Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 264: Ritual Time

Chapter 264: Ritual Time

“I don’t mind if you just want to tuck me away in a corner. It’s not like, an all-night thing, right? I can just sit somewhere inside the wagon out of sight and, you know, twiddle my thumbs, I guess? Maybe read something, if you’ve got something you can let me read and you, ah, let me read it.”

Jay stared at the nervous goblin woman. She’d been interrupted by Kerr’s flamboyant entrance, who was shortly thereafter followed by Aila and Bridget, but before their arrival she had been in the middle of deciding where to relocate Sorcha for the hour or so it would take to complete the lewd ritual. While her other selves talked with her lovers, discussing how they were going to proceed, Sorcha had piped up with her odd suggestion.

“I’m not sure it would be a good idea to just stuff you in a box while we are busy,” Jay said slowly, eying the goblin woman. “That wouldn’t exactly be comfortable.”

“Oh, yeah, getting crammed into a breadbox sounds like a great idea if you’ve mistaken me for a moldy loaf,” Sorcha replied sassily, before she seemed to remember herself. “Ah, I mean… Just put me in the back of the wagon or something. I’d, ah, really rather stay around here than be put anywhere near the other prisoners. The company is a lot better, you know.”

Jadis could understand the goblin’s sentiment. She wouldn’t want to be near a bunch of angry criminals who saw her as having betrayed them either. Still, Jadis hadn’t planned on just tossing Sorcha into the pile with the rest of the Reavers. She’d figured she’d ask Willa to set a private watch on the goblin or something similar.

“Are you a voyeur?”

Both Jay and Sorcha startled at the question, their eyes going to Sabina. The smith was focused on finishing the last orgasm denial collar and she looked like she was nearly done. Her query had come right the fuck out of nowhere, the woman not having taken her eyes off of the glyph she was carving.

“Am I a what?” Sorcha asked after a pause, the disbelief in her voice almost enough to make Jadis laugh.

“A voyeur,” Sabina repeated without looking up. “You know, a person who likes to watch other people, usually while those people are doing sexual things, because it gives them their own sexual gratification. Thea is a voyeur, so she likes to watch when we’re having sex. I guess I kind of like to watch, too, but I don’t think it excites me as much as it excites Thea. Does watching excite you?”

Sorcha just stared at the smith, her mouth hanging open in flabbergasted shock. Eventually Sabina noticed the lack of a response and looked up to see Sorcha’s expression. She glanced up at Jay with a concerned look.

“What? Did I say something wrong?”

“Not wrong, just maybe a little too forward,” Jay shook her head at the confused half-elf.  “Go ahead and finish that collar while I take Sorcha here somewhere she can be watched while we’re busy.”

As Jay reached for the stunned goblin, Sorcha abruptly jerked into motion, her big dark green eyes looking up at Jay.

“Wait!” she held up her hands, the chains connecting them rattling with the quick motion. “You know what, I’ll take a page from the loony crafter’s book. Let me stay! I’d like to watch.”

It was Jadis’ turn to stare, flabbergasted.

“You want to stay and watch us have sex?” Jay said slowly, her eyebrows raised high. “Really? You’re just going to ask that? Like it’s not weird as fuck?”

“Right, yeah, I know,” Sorcha said, her green skin flushing in a similar way to how Bridget would blush. “It’s a freak thing to ask and I’m not exactly in a great position to make requests either. But, uh, it’s a ritual, right? An Eldritch ritual? I’m a witch, you know, and Eldritch stuff is kind of my thing. I’m actually really curious from a, what do you call it—an academic sense. I’m not a ritualist or anything, but it’s related to what I do as a witch so I’d like so see how it goes.”

Jay continued to stare at the goblin, her violet eyes piercing as she did not blink.

“Okay, and also it sounds really hot and I feel like I’d be a giant fucking fool to miss out on witnessing what’s about to go down here. Uh, no offense on the giant thing, I guess.”

That statement did actually make Jadis laugh.

