Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 43: Resurrection

Chapter 43: Resurrection

Cid fell to his knees.

He wondered what happened as blood dripped from almost all over his body.

His breathing was heavy.

What... what did he do?)

Across front him, Gerhardt was seated.

He was looking at Cid in a disinterested manner.

Cid was trying to stand up, but an invisible force was hitting him.

He fell backwards and spat blood.

Then, the coffin that was sealed opened.

A mummy should be in there, but whoever placed a hand outside to get out was a beauty.

A beautiful woman with white skin stood up, she was naked.

Her hair was as red as blood and covered her entire body.

Her limbs were long, so she was very tall.

Her ears, like those of the other vampires, were pointed.

Her leg moved to get out, but she stumbled due to how weak she was.

Gerhardt approached her as he spoke.

"Aah~ mother, I was waiting to see you all this time."

Cid was trying to stand up. Since, the vampire queen's resurrection was successful.

Gerhardt was only two meters away from her, but then he disappeared.

Cid was speechless as in less than a blink of an eye, the man in front of him was gone.

What he did notice, was that there were two holes in the place, through one of them red light from the moon was coming in.

Gerhardt was meters away from meeting his "mother".

Unbeknownst to him, an unknown force impelled him out of the tower.

When he realized what happened, he was falling.


He reacted in time. From his back, bat wings made of black colored blood manifested on his back.

He watched the tower from the outside.

Then, a voice came from behind him.

"So you're the famous night king, are you?"

Quickly without changing his expression, he looked above him at a floating woman.

Her dress was dark blue and shone brightly in the night.

Her blonde hair was as long as it was beautiful, but even with that long hair, she couldn't hide her elven ears.

Her radiant crystalline eyes looked at him as if he were an insect.

She crossed her arms under her large, exposed breasts before speaking.

"There are many things I want to ask you, the first of which is. Have you seen a handsome black-haired boy in there?"

That woman, was Amy.

Amy was asking Gerhardt as if she were the owner of a company inquiring about the balance of overall sales.

Gerhardt rose to stand above Amy before answering her.

"Was it you who ruined my meeting with mother?"

Amy looked at him the same way, but repeated her question with discomfort.

"I asked you if you saw a-"

"Black-blooded magic: Blutbad."

Gerhardt interrupted Amy by casting a high-level spell.

His vampiric ability was to use his own blood.

Gerhardt could manipulate his blood vessels, arteries and anything that is a conductor of blood from his body.

From his body, a large amount of black blood, as if it were clotted, came straight out to Amy.

It trapped her in a prison made of black blood.

A large black cube of twenty square meters was the prison. It was getting smaller with each passing second.

Gerhardt watched the prison shrink, turned around to go back to his mother.


"I heard that vampires were aristocrats with the best education. Maybe that education was nothing more than self-conformism? Since you're not educated."

"Let me teach you manners, when a lady speaks-"

The prison began to expand like a balloon, then...

"It's a man's duty to listen to her."

It exploded like one.

The black blood was falling. Gerhardt just moved his head a little, using his index finger, the falling blood rose to form spinning spears.

"Black blood magic: Blutlanze."

The black spears were spinning at high speed approaching Amy.

She watched without interest. Her hand raised and then.

"It seems that an animal will always be an animal, even if it dresses like a man."

Various purple magic circles appeared near her.

Small winged spheres came out of those circles and small laser beams shot out.

The arrows were instantly destroyed.

Gerhardt raised an eyebrow, Amy seemed to have caught his interest.

This time both his hands pointed at her.

"Black blood magic: Fledermaus."

From her body various blood vessels came out which joined together to form a dozen huge blood bats.

They all surrounded Amy.

Gerhardt analyzed that she was a hindrance to his plans.

"A woman is no match for me. No, the proper thing to say would be that a puny elf is no match for a vampire."

"You filthy tree worshippers may compare with us in our longevity, but your life expectancy is barely a small fraction of ours. You will never-"

A popping sound interrupted Gerhardt's dialogue.

It was half of his body being disintegrated by a beam of purple light.

A blue vein was marked on Amy's forehead.

Her hand was raised, then she snapped her fingers.


With those words, all the red bats were destroyed by the purple spheres.

For the first time in several decades, Gerhardt showed an expression of confusion on his face.

He watched his body regenerate and then Amy in small intervals.

Then that day popped into his mind.

It was the day when the country the vampires lived in was destroyed.

They lived in a human kingdom for centuries.

Gerhardt at that time was 450 years old, vampires can live up to 1000 years without aging.

And since they practice incest, their blood not only does not get contaminated, they also do not age.

The human kingdom they lived in was one where they ruled from the shadows.

They hated the light, so they created a special suit that prevents sunlight from touching them.

On the night of their birthday, they were attacked.

A man in red armor with horns destroyed the castle where Gerhardt and all the superior vampires were.

That night, he met defeat.

He activated his awakening and ended up without limbs.

Quinque was his vassal, but even his right hand lost half his head dodging an attack.

