Rebirth Of The Villainess: Young Master Lu's Wicked Wife

Chapter 378 New Beginning (2)

378  New Beginning (2)

Li Xiran lifted his head from his laptop, noticing the time was shown as 6:25 in the evening on his watch. He lifted his frame out of his chair and rounded his desk, intending to go down to join his father and his family for dinner with their special guests.

Walking down the curved staircase, his mind couldn't help but wonder if Xi Qian didn't care about his family, as she didn't seem eager to get associated with them, unlike other people he met in the past.

According to the background check his father ran on Xi Qian, she had graduated from Qiying City Academy, a school for elite families with a full scholarship. She had also graduated top of her class during her university years, receiving several recommendations from her mentors.

'Perhaps she is just used to being surrounded by wealthy people that she couldn't be bothered by their issues anymore.' He thought as his tracks came to a halt when the very subject of his thoughts came into view.

Xi Qian had already arrived before him and had joined his father at the dining table. He merely gave her a curt nod before settling on the seat next to her.

Xi Qian sat awkwardly as she joined the rest of the Li family for dinner. Beside her, Li Xiran was ignoring his half-brother and stepmother's presence across them and continued to eat in silence. She had heard that he had decided to move in today so he could conveniently consult his father while he handled the matters back at Li Corporation.

The man beside her cut a small slice of the steak and ignored the looks he was receiving from his brother, as if he couldn't be bothered by Li Xingtian in front of his father.

Li Xingtian was also working at the same company, and Xi Qian had no doubt that the relationship between the two brothers wasn't any better than their last meeting, as she could see the sneer on Li Xingtian's face as he looked at his elder brother.

Chairman Li sighed in exasperation, seeing his sons' cold treatment toward each other. He knew that it wouldn't be easy for these two to get along. He could only hope that they would at least be civil with each other and stop going for each others' necks for the kill, especially his eldest.

"I heard that you managed to secure the project. When will we be able to start the construction of the amusement park?" He asked Li Xiran.

"Dear, I thought we agreed that business matters shouldn't be mentioned during dinners like this."

His wife sighed and shook her head. Even in his delicate condition, he couldn't help but worry about his company matters and his two hard-headed sons. She gave Xi Qian an apologetic look, but the younger woman only smiled at her.

"Right. I shouldn't have mentioned it while Nurse Xi is here." Chairman Li also looked at Xi Qian's direction. One thing he liked about this young woman was that she couldn't be easily intimidated by his two sons. In fact, she could stand her ground and wasn't afraid to say her piece, especially against his eldest son.

He paid attention to how the two conversed and acted around each other, and he was pleasantly surprised to notice that Li Xiran was willing to compromise and listen to the young nurse as she reminded him of the things he needed to avoid for him to fully recover. He hoped that with Xi Qian around, Li Xiran would be able to rein his temper and understand people around him better.

Chairman Li had never thought that his illness would be able to bring his family together like this, albeit, with Li Xiran being forced into it. He knew very well that if his eldest son could, he would rather forget his family name and pave his own way to success rather than succeeding him in their family business.

He listened as his wife gave Xi Qian the rundown on his routine these days and complained to the young nurse on how hard it was for them to convince him to stay put on his bed.

Xi Qian politely nodded in understanding at his wife and glanced at his way, giving him a knowing look.

"I think there's nothing to worry about as long as Chairman Li doesn't force himself to walk on his own. A little sunshine every morning, enjoying a cup of warm drink won't hurt."

The old man laughed at her answer, pleased that the young nurse wasn't trying to contain him inside the room, unlike the rest of his family. Li Xingtian frowned, but a hint of worry was apparent on his face, while Li Xiran only huffed and resumed his meal.

Before retiring for the night, Xi Qian checked the prescribed medication Madam Li showed her and reviewed the notes Chairman Li left for them to follow. She then checked Chairman Li's blood pressure and assured his wife that the surgical wounds on his chest were healing nicely.

"I know it was sudden to request your employment with us, but thank you, Miss Xi. My husband seems to take an interest in you. He said that you and Xiran get along really well. I heard that you are self-supporting yourself to enter med school. That's admirable! Not anyone could be that self-sufficient and hardworking." Madam Li said as she walked Xi Qian back to the guest room where she was staying. She didn't mention anything about Xi Qian not receiving support from her own parents.

Xi Qian wanted to correct the older woman and tell her that she wasn't friends with Li Xiran. That their short encounters in the hospital were nothing personal at all. As for why Chairman Li took an interest in her and hired her for her services, she thought that the old man might just want some company while his two sons weren't around.


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