Once again, Jadis was confronted with the idea of being an exhibitionist. She really did not consider herself to be one. The thought of Sorcha watching her perform didn’t send any kind of thrill through her. However, turning the idea over in her head, she found it didn’t bother her either. She’d kind of already gotten over the idea of Willa and the other soldiers overhearing her and her lovers when they were busy being intimate. The embarrassment of others knowing what she was up to had faded quite a bit after the initial shock. The idea of Noll listening in was a little weird because she thought of him as a teacher, but really, what did it matter? She knew he already knew anyway. She didn’t even really care that much about Stavros and his band of merry idiots overhearing either. So what if they all knew they were having sex? Why should she care? In fact, based on her own uniquely personal experience as well as the testimony of those who had also had the experience, she was pretty damn good at the whole sex thing. Why should she be ashamed of others knowing just how good she was at something she loved to do?

Maybe that thought was just a little messed up, Jadis reflected moments after she had had it.

Whatever. She’d long ago come to terms with her own weird narcissism and bizarre lewdness. She wasn’t going to get all self-conscious now.

“Alright,” Jay finally shrugged, causing Sorcha to visibly soften with relief. “I’ll check with the others to see if they care, though. I don’t mind, but one or more of them might and I won’t force any of my girls to do something they aren’t comfortable with.”

As it turned out, no one minded too much. Maybe it was all the lewd group sex rituals but none of the others were all that fazed by the request. Bridget balked the most out of anyone, though after a brief talk, she too shrugged it off as something that didn’t merit getting worked up over.

“The damn demon in a jar you keep is always staring at us anyway,” Bridget said, motioning at Alex who was, indeed watching them all from its position hanging on the front of the wagon. “What’s one more witness to the fuckery?”

“I’m more surprised that Jack isn’t spying on us,” Aila commented as she started removing layers of clothing. “He seems the type to do so, just for the sake of stirring up trouble if nothing else.”

“What makes you think he isn’t,” Kerr shot back as she pulled her boots off. “He’s level two fucking hundred and forty-nine. He could be in this tent with us right now and we probably wouldn’t know it with the kind of magics someone that high level can cast.”

“Good point,” Aila nodded. “I don’t think I’ve heard of anyone getting to that high of a level in generations. If the opportunity arises, I’d love to ask him some questions on what his higher tier skills and spells are like.”

As interesting as Aila and Kerr’s conversation was, Jadis was starting to have trouble following it. Both women were removing more and more of their clothing, revealing their beautiful, enticing bodies that actually made Jadis’ mouths salivate with desire. It seemed no matter how often she was treated to the vision of their stunning beauty, she never grew tired of the sight.

Further compounding the distraction were Eir, Thea, and Bridget. All three were helping each other get their clothes off, revealing three very different yet all incredibly attractive forms. How was Jadis supposed to hold a non-lewd thought in her head when she was treated to the show of those three stripping each other bare? They weren’t even doing anything to make it exciting and it was the gods damned sexiest thing she’d seen since… well, since the last time she’d seen any of her girls stripping. But still. Damn.

“Finally finished!”

Sabina’s announcement drew Jadis’ attention. Jay looked back to see that not only had the half-elf completed the final collar necessary for their ritual, but she had also somehow stripped completely naked in the process. How she’d managed to do that while working was a mystery to Jadis, and considering how Sorcha was giving the smith a disbelieving stare again, it had probably involved some unusual maneuvers.

Hopping down from the wagon, Sabina walked unabashed up to Jay with her tanned body on full display. She held a collection of crude leather collars in a fist, happily holding them up for Jadis’ inspection.

“One for each of us!” Sabina excitedly told her. “I made an extra-large one for you, but only one, since—” the smith abruptly cut herself off, shooting a look over her shoulder at Sorcha. “Well, you know. Anyway! We just need to put them on and we can start!”

Sabina began to do just that, taking one of the collars to strap around her upper arm, but Jay gently stopped her. Taking the enchanted device from the slightly confused half-elf, she turned and approached Aila, bringing the smith along with her.

“Not so fast, Sabby,” Jay said with a mischievous grin. “This is a collar, isn’t it? The proper way to put a collar on is, you don’t. Not on yourself, anyway.”

Jay knelt down in front of Aila, holding up one of the collars with one hand.

“Aila? May I?”

Aila gave Jay a stern glare that was heavily softened by the intense blush that was covering her face and chest. After a moment, she nodded before holding her long red hair up and out of the way.

“Yes, go ahead,” she said. “No need to make such a production out of it.”

