Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 107: Dark Elf

Chapter 107: Dark Elf

In the game the demi-humans known as the elven race, are a special species.

They use the power of nature to fight.

They are skilled in the art of swordsmanship, hunting and, above all, magic.

Among them there are some anomalies, the first of which are called the half elves.

A cross between humans and elves, just pronouncing that is repulsive to it.

It is unknown why Amy is a half elf unlike in the game where she was a pure blood. That's why her hair is blonde.

But... there is something worse than a half elf, something so repulsive that they prefer to leave it as a horror story.

Something that only arises when a great elf manages to fall into depravity, a state where they turn their back on their roots for a resentful state known as "Avenger mode".

And its name was... dark elf. Something that in the game only happened with enemies who hated humans.

The sword saint Christina became one, therefore, she is an enemy of humanity who will never let go of her resentment.

The village was on fire.




The reason for that was because a fire started out of nowhere.

Likewise, someone was cutting people down... the one responsible for it was Christina.

She had become a dark elf as well as the bearer of the sin of lust.

A man was running with his wife, her hair was pulled by a great force.

"No! Darling, help me!"


Christina who had a hold of the woman's hair, became angry at the sight of her husband trying to save her.

He confronted Christina using a broom.

"You... monster. Let go of my wife."

Christina's black eyes didn't show her resentment, but her white teeth did.

"Do you love this woman so much?"

"Then be together in the afterlife!"

She threw the woman at the man, after catching her, Christina pierced them both with her magic sword.

After stabbing the couple, she went straight to another.

That couple had a little girl.

Christina got angry again and grabbed a large rock from the ground and threw it at the little girl.

The rock was about to hit her, but her father got in her way.

He went flying and after he hit the ground her family went to help him.



The wife used her magic power to help her husband while their teary-eyed daughter watched as Christina approached.

The expression on her face was just like a wild animal.

"This is your family huh?"

"You left me for this woman, didn't you?"

"... You prefer a black-haired woman over mine, don't you? Are you that disgusted by the sight of me? To the point of having a daughter, how despicable you are."

Christina was speaking incoherent nonsense.

It was unknown why she was saying that, but she gave it no thought as she raised her sword.

The girl stood in front of Christina.

"Get out! I won't let you hurt my daddy! Get out, you monster!"

Christina heard those words and the anger inside her only increased.

She quickly brought her sword down slashing the three of them.

She walked in search of her next victim as she muttered.


"It is unforgivable that you are happy and I am not."

"I'll make sure you suffer the same kind of pain as those bitches."

"My resentment against you will never be assuaged, you damned traitor!"

It was impossible to stop a seething Christina.

We arrived at the village and found a very unreal image.

The place was on fire and people were fleeing like flies.

Everyone was screaming while helping others.

Some were injured.

"This is horrible, what the hell happened here?"

"Amy, can you put out the fire?"

I looked at Amy, but she was for some reason stunned.

This is the first time she's seen a fire?

I grabbed her shoulder and she flinched.

"Is something wrong?"

She looked confused.

"No... it's nothing."

"... Okay. Amy, I repeat, can you put out the fire?"

She looked at the flames.

"I can, but it will take time, there may be injured people under the rubble."

"We must help them."

I said that and they all agreed.

"I am the princess of this country and it is my duty to help the citizens."

"The food in this place is very good. I don't want anything bad to happen to the cooks."

"A misfortune like this is not something anyone wants to witness."

Even the guy tied up said.

"Let me help, with this at least I will be able to show my regret in the situation."

I said to Leila.

"Hey, and this guy who is he?"

"He's the blindfolded puncher. He's an enemy of Leila's, but Leila doesn't hate him anymore because Leila beat him."


"Shall we release him?"

"Right now my life is at stake, if I ran away I'd just make everything worse."

Leila gave me a sign of absolute trust.

"Leila trust that he won't escape. I'll break a rib just in case."

"No. Don't break my ribs, I already said I won't run away."

"Losers say anything so they don't look bad."

She released him and I sighed.

"Let's deal with this quickly."


We split up and went to help people.

The moment they parted, Amy floated to go higher in the sky.

She had a memory.

(What was that?)

