young to understand. Undergrowth must win this tournament. And if we can destroy the hopes of our rivals new generation, then all the better for it. We have to show the Realm that we are the greatest power in the land.


Ophelia clicked her tongue, Unfortunately, only Hollow Shades team encountered the viperidae and they only encountered one at that. If it had been the entire viperidae swarm the scouts reported about then thatd be one less team to deal with. I'll have to find a new strategy for the upcoming Challenge.

Calex grabbed her hand, Mother, I swear to you I will win 1st place and the two remaining Challenges, I will carry Undergrowth to victory. There is no need to interfere in the tourney. I can do this on my own.

Ophelia smiled warmly and kissed his forehead, Oh, sweetheart, I have never doubted your capabilities, the blood of Atreus runs strongly through your veins.

Calex smiled, Thank you, mother, I-

But thats your problem, she patted his cheek. Since a young child you have always excelled far beyond your peers, even your teachers have struggled to keep up with you. That great power inside of you has made your sense of danger dull; you are disconnected from the world around you and why wouldnt you be? You are above their problems and mediocrity.

Ophelia looked up at Atreus' painting, Our ancestors held the same belief. When Atreus became The Last Ebon Lord, no one questioned his right to rule. Our family basked in glory as the Royal House of The City of Shades. But when Atreus succumbed to the affliction that had befallen the other ebon lords, none of the Great Houses hesitated, they turned on us and tried to kill our family.

Ophelia smiled bitterly, Still, we held our own, after all, we were strong, stronger than any of them, even after Atreus death. Then something happened, something our family did not expect. A weak human family, the minor House Helene, betrayed us. Our armies were ambushed and in a matter of a few days the city was lost and our House was dethroned. Only a few members of our family managed to escape Hollow Shade and make their way back here to our ancestral castle.

Calex looked away in shame. He knew his familys history, but the scars of that history still made his stomach churn.

Ophelia lifted his chin, Our Houses problem was that we never thought the ones below us could ever harm us, but we were wrong, and our family paid dearly for it. Do not make the same mistakes as our ancestors.

...Yes, mother.

The next plan I leave to you, my son. Do whatever you must to ensure victory in the 2nd Challenge.

For our family, Calex bowed.

For the glory of House Thorn.


Undergrowths city square buzzed with evening life. The city had spared no expense in ordering fine goods from all across the realm. Hundreds of merchants had paid exorbitant fees to reserve a spot for their stalls on the city square for the duration of the tourney. The revenue alone from tonights celebration would cover their fees and then some.

Veronica Sienita loved parties so long as she didnt have to mingle with her fellow aristocrats. Tonights party was the kind where one could get lost in the crowds and simply enjoy the moment, which was exactly what she intended to do.

Veronica took a long swig from her mug of ale and sighed in satisfaction, This is the life, am I right? Plum? Plum? 

Hm? What? Plum looked up.

Whats wrong with you? Veronica twisted her lips. Youve been acting weird all night. And you havent even touched your ale?

Sorry, its just Plum shook her head and smiled, Never mind. Where do you want to go next? I hear there is a hot chocolate stall down the corner.

~Ooh~ That does sound nice. Lets go! Veronica grinned and wrapped her arm around Plums.

You sure you wanna be around here by the way?

What is that supposed to mean?

Well, I just assumed youd want to be hanging around your teammates and the other aristocrats, celebrating your victory and all.

Pssh, I already spend enough time with them, Veronica said with a look of disgust. I rather be among my people, drinking my worries away!

Your people? Veronica, youre not a commoner, neither are your parents.

The people who make this city breathe are my people, not the ones who sit at the top, she said in a sober voice.

Wow, I didnt expect that from you, I like it, Plum couldnt help but smile.

I do occasionally impress even myself, Veronica said smugly. Now, enough about me. Lets talk about you. As in why youve been acting weird all night.

Im not acting weird-

Is it because of that cutie, Stryg?

No, he has nothing to do with it, Plum frowned.

Hah! But you admit there is something bugging you!

Ugh, you really are maddening sometimes, Plum groaned.

But you know you love me anyway, Veronica grinned. So, tell me. Im dying to know.

...Do you really want to know? You may not like it, Plum said carefully.

Are you kidding me? Did you not just hear me say dying to know?

Fine, Plum looked around suspiciously. It has to do with your father.

My dad? Veronica furrowed her brow in confusion.

A few days ago Lady Sientia asked me to find her husband because he hadnt come home in a few days.

Really? I didnt even notice he was gone, Ive been training too much for the tournament, Veronica sighed.

