Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 32: Assault (1)

Chapter 32: Assault (1)

It was nighttime when I woke up.

I was hungry so I went to the kitchen to ask one of the cooks to make me a sandwich.

After eating it, I went to look for the girls since this place was quiet.

Not finding them, Glenn informed me that they were out doing the household proud.

I didn't understand what the heck he was talking about.

Barbara was still sleeping, so it was a perfect opportunity for me to sneak inside and sleep on her amazing breasts.

I was ready, but at that moment.

"Razel, it's time!"

Cid appeared dressed in combat gear.

I made a pouty face that I couldn't enjoy those amazing breasts at least a little bit.

After changing, we were picked up by a limo.

The address of the place was the Duchy helipad.

Theres Jake's dad, his son and Oscar were waiting for us.

A large flying boat was anchored waiting to set sail, or in this case take off.

Once we got on, I watched this place with curiosity.

On the outside it was a metal and wood ship from a fantasy world, but inside it was a luxury hotel from some exotic country.

Chandeliers hung with magic formulas that illuminated every area in this place.

Expensive and rare paintings hung on the walls.

One of them seemed to be of two octopuses attacking or kissing each other, I don't know what the heck it was, but I was uneasy about the answer.

After walking through several floors, I realized that this place is very deep and long.

How many meters long is it?

We arrived at a room where the other dukes were waiting for us.

Upon entering, we found Duke Luinberg drinking tea and next to him a man drinking a very cold beer.

The man was dressed in elegant clothes with light armor on his body.

A large velvet cloak gave him the appearance of a barbarian.

His hair was blond combed back, his eyes were blue and his mouth was surrounded by a lock beard.

They noticed our presence and greeted us.

Duke Luinberg introduced us to this man, I already knew him, he was one of the surviving dukes after the end of the holy war.

"Let me introduce you. This is Duke Wimlet, Randy von Wimlet."

The duke stood up and greeted us with a joke.

"Dark nights!"

"Do you understand? It's night and instead of saying good night I say dark, understand?"

Cid and I looked at him with a face like we didn't know whether to laugh or just pretend we didn't hear anything.

A table was set for us.

We sat down and Duke Luinberg proceeded to explain the plan.

"Well, the plan is as follows. A group of gentlemen will be waiting for us at the marked location."

"Once we arrive, the leader will give the order and the attack will begin. Our mission is to infiltrate and take the evidence to show to the palace so that we won't be branded as traitors or terrorists."

Looks like a good plan, I shouldn't stress. I like this kind of thing.

"But there's a problem... I found out there's a very annoying guard there."

His face showed he was clearly nervous.

"Who is that guard?" Oscar asked.

The duke's mouth moved slowly to say words that astonished all of us, except me, well, I feigned surprise like everyone else, but I already knew about this.

"According to my informants, the ash knight of the Ideal Empire was hired as a bodyguard."

"You're serious!"

"You must be joking."

"What is a man like him doing here? And more importantly, how did he get into the country?"

Everyone's questions and amazement were normal.

But not to me. Because this was a game event.

The weird thing is that this event was appearing in the middle of the second year.

The ash knight, one of the four dark knights of the Ideal Empire.

I think I forgot about them, so I'll mention what I remember to confirm that the information is correct with what was said.

The Ideal Empire is a neighboring country bordering the Arklight Empire.

The foundation of the empire I live in was based on conquering neighboring duchies, instead the other empire was different.

The reason is in its name.

An ideal world.

The first emperor managed to get the small neighboring kingdoms to join his cause, making it a country without racism, hatred, poverty or discrimination.

Despite having an aristocracy, the nobles would not use their power to oppress others.

It looks like a good place to live.

No wonder Serge's commoner rebellion event had support.

Personally, I find the situation in the game very strange.

I mean, if it's an ideal country to live in, why do they have these four knights who are an international threat?

The dark knight the duke spoke of was listed according to the game as the second strongest in magical power and the third strongest in physical strength.

As his name indicates, he can manipulate ash, in the game only Oscar and Lambert could defeat him. Although I think it was only because it was indicated by the plot of the game.

Returning to the Duke.

"We are being accompanied by great knights and B-rank adventurers. even if we run into him, they will take care of it."

"Now, let's split up."

The duke looked at all of us.

"We'll split into groups of two; the stronger group will go to look for evidence and the lesser group will go to take samples."

"One duke will be left in charge as commander and of course, that..."

"It will be me!"

Jake's father stood up and proclaimed himself commander.

It was the most egotistical and childish thing I've ever heard from an adult.

Obviously, the other dukes didn't take it well.

Duke Luinberg stood up angrily while Duke Wimlet pounded the table.

"Wait a moment Fahren!"

"Who appointed you as commander?"

"It was me." Jake's father said as his white teeth flashed.

"You've always been like that since the academy!"

"That's right! Clearly I must be the commander!"

"Hah? You too Randy? What are you talking about!"

"Myat, I... I want to feel important as the commander!"

The faces of us youngsters were distorted like a weird drawing by what this guy said.

"It's not fair that only I don't do anything, that's why I'll take command as commander."

"No kidding, you idiot! Since the academy you've also been selfish and childish! That's why the only one qualified to take command is me!"

"You only want to take command because you want to feel important four eyes! Stop pretending you're the smartest, you just want to shove your accomplishments in Fahren's face!"

"It's true! But it's true that I'm the most qualified!"

"Four-eyed envy!"

"Selfish playboy!"

Both dukes looked like rabid dogs baring their teeth.

Jake's father interfered to put an end to the argument.

