Reborn with Steve Stand

Chapter 299: Steve

Chapter 299: Steve

"My goodness..." Fang Mo was almost exasperated after hearing the system prompt, "How could it be this module!?"

Honestly, when the system prompt first sounded, Fang Mo thought it was some module unlocking on the side of the Kree star and planned to quickly go down and check it out...

But he never expected that the source of this module was actually on the spaceship.

And it was the 'poop' module.

Strictly speaking, Fang Mo had played with this module before. It was back in the 1.7.10 version of the server. He was still laboriously mining diamonds, while others were already equipped in brown-red gear, rampaging everywhere.

Out of curiosity, Fang Mo asked others what this module was.

So, someone enthusiastically took Fang Mo to a white block called a toilet and handed him a roll of toilet paper.

Fang Mo, puzzled, right-clicked the toilet paper, only to find a weird brown smear in the middle of the paper. Then, others instructed him to use four such papers to craft a block of poop and then smelt it in a furnace into a brown-red poop ingot...

The equipment made from poop ingots had the same values as diamond gear, and could also be enchanted.

At the time, Fang Mo pondered over the poop ingot in his hand for a long time, always considering what's more important, dignity or survival. After that night, he felt his thoughts had been elevated.

But that was just a game.

In the game, playing with poop seemed not too big a deal.

But now it's different. The game had become a part of Fang Mo, especially with the terrifying ability to realize things, making MC items especially real.

Of course, the module itself wasn't what Fang Mo feared most.

After all, no matter how disgusting the module was, as long as he didn't use it, it would at most represent a lucky block.

What really scared Fang Mo was Drax.

He had already unlocked over forty modules, so he was very clear about the unlocking mechanism of the modules.

Usually, the system prompt would only be triggered when a certain item was around him, but now this module was suddenly unlocked, and the reason was probably only one - Drax might be involved somehow...

Thinking of this, Fang Mo felt his scalp tingle.

"Holy shit, Drax, don't come over!"

Fang Mo hurriedly yelled, "Go to the washroom and have a good rinse, we are all your teammates, vent your anger on Ronan, don't freaking hit us..."


Rocket Raccoon was also stunned, "Wait, you mean Drax has..."

"I just want to know who made the spaceship accelerate."

Drax didn't care about these, he was about to push the door and walk into the cockpit, "I was stuck in the toilet for a full half hour, I called for a long time but no one came to help me..."

"Stop! Stop! Don't walk in there anymore!"

Fang Mo immediately shouted, "We can talk this out, Drax, don't sit on... no, don't court death!"

"What's with the view outside? Have we arrived?"

Drax saw the view outside the spaceship and was momentarily stunned, but then laughed, "Haha, looks like we've arrived at the Kree's homeworld, that's great."

Saying so, Drax was about to lift the frying pan he held.

"Damn it!"

Seeing this, Fang Mo couldn't care less and raised his Infinity Gauntlet, "Third bomb, loser eats dust!"

The Time Stone lit up with a green light, and immediately Drax's body began to rapidly reverse: first putting down the frying pan, then his smile faded, and finally, he walked backward, closing the door behind him.

"Phew, done."

After sending Drax away, Fang Mo also relaxed.

"So the principle of your move is to control time?" Rocket Raccoon didn't know what the Infinity Stones were, but he was very intelligent and after seeing Fang Mo use his ability twice, he immediately caught on, "Is there no limit to this kind of time reversal? Like range or how far back you can go?"

"There are definitely limits, you can't reverse the universe back to a singularity, right?"

Fang Mo shrugged and said, "The Infinity Stones are actually pretty powerful, but they really test the mental strength and compatibility of the user. My compatibility with the Time Stone is quite good, a bit less than the Space Stone... but it's enough for usual use."

"What about Drax?"

Rocket Raccoon asked, "Did you just reverse him back outside the door, or did you also use 'no shooting, suck it back'?"

"Kudos to my designated roast master, even these little details you've noticed."

Hearing this, Fang Mo immediately gave Rocket Raccoon a thumbs up, "I set Drax to rewind thirty-five minutes, so his current state is 'no pooping, suck it back.' Of course, I had no choice, what if he can't clean himself? So, I had to resort to this, clean and hygienic, brothers..."

"Are you still human?"