Jadis couldn’t agree with her girlfriend. Putting a collar on Aila was absolutely worth the production. With great care, Jay made sure the little strap of leather was tightly secure around Aila’s neck before leaning back to take in the sight. And what a glorious sight it was.

Aila had stripped down to nothing, every part of her exposed to the cool night air of the dark tent interior. The enclosed space was much warmer than outside, but it was still cool—cool enough to harden Aila’s pert little nipples. Or was that the excitement? By the wetness Jadis could see already growing on Aila’s thighs, Jadis guessed it was the latter. In any case, Aila was already so attractive that it was hard for Jadis to hold back and not ravish her on the spot. Adding that one small, seemingly insignificant little strip of leather around Aila’s shapely neck did the impossible: it made Aila even sexier.

Merde,” Kerr said under her breath. “Great work, Sabby. Now I’m fucking drooling.”

With the first collar on a blushing Aila, Jadis proceeded to put one on each one of her lovers. With each collar added, her excitement grew as the lewd sexiness of the leather straps were by no means diminished upon repetition. Eir, Kerr, Thea, Sabina, and Bridget each received their own collar and each time Jadis had to physically restrain herself from jumping each of them, a feat that grew harder with each collar. By the last one, she felt as though her cocks were about to literally rip through her pants.

Only, as she admired the collar conforming to Bridget’s dark green neck, that wasn’t the last one. There was one more collar that needed to be put on; her own.

“Well?” Jay said, holding up the giant-sized collar that was clearly meant for her. “Is someone going to help me out here or am I going to have to do this myself?”

Rolling her eyes, Aila took the collar from Jay’s hand while Eir held her long white hair out of the way. In no time at all, Jay felt the cool leather pressed up against her skin, tight enough to be obvious but not uncomfortable.

From Jadis’ other two perspectives, she took in the new look. She had to admit, the collar looked good around her neck. It was definitely sexy, and judging by the way her girls were looking at her, they must have agreed. Though, thinking about it, there was one obvious difference between her display and everyone else’s that was making a difference.

“Not bad,” Dys and Syd both said in unison. “But I think Jay might be a bit overdressed. What do you all think?”

Jadis got her answer as six pairs of hands immediately got to work stripping Jay of all her clothing. Not long after, Dys and Syd found themselves being disrobed as well. After that, well, Jadis didn’t have much time available to visually check out her collar further. Instead, its magical properties were quickly put to the test.

There was no need to rush. The ritual required a marathon, not a sprint. Even with her Ritual Time Reduction, an hour was a long time to go. But the dam had been released and Jadis was in no mood to hold back. Each of her bodies took hold of two of her lovers each, taking them to the blanketed ground and quickly showing them just how much desire she felt for them. To Jadis’ great delight, all six responded in kind.

The Lascivious Empowerment ritual wasn’t complicated. All that was required was that they all orgasm together at the same time, as well as maintain unbroken skin-to-skin contact for the duration of the ritual. Other than that, they had full freedom to express their lust in any way they saw fit, a fact that all took advantage of. Lips, tongues, and fingers found sensitive places as the women explored each other’s bodies. The smell of arousal quickly filled the air of the tent, accompanied by the lewd moans of pleasure that were drawn unbidden from nine different throats.

As the kissing, licking, sucking, petting, and grouping turned into more and more licentious and debauched actions, Jadis lost herself in the moment. Time didn’t matter. Witnesses didn’t matter. All that mattered were her lovers and that ever-growing yet unfulfilled tension she could feel inside the pit of her bellies.

At one point, as Syd thrust herself into Eir, causing the priestess to let out little gasps and cries of pleasure while she held Bridget tightly against her side, three fingers buried deep into her pussy, she caught a glimpse of wide eyes out of the corner of her vision. Glancing to the side, she saw Sorcha sitting on the edge of the wagon, her knees drawn up to her chest and her overly large, wide eyes staring unblinkingly at the wanton scene.

Syd grinned wickedly at the goblin and gave her a wink. She hoped she was enjoying the show, because Jadis was absolutely enjoying putting it on.

That was all the thought Jadis could spare for the goblin, though. She had six beautiful lovers to ravish. For the rest of however long they had to go until the ritual was complete, nothing else mattered.

Maybe even longer than that.

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