Reborn with Steve Stand

Chapter 307: Wtf is that Egg like Spaceship

Chapter 307: Wtf is that Egg like Spaceship

"F*ck! What are you doing!?"

Rocket Raccoon was shocked at the scene before him: "Big brother... have you become addicted to sticking things into things on Hala star? This is a spaceship!"

Indeed, just now, Fang Mo suddenly thrust his great sword into the central console of the Milano, and now sparks are flying out like crazy, something must have been damaged, and even the ship's lights have started to flicker on and off.

"Don't worry, this isn't a hot spring sword."

Fang Mo was not panicked at all, instead, he waved at Rocket Raccoon: "It won't suddenly start spraying water..."

"Oh, that's true, it didn't spray water."

Rocket Raccoon first nodded in a feigned calm manner, then immediately started yelling: "But it's directly sparking because of you!!!"

"Hey, hey, Type-Moon Heavy Industries..."

"Please, say something normal people can understand." Rocket Raccoon held his forehead in pain: "I know you are only a little crazy, and probably won't blow up the spaceship or anything, but can you tell me what you're planning to do beforehand? I'm not going to live much longer... hanging around you makes me feel like I'll die even faster."

"You say you're not going to live much longer?"

Fang Mo was a bit surprised at this and looked at Rocket Raccoon: "Oh right, raccoons only live about a dozen or so years, but as a tree person, Groot should be able to live for a thousand or eight hundred years, right? Holy shit... I smell the theory of lifespan! F*ck!"

Saying this, Fang Mo suddenly got angry and pulled out a bunch of stuff: "Come, make this for me."

"It's not my time yet..." Rocket Raccoon struggled out from a pile of messy food: "This stuff doesn't even look edible? What the hell are you trying to do?"

"I hate the theory of lifespan the most!"

Fang Mo said, and pulled out a bag of transformation powder, indignantly told Rocket Raccoon: "I know your lifespan is short, but don't worry, this powder is called the Mysterious Wonder Transformation Powder, I'll try to turn you into a little terrapin..."

"Who the hell wants to become a little terrapin!"

Rocket Raccoon roared after hearing this: "Be normal for once, even if I have a short lifespan, I don't want to..."

However, before he could finish speaking, Fang Mo had already sprinkled the transformation powder on his head. With a 'puff', magical smoke immediately enveloped Rocket Raccoon's body, and soon after the smoke dissipated, a bipedal Siamese cat appeared in his place, looking confused.

"What have I become..."

The Siamese cat first looked down at its own body, then immediately asked Fang Mo: "What have you turned me into!?"

"Oh no! Aireloom cat?"

Fang Mo was also confused and scratched his head: "What exactly is the principle of this transformation powder..."

"What the hell is an Aireloom cat?" Rocket Raccoon was clearly a bit unhappy, as he instinctively checked his entire body: "What kind of little monster did you turn me into, change me back right now, wait a minute... where are the metal studs from the modifications on my back? Am I no longer a modified creature?"

And at that moment.

Footsteps suddenly came from outside the cockpit.

Soon after, Star-Lord pushed the door open and walked in, but he immediately noticed Rocket Raccoon: "Uh... who is this?"

"I'm your uncle, Quill, meow"

Rocket Raccoon was about to curse but even he was startled when the last word came out. He then turned to Fang Mo and said, "Isn't... how does your race come with a natural catchphrase? I can't stand it, change back now!"

"Wait, is that Rocket?"

Hearing this, Star-Lord also realized what was happening and burst into laughter, "Haha, Rocket, you look much cuter now, a little cute cat, eh? Your face looks like you've rubbed it in soot, haha"

"Change me back now."

Rocket Raccoon seemed unable to hold back any longer, directly turning to Fang Mo and saying, "Now, right now, meow... f**k! This damn catchphrase!"

"Alright, alright."

Seeing this, Fang Mo also chuckled and took out a packet of transformation powder and sprinkled it down.