After listening, Rocket Raccoon started to feel a bit sorry for the other, "Is this what you call not beating up your teammates? Drax is about to faint, crying in the bathroom."

"Ah, you're wrong there."

Fang Mo smiled and waved his hand, "In these thirty-five minutes, his name should be Dexter."

The Rocket Raccoon just held his forehead and didn't want to say anything more about it, "Hurry and prepare, the next wave of Kree attacks is about to come."

"Oh, don't panic."

Fang Mo nodded, "Soon you'll witness my true power."

As he spoke, the Kree started their attack, with various kinds of live ammunition and energy beams filling the sky, instantly swallowing up the entire space in front of the spaceship, all that could be seen were the various attacks.

Fang Mo immediately teleported outside the spaceship and clenched his fist.

A brilliant azure light shone, and the space in front of the Milano was immediately engulfed in a spatial fog, followed by a profound void that began to rapidly expand.

It was somewhat like the portal in the Battle of New York, but both the scale and the speed of expansion were much more exaggerated.

The attacks launched by the Kree soon all entered this portal, and then Fang Mo clenched his fist again, all these attacks poured out from the portal like rain, bombing the Kree's land in return.

The area below where the Milano was hovering was likely a military zone, and one could see many defensive fortifications with the naked eye. However, as a barrage of laser beams hit down, the entire area quickly descended into chaos with various explosions and fires flashing.

However, the Kree quickly deployed an energy barrier.

A pale blue energy first interconnected into a huge net-like structure, and then formed an impenetrable shield. Neither particle cannons nor live ammunition could do more than cause ripples on its surface.

In the original Guardians of the Galaxy, Xandar's spaceship also used a similar pale yellow energy barrier.

It seems the Kree must have mastered similar technology.

"Damn, that's really cool."

Fang Mo was a bit surprised looking at the energy barrier below, the coverage was so wide, worthy of an interstellar civilization. Just this military zone was almost as large as several Soul Societies.

"It seems I need to take a trip to the world of Naruto, at least to bring Kaguya's sword. It's too uncomfortable not being able to throw meteors."

Fang Mo looked at the energy barrier below, and couldn't help but mutter to himself, "Tsk, now I want to throw a stone but can't find a handy one... wait, a stone?"

With that thought, Fang Mo didn't say anything further and directly pulled out his Simply Greatsword.

And he released the Bedrock Golem Malphite.

"Great genius, it's time to show your indestructible strength," Fang Mo patted Malphite's shoulder and, without waiting for a reaction, he threw him violently downwards.

The Bedrock Golem flew out with a confused face.

But before he could completely fall into the atmosphere, suddenly a small teleportation portal appeared in front of him.

The Bedrock Golem crashed into this teleportation portal and then found himself back next to Fang Mo. Immediately, a purple light shone from Fang Mo, and the gravitational field that had just been propelling the spaceship started to accelerate the Bedrock Golem, pushing him forward and then back into the teleportation portal.

In this way, Malphite's body was continually accelerated by the gravitational field.

Eventually, even Fang Mo couldn't see his figure, only a faint gray light rushing back and forth between the two teleportation portals.

"Go, Malphite!"

Feeling the acceleration was about enough, Fang Mo directly deactivated the teleportation portal.

Malphite's body instantly smashed towards the earth, his body already indistinguishable due to the acceleration. The atmosphere didn't even have time to heat up from friction; the air was forcibly penetrated as if it were solid.

Of course, the defense shield below met the same fate.

In less than 0.01 seconds, the protective shield was forcibly penetrated, and even the shield generator didn't have time to overload and explode. Malphite had already heavily crashed into the ground.

The hard metallic ground turned as soft as water, and Malphite's body plunged into it, then heavily slammed into the deep crust of the earth, releasing all kinetic energy in an instant. At that moment, Malphite seemed to turn into light, and all the matter around him sublimated in an instant.

It was like the staff of God hitting the ground.

Mountains crumbled, ley lines shattered, and an unprecedented shockwave swept across the land.

Large chunks of rock burst open, and countless cracks spread wildly like abyssal rifts, destroying everything in their path. Even the steel jungles of the Kree collapsed instantly, countless defense works and buildings exploded at the same time, turning into dazzling firelight. Ash and smoke billowing out from the fissures were like a roaring tsunami, swallowing everything under the cover of /Bleam

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