Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 36: Night of the Living Dead

Chapter 36: Night of the Living Dead

The night fell faster than I imagined.

After arriving at the hotel where we stayed, we went to a bar to eat.

Yes, instead of restaurants, they were bars where you eat something.

We were served instead of a beautiful girl or nice waiter, by a fat, hairy guy.

We ordered the only thing that didn't look too greasy or too fishy.

Hamburgers and fries.

Inside that place, there were also several knights like adventurers in one place gathered.

I don't know if there are no more restaurant-bars in this place, so it was strange to see them gathered.

Apparently, more kept arriving every so often.

I was quietly eating my burger, when I noticed something familiar.

On one of the seats, drinking a large mug of beer, was a woman.

I knew her, it was Professor Gladys Wolford, a woman with very masculine short hair. The color was wine red and her eyes were dark amber.

How did I recognize her?

It was simple.

That huge butt was something I couldn't forget.

It was so big and round, the seat couldn't support it and she used two seats.

It was an ass just as big as Barbara's.

I would never forget that, let alone her underwear peeking out a little.

Suddenly, a knight shouted.

"What the hell does that mean?!"

His tone of voice was very loud so those of us present looked at him.

A colleague told him to calm down, but he kept shouting.

"They told us to meet here, didn't they? Where the idiot who sent us the information is!"

He shouted something very dangerous, but there were no guards here so it doesn't matter.

By the way, since it got dark, we haven't seen a single guard here either.

The knight kept shouting.

"We arrived hours ago and we were told to come! The palace sent that guy to give us information and we came! Where is that guy is the question?"

They were all wondering the same thing.

It was weird according to their faces.

While munching on a French fry, I noticed something strange.

The smell in the air reeked of sulfur.

It was there...


That I understood.

The event started a while ago.


A couple of guys were walking with a bottle in their hands.

"The underworld already closed its doors so we missed the fun, hahaha."

"Yeah, the champion will fight today it seems. I wanted to see it with my own eyes."

Both of them were staggering, then one of them visualized a woman.

From her attire, she was a prostitute from the grey area.

One of them approached her.

"Hey cutie, are you up for a little fun now?"

The woman turned slightly.

Expecting to see the woman's face, the man made a frightened face.

From her ears, nose and teeth, black tar was pouring out. Her eyes were stained black, her arteries and blood vessels were marked black.

The woman suddenly reached for the man's throat.


With one bite she tore out his vocal cords and when the man fell to the ground, she proceeded to literally eat him.

"Aaah! Haah!"

Like a hyena; skin, muscles, intestines and bones she devoured as if there was no tomorrow.

The companion of the devoured man was terrified. He wanted to run away, but behind him were men and women with the same characteristics.

All he did, was scream before he was devoured.

"They're ghouls! Run!"

We went outside to see what the heck was going on.

We were shocked by what was happening.

People of different races and clothing were running for their lives.

That was because of those who were attacking them.

They are known as ghouls.

In this world, or rather in the game, ghouls are humans captured and turned into monsters that try to resemble vampires.

They are not exactly strong. But they are very agile and they are also very fierce, not to mention that they feel no pain whatsoever.

Vampires are born through their progenitors.

A progenitor can bite a person and turn them into a vampire.

Vampire babies can also be born.

That was explained in the game since this event never existed. And when Lily and the idiots came to this place to kill the vampire queen. It was in vain.

Not only because the night king before dying at the hands of Regulux confesses to them that she woke up long ago. It was more because of the fact that the ghouls took over the duchy, the weird thing is that it was happening 4 years after finishing the academy.

Why are there events that happen at a speed that shouldn't happen yet?

The answer is obvious. I don't know what the hell is going on.

And I won't think about it.

The knights and adventurers came out of the place and started fighting the ghouls.

I shouted to Cid. "This is our chance!"

While he answered me. "For what exactly?"

I pointed to the place where we were going to go.


The great black tower.

"At this moment the guards should be on the walls preventing them from wanting to escape. We'll use that lack of security to enter the subway tunnels and get in!"

"How do you know that? He asked. I answered. "Because I used my Hawkeye to find out."

At first he looked at me doubtfully, but then he nodded.

"Come on, let's go kick that guy's and that old lady's ass!"

And so, Cid and I went straight to the tower to prevent the event from progressing any further as the moon was getting redder and redder.

Northern district.

At the duke's castle, a party was taking place.

Various high status nobles were celebrating.

They were laughing.

They were chatting carefree.

And above all...

"Ladies and gentlemen!"

They were aware of what had happened.

"I, Duke Granville, want to thank you for coming on this day! Today, the night king will purge this filthy place for us."

Casimiro was well dressed, he also smelled better than before and shaved much of his face.

His heir son was with him.

Like his father, he was obese, but with pimples on his face.

His big belly moved just like Barbara's breasts when he walked, up and down.

A nobleman approached him.

"Excuse me, duke-sama."


"I was wondering what will happen once the purge is over."

Casimiro took a bottle of liquor and drank it before answering.