"There seems to be only one solution to end this."

His look was serious and his hands were raised.

"Eye pinch!"

The index and middle fingers of his hands moved to the eyes of both of them.


"That won't work Fahren, you've been using it always."

Duke Luinberg stopped him by putting his hand in position to intercept the blow.

"Umu, that's right. Blow to the windpipe!"

Like a whip, the free hand moved to the neck.

The duke fell and spat saliva as he writhed.

"Umu, it remains decided then."

I watched with disappointment as these guys behaved like little kids' despite being adults.

I looked at Jake and said. "I'm sorry, I think I understand you a little bit now."

He hid his face in embarrassment.

We arrived at the right place, I couldn't believe it as it was totally different from the game.

In the game it was a nobleman's mansion, but here it's a research center located in the capital.

I get the plan; it would really be bad if we were treated as terrorists without the evidence.

Jake's father turned commander and was on the deck of the flying boat as if he were a pirate captain ready to raid.

In a small boat we split into two groups after getting off.

The strong group was Duke Wimlet, Oscar and Jake.

While the less strong group was myself, Cid and Duke Luinberg.

Before Jake's father shouted for the attack to begin, I said a few words to these guys.

"Idiots, don't die."

I wasn't saying it because I'm interested in their safety, these idiots are still the capture targets and this world is the one of that otome game, for that reason they are important.

Well, at least Lambert and Regulux aren't to me, since one won't become emperor and the other won't become a sword saint.

The other three idiots are different.

These guys looked at me in an annoyed manner.

"We don't need your concern."

"In fact, you should be the ones to worry, we don't know if that dark knight will meet you."

They seem to have energy, that's good.

Jake's father's voice echoed as if we were at a concert.

"The operation begins!"

Explosions in different places occurred.

A fire was going on in the distance.

This operation is perfect for a background character like me. Since I'm sure those idiots will meet the ash knight and we won't do anything.

The power of the main characters is amazing!

Duke Wimlet's group went another direction once we entered through a door encrypted with a magic formula.

While we went the other way.

Several minutes passed since the operation started.

Various fights were going on in the facility.

Duke Fitzclarence was observing everything from the heights.

He received a call on a communicator he had in his ear.

When he pressed it, a magic circle appeared to connect the call.

"Father, there's trouble!"

"Did you find them enemies?"

"No, it's much worse than that! Duke Wimlet is missing!"

"Aah! He's lost, forget it, he'll turn up somewhere."


"Yes. Just carry out your mission."

The duke cut the call short. He was looking at the stage like an actor waiting to make his star turn.

"I want to pee. It's too cold."

Jake's call was hung up on by his father.

Oscar asked him intrigued.

"What did he say to you?"

He scratched his head as he answered him.

"He said it was normal. That we should ignore it."

"Is it smart to ignore a missing duke?"

"They've been friends since the academy so they know each other very well."

"Let's do what we were ordered to do."

"Sounds good to me, that way we'll get to the ship sooner and rub that guy's nose in our accomplishment."

The grin on both of their faces showed their teeth.

"Sounds good to me."

The boys continued on their way.

Time was passing quickly and before they knew it an hour passed.

The boys were lost.

They didn't know where to go despite having a map, the reason was because they didn't know how to read maps.

Lily was taking care of that in the game.

She had to accomplish at least something since she wasn't a fighter.

"Damn, I don't know how long it's been, but the explosions aren't so loud anymore."

"I'm starting to think we missed, it's really irritating to think that guy made his target being ours faster."

"Hey, don't you smell something burning?"


"I don't think so; it's coming from this place."

Oscar pointed to a locked room, turned the knob and as he entered.


They found a pile of papers being burned.

A large man was burning papers on a bonfire.

He sensed two presences and turning around, the boys observed a man dressed as a biker, he had a spiked collar around his neck, his face was long and a scar at the corner of his mouth, his eyes were slatted and his hair was lilac.

Upon noticing the presence of intruders, the man's face distorted.

"But what a joy, toys!"

The man threw down the other papers and then leapt skyward.

The boys could not believe how a man seemed to fly.

The place was a white warehouse, there were many destroyed boxes.

The man positioned himself at a desk with his legs in an M shape.

Sticking out his tongue, he introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you bitches! I'm one of the black crow's warriors, Grendel of ruin! I'm in this place since I was promoted to be part of the six strongest, the current third place thanks to the death of Silvers! I'll be sure to make you bitches feel like hell for getting in our way!"

Grendel's legs disappeared and instead, legs made of swords showed.

As he took a great leap, it was revealed that he used light magic.

In mid-air he pirouetted and a crescent-shaped attack of light shot towards the boys.

"Light magic: sky slicer!"

The pure energy attack hit the spot where the boys were, but they were safe.

"What the hell does this mean!"

Jake shouted as Oscar stood up, he noticed a piece of paper near his foot.

As he read it, his eyes widened in surprise.

"This is -- Jake; this guy was burning evidence!"

"What did you say!?"

Grendel wasn't flying, just tapping lightly in the air and hovering, his wicked laughter echoing there.

"Kekeke, that's right, I was told to burn the evidence so you idiots would lose."

The boys were very upset.

Jake pulled out his missile launcher glove and Oscar's hand glowed a deep green.


They both said.

"Who the fuck does you think you are to fuck with us?"

Both boys faced an enemy looking down at them from the sky.

Their legs began to glow.

Jake loaded ammunition and Oscar was generating a small typhoon in his hand.

"How dare you ruin my chance to show off in front of that guy!"

They both ran straight to fight an enemy that wasn't part of the game.

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