Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 212: Izlan, The Puzzle King

Chapter 212: Izlan, The Puzzle King

When the carriage stopped, the women began to wake up, they felt as if they had slept for an eternity, but they knew it was Liu Yang who had done this, they did not ask because it was not necessary.

When they got out of the carriage, the women were surprised at where they were, they never imagined there would be a desert of red sand.

The place where the group was was quite dangerous, there were thousands of creatures pacing from side to side, but none of them could find Liu Yang and his group. For with the help of Xillia Wolf, Liu Yang was able to mount a protective barrier that prevented them from being located.

Liu Yang started using the Phantom Vision to try to locate the transport array that would lead to the secret realm. Even with the help of Xillia Wolf and the princess Dryad, it was quite difficult to find the womb, because they were already inside it.

The array was the place where they were and stretched for thousands of miles, but to enter the array, it was necessary to pass through the labyrinth of illusion. If the person did not have the ability to break through the labyrinth, this person would just leave without realizing it.

With the Phantom Vision, Liu Yang could see the way, he just guided the carriage along the way. After several hours, the group finally entered the secret realm, but the moment they entered, a male voice was heard.

"Welcome to the Desert Dungeon"

"My name is Izlan, but also known as Puzzle King"

"This is one of the nine secret realms that I have created, the goal of this secret realm is to train. In the place there will be a total hundred rooms with a thousand creatures different, always in the room that is multiple of five, there will be only ten creature, but all are extremely powerful that is worth by a thousand. "

"Those who wish to enter the dungeon, please follow the corridor until you find the gateway"

After they entered the secret realm, the lights were on. The place where the group was a large hall with a huge hallway and a large door that had several engraved designs.

The moment Xillia Wolf heard the name Izlan, she was in doubt about it, it was as if she had heard the name before. But when Xillia Wolf heard the name Puzzle King, she immediately remembered who he was.

Xillia Wolf shouted into Liu Yang's mind about this person, who began to search in the memories of this person named Izlan. According to Arthur Pendragon's memoirs, Izlan was someone extremely famous and powerful, he managed to achieve something that everyone wanted to achieve, rank 10.

Izlan had a certain passion, which was to build and solve puzzles. Most of the time in his life he made puzzles. Before his death millions of years ago, he announced that he had created nine secret realms with puzzles inside and spread them across the Nine Worlds and that each of these realms had treasures and dangerous challenges, but the rewards were worth the challenge.

These words incited the Nine Worlds, they all began searching for traces of these nine secret realms. Thousands of years passed, but only a single secret realm was discovered, but to the dismay of all, there was a puzzle they would have to solve to open the secret realm.

To solve this puzzle, it took thousands of years for them to do so. The secret realm was in the Third World, because of this, the great powers divided the treasures among themselves and left the remains for the others, despite the displeasure of the others, nobody dared to refute.

The secret realm could be opened only once every hundred thousand years so that no one would enter the same secret realm more than once. Since the life expectancy of all was a hundred thousand years, no one could live longer than that, there was no exception.

But there was a way to prolong the lives of those who were close to the hundred thousand years, which was to use the array that slowed the time to a certain place. This could slow down the time for the person inside the place. That is, it was possible to make a day in the real world, just be a minute inside the array.

Checking out the memories about Izlan, Liu Yang started to have suspicions about this person, but he still had no proof for that. He would have to complete this dungeon to see if more information would be revealed at the end.

Despite the doubts, Liu Yang was extremely happy with the situation, he could level him and his group again. There was only one thing that Liu Yang did not know, which was what level of creatures they had on each floor, depending on the levels, it was useless to go through the dungeon.

When Liu Yang heard the explanation about the place, he immediately thought of a game in which he played in his previous life. In the game it was a tower with a hundred floors, and that every five floors there was a chief waiting. But in the secret realm, it would be a corridor with a hundred rooms and every five, there would be ten powerful monsters. Liu Yang could not help but remember his past life.

It took the group a few minutes to reach the large door, there were several drawings of strange creatures drawn on the door, an ancient and majestic aura could be felt.

With one tap, the door opens and a light shines. On the other side was a huge room the size of fifty football fields. There was no sign of creatures, not even when the whole group entered the room.

The moment everyone entered, the door closes and a male voice is heard.

"Welcome to the First Room"

"In a minute the horde of creatures will arise"

"Get Ready"


The group looked at the accountant and while holding their weapons, each had solemn eyes as they looked out.






After the counter reached zero, the sounds of wheezing began to emerge. The group looked toward the sound and saw a thousand green snakes coming up like magic, their bodies had made meters long and the width looked like a concrete pole that had in the street.

Liu Yang used the Phantom Vision, the information he saw shocked him. The levels of these thousand snakes were only 1, these thousand snakes were total garbage.

However, seeing this scene, Liu Yang realized one thing, that the creatures would get much stronger as they advanced in the rooms. That was the same as in the game in his past life.

Liu Yang did not fight these snakes, he asked the women to do it. With the weapons in hand, the women charged toward the thousand snakes, cuts, spells, and abilities began to emerge, they cleaned the place in a few minutes.

After a thousand snakes were defeated, a door appeared at the end of the hall, Liu Yang knocked on the door and it opened automatically.

The group entered, on the other side, it was the same room as before, but it was empty. The moment they entered, the same voice echoed again.

"Welcome to the Second Room"

"In a minute the horde of creatures will arise"

"Get Ready"


The group looked at the accountant and while holding their weapons, each had solemn eyes as they looked out.






When the meter reached zero, sounds are heard and shadows began to emerge, they were the creatures. This time the creatures were red scorpions, and each was level 10. The women also quickly killed them before the door appeared.

The image of the third room was the same as before, empty and with some lights that lit the hall.


The group repeated the same action five times, the creatures of the third room were giant rats and were level 30, the women had a little difficulty dealing with this, but in the end still managed. The fourth-room creatures were giant ants the size of an adult person and were level 50, despite the difficulty, women also managed to defeat a thousand ants.

But when they entered the fifth floor, everything changed, the room was different, there were brightly colored flames on the walls, and some pillars holding something.

Seconds after the group has entered, a voice is heard.

"Welcome to the Fifth Room"

"In a minute the horde of creatures will arise"

"Get Ready"


The group looked at the accountant and while holding their weapons, each had solemn eyes as they looked out.






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