The one who did it came by order of the emperor, he was the demon knight.

As they escaped, Gerhardt watched as his relatives were slaughtered.

They hid in the surrounding area.

When the sun rose, the vampires who were not killed were tortured in the sunlight.

Gerhardt watched as his wife and children were burned alive.

Hours before the attack, his brother-uncle told him that they found his mother's coffin.

They called her mother as she was the progenitor of all vampires, there were other progenitors, but they were related to her.

From that moment on, Gerhardt had the idea to restore her to the glory of the vampires they lost.

They were attacked by the cattle they used.

Such a thing was unforgivable.

Then Gerhardt together with Quinque, went to a place called Duchy Granville.

Years passed and finally the long awaited night came.

He was happy, the reconstruction of the vampires wasn't a dream.

But... intruders attacked his castle and then killed his right hand man and now a mysterious woman prevents him from meeting his mother.

Such a thing... just thinking about it, made the black blood that ran through his veins, the product of hatred sown for several years to form a poison so powerful, it was harmful to his body.

One day, he gave a sample to the humans to see what happened, he wanted to see if it mutated or twisted.

But he got something else, something unexpected.

What was poison to him was an elixir to them.

Then, as if it were a deal between seller and buyer, Gerhardt and the black crows became allies.

The black blood totally obscured the whites of his eyes, it was a sinister scene, his mouth was twisting with anger and his sharp teeth were growing like his fingernails.

His long hair was bristling, and from the bottom of his heart, he cried out.

"I will not allow you to interfere with my mother's resurrection!"

Hundreds of arteries and blood vessels burst out of his body.

They coalesced to form a dragon.

"Black blood magic: Blutdrache!"

The blood dragon chased Amy, she fled.

But it wasn't because she was weak.

Amy came up with one thing.

Let's play with it for a while, I wanted to use it as an experiment, but I dislike seeing it.)

Amy flew straight to the white district, where all the nobles were.

Some guards observed a woman flying, but they couldn't believe their eyes.

Due to the low altitude she was flying, the dragon that was chasing her destroyed the wall that separated her from the other district.

Debris was falling near people and buildings.

Amy was approaching Granville Castle.

The dragon opened its jaws and tried to swallow her, but she only dodged it.

As a result, the dragon was sweeping away buildings and people with its mouth.

Amy didn't care about the lives of humans.

That was because of her past.

She didn't remember much, she only remembered how she was in a dark dungeon with her mother.

She saw her mother being a plaything of the guards.

She wasn't being touched as someone ordered them not to.

Amy's heart was filled with hatred.

The day she was rescued by Razel, she thought about stabbing him. But because of the kindness he showed from the beginning.

She felt warmth. She cried into his chest as it was the first time she saw a trace of kindness other than her mother's.

The blood dragon was sweeping through the small town.

It would say straight for the castle, but she stopped him.

"It would be bad if you razed that place to the ground. My reason for coming here is because of that place.

The glowing spheres near her joined together to form a wall.

The dragon approached and then was crushed by the wall. Various amounts of blood fell like meteorites in the surroundings.

Explosions and screams echoed.

Amy was very proud.

The reason for that was because she was stronger than anyone.

Her magical power was superior even to Lily's if she faced her.

No one could stop her.

Amy didn't understand why her magical power was so great, but she didn't care.

In that sea of flames, a woman floated.

She was responsible for bringing this tragedy upon them, she was just like a witch.

A Witch of Calamity without a doubt.

Amy could take over the world even if she didn't follow the story of the game.


"Razel-sama must be in this place without a doubt. Since, it is our mission to save the world."

Amy loved Razel.

So much, that she didn't think of anything else but him.

One day they wrote letters to each other since he was studying.

She wanted to see him, but she was working under her alias Monika Gramheart to make money for him.

Only Razel wasn't getting that money because he never opened his correspondence.

The money was piling up and no one was claiming it.

In the distance, she looked at Gerhardt annoyed, decided to annoy him more and went flying quickly towards him.

She was a lady, but she could also be very brusque if she wanted to be.

One of the glowing spheres was placed in her fist.

It's fist was headed straight for Gerhardt's face.

He activated a spell followed by another spell.

"Blood magic: Blutmagd!"


"Black blood magic: Schwarzes Fallbeil!"


A black-colored iron maiden appeared to catch Amy, then a huge guillotine manifested.

As she was lowering the guillotine, the iron maiden was destroyed and the guillotine caught by a hand.

Amy was unharmed, looking at Gerhardt with a look of superiority.

She then came at great speed towards his face.

Gerhardt was trying to activate a defensive spell, but to no avail.

Amy threw her fist and it was completely buried in his face.

Gerhardt lost a few teeth and was thrown flying straight into the Pleasure Palace which had a mysterious blue glow shimmering glow.

But Amy wouldn't allow it.

She quickly got behind him and another big blow hit him.

His spine was destroyed with that fist.

Now he was flying straight for the slums.

Amy again came up and from below gave him a strong hook sending him straight into the sky.