In that memory she was seeing a forest on fire.

There were people screaming for help, tears streaming down their cheeks.

But that wasn't the weird part.

Amy had never been in the forest before and besides from her point of view, she was looking down on everything from a high place.

She mumbled.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Amy didn't understand that memory.

(Why did that pop up in my head when I saw it?)

When we split up, Livie went with Leila, Amy went on her own and that guy went in another direction.

I went to an area where the flames were growing in intensity.

I saw several people running.

For some reason they were with cuts on their bodies.

I asked a woman who was running carrying a man.

"What happened here?"

She crying said.

"A monster. A monster appeared out of nowhere and started attacking everyone."

She ran away. I looked at all the people running from the same direction.

Since it was a monster that was the culprit, I had to stop it.

My body is still strong and I don't feel tired, I can defeat it.

I ran around looking for that monster, but I couldn't find it.

I searched the debris looking for trapped people and only a few had victims.

When I lifted a roof, I found a family.

I thought they were dead because they had cuts on their bodies.

But the wound was not physical, that is, they were cut by something, but not hard enough to pierce the skin or flesh.

So what happened here?

I asked the girl who had just woken up.

"Hey, are you okay, what happened here?"

"A monster... with long ears and dark skin."

Long ears and dark skin?

A rabbit, perhaps?

No. A monster rabbit isn't big enough to attack.

Come to think of it, where could Christina be?

She must be awake by now or still unconscious.

The family said her body hurt, but it wasn't serious.

I saw them leaving and then an explosion happened behind me several meters away.

A man went flying.

He was crawling on the ground.

Behind him a strange figure was approaching.

I activated my Raijin to help him.

I kicked the strange shadow in the face.

For some reason despite touching its body, it didn't move.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I heard a familiar voice.

I stepped back several feet and when the smoke finally cleared I observed something impossible.


Christina stood in front of me with an appearance impossible to imagine.

She was a dark elf.

Dark elves were enemies of the game, I never gave them any importance because I never encountered an NPC who was female.

But... this is surreal!

She waved her hand and using her magic sword cut the man.

Only his clothes were cut off, but not the skin.

"Why are you doing this Christina!"

She looked at my face and her eyes widened.

It was the first time I had ever seen them.

They were black as a well with no light.


She murmured my name.

"Yes, it's me. Why"

After saying that, she rushed towards me screaming.

"You fucking traitor!"

Christina in a split second came to stand next to me.

I activated my Raijin again along with the Blut.

It hit me hard in the face.

It hurt. It hurt too much.

I shouldn't feel pain.

It's different feeling when I fought Olgren.

I feel an itch inside.

She's hitting me, but it's not my face that hurts, it's the facial muscle that feels pain.

She sent me flying into a half-destroyed house, now it was already destroyed as the central pillar fell.

The whole upper floor as well as the roof fell on me.

Christina seeing Razel, felt her anger increasing with every passing second.

"How dare you..."

"How dare you..."

"How dare you appear in front of me so nonchalantly as if you hadn't done anything! Huh?"

Razel jumped out of the rubble with a great leap.

He cleaned off the dust, his shirt was almost destroyed like his pants, he was even missing a shoe.

He didn't understand what Christina was talking to him.

(What's wrong with her?)

(More important. She must be stopped.)

(I don't know why she became a dark elf, but it is certainly not good.)

(Dark elves are like suicidal madmen, they will die to kill you. That's why I must stop Christina for whatever reason she is like this.)

He spoke to her.

"Knight Christina, why are you doing this?"

"Don't you realize you are hurting these innocent people?"

"If you don't stop this instant it will be bad for your future."

In the game, Christina was a background character despite being an NPC and a sword saint.

Because she was female, none of the players really cared about her role.

For that reason, Christina was only mentioned a few times.

The only time she appeared was in an illustration. Where she was killed by Desmond as the other sword saints during the final battle.

Both developers and players made one thing clear.

Her fate was to suffer and die being forgotten as a mere background character.

For that reason, Razel if he doesn't come to save her now, no one will be able to prevent her assured death.

After remembering that, Razel tried to persuade Christina with words.

But it was useless, she only looked at him with a face full of hatred and anger.