Yeah, well, I found Lord Sientia working hard too, deep in the sunken temple. Which isnt that weird, but he was in a chamber I had never seen before. Even weirder he was working with some strange woman.

Strange as in how?

As in Ive never seen her in the temple before. As in she didnt seem like an archaeologist. Plum swallowed, As in she tried choking me to death the moment she saw I was down there.

What the fuck!? Who is this bitch? Veronica scowled.

Relax, your dad stopped her, Plum patted her shoulder. ...Your dad and her seemed like friends.

What were they working on?

I dont know, she shrugged. Something important enough to kill anyone they saw on sight I guess.

I saw my dad earlier tonight, hes out with mom and some other bigshots, Veronica muttered. Do you think that woman is still at the temple?

Probably not, I doubt she knows her way around the place. Your father would have had to guide her. Why?

Its time we do some secret investigation, Veronica smiled.

Oh no, Im not about to go back there this late at night. I like living, thank you very much, Plum said adamantly.

Aw, come on. You said it yourself, the strangler bitch wouldnt be there.

Yeah, but there are still a bunch of House Thorn guards outside the temple.

Cant you just get in? Youre my dads assistant.

No ones allowed to go into the temple while the tourney is going on, Lady Thorns orders, Plum said. Your dad could probably get in, but Id have to ask him for special permission to do the same.

Which defeats the whole purpose of the secret investigation, Veronica sighed. Welp, guess we just do it the old fashion way. We sneak in.

Wait. No, thats a terrible idea.

I disagree, were both mages, it shouldnt be that hard. Oh, and Ill get Damian and Heather to help too! They love breaking the rules. Veronica laughed to herself, Ah, what a bunch of idiots, you gotta love em.

Youre the idiot, Veronica. And this is a horrible idea.

Great, so well go tomorrow night.

No, we wont.

Quick question, whats your stance on the cutie Stryg again? You two were just friends, right?

Yeah, and stop trying to change the subject.

Kay, but mister cutie is standing right over there drinking some hot chocolate, Veronica pointed. Im gonna go ask him out!

Huh? Wait, where are you going! Plum yelled.

Veronica slipped through the crowds and ran right up to Stryg.

Hi! Remember me? Veronica smiled wide.

Uh N-yes? Stryg blinked. Youre on Undergrowths team, right?

Yeah, thats me, Veronica giggled.

Susan, right?

...Its Veronica, she grimaced.

Veronica, get over here, Plum whispered from the crowd.

Stryg cocked his head to the side, Plum? What are you doing?

Ah, um, nothing, Plum said abashedly. She stepped away from the crowd and walked up next to Veronica. I was just looking for my friend. We should really get going, Veronica.

Would you like to go out sometime! Veronica blurted.

...For what? Stryg asked warily.

Dinner or something, Veronica mumbled. Whatever you like I guess?

Veronica, hes a Sylvan folk, I dont think he is interested in going out on a date with the enemy. Or if he even knows what going out means.

Hes part Sylvan?! Veronica shouted.

A date? Stryg blinked.

See what I mean? Hes an ignorant idiot, Plum shook her head.

Says the girl who failed her commerce class, Stryg glared.

That was only one commerce class! Plum yelled.

We only had one commerce class! Its a magic academy! Stryg yelled back.

Well, at least I didnt get lost trying to find the damn bathroom!

It was my 1st year! I still didnt know the campus!

Veronica glanced at the two, bemused, ...I cant tell if Im more surprised that mister cutie is part Sylvan or that Ive never seen you so worked up before, Plum.

Plum went rigid, her grey cheeks darkened with embarrassment. She snarled, I-Im not worked up. Hes just annoying sometimes.

And shes an idiot who is always getting herself into trouble, Stryg said, peeved.

Youre the one who kidnapped an innocent goblin girl and interrogated her, Plum muttered.

Technically, I just kidnapped her, youre the one who interrogated her with your purple mind spells. Plus, Karen and I are friends now, Stryg said.

Plum frowned, Friends? How the fu-

So, Stryg, you like danger too, huh? Veronica interrupted.

...Not particularly. I just helped Plum out of trouble sometimes, because despite being a mage, she is terrible in a fight, Stryg said.

Thats bullshit, Plum crossed her arms.

Sooo. You interested in sneaking into some secret ruins with us tomorrow night? Veronica asked.

Why the hell would I do that? Stryg asked.

Because Plum might be in danger if we get caught?

Stryg glanced at Plum, her expression seemed to be a mixture of anger and annoyance, but he caught a hint of fear in her blue eyes.

Stryg sighed.

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