Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 58: After the war

Chapter 58: After the war

Two days have passed since the war against Estoria ended.

Estoria's diplomats and the capital's officials were still meeting today.

After destroying the pillars, a fleet from the capital was approaching.

There were more than a hundred flying ships.

I regained consciousness yesterday.

Apparently I had been sleeping for a whole day.

When I woke up, Yukihime was beside me.

I stayed in the room prepared for me in the margrave's mansion.

Apparently Gerald was a traitor and died before his trial.

It also seems that Offrey Household will receive a deep investigation because of what Gerald said.

All is very good as this irritating event is over.

I was resting in my room until Cid came in and said.

"Razel, get dressed in the suit that was left for you on the table over there."

"I know."

Apparently there would be a victory celebration today.

It was none of my business, but according to Cid, I had to go no matter what.

So in a bad way I got up and got dressed.

I want that to last fast so I can go back to sleep.

I spoke very quickly.

"So you were the hero who defeated those creatures. You can tell that the future of the empire rests in good hands."

"You are also the future duke of Rosenberg Household."

"Is that right, wow! The future of the empire looks good with young men like you."

"I would like my daughter's fianc to be like this young man."

A group of old men were harassing me.

Apparently what I did on the battlefield and that I somehow defeated Estarossa spread.

They are also going around complimenting Yukihime, apparently her meals had a secret that made people gain more physical stamina and defense.

She said it was part of a family secret to support the troops.

So in some part what happened on the battlefield was thanks to her.

The old men kept harassing me, I wanted to run away, but I couldn't. I was still in the distance for some reason.

In the distance for some reason I watched Cid, who was together with the big ass teacher, why did they seem close?

Anyway, someone help me please.

"Sorry to interrupt you gentlemen, would you grant me a moment with him?"

Someone came to my rescue, it was Celestine.

The old men moved away from me and she approached me.

"Are you enjoying the victory party, Mr. Hero?"

"I'm not a hero, I don't deserve to be called that."

Seriously, I didn't do anything special, I was just blowing off steam.

"You really are very modest, fufufu. But seriously, after what you did, I wanted to thank you in person."

"So, if you have any wishes, let me know. I'll do my best to grant it."

Celestine was a woman who suffered like Barbara, so I could imagine what she was going through, I wanted to help her.

So I came up with an idea.

"I'd like to do something for you first, so please let's get together when this is all over."

She seemed strange, so she said to me.

"Something for me? Well, I have no objection. So let's meet later in the private meeting room to talk."


She said goodbye to me and went straight to talk to a maid.

I thought it would be over quickly as I want to get back to my bed.


But someone called out to me.

It was a woman I hadn't seen.

"G-Good afternoon, I'm Emily Crossbell, and, you may not remember me, but you saved me that day."

I certainly saved a girl that day, but I don't remember her as I was thinking about finishing everything.

"Err... yes, I do remember. So, what do you want from me?"

"Y-You'll see..."

She looked embarrassed.

"I just wanted to say that what you did that day was wonderful. Not only for saving me, but also as a knight."

Her eyes were making a sweet expression.

"That's why I wanted to thank you. I was able to observe what a true knight was that day."

There seemed to be a misunderstanding, I should clear it up.

"I don't think so. I saved you no doubt, but I don't qualify as one, I just did what anyone should do when faced with that situation."

"If we're talking about heroic acts, it's the people who brought food, who healed the wounded and who works hard to repair the city, they are the real heroes."

She seemed to have bought that story.

"So, if you'll excuse me, I should go say hello to more people."

Which was a lie, I just wanted to leave, crowds of people I don't know make me dizzy.

Razel went straight to escape the party.

Emily watched him with her back turned, her eyes were in awe of what she saw.

"Even being the savior of this place, he is so humble in giving credit to others. I'm so in awe."

"Aah, will this be what they feel in princess stories? Finding the ideal man."

"And what do you need from me?"

When the party was over, I went straight to the living room where Celestine was.

Sitting drinking tea, she had her mask on the table.

Her face was exposed.

Since I already knew her secret, she didn't seem to mind.

I waved and she said. "Have a seat."

I sat down and poured myself some tea.

