Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 40 Deep Learning Of Mana (2)

Instructor Iris's class continued as she further explained the intricacies of mana, capturing the attention of the students. Her slender figure and elegant pointy ears added an enchanting aura to the classroom, making it difficult for some students to concentrate fully. However, the realization that this captivating elf could potentially be a centuries-old grandmother reminded me to stay focused and respectful.

"Now that we have learned about mana, it is crucial to understand the concept of mana containers," Instructor Iris emphasized, directing her gaze towards the magical appearance of the words "Mana Containers" on the board. The chalk seemed to float in the air before gracefully etching the words onto the surface.

"Mana is a universal energy that exists in all creatures, plants, the air, and the water," she explained, as images of various creatures appeared in the air before us. The human body, a majestic tree, a nimble rabbit, and a graceful fish were all outlined in green, while a mesmerizing blue substance filled their insides.

"The storage system for mana is called the Mana Container, and different species have unique organs or structures that serve as their containers," Instructor Iris continued, her words accompanied by the circling of the outlined creatures around her. It was as if the very essence of mana was dancing to her explanation.

"Whether it's the heart within humans, veins in trees, a small sphere in fish, or the brain in beasts, each species stores mana in a container that suits them best," she added, highlighting the diversity of mana containers with a touch of elegance.

"If the containers is completely empty, the body will then slowly replenish itself by absorbing Mana from the air or water in case of species who live underwater."

As she waved her hand, small blue particles materialized in the air, representing the replenishment of mana from the surroundings. They were absorbed by the outlined creatures, emphasizing the natural process of mana absorption when the containers are empty.

"In order to harness mana effectively, one must treat the Mana Container like a muscle, exercising it regularly. Mishandling or reckless treatment of the container can lead to permanent damage, rendering the user unable to perform magic at all," Instructor Iris warned, demonstrating the consequences by revealing a rupture in the container, causing the precious blue mana to spill out.

"There are instances where an individual is unable to use mana due to damaged mana containers, either from birth or as a result of specific incidents," she further explained, acknowledging the potential limitations and challenges faced by some individuals.

While everyone in the class listened attentively, I marveled at Instructor Iris's mastery over mana manipulation. Her control and ability to create such visual aids were remarkable. Based on my knowledge, she must be at least a 6-star mage to exhibit such skill.

"Mana, as I mentioned earlier, is a type of energy that can be shaped and refined. In its natural state, the body refines mana to make it usable. This is where certain species have advantages, as they have adaptations that aid them in refining mana more efficiently. For instance, elves like me, who reside near the world tree, gradually develop larger mana containers and possess superior ability in refining mana at a faster rate," she elaborated, emphasizing the connection between one's environment and their affinity for mana.

"Mana can exist in different forms and states, influenced by various factors, but one of the primary factors is its location," Instructor Iris continued, captivating her students' attention once more. As she spoke, the green lining surrounding the outlined creatures disappeared, and their individual masses of blue mana merged into a single, larger mass.

"Depending on the location, mana can exhibit a variety of states. In water, mana is denser and takes on a liquid form, whereas in the air, where its concentration is lower, it appears in a gaseous form," she explained, using the changing state of the blue mana to illustrate the point.

"Obtaining mana from water is more challenging compared to extracting it from the air," Instructor Iris elaborated, acknowledging the unique circumstances of underwater creatures. "The Mer People, who reside in the depths, have smaller mana containers, but their containers are stronger and more durable than those of the average human. As a result, their mana is much more potent and concentrated. On the other hand, beings like us elves, who are deeply connected to nature, can absorb mana at a faster rate. However, our mana containers are more delicate and prone to vulnerability."

"Instructor, what about humans like us, then?" a student from the back row raised their hand and posed the question.

Instructor Iris smiled warmly, appreciating the curiosity of her student. "Ah, a good question, my dear," she commended the student before providing an answer.

"Humans, unlike some other species, lack specialized structures or adaptations to aid in mana absorption or containment," she explained, causing a ripple of curiosity and confusion among the students. However, she quickly reassured them with a reassuring smile.

"But that is precisely what makes humans special," she continued, her eyes sweeping across the classroom.

"Can anyone tell me why humans are unique in this regard?", Instructor Iris prompted, her voice filled with anticipation.I think you should take a look at

As our gazes met, I instinctively avoided direct eye contact with the instructor.

Even though I have attended the academy previously, I don't remember anything to answer her question, not to mention that I didn't even understand much about mana in my previous life.

But before the instructor could be disappointed, a hand rose.

It was Julia, who stood up with a nod of approval from the instructor.

"It is because humans are a species of adaptation," Julia answered, her voice clear and confident

A smile rose on Instructor Iris face as she heard Julia.

"Excellent! you can sit my dear."

"Excellent! Well said, my dear. Please take your seat," Instructor Iris commended Julia before continuing her explanation. "As Julia rightly pointed out, humans possess immense potential for adaptation. They have a remarkable ability to change and evolve themselves and their surroundings to survive in any situation."

She paused for a moment, allowing her words to sink in before providing an illustrative example. "Long, long ago, when the human's mana container, primarily located in their hearts, was less efficient at refining mana, and their capacity was considerably smaller compared to today, humans 'stole'—or rather, learned—mana techniques from the elves. In exchange for their assistance in building houses, humans acquired knowledge of spells to gather mana from the air and trained diligently in secluded locations."

Her words painted a vivid picture of humans striving for progress, year after year, decade after decade. The classroom seemed to transport us to a bygone era, where humans steadily honed their magical prowess.

"It didn't happen over nightt but year after year, as time passed, the power of humans grew. They became formidable beings capable of standing their ground against other species. This is why humans are never underestimated," she declared with conviction, acknowledging the resilience and adaptability that defined the human spirit.


Just as the instructor was in the middle of her explanation, the bell rang, signaling the end of the class. However, none of the students rushed to leave. We all sat patiently, eagerly awaiting the conclusion of Instructor Iris's lecture.

"You all sitting here in this class possess untapped potential that remains unknown to all. You are like a massive slab of stone, waiting to be sculpted. You have the power to become a beautiful statue or serve as stepping stones for others. The choice is yours," she imparted, her words echoing with a sense of possibility and empowerment.

"That's all for today. We will reconvene in your next class. Until then, take care," Instructor Iris bid us farewell before vanishing from the classroom.

It seems all the instructors have decided to disappear from the classroom using teleportation after the lecture.


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