Christina in anger said.

"Do you want to worry about me, at this point?"

"I don't know which is worse. your hypocrisy or how unmanly you are?"


Naturally, Razel didn't understand what she was saying.

But she kept talking more incoherent things to him.

"You've ignored me all this time. Like I've been garbage in your way."

"And, only now you want to show interest in me. When nothing matters to me anymore?"

"The worst thing a man can do to a woman is forget his promises and you're the worst of them all Razel!"

"I don't understand what the hell you've been saying for a while now! Explain yourself better will you?"

"At what point have I ever ignored you or broken my promise to you?"

"We've known each other for a few days now. So we've never been in a friends relationship."


Christina shouted euphorically.

"Are you calling me a liar and a phony!"

"You're the worst of all scum!"

"Just looking at you I can feel how stupid I've been!"

"But I won't let you hurt me ever again! Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel!"

Christina disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"How did she do it and where did she go?"

Razel didn't understand why Christina suddenly disappeared.

"Pay attention to me like you do with those women!"

He heard a voice behind him, as he was turning around he was hit by Christina's fist and sent into the air.

He was coming up over ten feet in the air.

Christina bent her legs and jumped until she was higher than Razel.

She raised her leg as high as she could, it was imbued with magical power and brought her foot straight down to his belly.

The force of the blow was so great that Razel's bones were fracturing.

This was possible since Christina being a pure-blooded elf and belonging to royalty, has a higher level of magical power than others.

She sends her magical power to Razel's body, managing to nullify the effects of the Blut.

Therefore, Christina is the strongest woman in the empire without a doubt and her strength was not something that anyone could say did not exist.

Razel fell to the ground, quickly got up and decided to attack Christina.

He manifested his sword and swung it straight at her face.

But he forgot that Christina was ahead of him by a century. She had been in hundreds of battles.

She quickly used her leg to deflect the sword's trajectory and then using her elbow with her kneecap caught Razel's sword.

"You're serious!"

After saying that, Christina took his sword from him in a move so fast he couldn't see.

As she took his sword, it changed shape.

It became smaller and sleeker, worthy of a woman like her.

"This is a nice gift... pitifully one is useless."

She again disappeared. Razel activated his Hawkeye to notice any slightest movement.

"Where are you looking?"

Christina was above him, she was standing on a magic circle she created in the air.

Quick as a bullet she rushed to cut Razel down.

She managed to give him a slight cut on his cheek, a lot of blood was coming out.

Christina seeing it said.

"That small wound is not even close to being the smallest part of my suffering. You have to experience much more, much more than this."

She rushed to his side, Razel manifested a lightning spear and used it as a sword.

But it wasn't enough to stop Christina's attack.

She was moving faster than Razel as she attacked him.

Christina's sword swayed in the wind.

It seemed to dance along with her as she cut Razel's skin.

Blood was pouring out even though the Blut was activated.

Razel even using neither his Hawkeye nor his Raijin were a match for Christina.

She thrust her sword into his left thigh.


Razel shouted as he fell to the ground.

He tried to use all his strength to pull the sword out, but he couldn't.

Christina stood in front of him and sat on his stomach.

Normally Razel would be happy to have a huge ass like hers on him, but Christina was purposely compressing the internal organs.

She gave him a flurry of blows as she criticized him.

"Since the day we arrived in this county I've been watching you!"

"You've been having fun with those women in different ways."

"Your drool was falling out of your mouth as you amused yourself with them, wasn't it?"

"You prefer them more than not me!"

"I'll make sure that every moment you spent with them turns to hell! They'll get my wrath too!"

Having a mouth full of blood, he said to her.

"... Please take it out on me, but not them."

Christina's fist stopped in midair.

Razel's blood dripped from her fist.

Christina made a different expression this time.

It was an expression of pain.

As if those words had been far more painful than any blow.

In one motion she pulled out the sword buried in Razel's thigh and after tossing it aside grabbed him by the neck to lift him to his face.

She said.


But not in the enraged state as before.


This state was one of melancholy.

"Why do you care about them right now?"

"Do they matter that much to you?"

"They matter more than your life?"

Razel with a face disfigured by blows replied.

