Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 252: Coating

Chapter 252: Coating

Jadis had mostly told the truth to captain Willa. She and her companions did indeed need to recharge their Lewd Lover’s Bond ritual to keep the effect active. A quick round of sex of any kind between her and her lover would do the trick, though, so nothing extravagant needed to be done to refresh the spell. Where Jadis had stretched the truth a bit was the new ritual. Technically it wasn’t her new ritual but was instead Eir’s recent acquisition. Jadis wasn’t about to out the nature of Eir’s class, that wasn’t her place. She was fine with being seen as the source of lewdness. She technically was, after all, since none of her companions would likely ever have had the option for a perverted, lustful class if it weren’t for her influence.

That new ritual though was the real reason Jadis had felt the need to be upfront with Willa. Considering the amount of danger that was just around the corner, there was no way Jadis wasn’t going to insist Eir take advantage of her new protection ritual. However, when Eir had described what the ritual would involve, it was entirely obvious to Jadis and everyone else that there wasn’t going to be any way to hide their activity. Not when pretty much all of them were going to have to participate.

As Eir described, her role was relatively passive. All she had to do was kneel and pray. Well, she had to be naked, too, but that was no great hardship. No, the “hard” part came from how the rest of the participants in the ritual were involved.

To complete the ritual, Eir would need a fresh coating of cum across the majority of her body, and it had to come from five different individuals.

Based on previous experience with such lewd rituals and the innate feeling that Eir got on how to perform the spell, they knew that the three of Jadis would only count as one person. That didn’t mean only one of Jadis was going to be involved, though. The ritual heavily implied that Eir would need a heavy coating and five was the minimum number of participants. From what Eir understood, any number of people could be involved, adding to the overall amount of seed spread across her, so long as enough was applied to her before she finished her prayer.

That was a thought. Jadis could just imagine a decadent, licentious ritual in a temple with rows of futanari priestesses lined up to splash their cum across Eir’s bare skin…

Sometimes Jadis had to stop and recognize that she really was a massive pervert.

In any case, Jadis’ inordinately large output meant Eir wouldn’t need a couple dozen lewd priestesses to get the job done. However, the rules of the ritual did mean that at least four other companions needed to be involved, and they needed to have cocks, too, considering the intended effect. It was a good thing Jadis had her own ritual to help with that.

“Holy gods above, this is… this is not what I thought it would be like!”

“I don’t know, I feel like that’s exactly what I thought your cock would look like.”

“I—I meant the feel of it,” Bridget shuddered as her hands hovered over her newly summoned twitching cock, just barely not touching the dark green skin. “Is this what you feel all the time?”

“Only when I’m horny,” Syd replied as she brought her face closer to Bridget’s package, her warm breath making the orc shiver even more. “So most of the time, yeah.”

“Shit,” Bridget cursed, then repeated her curse as she finally wrapped her fingers around her thick shaft. “Shit! No wonder you are the way you are.”

“I’m going to choose to take that as a compliment,” Syd said dryly as the ran one finger along the crown of Bridget’s new cock.

A small spurt of precum squirted from Bridget’s tip at the touch, making Jadis giggle at the reaction. It seemed most of her girls weren’t able to fully control themselves once they had a cock of their own. The experience was just too different from what they were used to. Jadis could understand, but she was having too much fun teasing to be too sympathetic.

Aila was handling getting her cock back well, though. It made sense, since she’d spent the most time with one, not counting Jadis. Her twelve-inch monster stood proudly away from her body, erect and ready to go despite being the first to complete the ritual. Jadis had made liberal use of her Ritual Time Reduction ability to make sure the rituals went fast, but still. Aila had held off for more than an hour, displaying a great deal of patience.

Kerr was pretty well experienced having her own cock too, but the moment she’d regrown her inhuman member, she’d insisted on using it. Jadis couldn’t really complain, not with how the many ridges along the underside of her shaft and the fleshy spikes on the ridge of her cockhead felt rubbing inside of her pussy. Kerr was just as big as Aila and her unusual anatomy made for an oddly thrilling fuck. At least after the initial go she’d been satisfied enough to wait on the sidelines for everyone else to finish.

