Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 24: A normal day at the academy

Chapter 24: A normal day at the academy

Hello world, beautiful day as always, isn't it?

I am Razel Bartlet, a noble of the Arklight Empire, of the rank of a baron.

Im originally a foreigner, not of this country, from this world. Since I am a reincarnate.

I died and woke up in a game world, many bad and good things happened.

That's why I was greeting you world, I need your help!

"Guys, 15 minutes left."

The voice that gave a time limit was from Professor Lloyd, a good teacher who has tousled hair and closed eyes with glasses.

We were giving a test, and not just any test. The exam that brought the first semester of the school year to a close.

The weeks after the fight against some kind of giant armadillo were boring.

The upper classes were out of camp as their exams were brought forward.

I'm sweating a lot, my desk is getting dirty with my sweat.

I'm trying to strain my eyes to copy one of my classmates.

In the middle of the second row of students was my friend Derrick, a boy with weird green hair. He too seemed to be in pain as I watched his eyes want to bulge out of their sockets.

I turned to my classmate next to me, Cliff, a black-haired boy in the shape of a bowl with a V on his forehead. He seemed to be crying as well since he didn't know what to write.

It's the same for me since the three of us spent yesterday in an arcade together.

The attractive boy with a dull personality who is my friend like the prince of the empire, Cidfert von Bryes, we call him Cid. He wouldn't let me copy despite the unpleasant sounds I make.

Oh, he turned to look at me.

(I beg you, let me copy you! I want to have a summer vacation!)

Cid was watching me... the bastard covered himself so I couldn't see his notes.


"Hurry up, 5 minutes left."

(Uwahh, I'm going to get bad grades for having fun and not studying! Being a lazy student is horrible no matter what world you're in!)

(I beg you goddess Alexia! Save my ass with a miracle!)

I prayed to the existence that the protagonist in the game should always resort to, and, as if by coincidence, it happened.

"Hands up everyone!"

Loud footsteps sounded in the hallway, and the door was violently thrown open.

As it was destroyed, I watched my salvation, but....

I didn't call for a terrorist attack on the academy as a way to help me!

To make matters worse, not only did their outfits look familiar, I also knew that something like this would happen one day, as it is the most clich event in the games.

Invading a school academy!

A group of masked men wearing knightly clothing with a badge in the shape of a cross of swords invaded the academy.

Every class was disrupted, whether or not it was occupied by students or teachers.

In Razel's classroom...

"Who are you, do you know where you are?"

Professor Lloyd confronted the intruders.

"This is the royal academy located in the capital! You won't get out of this easily!"

One of the men laughed... suddenly lunged at the defenseless professor and thrust his sword into his stomach.


Lloyd spat blood as he fell to the floor.

The students screamed in fright at the sight of their teacher being killed.

"Shut the fuck up you fucking brats!"

"If you don't want to end up like this, come down quietly!"

One by one, but with fear on their faces, the students approached the invaders to be gagged and their hands tied.

Razel's friends were sent off with another group leaving him alone.


Razel made a strange movement as he grabbed his pants.

"What's wrong with you, are you a monkey?"

The invader wanted to put the ropes on his hands, but Razel's strange movements didn't let him do it calmly.

"I have to go to the bathroom!"

Razel shouted.

"I have to let go of a big one!"

The remaining students as well as the invaders made the same face as he said. "Is this guy serious?"

"Because of the exam it gave me a little stomach ache and now seeing my dead teacher made everything build up and he wants to get out! Gaaaaah!"

Razel screamed while doing weird poses covering his stomach and butt.

"Hey, can I kill him?"

"No. The boss said not to kill the students or teachers."

"But I already killed one of them."

"That doesn't matter, but the students are not to be touched, he said."

"Gaaah! I'm going to give birth to a very brown, stinky baby!"

"Take him to the bathroom! If we take him with us, he'll stink up the place."


The invader grabbed Razel by the shoulder and placed his sword near his neck.

"Lead me to the baths and don't do anything weird."

Razel still covering his parts, walked straight to the bathroom.

His companions couldn't believe how scared he was.

Once they reached the bathroom, the invader lit a match.

He was a smoker, so it was normal to carry them.

The bad smell reached all the way to his position, and even away he had to light several.

Razel came out as if he had done the best job in the world.

"Fuah~ I appreciate that. I couldn't get that out of me if I was still in class."

He rubbed his stomach as a sign that he didn't have anything stuck anymore.

The invader came over to take him back.

"You know, even if this was the help I wanted, it wasn't necessary to kill him."

His glib, fearful tone changed to a cold one suddenly.

"It's very annoying to have to deal with events I don't want to see. That includes what you black crows do."

The closed eyes widened in a very sinister way, his smile disappeared.