And again.

Another hook came.

They were above the clouds.

Gerhardt's body was bruised.

Amy slowly approached him.

And like a candle going out, he let go and he fell straight down to the slums.

But Amy wouldn't allow it.

She felt no interest in the lives of humans.

But as someone who lived in seclusion for many years, she felt a little empathy for them.

So she activated an oversized defensive spell.

When Gerhardt fell, the circle caught him and looked exactly like what happens to an insect when it hits a window.

A large black spot was on top of the circle.

Little by little it regenerated.

Gerhardt's appearance was no longer attractive, let alone human.

He looked like a chiropteran in every sense of the word.

His ears were so large that they almost made him look like an elephant.

His arms were longer and his fingernails grew into claws.

His jaw stretched a little and he looked at Amy in a sinister manner.

He flew away from her flying close to the tower.

He was meters away from her.

But a defensive circle appeared and prevented him.

Amy was behind him.

Her face indicated she was bored.

"I've had enough of these games. I'm going to end this, I no longer care that you are a key player in my research on that pill. I'll kill you right now."

Amy's hand was pointed at Gerhardt.

But he decided to use all his power.

"You don't underestimate me, you filthy elf!"

He raised his hands to the sky and said.

"Ultimate black-blooded magic: Grosse Blutsonne!"

"Come to your monarch, my minions!"

Then, all the vampires located throughout the duchy, along with the ghouls, began to turn liquid.

Screams of agony could be heard everywhere.

This was the "summoning", a game skill he used. This is a spell used by a superior vampire that turns others into vampires or ghouls.

He would give a command for everyone to give him their power.

Above Gerhardt a large black sphere formed.

It grew to the size of a small planet.

Amy saw that and her expression didn't change.

Her hand remained the same, she even yawned.

With all his might, Gerhardt boasted.

"This is the ultimate power of the night king! No one has ever taunted me like you did!"

"I'll grant you the honor of tasting the ultimate power of the night king! In human terms, this is level 6 friend! Hahaha, I'm unstoppable!"


Said Amy interrupted Gerhardt's victory dialogue.

A small magic circle formed.

A laser beam was shot straight at the sphere.

It began to crack into small pieces and after seconds it was destroyed.

As if it were glass in slow motion, Gerhardt watched his ultimate ability shattered.

This time his expression of disbelief.

His eyes moved to see Amy say.

"That was magic level 4. A few weeks ago I managed to go even higher. Now try 1% magic level 8."

Purple magic circles formed in front of her and for the first time she recited a spell.

"Gaia's Magic: Wrathful Lightning."

A small thunderstorm was shot straight at Gerhardt.

It didn't last more than 3 seconds the event.

He was electrocuted to the point that his regeneration was useless.

At the end of the punishment.

Gerhardt looked like a burnt cookie.

His mouth was open.

He was slowly turning to ashes.

He was falling like a leaf on an autumn night.

Staring at the red moon without being able to complete his mission.

A crystalline tear was running down her cheek.

I wanted to bring back the glory to our race...)

We, vampires have no place to live.)

Humans have looked down on us even if we did nothing.)

What's wrong with living as we please? Humans are just like us in using their own, but we vampires don't discriminate against our brothers.)

Mother... sorry for not fulfilling your dream-)

"How annoying you are, just die already."

With those words.

Amy launched an electric attack much more powerful than the previous one.

Gerhardt was destroyed in a jiffy.

His body turned completely to ashes while his heart slowly faded away.

The night king and his subordinates were destroyed.

The lawless city no longer had a ruler.

But someone still remained.

Having seen it all.

The vampire queen didn't say a single word.

Her gaze turned straight to Cid.

He didn't understand what happened, but he tried to stand up.

There was no one else who could fight.

Then, someone grabbed him and he was thrown out of the tower.

He was caught by golden threads.

It was Clement who could not enter due to the fact that he was fighting vampires until a moment ago.

As the situation was bad for them, he decided to retreat.

Cid asked him.

"Professor, why did you pull me out?"

"We must!"

"What are you talking about, I didn't take you out. I was looking for how to do it and I saw that you were thrown."

Cid had a look of confusion on his face.

Someone threw me out no doubt, but who?)

Then, a face came to his mind.

At the same time.

Someone stood in front of the vampire queen.

Her blood-red eyes watched that person without interest.

She opened her mouth and said.

"Are you the one who will grant me my wish?"


She made for the first time an expression. It looked like joy.

"Then, please. Grant me what I desire so much."

Her hair covered her body.

Some kind of black leather armor-suit covered her body.

Boots with heels on her feet.

A red cape on her back.

A crest of a cross over her large breasts.

She was the queen of vampires.

Astraea Gerbera der Trueblood.

She looked longingly at the person in front.

"Tell me your name."

The person opened her mouth and said.

"I am Licht."

It was Razel without his mask.

"And I have come to kill you as you wish."

The final fight in the lawless city, between Razel and the vampire queen, had just begun.

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