Thea’s cock was just as pretty as Jadis remembered. Unlike the other two, Thea’s shaft didn’t have the same masculine look to it. She was smooth, sleek, and without prominent veins. Despite being huge at ten inches, Thea’s cock just had a girliness to it that Jadis couldn’t rightly explain. Thea had also had to cum shortly after regaining her member, though that was more a product of oversensitivity than bratty, lustful stubbornness.

Sabina had, to no one’s surprise, volunteered to grow a dick. She’d shown interest in what having one would be like ever since she’d seen Aila with one. Once the ritual had been completed, the half-elf was left with a surprisingly normal-looking package. She was still a big girl at ten inches, the same length as Thea, but other than a strong upward curve there was nothing unusual about Sabina’s cock. Jadis had expected there to be something unique or inhuman about the half-elf’s shaft considering Kerr, but apparently not. No one evinced any kind of shock about the look of her cock either, so Jadis let it be without comment.

At that point they had been ready to begin the ritual. It seemed prudent to start right away, especially since Sabina had climaxed literally seconds after growing her new cock. The woman was just as quick a shot on the male side as the female. She was also just as messy, too, putting out quite a large load for one woman. In any case, they had all been ready to get started until Bridget had spoken up. Considering the ritual they were about to partake in, the orc had decided she didn’t want to sit idly by and just watch.

Jadis got the feeling Bridget just didn’t want to be left out, which was both adorable and kind of kinky. If her arcane orc warrior wanted a cock too, Jadis was happy to provide.

And so, it was Bridget’s desire to be included that led to her having an exceptionally thick and veiny cock sprouting from her crotch. She wasn’t the longest, Aila still held that title followed closely by Kerr, but she was certainly the girthiest. She was bigger than Thea and Sabina, probably around eleven inches, but she was also far wider. Bridget’s cock was so thick that she had to use both hands to wrap her fingers fully around it. Her green beast was also veiny and meaty in all the ways that Thea’s shaft wasn’t. It gave Bridget’s member an almost angry look.

“Everyone ready to begin?” Jay asked.

“I guess so,” Bridget replied shakily as she got to her feet with Syd’s help.

“Fucking finally,” Kerr moaned as she rushed towards Eir. “Once with this baby is not enough. Tell me where you want it, hot buns, it’s not going to take me long.”

“A moment, please,” Eir demurred as she held up a hand to forestall Kerr’s overeagerness. “I must assume the correct position.”

Gracefully, Eir knelt down on a bare patch of earth inside of the shared wagon-tent. Jadis couldn’t help but admire how the priestess managed to make even that act beautiful. Her slow and precise movements made her look as though she truly was about to do nothing more than chastely pray to her goddess rather than engage in an act of pure debauchery. Even her nudity did nothing to dispel the notion of her innocent devotion, though the wetness between her thighs did much to reveal her lewd excitement.

It seemed she was in good company though, as everyone else was just as excited as Eir was. Soon, like Kerr, Aila, Thea, Sabina, and Bridget had gathered in a semicircle around the kneeling priestess. Kerr had claimed the middle spot, Aila and Thea to her left with Bridget and Sabina to her right. To make room for herself, Jay and Dys approached from the left and right forced the girls to squeeze in closer together. Soon, their bare hips and shoulders were rubbing up against each other as Jadis used two of her selves as endcaps.

“What are you doing?” Aila asked with some amusement as she watched Syd kneel down behind Eir.

“What?” Syd shrugged. “There’s no way I’m not getting a good view of this.”

And by D’s pervy will, what a view it was.