The invader thought nothing of it until it was too late.

"I never thought they would attack when it's not half a year after school started."

Razel said as he disinterestedly turned the invader's head like a knob.

A loud "crack," echoed at that moment.

He walked unconcernedly near a hallway obscured by the shadows of the trees.

"I don't know how they got him in, but whatever they're looking for, I won't allow it."

A strange shadow grew from the darkness.

"It would be very troublesome for someone to see me. That is why you exist, my alter ego."

A hooded figure dressed in jet black stepped out of the shadows.

He wore a black mask and his smile was wicked.

"It's time for dark justice to do its thing!"

"Let me show you the closing of the curtain on behalf of Licht!"

The mysterious figure called Licht, disappeared as a cloud covering the sun moved.

Students and teachers as well as other academy workers were inside the hall for parties.

Some were crying and others were begging for mercy.

Cid was quiet with Cliff and Derrick.

"I don't see Razel around."

"He must still be in the bathroom. This is Razel we're talking about."

"We should be worrying about ourselves than him."

Cid was halting in a very cold tone, like his role in the game, but he wasn't doing it to be a bad friend. He was saying it because he thought maybe Razel was trying to contact the outside and ask for help.

There were no knights in the room, that just meant they were defeated very quickly, as if someone knew their exact location.

"I don't think that's true, right?"

In a room opposite the party room, there was an old man tied up, he was the headmaster of the academy.

He was the only one who was not with the others.

As he was trying to think how to save the student body and teachers, footsteps approached.

A man dressed in a black raincoat, ropes on his limbs and a strange mask of an inverted crow's beak was looking at him.

"Good morning principal."


"Not even a greeting? Never mind, I'll be quick and brief as we all want to go back to our homes to drink hot chocolate and hug our mothers.

The man's mouth moved, and as he uttered a few words, the director's eyes widened."

"Hand me the document done hides 'it'."

"How do you know about 'it'?"

Crossed his legs the man in the raincoat.

"We have our contacts."

"Now, hand it over to me and I promise nothing will happen to your precious students."


The principal looked confused, but at the same time he cared more about the lives of the students.

"Well, will you tell me?"

The principal opened his mouth, but was interrupted.

"Chief, there's trouble!"

The man in the raincoat turned around to ask curiously.

"What's wrong? It's impossible for us to have been discovered since we infiltrated through secret hideouts."

"How do you know that!"

Ignoring the director, the man reported.

"Captain Silvers ignored his orders and went out to find the rest of the fugitive gentlemen!"

He clicked his tongue.

"Go get that fool! I brought him along just to keep him from nagging that he's not doing anything."


He left the room like the wind the man.

A small group of gentlemen were hiding in a room.

They were listening to an approaching whistler.

It seemed he couldn't even watch his back.

One of his hands was inside his pocket and the other near his sword.

The footsteps stopped.

"Hey, I know you're in there, come out now."

The knights almost made a sound.

"They are not the first to conceal their presence."

The knights who were patrolling normally, were silenced by mysterious intruders taking them out one by one.

Those who did not stay to fight, tried to flee, but the doors were locked and communications cut off.

There was even a magic barrier that prevented sound from the outside from escaping.

It was a perfect infiltration.

The knights were scared, after all, they just did the normal course to be the equivalent of a guard at some school. No, a real soldier.

The enemy in front of them wore the clothes that only the Ideal Empire would wear.

The knights left their fear and jumped straight at the enemy.


"You won't be able to against so many!"

"For the fallen comrades!"

At great speed the swords approached, but it was useless.

The mysterious man smiled as he drew his sword and used it as a one-handed shield.

The knights watched in amazement and questioned how he did it.

The man had wheat-colored skin, muscular, tall, short red hair military academy style and brown eyes.

With great force he repelled the knights and laughed at them.

"Hahaha, it's really funny, I love to see how insects like you guys think you can beat a superior warrior! Now... pay for your stupidity!"

A swirl of viscera and blood happened in a second.

"That's what you get for getting in the way of Silvers the Redhead, the third member of the six strongest fighters of the Black Crows."

A grimace of supremacy towards the dead was displayed.

A group of allies arrived.

"Captain, we told him not to leave!"

"The chief will kill you on sight."

Silvers turned to look at them.

"What a bummer."

They were escorting him straight to the party room.

"I told Volg I wanted some fun, but he puts me on a leash and I can't do anything."

"The boss brought him in since he was being a pain in the ass back at the base."

"Hey, what did you say little shit?"


As they walked, they came to a wide hallway.

"Not long to go, the chief said he'd let you have some fun when-"

Like the blink of an eye, the man at Silvers' side not only stopped talking, he also disappeared.

A gentle breeze was all he left.

Silvers turned to see what happened.

