Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Epilogue (Volume 7)

Epilogue (Volume 7)

In the garden of a large residence stood a man trimming some bushes.

He was a big man, he was so big that he could be mistaken for a bear because of his beard and hairy arms.

The man was Razel's father, Roland Bartlet.

He was working.

As he was the head of a small house of barons with no territory, he had to work hard to put bread on the table.

He knows about his son's situation, it would even be normal for Razel to give his family a pension.

But his parents said.

"That money was earned by you. We don't want something you worked hard to get."

The parents wanted their son to live comfortably.

That's why they didn't bother him with petty things like financial problems that they don't have despite living on a daily basis.

Razel's mom works part-time and the pay is good while his dad gets good money because his passion is making artistic decorations.

The man who hired him was amazed at how he turned a small bush into a carousel.

Or the big bush he was cutting was now a Pegasus.

He approached Roland and commented.

"It really is impressive what you can do. I thought it was a mistake the recommendation when I saw you."

Roland who was standing on a ladder turned to look at him.

He seemed to be angry at that comment, but that was the look on his face.

"I understand. My wife says I should improve my smile, but I tell her I can't since I'm not someone who likes to smile much."

With those simple, but imposing words, Roland went back to work.

He was using scissors that would normally take two hands to cut in one hand.

With the other hand he would arrange the bush to look beautiful.

The owner of the house watched as this big man with the frightening face made such fine and delicate art.

Roland finished cutting and went downstairs to sit down.

Before he did he remembered something.

"Right. I must get rid of that."

He pointed to a tree which was on the ground, broken because it was so old.

"Excuse me, where can I put that?"

"Emm, over there is fine."


He approached the tree and put his hand on it. The owner said to him.

"Hey, hey, you're not thinking of picking it up are you?"

"No matter how big you are, that tree is a special kind which takes several people using reinforcement magic just to move it a few inches. Your back will hurt if you try"

He heard an unimaginable sound.

It sounded like someone was driving an axe into the tree, but the sound was followed without stopping.

He watched as Roland buried his fingers and in one motion lifted the tree that weighed more than a truck and half as much as a passenger bus.

The man's mouth dropped open as he watched Roland carry the heavy tree as if it were a sack of potatoes.

He set it gently on the ground, but even with that the tree made the earth tremble slightly.

Roland wiped his hands and commented.

"It's my lunchtime."

The man approached him and asked very exalted.

"H-H-H-H-H-H-How come you can do this!"

Roland simply replied.

"My family genetics have always been strange, our bones and muscles are strong and flexible. In my case it's because I inherited a lot of my ancestor's genetics, is what my father said."

Roland Bartlet, a normal man who possesses a strange and ridiculous physical strength which his children are not known to have inherited.

A new morning had arrived.

It was Monday and today was the start of the new semester at the academy.

Which means we reached the halfway point of the prologue.

I have made many friends, allies and above all I have defeated several threats.

Currently there are many more, like for example the demon king who is sleeping in one of the beds in the mansion.

Or that old knight is still breathing.

Or the other demon kings that don't appear yet like the remaining dark knight.

The Ideal Empire and the Black Crows are enemies I can ignore as they are getting weaker.

After breakfast I changed into my uniform.

The girls entered the room where I observed the new uniform the academy prepared for us.

"Razel, we are ready now."

"I'm excited to enter a new school year."

"I want to stay on vacation. I miss the beach, I got a nice tan."

"Celia-chan, you shouldn't say that when you were barely saved from going to supplemental classes."

They weren't the only ones to come in, Celes and Yukihime came in as well.

"Honey, I want to spend more time with you, but I was informed that they need my presence at home. I'm very sorry I have to leave now."

"Razel-sama, I will accompany Celes-sama to her territory as she informed me that there are many demi-humans belonging to Kamishiro who are there. I want to help them in some way, so I ask your permission to stay for a season."

"You don't need to ask my permission, you can go whenever you want."

"In that case..."

She came up to me and gave me a kiss on the mouth, Celes did too.

"Alright, we'll be on our way. It's going to be a tiring trip so we should leave as soon as possible."

"Goodbye everyone."

They said goodbye to the girls and me.

It's a little sad that my harem is splitting up, but they all have their own lives and it's normal for them to have their own things to do.

The next people to come in were Leila and Amy.

"Master, help!"

"I told you my ears are real."

They were being assaulted by the twin lolis, Claudia and Sophia.

Sophia was squeezing Leila's tail while Claudia was hugging Amy to touch her ears.

It was a very comical scene.

I laughed and we fixed the situation.

We were about to leave, Glenn went to get the limo ready.