The sight of her beautiful companions all lined up, their sexy bodies on display and still dripping with sweat and other fluids from recent lewd activities was breathtaking. Seeing them all with big, throbbing cocks was an extra delight that made Jadis grin like a fool. She loved being the “man” as it were, but that didn’t mean Jadis didn’t love getting her own medicine delivered back to her. They were all just so gorgeous and erotic that it was hard for her to resist pouncing on them then and there.

Of course, seeing everyone with their own cock made Jadis regret not seeing Eir with her own. There was no reason for the elf to grow one for this ritual, so she hadn’t, but that just made Jadis realize that Eir had yet to experience the pleasure of having a cock yet at all. She made a silent promise to herself to change that as soon as the next opportunity came along.

“You just need to keep praying while we cover you in cum, right?” Syd whispered in Eir’s long ear as she swept the elf’s purple hair back and away from her face. “Nothing else we need to know?”

“It shouldn’t take long,” Eir answered, a slight tremble in her tone. “I just have to repeat the same prayer until enough, um, seed has been applied to my skin to satisfy the ritual. Do as you will, just try to… cover me evenly.”

“Hear that?” Syd grinned up at the others as she ran a hand up along Eir’s trim waist, over the swell of her breast, and ending at the nape of her neck. “Make sure you leave no spot unmarked.”

As though that were a signal to start the ritual, Eir closed her eyes and began to pray, a soft droning litany in a language Jadis recognized as elvish. With her hands clasped before her, she became still as stone, her lips the only part of her to move.

Since there was no point in wasting time, Jadis began to stroke her own cocks. All were slick with the mixture of her cum and the juices of her lovers. She’d lost count how many times she’d climaxed already that night for the sake of her Duality of Flesh ritual, but she still felt just as ready to go as she had at the start. It helped that she was able to see her selves from both angles, as well. Syd, kneeling just behind Eir, her cock in hand as she grinned up at the others, framing the smaller, shapely elf before her. Jay and Dys, towering above as they surrounded her other lovers, stroking their members in perfect sync. Both sights were as erotic as fuck and it made Jadis feel hotter by the moment.

“Ah, um, I think I’m—” Sabina stuttered out, drawing Syd’s attention.

In the next few seconds, a large rope of cum splattered across Eir’s face as Sabina came after only a couple of minutes of stroking. Several more long strands of pearly-white seed were quickly draped across the priestess’s left cheek and brow, with one string managing to dangle lewdly off of her ear.

“Aw,” Kerr huffed, “You beat me to it…”

“Sorry,” Sabina gulped, out of breath. “It’s just this feels so different and good and amazing and Eir’s so beautiful and I couldn’t hold on any longer and—ah!”

Sabina’s rushed words were cut off as Dys reached down and put her hand around the smith’s cock, giving it a firm squeeze while pulling her a little closer to the kneeling priestess. The half-elf shuddered as climax aftershocks rocked through her, several more smaller strings of cum dripping down from her tip and onto Eir’s bare thigh.

“No need to apologize,” Dys grinned as she shook Sabina’s cock for her before pulling her in close to her side. “Just remember to get every bit onto Eir.”

“Okay…” Sabina mumbled, her expression dizzy as she leaned her face against Dys’ abs.

It wasn’t long before others followed Sabina’s example. Before another minute had passed, Kerr groaned loudly in pleasure as she let loose a torrent of thick seed. Her cum splashed against Eir’s face, making the woman flinch slightly as the musky cream coated her forehead, nose, and lips.

Before the therion was even done, Bridget came as well, unable to hold back any longer as she rapidly stroked her thick member in a desperate double-handed movement. Her seed mixed with Kerr and Sabina’s transforming Eir’s face into a lewd mess as cum dripped from her cheeks and chin to splatter across her chest.

Aila and Thea both came at roughly the same time a few moments later, the two adding to the coating of cum. As Aila’s cock jerked and throbbed, pulse after pulse of seed landing heavily across Eir’s arms and chest, Thea’s shaft trembled as she climaxed, her cum splattering against Eir’s right shoulder and neck. Their additions turned Eir’s skin into a crisscrossed striping of white seed, a debauched display that was both stunningly sexy and overtly raunchy.