I didn't like it, and worse that it was barley.

It sounds like something an old man would drink.

When I finished my tea, it was time to talk about my reason for calling her.

"It was delicious, but my reason for calling her was because I would like to know what will happen now with Offrey Household."

She pouted.

"I thought we were going to talk about your gift. You know, I was thinking of becoming part of your faction."


"Sure. I did some research on you and you're the future Duke of Rosenberg Household, right?"

"Believe me for lying and not registering, you're in a lot of trouble with the imperial palace and the adventurer's guild."

That made me startle.

"Wh-What do you mean by that?"

"Well, you lied despite being personally sent by the emperor."

"You never once participated in battle."

"And even if you did wipe out the monsters and invaders of the Ideal Empire, what you did will bring you consequences."


(Saving my skin brought me misfortune anyway!)

(That bastard emperor will certainly not be happy!)

I started to get a little scared, seeking that guy's wrath is not something I want to provoke.

But after a brief moment, that fear disappeared for my reason for being here.

For some reason, I feel different.

I feel... that, if I wanted to, I could take over the world.

Astraea said I had a vampire virus inside me, and the vampires I knew were arrogant, does that mean I'm arrogant now?

I hope not... but what I will do now, is very arrogant.

"Margrave Lautreamont."

"Please call me Celes, that's what my father used to call me and those I can trust."

I called her by that name.

"Madame Celes."

"Just Celes."

"... Celes."

I stood up and with my index finger touched her breast.

"Please be my woman."

She opened her beautiful eyes wider as she couldn't believe what I was saying.

"If it's a joke, it's a bad one."

"No. I misjudged you, I thought it was you who was behind the betrayal."

"Huh? Why did you think that?"

"...Because I was an idiot. Now listen to me."

"You're a woman who despite being betrayed by your own family members, that didn't let it lead you astray."

"You supported the people of your territory despite being in a war crisis."

"Even knowing that your ex-husband was a cretin and traitor, you always had faith that he would redeem himself."

"You are a worthwhile woman."

"A woman who, like the Duchess Rosenberg, is worth having by my side."

"Huh? What's the Duchess got to do with it?"

I told her the truth about Barbara.

"After saving the duchy and getting engaged to her daughter. I took the duchess as my lover. She is looking forward to having our child. And I want you to be like her too."

From the look on his face, I couldn't believe what I was saying.

"That sounds like something out of an erotic book. Taking mother and daughter, aren't you afraid your future wife will cut you? There have been cases in the past of jealous wives cutting off their husbands' manhood."

I won't lie. That did scare me.

But I'll tell the truth to Eli and Lily one day... and I hope they just beat me up.

"I'll talk to them when their time comes. But until then, I'll still be sleeping with my mother-in-law and I want you in that bed too."

She laughed a little.

"What you're saying is a very funny thing. You want to have mother and daughter in a harem. And now you want me, but you haven't considered this. What if I refuse, what will you do, will you beat me, threaten me or extort me for it?"

I answered her immediately since she doesn't seem to believe me.

"I will leave you alone. If you don't want to that's fine, but I'll still help you with it."

"You'll help me with what?"

I moved closer to her face, she seemed to avert her face.

"I will remove what torments you so much."

I placed my right hand on her cheek.

I immediately felt as if a vacuum cleaner was turned on and my hand was holding it.

I watched as little by little something similar to a mist traveled across her body and was directed to my hand.

I was frightened as that thing might come up to me, but it stayed in my right hand and just like a toilet, disappeared without a trace.

After a few moments, Celes' face began to take on a different appearance, I said to her.

"Please look at yourself in a mirror."

She was hesitant at first, but after giving several glances at me and the nearest mirror, she stood up.

Slowly she approached and in a shy manner with her eyes closed she looked into the mirror.

As she opened one, the other opened instantly.

She couldn't believe her eyes, but I could.

I was doubtful that Astraea was lying to me about being able to remove curses.

But it was true.

Celes was looking at her original face.

A beautiful mature woman's face was reflecting in the mirror.

Tears were coming down with every touch on her skin.

"Aah... aah... aah... ahh..."

Then she took off her gloves and looked at her hands and mutually their fingertips were touching.

