Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 124: go to the city (1)

Chapter 124: go to the city (1)

Chapter 124 Going to the City (1)

The next morning I came to the school by myself, but yesterday the teacher told me that I would come to get the report card today.

When I came to the door of the class, I saw the students in the class sitting nervously waiting for the teacher. It seems that no matter what age the students are, they are afraid of handing out the report card. In a good mood, he walked to his seat and sat down.

It took a long time for the teacher to come to the class. As soon as she stepped onto the podium, she immediately began to read her name and asked people to go up to get the report card. She was not like the teacher in her original world, who had to say a lot of things before handing out the report card. Everyone panicked because they were worried about their grades.

When the teacher read his name, he went to the podium to get the report card, and he was in a good mood when he returned to his seat and saw the double-hundred result.

Although this result is expected, as a person who has already read a round of books, it is difficult to escape the joy in my heart when I see the full score.

After sending out the grades, the teacher explained the start time of the next semester and let everyone go home.

After returning home, I thought that there seemed to be nothing to be busy these days, so I thought about going to the city.

Now is the time when the incident is fermenting the fastest. There are so many destroyed things in the waste dumps in the county, so there must be more in the city.

Thinking of those treasures that are destroyed or about to be destroyed, my heart throbs with pain. No matter what, I have to go to the city tomorrow to see how much I can save. It's better than being destroyed.

When I came to the kitchen, I saw the wild pork sent by Zhang Xu today, which weighed more than 100 catties. After thinking about it, I might as well make it into braised pork, and then give them dozens of steamed buns with Sanhe noodles. I also feel embarrassed about the ten catties of food stamps and meat stamps. After all, I really don't spend any materials except helping them stew meat every time.

It took an afternoon to make a large pot of braised pork and sixty Sanhe noodles steamed buns. Except for a plate of leaner meat for myself, all the others were packed in barrels and placed on the stove. Follow Zhang Xu and the others to pick it up.

Take out a bowl of white rice and a plate of stir-fried seasonal vegetables from the space. I have always liked to eat bibimbap with braised meat and broth, so I can have a delicious meal tonight.

After dinner, I thought about going to the city to get a letter of introduction, so I locked the door and walked towards the captain's house.

On the way to the captains house, I met my second younger sister, and I told her that I would do something in the city instead of cutting pigweed tomorrow, so she asked me to help her buy three red-headed ropes and three school supplies, because next semester her parents To send their three sisters to school.

After chatting with the second sister for a few minutes, because I had to open a letter of introduction, I separated from the second sister.

When they came to the captains house, their family had just had dinner, and I told him that I wanted to go to my uncles house in the city tomorrow, so I came to open a letter of introduction.

After the captain heard it, he opened it without saying a word. Aunt Caihua heard that she was going to her uncles house in the city, so she asked if she could help her buy some beautiful floral cloth in the city. She wanted to make a dress for Xiaofeng for a blind date. time to wear.

Hearing what she said, I can definitely answer it. Its not a big deal, even if the city doesnt have enough space for me, so I took the money and ticket from Aunt Cauliflower and went home.

When I got home, I looked at the money and tickets in my hand and said with emotion: "It's really not easy for people nowadays. They have to go on a blind date when they are only sixteen years old. People who are arranged to go on a blind date at the age of twenty-eight or nineteen in later generations are so happy." .

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