Return of the Shattered Constellation

Chapter 149: Star, Abroad (6)

Chapter 149: Star, Abroad (6)

For days, Chang-Sun had been agonizing about how he would make Mephistopheles teach him how to control the <Darkness>, eventually concluding that it would be better to be straightforward.

Mephistopheles was a being whose divine class was so high that even the Zodiacs were on high alert around him. Chang-Sun had been a fiend and a star, but even he couldn’t begin to fathom the limit of Mephistopheles’ power.

At this point, Chang-Sun realized that it would be easier for him if he admitted that Mephistopheles was in a higher league than himself and stop being so wary around him.

That was how he had decided to make the request to become Mephistopheles’ disciple.

Why. should.

The two navy blue fires, the Inferno Sights, quietly blazed up before Chang-Sun.

I. Do. That.

‘He didn’t say no.’ Chang-Sun noticed that Mephistopheles sounded as if he was asking a question.

Mephistopheles neither accepted nor rejected the request. Rather, he was curious why Chang-Sun was asking such a favor. Chang-Sun was glad that he had sparked Mephsitopheles’ curiosity since he now had a chance to ‘persuade’ Mephistopheles.

“I think I have already proven my value. I lit up the Inferno Sights as a mortal and escaped the ‘Gemini’ who tried to take me by force. Didn’t you also see that, Great Devil?”

Mephistopheles stayed quiet, and Chang-Sun took his silence as an agreement.

‘Although I didn’t see any system messages, Mephistopheles is likely constantly watching me because, as Minerva said, I resemble the person he’s looking for in many ways. Maybe he’s trying to find the <Abyss> stuff within me,’ Chang-Sun thought.

Whatever Mephistopheles’ reasons were, it would be much easier to persuade Mephistopheles if he had been watching Chang-Sun.

‘He can spy on the grand <Olympus> Celestial’s divine ground… I definitely can’t lose him; I have to make this work using any means.’

The Inferno Sights in Chang-Sun’s eyes became bigger. “I heard from the ‘Twilight-Piercing Owl’ that you are desperately looking for someone. I’m sure can be a good help to you.”


He had been nonchalant until now, but Mephistopheles’ Inferno Sights faintly flickered, which showed he was going through an emotional change.

“However, no matter what you are looking for, I think just ‘observing’ has its limits if you’re looking for something,” Not looking nervous, Chang-Sun continued. “I’ll keep getting stronger, which means I’ll get to go to so many more different places. Borrow my eyes, Great Devil. I will lend them to you whenever you need them.”

Silence momentarily filled the divine ground. Even though Mephistopheles’ Inferno Sights were in the shape of fire, they clearly reflected Chang-Sun as if they were mirrors.

Then. You. Become. My. Apostle.

Chang-Sun shook his head. “You already know that I do not want to confine myself, don’t you?”


The Inferno Sights temporarily became smaller. It seemed Mephistopheles frowned in discontentment.

You. Same. With. Calamity.

He likely meant Chang-Sun was doing the same stuff that he had done to Heoju, but Chang-Sun had distanced himself from all other Celestials too. Even if Chang-Sun became Mephistopheles’s disciple, he was just going to be a little bit closer to Chang-Sun compared to the other Celestials. The fact that they were making a deal wouldn’t change.


Mephistopheles’s voice broke up whenever he said a word.

Might. Not. Be. Bad.

Mephistopheles pondered for a moment, trying to organize his thoughts after going through the terms of the deal between him and Chang-Sun. In fact, Mephistopheles had nothing to lose from this deal because whether Chang-Sun could successfully learn how to utilize the <Darkness> was up to his talent, regardless of whether Mephistopheles taught him or not. Mephistopheles could just ‘deliver’ his knowledge and leave the rest to Chang-Sun.

He liked the part where he could use Chang-Sun as his other set of eyes. Just like Chang-Sun confidently declared, Chang-Sun, whom Mephistopheles had been watching, would continue to be involved in major incidents and accidents. Hence, if he could ‘observe’ by ‘interfering’ in another way, then his target would show a stronger reaction.

Still. I. Can’t. Hasty. Decision.

However, it wasn’t good to share <Darkness> in the long run. It was the source of all sources, so failure to properly handle it would destroy not only the person’s soul but also nature’s law. Mephistopheles had to see if Chang-Sun had the potential to utilize the power properly first.

But more importantly, they had different ideas of what a 'teacher-student relationship' meant. Chang-Sun considered it to simply be a term used in their contract, but Mephistopheles knew better than most what that relationship meant because it meant a lot to the one he was looking for.

So. I. Will. Test. You.


The navy blue fire became so big that it became impossible to see its entirety. A new message then popped up before Chang-Sun.