She looked like a little girl crying over spilled ice cream.

Then she took off other parts of the material covering the dress and there I saw them.

Two huge, perfect round fruits for breasts she had.

She took off her dress and was now in her underwear.

Celes observed that even her round white ass was normal.

After touching her breasts and checking that even the pink part, which was sagging, was normal.

She went running straight to me.

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

"You don't know how much I appreciate it! But how did you do it?"

I couldn't tell her the truth as she wouldn't believe me.

"Let's just say that my magic attribute works miracles, hahaha."

After saying that, Celes kissed me.

It was an awkward kiss from a woman who had never experienced that.

It reminds me of when Amy and I kissed for the first time.

Our noses even touched.

After our lips parted she said.

"If you want me to be your ally or your lover, take it for granted. How could I not be the wife of the man who saved my territory and me. Giving birth to your children would be the second greatest happiness after what you just did."

I was getting in a good mood so I told her.

"I think you can do this for me."

I was in a room made exclusively for me.

It was arranged by Celes.

Someone was knocking on the door, I knew who it was.

"Come in."

I said and the door opened.

There, four beauties were in night clothes to sleep.

Celia, Evelyn, Yukihime and Celes.

Their underwear was visible, their big breasts were in small bras, making them bigger and firmer, with the exception of Yukihime.

She already has them so big that her hair covers the center part.

They burst in and jumped on me.

I watched as their breasts hung down and came close to my face.

"Time to give the hero some gratitude."

Celes said being the first to get into position.

She and Yukihime were virgins, so it was my turn to be gentle.

The night was so long and hard, I ended up unconscious by morning.

"How did it go?"

In a carriage, two men were having a dialogue.

"Normal. I was just obeying orders."

Wolf was sitting with his arms crossed looking at a man.

That man was young and had a beard the same color as his hair.

It was Dylan, the other duke of Estoria Kingdom.

"You see, I wanted to know again if you would lend me your help?"

"My answer won't change, no is no."

"Hahahaha. You are very honest."

"It's not that, it's common sense. What you plan has a high chance of failure, that would lead to my ruin."

"My head would be in the Bingo Book no doubt."

In the game, players upon entering the guild had the option of checking a document called a bingo book.

They called it that since it was randomized the mission to catch a criminal.

Even if you used Lambert to broom you to the dark guilds, you would find its counterpart, the bible black, which is where people like the emperor or Jake's father were and offered an incredible bounty on their head.

"That's not going to happen."


"Because... the plan has already moved to the next phase."

Wolf raised his eyebrows at that news.

"We got the king's backers to split, now we won't be able to move on to phase two, recruiting you. After that we'll move on to phase three."

"You make it sound like I'm joining you, what makes you think I won't betray you?"

"Simple. You're a man who lives by his desires. You didn't become a hero because you liked serving your country."

"After all, this war was just an excuse to send you away to prevent those who would rebel against us from trying to recruit you."

In the game, the war broke out because of Celestine who wanted to betray the empire. But what Dylan says doesn't match what was scheduled in the game.

Again, the events of the game and life on this planet are out of order despite going in the same direction.

"Even if I had to pay those empire pigs, it was worth it. What do you say Wolf, want to join the winning side?"

Wolf looked out the window, they already entered Estoria's territory.

"I didn't kill that saint as it would have provoked more sword saints to come and that would have been bad for me. I heard that the empire has a monster watching the emperor's back. I'm not an idiot to fight a war that brings me no benefits, but I want you to know this."

"I will betray you if I see everything going wrong, and I will take your head if you betray me."

Dylan burst out laughing before replying.

"Hahahaha, you're very honest, but you shouldn't say that in front of your next king."

"What are you talking about? The next king is the crown prince."

Dylan looked out the window before replying.

"I talked that over with the crown prince and we came to an agreement, so phase three will start when you accept, then final phase will come."

"What is phase three?"

Dylan flashed a terrifying smile.

"Kill the king and then take over the country. I already have many on my side, we just need to get rid of that old man and everything will run like water from the river."

Unbeknownst to him, another event in the game was transpiring. That event was one that would bring pain and suffering to the people of Estoria.

An event, which also involved a villainess.

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