Rebooting the Arena

Chapter 68: Overwhelmed by Beasts

Chapter 68: Overwhelmed by Beasts

The Crimson Reapers, known for their relentless aggression, had proven themselves formidable opponents in the semifinals. But Phoenix Reborn wasn't prepared for the beastmastery tactics that the Reapers unleashed in their second match—a tactic that had overwhelmed many top-tier teams before. Summoning powerful creatures from the Wild Hunt faction, the Reapers aimed to flood the battlefield with beasts, overwhelming Phoenix Reborn with sheer numbers and chaotic attacks.

Led by their ruthless captain, Kaiya Summers, the Crimson Reapers had saved their most dangerous strategy for this crucial match. With creatures charging in from all angles and Kaiya's team coordinating the onslaught, Phoenix Reborn would need to adapt quickly or risk being trampled under the weight of the summoned beasts.

As the team gathered in the pre-match lobby, Kai reviewed the match details with a serious expression. "Looks like the Reapers are going all-in on Wild Hunt tactics this time. Beastmastery. They'll be summoning creatures to swarm us while they strike from the shadows."

Tariq, ever confident, cracked his knuckles. "Beasts or not, I'll hold them off. But we're going to have to keep those creatures from splitting us up."

Lena, her mind already working through potential counters, nodded thoughtfully. "They'll use the beasts to create chaos. If we can control the battlefield with my AoE spells, we can limit their effectiveness."

Alex chimed in, his calm voice steadying the team. "We'll need to stay close. If anyone gets separated, those creatures will tear us apart. I'll focus on healing the frontline and keeping us together."

Nina, quiet but determined, simply said, "I'll take out the summoners. Cut off the beasts at the source."

The arena loaded around them—a massive forested battleground, dense with trees, rivers, and cliffs. It was the perfect terrain for the Wild Hunt creatures to thrive in, with plenty of space for the Reapers' summoned beasts to charge and corner their opponents. The environment was a stark contrast to the urban arenas Phoenix Reborn was used to, and they'd have to adapt fast.

On the opposite side of the arena, Kaiya Summers and her team appeared, their avatars clad in dark, animalistic armor. Flanking her were summoners and rangers—players who specialized in controlling beasts, commanding wolves, bears, and other wild creatures. The air buzzed with tension as the countdown to the match began.

Kaiya's voice echoed across the battlefield, filled with confidence. "I hope you're ready, Phoenix Reborn. These beasts will hunt you down, tear you apart, and leave nothing behind."

Kai glanced at their team, unwavering. "Let's see how well your beasts handle the storm we're about to unleash."

The match began with a loud roar from the crowd as the countdown hit zero. Immediately, the Crimson Reapers activated their summoning abilities, and the forest came alive with movement. Massive wolves, snarling and snapping, emerged from the trees, followed by bears and wild boars charging toward Phoenix Reborn with terrifying speed. The ground shook as the creatures charged, their eyes glowing red, driven by the magic of the Wild Hunt.

"Here they come!" Tariq shouted, raising his shield to meet the onslaught. He activated Ironclad Resolve, his armor glowing with defensive energy as he braced for the impact.

The first wave of creatures slammed into Tariq, their claws and teeth raking against his shield. His Sunforged Bulwark held firm, but the sheer number of beasts pushing against him was overwhelming. "I've got them on me, but they're trying to break through!"

Lena, standing just behind Tariq, summoned a powerful Chain Lightning that ripped through the attacking beasts. The electricity jumped between the wolves, stunning them briefly, but more creatures kept coming. She needed something bigger.

"I'm dropping Elemental Cataclysm!" Lena called out, her hands glowing with arcane power.

A massive storm of fire, ice, and lightning erupted in front of Tariq, enveloping the beasts in elemental fury. The storm tore through the ranks of the summoned creatures, slowing their advance and clearing space for the team to regroup.

"They're stunned, but more are coming!" Lena shouted as new creatures charged in from the forest.

The Crimson Reapers, hiding behind their summoned beasts, used the chaos to their advantage. Kaiya Summers and her rangers struck from the trees, firing arrows and unleashing quick, powerful strikes from a distance. Their goal was to overwhelm Phoenix Reborn with the beasts while picking them off from the shadows.