“Fuck,” Jay murmured as she continued to stroke her own throbbing shaft. “That’s so fucking hot.”

“We’ve got a word for this,” Dys said as she admired the shiny cum glistening in the dim light across Eir’s perfect red skin. “Back where we’re from. Bukkake.”

“Strange word,” Kerr commented, her lust-filled eyes never leaving Eir. “I like it.”

“The ‘bukkake’ ritual isn’t done yet, though,” Aila said as she sighed in obvious contentment, having finally cum after a long wait. “We’re going to need more to cover her completely.”

“No worries,” Jay said with a slight moan. “I think I can handle it.”

There was, now that the others had decorated Eir with their seed, no more need for Jadis to hold back. She had wanted to see what her sexy little priestess would look like covered in the cum of her lovers. Now that she’d gotten a perfect, multi-angle view of her angelic elf dripping with seed, Jadis fully succumbed to her lust. All three of her began rapidly running their hands along her turgid shafts, an urgent need welling up from within the pit of her stomachs. Even Syd, knelt behind Eir, desperately stroked her cock, her tip pressing up against Eir’s warm back.

Moaning in unity, all three of Jadis came at once. In that instant, Eir was bathed in cum. From either side Jay and Dys coated the priestess in literal cups of sweet Nephilim seed. Their thick ropes splattered across her face, her arms, her chest, and her torso as more and more of it flowed out over her bare skin. From behind, Syd’s cock sprayed cum over her back, the pearly-white goo dripping across her ass and onto the backs of her legs. In a matter of moments Eir looked as though she’d been coated by dozens of futanari’s cum, not just eight.

“Oh, wow…” Thea whispered, the quiet voyeur clearly enamored with the utterly depraved vision Eir had become.

“Shit,” Kerr said in awed tones. “Is it weird that I kind of wish that were me right now?”

“Yes,” Aila answered with a slight chuckle as she wrapped an arm around the archer’s waist. “Not the least bit surprising, though.”

“Oh, look!” Sabina let out a cry. “I think it’s working!”

There was little need for the smith’s announcement. As Jadis’ trio of climaxes waned, Eir’s skin began to glow with a purple light. Almost as though she were a candle being lit, the elf’s body went up in a torrent of heatless flames, the dark purple fire burning bright and lighting up the whole tent. All the cum that was lewdly splattered across Eir’s skin evaporated into the flames, like fuel being burnt. In half a minute, the purple fire reached its peak and abruptly went out, leaving Eir glowing slightly as her red skin slowly lost its supernatural illumination.

In another few moments, Eir was back to how she was at the start, clean of all cum, breathing heavily but otherwise unharmed. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at the women gathered around her, her mouth slightly open in an expression of wonder.

“That… that was an incredible sensation…” Eir spoke softly. “I felt so, so warm. So… whole.”

“Sweet,” Kerr grinned down at the lovely priestess. “Want to do it again?”

“Kerr,” all three of Jadis said in exasperation, plus Aila who looked startled to have said the same in the exact same moment and tone.

“Shut up and get that cock over here,” Syd commanded as she stood and motioned for Kerr to come to her. “It’s not every day my girls get to have cocks and I’d like to take advantage of that at least one more time before we’re forced to get some rest.”

“Uh,” Bridget said as Kerr practically tripped over a laughing Eir to get to Syd. “Does that mean…?”

“Yes,” Dys answered her unfinished question as she swept both her and Sabina up in her arms and carried them both off to their own section of the blanketed ground. “We’ve just got to get better acquainted while we have this chance.”

“I have to say, this surprises me even less than Kerr,” Aila murmured as Jay knelt down before her and Thea, keeping both women’s hips pressed together as she admired their rigid cocks. “You are a fiend, you know that?”

“Yes,” Jay grinned as she leaned down and gave Aila’s tip a lick before giving Thea’s cockhead a kiss. “And you know you love it.”

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