Cordelia who was in her maid outfit came from a hallway to inform me.

"Razel-sama, Madame is calling you to the office."

"To the office?"

"... Is it something erotic this early?"

"In her condition she was already warned that doing that can be harmful, besides they are all waiting for you."

"All of them?"

I was intrigued and went along with her.

"... This is..."

Inside the office were the girls and Barbara.

Which was smiling in a very cute way, but her smile was very wicked in a good way.

"You look really cute, Tina-chan."

"Guh... this is embarrassing."

Christina Tina, as she wants us to call her now, was wearing a maid outfit.

The weird thing was that the costume was very erotic for a cosplay type outfit.

The skirt was so short that the underwear was visible.

Black stockings as high as they could go squeezed those plump thighs.

Two pigtails at the sides gave her a cool, teenage girl feel.

The chest part was so tight that Tina's huge breasts looked like they wanted to pop out of their sockets.

To humiliate her further Barbara handed her a headband in the shape of cat ears.

The skirt came with a cat tail so it looked very cute and erotic.

Tina was in tears.

"Madame, this is very humiliating for someone who was labeled a sword saint in the past. Please let me dress more appropriately!"

"I refuse. It is my revenge I mean, it is my way of training you. Since you will be Razel-kun's woman now, you have to train your ero side. It's not because I'm envious that you're a woman 100 years older than me and you look so young."

"You just said it's for revenge!"

"I didn't say it, you make things up."

"You just said it! Everyone heard it!"

Cordelia put her hand on her shoulder.

"You get used to it eventually!"

Tina yelled.


"I don't want to look like a pervert and at my age even less so!"

"The best revenge is the one where you feel the humiliation of the victim."

"You revealed that without a doubt it's revenge!"

I laughed, they all did.

I looked at the girls.

But more at Eli and Lily.

This year will be a big one since the events of the game are destroyed or distorted, but it doesn't matter.

Since I will defeat them all to save this world.

Like Razel.

As Licht.

As a background character, I will prevent the bad ending.

No one will stop me!

Meanwhile in another place. To be exact, the destroyed Weissman castle.

The knights came to inspect.

Nothing was found, everything was destroyed.

What they could salvage they took to the capital for study.

In the middle of the dark basement where the faint moonlight shone, a strange hole opened up.

It gradually expanded until it was the size of a small door.

A hand came out of it, then another hand which kept expanding the hole.

After a while Linhard's head emerged.

It had somehow managed to survive Amy's attack.

Linhard took out half of his body and then was ejected to the ground.

His magic armor was shattered.

He sighed, but still sang victory.



"Damn you, number 58, if my intellect wasn't superior to yours, you would have beaten me."

"I managed to discover the secret of how to undo your spell, to reach my spear I lingered many years in there."

"I swear you will repay me, I will take revenge on you and all of them."

"Unlike in the past, this time I will kill you with my own hands."

"Who are you going to kill, Linhard?"

A mysterious voice spoke to him from behind.

Linhard had no strength, he turned around and observed a silhouette in that darkness.

The silhouette had red eyes.

It spoke to him in a tone of disinterest, but with much anger in its words.

"I was surprised to hear that. Number 58 is alive."

"Wasn't she dead, Linhard?"

The mysterious figure was still staring at him with furious eyes, Linhard tried to stand up, sweat sliding down his forehead, nose and cheeks.

"W-Wait a moment please. I understand that you're upset with me."

"B-But I made it a purpose!"

"She would never have served to reach the 'paradise', it was a failure in every word the research I did with her!"

"Who decided that, you?"

"Yes! I made that choice based on my personal analysis and response!"

"That woman is a flaw as she had feelings and pain. I remember you saying you needed her to be someone who was emotionless and didn't cry."

"She always cried, even creating an identity for her was unnecessary. In that case it would be your fault and not mine that she failed."

"It's certainly my fault for giving her a background. But to go so far as to destroy emotions one must break the heart and mind."

"You, who have never felt love for anyone, don't understand how powerful a broken heart and mind is."

"But leaving that aside, it really bothers me that you did something without permission. And you know..."

That mysterious figure raised its hand.

"I'm someone with a great resentment towards traitors."

And snapped its fingers.

Behind Linhard a strange magic circle appeared. The drawings, writing and runes on it were strange.

Not to mention that it was red.

Something was emerging from that circle.

It was a large red door, decorated with black skulls and chains.

It looked like something had scratched it.

That person said.

"This is your punishment for traitor, and also the end of your role. You were an excellent pawn, but you will never be a queen to protect the king."

"Open up, Gehenna Gate."

"Bon voyage to pandemonium."

Two of the locks were removed and at that moment mysterious voices were heard from within.