"Yes. They are my future wives, it is natural for me to worry about them."

Christina raised her fist and standing inches from his face said.

"If you lose a limb, will they love you?"

"Yes. They are good girls."

"... If you went blind or in a wheelchair anyway, would they still love you?"

"... I said that same thing to them and I'll love them, even so."

Christina's fist was shaking like jelly.

"... If one of them died... would you be sad?"

"I know that one day I will die like them, I am prepared to cry on that day, but the others will be with me. So, I won't be alone nor will they if one of us goes first."

Christina showed her white teeth covered with her own blood.

She drew his face close to hers.

"You say those all pretty words that are only too convenient for the situation!"

"They love you because they're perfect! Their faces! Their bodies! Their personalities!"

"There's not a single mark or drop of imperfection in them! That's why you can say you love them!"

She grabbed Razel's head and their foreheads touched.

"Look into my eyes! These repulsive eyes black as night are proof that a woman doesn't need pretty words!"

"Telling them you love them when they know it's a lie! That's why I hate men!"

"I'm jealous of those women who can be happy with their partners no matter what! While I only seek my own happiness and I'm rejected by everyone!"

"No one is my ally! No one is my friend! No one is aware that I too am a woman like any other!"

Tears were falling to the floor.

Christina was pouring out her heart.

"I... I ask only to be loved, is that impossible?"

"I don't ask for riches or fame. I'm just asking for someone to love me."

"To come home and be greeted with a hug, to ask me how I did, to be interested in me and then to tell me that he loves me."

"... That's all I ask for, I don't care about anything else except being happy."

The sadness in Christina's eyes was of the real Christina.

Her heart was so wounded that she briefly regained her mind to expose her thoughts.

As she wept, Razel lost consciousness for a moment.

(This place is...)

I see. The beatings Christina gave me brought me to this place.

I looked in a certain direction and found Astraea standing there.

"Razel, let me take care of this. That woman is undoubtedly strong, if I were to face her I should seriously go for it, the worst thing is that I can feel the sin of lust is in her."

"The sin of lust?"

"Yes. Unlike my sin of sloth which was based on my desire to die, or the sin of envy of Zoro for wanting to be free."

"The sin of lust is based on emotions, just as the sin of anger, gluttony and greed is based on what your heart hides."

"That woman really wants to be happy, as a woman, her happiness is based on that little bubble called family. I don't know her past, but the sin is manipulating her emotions so she doesn't know herself what she wants."

"If we don't stop her now, her emotions will be out of control and she will become a beast without reasoning."

"By the way, the sin of pride just like mine and Zoro's are based on suppressed desires."

"So hurry up and change with me."


"I beg your pardon?"

I stood up and smiled at Astraea.

"Christina is angry because she doesn't accept herself as she is, she reminds me of a certain boy who also thought he didn't deserve to be happy."

"That's why, I want to save her and if you go out, she won't be able to save herself."

"I will use my own power to bring Christina back to her senses."

Astraea sighed.

"Fine. Do what you want, but, act fast. Her mind right now is unbalanced so she can still be saved."


"Yes. Once the sin attaches itself to you, it will leave you just like a tick to an animal, contaminated."

"That's why you had to defeat me, my body couldn't be saved nor that guy's, this possession had to happen recently. So she can be saved."

"Once this is over, there will only be four more left."

"I promise to save Christina and defeat that idiot."

With those words I said goodbye and saw Christina in front of me crying.

Razel looked at the sadness in Christina's eyes.

He murmured.

"What beautiful eyes."

Both the crying and her tears stopped instantly.

"... What did you say?"

"I said your eyes are beautiful. They look like shining pearls that you only find in the depths of the sea."

Christina blushed at hearing that. She immediately went on the defensive.

"You're lying! These repulsive eyes aren't pretty, they're grotesque."

"No. You are beautiful already."


Little by little Christina's strength was weakening.

Razel took advantage and with one hand embraced her.

"Christina is really a very beautiful woman. Not to mention that it's true that I like your body, sorry to say it like that, but I'm honest."

She was almost in a state of disconnection with reality.

"N-No. I-It's okay... it's natural to be attracted to someone's physical appearance... do you find my body pretty?"