Magic smoke enveloped Rocket Raccoon's body, then slowly dispersed, but Rocket Raccoon had changed into another form - still a cat, but with a coin-like object on its forehead and a more cartoonish appearance.

"How did it turn into a cat again?"

Fang Mo was also a bit startled after seeing Rocket Raccoon's new form.

Indeed, the transformation powder in the game is actually only effective once, such as turning a red hat goblin into a villager, then if used again, the villager will be turned back into a red hat goblin, not transformed into something else.

But something seems off with Rocket Raccoon's current state.

Fang Mo thought for a moment, suspecting it might be the reality effect at play, but if so... does that mean Ah Xue, aside from its current form, can transform into various other forms?

"Did I change back?" Rocket Raccoon, unaware of these details, asked.

"Oh, just a little bit more, don't rush."

Fang Mo snapped back to reality and again took out transformation powder to sprinkle on Rocket Raccoon's head: "This is what happens with the medicine powder from the magic envoy, it's a big failure, wait until it's a great success then you can change back..."

So after Rocket Raccoon turned into Elu Cat, Meow Meow, Chopper, Cool Cat, and a few other creatures Fang Mo didn't recognize, it finally successfully transformed back into the classic little raccoon.

"Thank heavens, I'm finally myself again."

Rocket Raccoon looked at his paws and then let out a long sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Fang Mo shrugged his shoulders. It seems that Rocket, while verbally expressing dislike for himself, actually cares quite a bit about his raccoon image. With this realization, Fang Mo abandoned the idea of further transformations and turned his attention to Star-Lord not far away: "Why did you suddenly come over here? What's up?"

"Bro, shouldn't I be asking you that?"

At this point, Star-Lord couldn't help but raise his hand and point in the distance: "Can you explain to me what's going on with the sword on the console?"

"What sword, have some manners."

Fang Mo said: "This is our new team member, the adorable supreme intelligence kid. She's had enough of her boring days as a leader in the Kree civilization and has volunteered to leave the Kree with me. She's currently planning to debut as a virtual idol, becoming the first princess across the galaxy..."


Star-Lord was stunned after hearing this and quickly said: "What did you bring back? Are you crazy? The Supreme Intelligence is the most revered god by the Kree people..."

However, just as Star-Lord was shocked.

Suddenly, a soft and pleasant female voice came from the spaceship's sound system.

"Hello there."

As this voice spoke, the spaceship's holographic display suddenly lit up and the form of the Supreme Intelligence appeared: "I am the former artificial intelligence leader of the Kree civilization, the Supreme Intelligence."

"Is the Supreme Intelligence this cute?"

Star-Lord, being a lecherous guy, was stunned at the sight of the Supreme Intelligence in the hologram, and then immediately pretended to be a gentleman: "Ahem... Ah! Hello, Miss Supreme Intelligence, I am Star-Lord, the great thief of the galaxy. Welcome to my team, the Guardians of the Galaxy."

"Stupid Quill, I'm the one called Rocket."

Rocket Raccoon protested as well: "And I advise you to keep your pants tight. She doesn't seem fully developed yet. Look at her poor nursing organs; probably only a pervert like you would... Hey, hey, Fang Mo, what are you doing?"

"The history and age of the Supreme Intelligence must be at least a thousand years."

As Fang Mo explained, he picked up Rocket Raccoon from the pilot's seat with one hand: "Alright, you must be tired from flying the ship so long. Go and rest now. Let Quill take over your shift."

"But I've only been flying the ship for two hours."

Rocket Raccoon couldn't help but say, then suddenly realized: "Wait, Fang Mo, you..."

"What about me? I am purely a gentleman." Fang Mo said a bit sheepishly but insisted: "You better not slander someone's innocence, otherwise..."

"What the hell are you talking about? I mean, you better take a quick look outside!"

Rocket Raccoon was getting frantic: "That egg-like white spaceship is getting closer and closer to us!"

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