He let out a big belch and said.

"Almost half a century ago. My father knelt before a man. No, a monster was the best answer to describe him."

"That monster came from a destroyed kingdom where vampires ruled in the shadows."

"The monster came to take his land. My father at that time had the territory in a terrible state."

"There was nothing worthwhile. But that monster told him that if he gave him full control of this land. He would turn it into a paradise for us."

"Without much choice, my father agreed. In a couple of weeks. A large tower was built in the center."

"Came the separation of the districts and in a few days, this place became paradise."

"My father, the feudal lord in spite of everything, even that monster invited him to lunch from time to time."

"He told me before he died to listen to him in everything. And today, the day when we will finally stop panicking about the imperial palace came."

"His plan is to create an army of ghouls in the unnecessary districts and attack the capital. Fafafa, I'm not interested in controlling the empire, just living well. And he said that everything would stay the same if I gave him a hand and so it happened."

He grabbed another bottle and drank it.

"I had a guy leak false information so that many knights and adventurers would come. Right now there must be a war going on over there, when it's all over, in the morning they'll be ready to attack the capital, fafafa."

Casimiro was not a traitor. He was just a rat who did not care about the safety of others, only his own. To top it off, he doesn't realize that Gerhardt is using him.

The northern zone is not being attacked as they are the dessert for when she revives.

Who will be able to prevent this frightening development?

"Things are really very ugly over there, aren't they?"

Three individuals were watching everything from the heights.

John, Clement and Manfred were watching everything from a building.

"What will be the point of this?"

They are not fighting since the letter that was sent to them said that something like this could happen.

Of all those present, only the 3 of them were the only ones on whom the prime minister could entrust the real task.

They jumped from building to building until in a couple of minutes they arrived.

In the center of a square, a large tower stood.

They set foot on the ground and approached it carefully as they conversed.

"I understand sending ghouls to keep people from escaping, but making a massacre is absurd." John said.

They watched as people tried to escape along the walls, but the guards who were no longer in uniform prevented them.

In different places, several conflict zones were taking place.

Clement replied to John.

"Maybe they are doing nothing more than this for fun. Sadistic people really enjoy the pain of others."

"These guys aren't human, they're-"

His words were cut off as Clement grabbed his shirt and threw him back.

Manfred also stepped back.

Clement shouted.

"Show yourself!"

Suddenly, a black mist appeared.

From it, footsteps sounded.



The footsteps were slow but strong.

After a brief moment, a figure appeared.

It was a man dressed in black with a silver mask.

The man had black gloves and on top of those gloves, rings.

Manfred saw him and shouted.

"That look! No, it can't be. It's impossible, I remember you were executed, I saw it with my own eyes. You-"

Clement completed what Manfred was going to say.

"So you're still alive huh?... Jack the Ripper."

This person was not part of the game, but according to the history of the capital several decades ago.

A mysterious shadow wandered at night and killed women. He dismembered them and made art figures out of them.

For several months they searched for the culprit, in the end, they could not find him.

But there was someone who did.

The Werner clan.

Clement's family were not always nobles.

Long ago, when the black crows existed. A family came from abroad.

That family possessed a strange magic, "magic threads". A strange magic that used their sinews from their own flesh to create some difficult to create threads. This was classified as level 4 magic.

That family fled their country as they were treated as traitors. Upon arriving in the empire, they were welcomed to work as the emperor's shadows.

They were responsible for attacking the original black ravens and nearly exterminating them.

They would kill anyone ordered by the emperor.

But one day, that came to an end.

The chief before the current one, that is Clement's grandfather. He killed a child who was framed for something he didn't do.

That made not only the current clan chief, but also his relatives feel like scum.

Then, one day the new emperor arrived.

That man said to them. "What? You want to step out of the shadows? Very well, there are other guys better than you, I give you the title of viscounts so that no one will bother you."

Clement's parents were happy because the darkness did not contaminate them so much. Their son would be born clean.

That made them happy. But there was a problem.

A member of their family, became a criminal.

He used the magic they swore never to use again and killed many women.

Then, the chief's wife pretended to be a victim and the whole clan was undercover.

Many died, but he was caught.

In the end, that man was executed before their eyes.

Clement was still a child, but he saw his cold corpse.

That's why he was surprised that this man was still alive.

The man in the silver mask laughed.

"Hoh. You noticed the trap, huh? It should be impossible for the human eye to perceive."

Jack reached out his hand and touched a light transparent wire which glowed in the red moonlight.

"If you could notice it, you mean you're a Werner, right?"

Clement looked coldly at Jack, took off his coat and handed it to John.

"Professor John, please don't let it get dirty. It's my favorite, I wore it on my first date, even though it was a flop."

Clement walked straight over to the wires. From his pocket he pulled out several two-piece rings and placed them on his fingers one by one as he spoke.

"I, Clement von Werner, son of Nicks and Marie Werner, will be the one to put an end to your monstrous existence."

At the moment he finished placing the last ring.

An intense light shone.