"Fresh meat!"

"I want it myself!"

Red eyes in a black void glowed.

Several black hands with sharp claws grabbed Linhard's legs.

They were dragging him inside.

"We're going to have so much fun with you!"

"It's been a long time since I tasted a human!"

"The heat from hell will turn you into a skewer in seconds!"

Linhard's feet were inside, he was crying because of the heat he felt as the pain of the claws burying into his flesh.

"Wait please! What do you mean pawn?"

"You've always helped me! Thanks to you I was able to learn about the wonders hidden in this world! In the same way I've helped you advance in your desire!"

"If it weren't for me, you would never have found the Minor Grail!"

That person's red eyes looked at him without interest.

"That is irrelevant. I would have arrived at the same solution with or without your help."

"You're lying! You told me yourself that it was thanks to me that you were able to arrive at that solution!"

"About that... I lied. I was bored."

"I respected you as a brilliant mind just like mine!"

Half of Linhard's body was sucked through the door.

Black hands grabbed his back and slowly pulled him inside.

Linhard had no choice but to hold on to the door to keep from entering.

"That's why I put your name on mine! To show whom I respected!"

"That's unnecessary."

The red-eyed figure turned around and spoke its final words.

"Goodbye, Linhard. I had so much fun watching you grow up and in helping you with your experiments, it reminded me of the old days."

"Even when you sent a virus into the lawless city slums to test 'your bacteriological weapon' which only works on adults. Ideal's people paid you a lot, but it doesn't do them any good that the range is so short."

Before Linhard's head was sucked in whole, he said an unimaginable man.

"Please help me, Professor Epstein!"

Linhard's head was sucked in, and the door closed. It slowly descended and the magic circle disappeared.

That person Epstein, stood thoughtfully watching the scene.

Then he walked out of the castle and the sunlight hit his face.

He commented.

"It's a beautiful golden dawn."

"It's the kind of sunrise I like, because thanks to you Amy, my project will move forward smoothly, so I must help you get over you and I will advance several steps in seconds."

Smiled and disappeared from there.

Epstein had arrived at a strange place, everything was dark.

He opened a door and said.

"Hey, Brain, you've got work to do."

In that darkness some lights came on.

A man was reading.

"Hmm? Really?"

"I thought I'd never get out of here."

"It's time for you to work. At last our deal will begin."

Brain smiled.

"It can't be helped. I must help my benefactor."

"When will that be?"

Epstein smiled.

"At dawn tomorrow. When the sun rises you will begin."

Somewhere else in the world. On top of a castle made of wood.

There was a "man" sitting.

He heard footsteps approaching.

A voice spoke to him.

"Izel is dead. Desmond killed him."

Said a large man with horns coming out of his forehead which curved backwards.

His hair is white and his gray eyes have no eyebrows.

The man was one of the four demon kings, Iskandar of Tyranny.

"I see. It's sad that Desmond killed one of our own."

Replied someone sitting on a railing.

He had seven black wings on his back and seven horns forming a grim crown.

As he turned around, his seven rainbow-colored irises looked at Iskandar sadly.

He was the final boss, the main demon king, Faiviel of Annihilation.

Faiviel said to Iskandar.

"Was it just as you saw it in your visions?"


"Two monsters of the same level fighting on a secluded island, the winner ended up sad, was what I saw and Tameemon reported."

"If you knew it was going to end up Izel dead, why didn't you avoid it?"

"You can't change fate, what I see is something that will happen whether we want it to or not."

"Like the time I saw how Xerxes died at the hands of two humans, or the time the tower that pointed to the red moon was destroyed by a shadow that thinks it's light."

"I saw it in my vision, that was going to happen."

"I understand."

"Now what's next?"

Iskandar said looking up at the sky.

"I saw it. Before the chosen day, there will come these events that will shake this world."

"A giant turtle will spit its venom into the earth."

"A great long-necked dragon will attack a butterfly protecting two innocents."

"A living mountain will eclipse the sky due to sadness."

"And finally, the day when the light is extinguished where the other stars dwell, it will be our day."

"I see."

Faiviel stood up and asked.

"The day when we purify this world of human filth will come soon it seems."

"What say you, will you again offer me your help."

"Iskandar of Prayer?"

Iskandar replied.

"I swear it in the name of the goddess Alexia."

"Faiviel of Salvation."

Faiviel smiled.

"Soon will be the day where this world will be saved... the monsters called demons will no longer live in fear of humans."

"The day of the 'rose' will come."

The declaration of the end, the event of the final war, is already marching and no one will be able to stop it.


Golden Dawn Arc completed.

Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background, end of volume 7.

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