"We need to get rid of the summoners!" Kai ordered, scanning the battlefield. "They're hiding behind the creatures!"

Nina disappeared into the shadows, her Spectral Step allowing her to phase through the battlefield, unseen by the Reapers. She moved quickly, her eyes fixed on one of the summoners. Venom Wraith coated her blades in poison, and with deadly precision, she struck the first summoner from behind, silencing their magic.

"One summoner down," Nina whispered over comms.

But the Crimson Reapers weren't finished yet. Kaiya Summers, seeing her summoner fall, retaliated by unleashing her Dire Wolf Pack, a group of massive wolves that sprinted toward Alex, aiming to disrupt his healing.

"They're on me!" Alex shouted, moving quickly to avoid the wolves. He activated Guardian's Grace, boosting his healing and creating protective zones around his teammates. But the wolves were relentless, snapping at him and forcing him to retreat.

"I need help back here!" Alex called out, dodging another attack.

Kai, recognizing the danger, blinked across the battlefield with Phantom Dance, appearing next to Alex just in time to intercept the wolves. Eclipse Strike activated, a burst of dark energy exploding outward as Kai slashed through the pack, taking them down one by one.

"I've got you, Alex," Kai said, their eyes focused on the remaining wolves.

"Thanks, I've got you back," Alex replied, casting Time Reversal on Kai, undoing the damage they had taken in the process.

Despite their efforts, the beasts kept coming. The Crimson Reapers had unleashed a near-endless wave of creatures, and Phoenix Reborn was starting to feel the pressure. Tariq, still holding the front line, was taking heavy damage as more wolves, boars, and bears rushed toward him.

"I'm getting swarmed!" Tariq shouted, his shield buckling under the weight of the creatures. "I can't hold them much longer!"

Lena, her mind racing, decided to change tactics. "I'm casting Glacial Prison to lock them down. Get ready to move!"

With a wave of her hand, Lena encased the nearest beasts in ice, freezing them in place. The creatures struggled, but the prison held firm, giving Tariq the space he needed to breathe.

"That's better," Tariq said, his voice strained but determined. "Let's finish them off."

As the ice began to crack, Phoenix Reborn launched their counterattack. Kai and Nina moved swiftly, eliminating the remaining summoners with precision strikes, while Lena unleashed another storm of Chain Lightning, ripping through the beasts that were still standing. Tariq, now free from the worst of the pressure, activated Fortress Unbreakable, turning himself into an immovable barrier that protected the team from the remaining attacks.

The tide of the battle was finally turning.

With the summoners gone and the beasts defeated, the Crimson Reapers were left vulnerable. Kaiya Summers, seeing her team falter, launched one final desperate attack. She charged toward Kai with her dual blades raised, fury in her eyes.

But Kai was ready. Activating Phantom Dance, they dodged Kaiya's attack, blinking behind her in a blur of shadow. With a swift motion, Kai unleashed Eclipse Strike, a devastating blow that left Kaiya reeling.

"This is over," Kai said, their voice calm and determined.

Before Kaiya could recover, Nina appeared from the shadows, her blades flashing as she delivered the finishing blow with Death's Embrace. Kaiya fell, and with her, the last of the Crimson Reapers' resistance crumbled.

The battlefield fell silent as the final message flashed across the screen:

Victory: Phoenix Reborn.

Back in the post-match lobby, the team gathered, exhausted but triumphant.

Tariq, still catching his breath, grinned. "That was insane. I've never seen so many beasts in one fight."

Lena, wiping a bit of sweat from her brow, smiled. "They almost had us, but once the summoners were down, it was just a matter of time."

Alex, calm as ever, nodded. "We stayed together, and that made the difference. They couldn't break us apart."

Kai, looking at the team with pride, added, "We adapted to their tactics and came out on top. The finals are next, and if we can handle this, we can handle anything."

With their victory over the Crimson Reapers secured, Phoenix Reborn had proven once again that they could overcome any challenge. Now, with the finals ahead of them, the team prepared for the ultimate test, knowing that the National PvP Circuit Qualifiers were within their grasp.

Phoenix Reborn was nearly overwhelmed by the Crimson Reapers' beastmastery tactics, but by adapting quickly and taking down the summoners, they secured a hard-fought victory. Now, with only one match left, they prepared for the finals, confident in their ability to take on any opponent.

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