He was an inch away from a wire that was going to slice him.

The wire was destroyed by golden threads coming out of the ring.

"Wire magic: El Dorado."

The wires were destroyed as a greater force shattered them.

Jack saw it and just whistled. He adjusted the rings on his fingers and then said.

"So, how much fun are you going to give me?"

In the next second, they both disappeared.

Jack used his vampiric abilities.


A type of power that only the elite vampires that were created by drinking the blood of a superior vampire.

The superior vampires were those who commanded the low level vampires.

There were four types of vampires.





Jack was a regular vampire, but his power was that of a candidate for a sword saint.

Just before his execution, Jack remembered how a man gave him his blood to save him only if he chose to serve him for life.

Jack accepted as he wanted to continue killing people.

Jack and Clement's threads collided. A beautiful colorful trail left each blow.

Jack used vampiric magic.

"Bloody thread magic: Charlotte's web."

A white web was created in the air. The threads were so strong that they were tearing nearby buildings. Clement was closing in on them, but he didn't hesitate.

"Thread magic: Golden spiral."

As if dancing, he twirled in the air and the threads coiled his body into a golden-colored drill.

The drill and the spider's web collided with each other.

"That's all you can do!"

Jack screamed and broke through his own web. His body was cut, but thanks to vampire regeneration, the clothes did too due to his magic power imbued in it.

He kicked Clement very hard and he went flying straight into a building.


Blood came out of his mouth. Jack rushed over and created fists of threads.

"Bloody thread magic: World of crippling pain!"

Clement was being beaten as if in punishment.

Jack wouldn't give him a break.

"The Werner clan are pathetic cowards! The only reason they got me was because I let them! I was bored with that life, the women in the capital were useless. My artistic creativity was stagnant there, that's why I became a vampire and was granted the position of guardian of the tower entrance."

"I can create all the art I want, being a vampire is the greatest happiness you could ever wish for!"

"No matter how much you cut, no matter how much you get killed, you always come back to life. You always come back to life, it's the best!"

Jack turned to black mist and walked away to deliver his coup de grace.

"Take this! Once I kill you, I'll go get those two, then hunt some stupid bitches, hahaha."

He approached Clement who fell to the ground, he only saw Jack, and his mouth said something that shook the vampire.

"Really. You're a big fool."

Jack was still turned to mist, but suddenly something caught him.

He couldn't go through it even though he was intangible.

As he looked at what was in front of him. He visualized hundreds of very small threads.

The mist state was known as atomization. The ability to turn your molecules into small parts and pass through solid objects."

But these threads were so small and thin that they did not allow a single molecule to escape.

Jack stopped fighting and returned to his normal form.

He looked at everything strangely.

Clement before he fell was caught by a bed of threads.

He walked up to Jack and said.

"Why do you think I almost didn't fight back? It was to create such an obvious trap.

"You're certainly strong, but that's because you're a monster. In life you are only cunning, but being undead you have forgotten what weaknesses you had and that something as simple as a trap can finish you off."

The threads each time joined with others and the golden glow appeared.

Jack shouted at Clement.

"Who do you think I am, you bastard! I'm Jack the Ripper, I've killed hundreds and I'll kill thousands more, my art will be remembered!"

The threads were starting to get smaller.

Clement looked at Jack with a pitying face.

"According to the information given from the prime minister, vampires have a weak point besides sunlight. Their heart like humans is their critical point."

"If you destroy their brain nothing happens since their heart is in charge of pumping blood to the body and keeping it conscious. No doubt they are monsters, but if that heart doesn't pump blood, vampires can't do anything."

Clement showed his hands, clasped them together and said.

"Thread magic..."

A great golden light glowed in that place bathed in the red light.

Jack all he could say before he was sliced into small pieces was-

"It can't be! I remember you, you're-!"

"It's too late for you to try to change your ending."

Clement said his final attack.

"Praying mantis bite!"

Making a mantis-like silhouette, Clement tore and cut Jack's flesh and bones until his heart was visible.

He grabbed it and with his hand crushed it.

Jack let out a scream of agony as he turned to black ash.

"Damn you Clement, I would never-!"

Jack the Ripper's existence ended right there.

Manfred watched him as John opened the door to enter, he shouted to them.

"You two, let's go now. We don't know what they' re planning, but we mustn't waste any time."

Manfred walked over to Clement and handed him his coat.

Before turning and walking to the entrance.

He looked at the destroyed silver mask.

He remembered a day when he was a child.

He was sad because he was made fun of.

Then one day a person gave him something. It was a beautiful silver mask.

He said to him as he handed it to him.

"Do you want to hide your face? Do it with this, but if you wear it, you should know that it symbolizes that the people who judge you are right. Will you still wear it?"

Despite being a child, Clement refused the gift.

That person laughed and threw the chewing gum in the trash.

Years later, he found that same man wearing the mask on his execution day.

Clement said as he walked to the tower.

"Farewell forever, big brother."

Having eliminated his past, Clement moved on to the prosperous future of the country.

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