Reincarnation of the Celestial Bastard

Chapter 65: Awakening the Forbidden Power

Chapter 65: Awakening the Forbidden Power

The moment Li Tian opened his eyes, the weight of the experience hit him like a tidal wave. He was back in the underground chamber, his body drenched in sweat, but he felt more alive than ever. The power from the Ancient Seal now coursed through his veins, a raw and potent energy that he had never experienced before.

His father, Li Feng, watched him closely, his expression unreadable.

"You've done it," Li Feng said, his voice low but filled with a hint of pride. "You've survived the trial. The power of the Ancient Seal is now yours."

Li Tian took a deep breath, feeling the new strength surging within him. He had earned the Void Reaver Blade, a forbidden martial art that could cleave through space itself. But more than that, he had faced his inner demons, a challenge that had tested not just his strength but his very identity.

Li Feng placed a hand on his son's shoulder. "This power is not something to be taken lightly. Use it wisely."

"I will," Li Tian replied, his eyes filled with determination. There was no need for more words. His father knew that Li Tian understood the gravity of what he had gained.

With a nod, Li Feng stepped back, allowing Li Tian to take in the moment. The trial was over, but his journey was just beginning.

Later that evening, Li Tian sat alone in his chambers, meditating on the events of the day. His body still hummed with the energy of the Void Reaver Blade, but his mind was calm, focused. He knew that wielding such a dangerous technique would require careful control. One wrong move, and it could backfire disastrously.

[System Message: New quest available.]

Li Tian's eyes opened as he felt the familiar sensation of the system activating.

[New Quest: Master the Void Reaver Blade.]

[Objective: Use the Void Reaver Blade in combat and master its techniques.]

[Reward: Advanced movement technique - Shadow Step.]

Li Tian smiled. The system was always there, pushing him forward, giving him new challenges to overcome. And this was one challenge he was eager to face.

Just as he was about to dive back into his meditation, a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. He stood up, opening the door to find none other than Liu Mei standing outside.

She was dressed in a simple yet elegant gown, her eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and concern. "I heard about your trial," she said softly. "Are you alright?"

Li Tian nodded, stepping aside to let her in. "I'm fine. It was... intense, but I survived."

Liu Mei looked around his room, her gaze finally settling on him. "I knew you would. You've always been strong, even when others doubted you."

There was a pause, a moment where neither of them spoke, and the air between them seemed to grow heavier with unspoken words. Li Tian could see the concern in her eyes, but there was something else—something deeper.

"Why are you really here, Liu Mei?" Li Tian asked, his voice gentle yet probing.

Liu Mei sighed, her shoulders relaxing as she stepped closer. "I don't know... I guess I just wanted to see you. After everything that's happened, I wanted to make sure you're still... you."

Li Tian raised an eyebrow. "Still me?"

"You've changed," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Ever since you returned from that other world, you're different. Stronger, more focused. But... distant."

Li Tian frowned. He hadn't realized how much he had distanced himself from those around him. The pursuit of power, the battles, the system—everything had consumed him. But now, standing here with Liu Mei, he felt a pang of guilt.

"I'm sorry," he said softly, reaching out to take her hand. "I didn't mean to push you away."

Liu Mei smiled, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "You haven't pushed me away. I'm still here."

For a moment, they stood there, the silence between them filled with something far more meaningful than words. Slowly, Li Tian pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her waist as their bodies pressed together. Her warmth, her presence—it was grounding, a reminder that there was more to his life than just power and battles.

"Liu Mei..." he began, but she placed a finger on his lips, silencing him.

"You don't have to say anything," she whispered. "Just... hold me."

And so, he did.

They stood there for what felt like an eternity, wrapped in each other's arms, the world outside forgotten. Slowly, their lips met, a soft, lingering kiss that spoke of all the things they hadn't said. The kiss deepened, and soon they found themselves falling into the bed, their bodies entwined as they let go of all the tension and worry that had weighed them down.

As the night wore on, the passion between them grew, their touches more urgent, their movements more fluid. There were no words, just the shared understanding that this moment was for them, and them alone.

The candlelight flickered softly as the night stretched on, and by the time dawn broke, they lay side by side, their breathing calm and steady.

Li Tian gazed at Liu Mei, her peaceful face illuminated by the soft morning light. He knew that this moment had changed things between them. She was no longer just a close friend—she was someone he would protect, someone he would cherish.

And as for Liu Mei, she smiled in her sleep, knowing that she had finally found her place by his side.

[System Message: Quest completed.]

[Reward: Advanced movement technique - Shadow Step.]

Li Tian smiled at the notification. The system never missed a beat, even in moments like this.

He lay back, closing his eyes as he let the satisfaction of the night wash over him. But even as he rested, he knew that there were more challenges to come. The path ahead was still fraught with danger, and the power he had gained was just the beginning.

But for now, he was content.

In the days that followed, Li Tian threw himself into mastering the Void Reaver Blade. The technique was as deadly as it was complex, requiring not just skill but precision and timing. Every time he used it, he felt the power of the void rip through the air, a terrifying force that could erase anything in its path.

And yet, he knew that he could not rely on it alone. The system had given him the Shadow Step technique, a movement skill that allowed him to move through shadows with blinding speed. Together, these techniques made him a force to be reckoned with, a warrior who could strike from anywhere and leave no trace behind.

But even as he trained, Li Tian knew that something was stirring in the world around him. He could feel it—the tension, the unease. His instincts told him that another challenge was coming, something far more dangerous than anything he had faced before.

And when it came, he would be ready.

For now, though, he had Liu Mei, his power, and the promise of what was to come. And that was enough.

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