Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 10 - Chapter 509 - Strategization in the Long Homeroom!

The time flew away, and soon, the interclass battles were just around the corner—mere one week away.

I had my plan to hold another mass interview for the «Eden», and also to challenge the C-rank guild, but I felt it would be better to tackle the looming interclass battle, which would be our first, and switched our priority.

“Also, by displaying our prowess, we may get more reach among the excellent student body for the upcoming recruitment,” were the advice of Misato.

On other hand, it was also a momentous event that would decide each class ranking, and I did want everyone to be in the same class. A much of members, like Rina or Mert, had already been polishing their skills to aim for Class 1.

This week guilds activities had been cut short for this reason, rest it’s optional. But it was a pity at the same time, we would have to wait for another time to reveal our advanced jobs to them. No wait, I think… the stage for interclass battle might turn out the best for this.

“It sounds great! Yeah, let’s practice for the time being, and when we’re on the main stage, we would then astounded everyone with our cool abilities!”

So was Lana’s speech.

Training, huh? Right, in reality, it was important to get yourself familiar with your jobs. (Eh, isn’t it true for games too?)

The jobs often had correction forces acting on the user. They instill a ‘natural knack’ on how to operate it, but a knack didn’t translate to ‘proficiency.’

I mean, they're advanced jobs, right? Wouldn’t you want to crawl into a hole of never returning after embarrassing yourself by fumbling at the main stage? So Lana was just right, it would be better to train ourselves now, so that we could proudly showcase our abilities.

Heehee. The next was the perfect stage. Lana and I grinned at the same thought.

Anyway, returning back to the main point, we would be focusing on preparation this week.

If there was someone who wanted to clear doubts about skills or SUP, then I was acting as their go-to guy. Meanwhile, rest who had needed more practice or wanted to level up were diving in the dungeons.

As for me, I settled my time to strengthen our equipment.

And the result of my passionate effort was my equipment—Firmament series, reached the level to contend against even the adv-low dungeon.

The other stuff I had focused more on were a metal helmet—«Phoenix Helmet», which resembled the design of a circlet for forehead, silver boots «Break-In-Boots» with whiter tint, «Shirogane Gauntlet» with the same color scheme as boots, «Hero’s Garb» for body equipment (1)---which was worn under «Firmament Armor». And yes, it had been all to boast my defensive power.

Each piece of equipment was something we had gotten from Int-mid’s drop during the summer vacation.

It had been skipping much on my own equipment due to the extreme «VIT» of «Brave», and also because I barely had been playing as a tank to consider them. Albeit, I was reaching the limit to sustain myself in the Int-high dungeons. So I decided it was a full makeover item.

Assisting me in coordinating my getup had been Marie-senpai—though I also used the last ‘free ticket’ in doing so. But It was worth it, and I was sure they would carry me to the Adv-low dungeons. After conquering it, I would have to renwe them again however.

The time after the classes went on peacefully in such order.

Long homerooms become the norm for the time period, allowing everyone to use this time for strategizing, or intel gathering. Given how it was freshmen’s first take on interclass battles, and more so that it would decide their ranking, none wore anything but a serious expression.

“The interclass battle focuses on ‘Capture the Base,’ one of the many features of guild battle. You split into teams for offense and defense, and strategize your way to get into the enemy’s base, and to stop their invasion. You should, however, keep it in mind that a selfish action of your willn’t just affect you; it may catch the whole class altogether.”

Standing atop the teacher’s podium, I prefaced myself with the said words.

As for why I was at that place, well, as someone who had never faced defeat in the guild battle, also being the guildmaster of first-year’s strongest guild, I was now the leading character in this show. Hehehe, and since everyone had so passionately wanted me to lead them, I had shown them the glorious path of undefeatable! Fuhahaha!

Aside from me, and by my side, was Sierra, as she jolted down the important tid-bit and touch up on the blackboard.

There was also Misato on the podium, who, too, had been jolting my words…albeit she had been doing on her «Smartphone».

The complete details would be later shared to everyone’s DM after the end of the meeting. However, there was apparently some kind of protection added to them, so no one should be able to share them with a third party. So, it’s completely top-secret. As usual, isn’t the world too sci-fi for a fantasy? But all hail the convenience!

Ahem, let’s proceed on with the meeting.

“Any objection…… doesn’t seem so, so moving on to the next point. Let’s settle on the offense team, and defense team. Anyone would like to vote for themselves?”

My words had just dropped, when the four boy by the hallway side swiftly raised their hands. They’re the good faces of «Best of the Best, the Great Star». Oh, and then also shot up five beef hands from… «Machos», even flexing the muscles by making them thump. It’s not a bodybuilder show, guys.

“......Them Saturn, let’s start with you.”

“Put us, «Best of the Best, the Great Star», on the raid team, Zephyr. I promise we will turn their stronghold upside down.”

He said, wearing an air unlike before. His expressions were too sharp for a mere candidacy time!

“We, the «Machos» would like to take on the role of attackers as well. We will show them why muscles are musclevincible!”

And continuing after him, the guildmaster of «Machos» suddenly pitches in, albeit on his own accord. They both shot off eager vibe.

Sure enough, they were acting just as I had expected them to be after having that discussion.

They… especially the «Best of the Best, the Great Star» had no hope. They obviously wouldn’t be able to showcase themselves if they're delegated to the defense force. Their hope was in the offense team.

To say, either part was just as important, but there was no better place to appeal to yourself than in action. Though there lurks the danger just as much.

I signaled Misato and Sierra, who then wrote down names of «Best of the Best, the Great Star» and «Machos» under the raid team column.

“Raid team would be able to coordinate better when moving as in guild unit. Put four of «Best of the Best, the Great Star»’s name and five of «Machos» to the raid team. Anyone who would like to join the raid team?”

This time, «Tough Ranger? Miyu raised her hand.

“I believe it would be better for «Eden»... to take part in the raid team.”

“Understandable, but I say that would put the defense team in a tight spot.”

“Yeah, so half of them can lead the raid team, while the rest can guide the base.”

“I see, that sure has no problem.”

Well, given half of the class was literally «Eden», splitting was the obvious way.

However I hadn’t expected to be told to lead them.

“Alright, then let’s see who will be the leader for each side. I will take the front in offense, but I think it would be better to have a vice-leader in case we split up, or have to fall back.”

And from there, we continued to decide the individuals for each side, and the leader figures. I decided on leaders, looking at the qualities to fend themselves when we’re not there. We moved further, and also checked in strategy to combat the enemy's force, and also how to raid them.

At the end of the meeting, the build up formation turned out to be like this:

—Offense Team - Eden (7).

—Members include Zephyr, Celestine, Ester, Karua, Rika, Pamela, Misato. Quartet of «Best of the Best, the Great Star», and five of «Machos».

—Total of 16 individuals.

—Defense Team - Eden (8)

—Sierra, Lana, Celia, Lulu, Shizu, Sachi, Emi, Yuuka, and Miyu. And five other girls.

—Total of 14 individuals.

Supreme Leader - I, Zephyr.

Offense Adjutant - Celestine.

Defense Adjutant - Celia.

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