With his other hand, Razel embraced her.

"I'd be lying if I said I never felt attraction to you when I saw you. You are a very famous and respected woman, and no doubt with a body to rival Barbara's, I would be happy to have the two of you at the altar one day."

Christina's ears went up and down from embarrassment.

"Something like that... I've never had a problem with harems. So, if my husband has one, I wouldn't see a problem with him having more mates and sharing you, I'm not a possessive woman."

Razel moved closer to her and Christina looked away from him.

"Christina, I want to have by my side, you wouldn't be the first elf I have with me."

"Th-That girl, Amy, she's certainly beautiful, wouldn't you hate it if your children were half elves?"

Razel's embrace was stronger.

"Amy is my woman, I will never turn my back on my women let alone my children. I will love them all as they all have my blood and are part of them as well. Therefore, if you have my children, I will love them all."

Christina had no strength left, she was completely at the mercy of Razel's words.

"I-if you want... I can gouge out my eyes so you won't suffer shame"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Razel looked firmly at Christina.

"You are perfect just the way you are, the imperfections are what make you who you are. Hating a part of you is bad as it shows that you don't accept yourself as you are."

"Christina, I want you to accept yourself as you are, if you want to be with me, you must not hate your eyes."

Christina was crying, she just nodded and her head placed it on his chest.

At that moment, Christina cried.


He put his hand on her head and then that happened.

A mysterious mist appeared in Razel's subconscious.

There stood Astraea behind the fog.

She grabbed it with one hand and then proceeded to devour it.

In less than a minute the fog was gone.

As she licked her fingers she said.

"I don't remember feeling its presence when I woke up, where could this thing have been hiding?"

The fog had disappeared, but the color of Christina's skin was still dark.

She was crying like a little girl.

Then... it started to rain.

The flames of the place were going out as at the same time helping the wounded.

Razel looked at the sky and said.

"It really took her time to do it."

Amy looked down at Razel from the heights.

She was about to summon rain, but she saw Razel being beaten up.

When she wanted to help, Razel said a few words to Christina.

That made Amy a little jealous.

"You certainly are quite the womanizer."

She smiled, it was all over.

Or so it was supposed to be.

She quickly heard a whisper.

"I found you. The source of the great power I felt."

Amy looked around and saw no one, but that mysterious voice was still speaking to her.

"I always thought you were dead."

"That's why I looked for a replacement for you, but to imagine that idiot just tricked me, it was my fault for believing it."

Near her a mysterious black mist began to form until it created a sphere with an eye in it.

It was a big red eye like fire.

The voice came out of that sphere.

"I'm really glad to see you alive, Amy."

"Or should I call you by your real name, Number 58?"

Suddenly, a strange memory came to her mind.

She was in a white room, someone was stroking her head and placed a tag on her arm, it had a bar code next to it in large letters the number 58.

Amy looked into that person's eyes.

They were red.

She began to tremble.


More memories came into her head.



A strange green liquid surrounding her body.

And mostly, someone holding out her hand.

"Nice to meet you, my name is"

Amy put her hands to her head as she shook it desperately.

"No... you're wrong."

"My name is Amy..."

"That's true... but it's not how you think it is."

"I'm glad to see you. Since I now know you're alive, therefore, that girl is no longer of any use to me."

The black sphere gradually disappeared.

"One day we will meet again, and it will be when 'paradise' is reached."

"So long... number 58."

The sphere disappeared completely.

Amy was still trembling.

She clutched her arms and said to herself.


"I'm Amy."

"I'm Amy no one else."

"... So you're alive, huh?"

The location was the Arklight Empire's inner palace.

A concert was being held for a few select people.

One person was smiling in a terrifying manner while covering its eye.

Removing its hand, it was guided to its mouth.

"You really did it Linhard. You saw my face like an idiot, it's been a long time since I've felt like someone was making fun of me."

"Would you like more tea to enjoy your dessert?"

"Yes, please."

As the maid poured tea for that person, this person thought.

(I guess it's time to speed up my goal.)

(Number 58... Amy... you really are a box of surprises.)

And just like that, that busy day ended, and a new dawn came. But...

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