"Something's up-"

At the same time, the caller disappeared leaving only upturned tree leaves.

Silvers couldn't react in time.

Before he could shout anything, another of his companions disappeared,

Now there were only five left, including Silvers.

"In formation!" Shouted Silvers, his allies did so without understanding what was going on.

Silvers moved in front of them, but to no avail.


Shouted one of them as he saw his partner next to him disappear.

Silvers looked to the side.


(What was that?)

Sweat was pouring down his forehead.


Was the sound a man made.

For a second, I saw something move at high speed.

Again the same thing happened.

(It's true! A shadow... a person is able to move so fast.)

"What the-!"

Before I finished what I was going to say, the man disappeared.

(I'm sure it's a person! But it's too fast!)

"Captain, we must get out of here!"

Silvers' mind was occupied with how great it was to feel fear once again.

He had been a fight junkie since childhood.

He was recruited by the Black Crows since he didn't respect the rules.

All his childhood he believed that by fighting with others he would prove that his existence was genuine, that he was not a parasite as others believed.


The man at his back ran off.

In less than the blink of an eye both his presence and his voice left the area.

Only a small amount of tree leaves remained.

(I saw it! I definitely figured out your movement pattern!)

Silvers smiled as he used his sword as a shield, at that moment, a loud crash occurred.


A mysterious hooded fellow in black collided against Silvers pushing him to the bottom.

"Oh? You blocked it, and I wanted to do it in one hit."


Using all his strength, Silvers repelled Licht's attack.

Licht flipped a few times in the air before falling like an acrobat on the ground.

His hood billowed hiding his face.

Silvers' sword was pointed at his opponent.

"Hahahaha! Damn, you're amazing."

He was saying while spitting out saliva.

"I was really bored of not fighting anyone in that place! No matter how many minions I killed, it was never enough."

A crazed expression showed on his face.

"I'm Silvers the red-haired man! Part of the six strongest fighters of the black crows. Since the other three were weak, I killed them and took third place. I aspire to defeat the other two remaining-"


Licht interrupted Silvers' self-presentable monologue.

"Why should I care if a background character like tells me their story? I always hated it when guys who shouldn't have a voice like you talk to me like I give a shit about their lives."

A smile showed on Silvers' face.

"Fine with me, only blood is what should flow from your mouth!"

With quick steps Silvers sword was approaching Licht's neck.

Silvers was a master swordsman despite not being certified.

He was known to many as a monster with a sword.

But that didn't matter to Licht.

He only stepped back as if he saw a car approaching.

The sword cut through the air.

Silvers didn't understand what happened, but he didn't care and without returning his sword, he aimed it straight at his enemy's body.

Once again, Licht put one foot back and did a graceful half-turn.

Silvers again watched as he dodged his attack as if he could see it.

But he didn't. Licht had his eyes closed and arms crossed.

"That's it?"

His face showed anger at those words that only he should say.

"All right you piece of shit!"

Wildly, Silvers swung his sword as he shouted his special attack.

"Sixty-eight slices of the black sky!"

Swift and precise sword movements danced in the air creating silhouettes of the blade.

But Licht dodged them all without even seeing, much less trying to.

Reaching the last cut, Silvers paused for air.

"I'm bored already."

He kicked Silvers in the stomach. He went flying several feet until he reached the end of the hallway.

Blood was spitting out in heaps like a squeezed watermelon.

Licht's slow footsteps echoed at the other end of the hallway.

Silvers didn't know how, but he was running away.

Something like this had never happened to him before, not even when he faced the two strongest of the black raven fighters.

Without even realizing it, he reached a door, as he opened it. His eyes widened like saucers at what he saw.


Just like a horror movie, he found over 50 classmates sitting looking at the blackboard and a man hanging from wires as if he was a teacher teaching.

Their skulls or hearts were pierced.

Blood was still pouring out in that room that reeked of iron.

"That's why I told you I wanted to do it in one shot."

Silvers was startled. It was the first time in his life he had ever experienced this.

Turning around ever so slowly, he found Licht with a sword.

"The guys left around here are less than ten, they're not a threat." By the way, I heard everything.

Silvers wanted to say words he heard from his victims.

"I beg you, don't do it."

"Please don't."

"I will be your faithful slave if you forgive me."

"The hostage situation is no problem, it would only be left for me to take care of your boss."

Without even looking at the man in front of him.

The sword zigzagged making multiple quick slashes.

His nerves were severed, he couldn't see how from the ankles his body was dismembered falling like pieces of flesh one by one.

Before the head was bled, Silvers had his last thought.

(I see. This world is full of guys who are stronger than me).

And that being the last thing he thought, chunks of flesh fell to the floor and Licht closed the door muttering.

"Let's get this annoying event over with."

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