[The Scenario Quest (Darkness Verification) has been created!]

[Darkness Verification]

Type: Scenario.

Description: The ‘Abyss-Chasing Great Devil’ is showing interest in you for attempting to control the <Darkness> using your stigma. You have already passed the verification test by lighting up the Inferno Sights, which most Celestials are reluctant to attempt, but you are still lacking in many aspects.

The ‘Abyss-Chasing Great Devil’ also thinks that you two have to communicate emotionally first to establish a proper teacher-student relationship. Pass all three tests that the ‘Abyss-Chasing Great Devil’ will give you. Only then can you become the Great Devil’s trustworthy and favorite disciple, just like you wanted.

Prerequisite: The <Darkness> Holder.

Time limit: ―

Quest Failure Penalty: Lose the opportunity to become the disciple of the ‘Abyss-Chasing Great Devil.’

Quest Rewards: Complete Ownership of the Stigma. Learn how to use the <Darkness>. Title ‘Great Devil’s Disciple.’

Chang-Sun clenched his fists, realizing he got the opportunity he wanted. He didn’t think Mephistopheles would immediately accept him as his disciple, so he was glad Mephistopheles at least gave him tests. However, there was something that especially caught Chang-Sun’s attention.

‘Trust…’ Chang-Sun mumbled.

Although he said he wanted to become Mephistopheles’ disciple, Chang-Sun just thought they were going to give each other what they needed, but it seemed Mephistopheles wanted to connect with Chang-Sun emotionally. He felt conflicted when he saw the description explicitly stating that. All the Celestials except his colleagues like Xerxes and Kali were pawns to Chang-Sun. How would the relationship between Chang-Sun and Mephistopheles turn out? A contractual relationship? Or a really close teacher-student relationship? Chang-Sun couldn’t tell just yet.

[A Subquest has been created!]

[Verification Test Ⅰ]

Type: Subquest. Linked quest

Description: The ‘Abyss-Chasing Great Devil’ has sent you a messenger that represents him. Earn the messenger’s recognition.

Quest Failure Penalty: Scenario Quest Failure.

Quest Reward: Subquest ‘Verification Test II.’

‘Who is the messenger?’ Chang-Sun sharpened his senses, wondering if anyone was going to show up here right now, but he couldn’t feel any presence or find any light.

Chang-Sun pondered why nothing happened, but only for a moment.

After. Passing. Test. I. Come. Back.

Because when Mephistopheles finished speaking…

[You have been expelled from the Divine Ground ‘Pale Divine Ground’!]

… he kicked Chang-Sun out.

* * *

“…Hup!” Chang-Sun held his breath and abruptly sat up due to the soul-crushing-like shock that he received when Mephistopheles forcefully drove him out from his divine ground. It seemed Mephistopheles ‘messed’ with Chang-Sun on purpose for rejecting the offer to become his apostle again.

“Are you okay?” Jaegal Hyeon-Ryong asked.

When Chang-Sun opened his eyes, it wasn’t Jin Prezia or the Elfin Root that was looking at him. It was Hyeon-Ryong, and his eyes were wide open.

‘I’m back in the real world?’ Chang-Sun noticed.

He took a look around and realized he was inside the plane. Wasn’t he in the Changgwi Cave?

[Achievement unlocked!]

“Great Devil’s Follower.”

Reward: Magic +15. Willpower +10.

[The given time limit has been reached.]

[Today’s assessment: SSS.]

[A pre-selected reward will be given out based on the assessment.]

[Returning to reality!]

‘It’s already been three days?’ Chang-Sun dumbfoundedly chuckled after he read the system message that popped up before him.

Although time flowed differently from the real world, he didn’t think the difference would be this big.

‘That must be how high Mephistopheles’ divine class is,’ Chang-Sun thought.

Just like the idiom ‘Time flies while playing with Taoist hermits,’[1] the time of the real world would flow incomparably fast when one was in the presence of surreal beings. Considering how different the time flows were, Mephistopheles’ soul had to be incomparably deeper than most Celestials.

However, Chang-Sun was a bit disappointed because he was going to use the 72 hours to significantly increase his subordinates’ power, but he couldn’t even start taking the test, let alone make them stronger.

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ jumps around in anger, asking you if you are hurt.]

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ nods and says that you seem to be okay, judging from your dumbstruck face.]

[The Celestial ‘Calamity Tiger’ heaves a sigh in relief but expresses his discontentment because his subordinate took actions without his approval.]

[The Celestial ‘Primordial Evil Dragon’ tilts her head, wondering if a mortal has ever been this unscathed after meeting with the absolute evil’s will.]

[The Celestial ‘Taurus’ is unpleasantly looking at you for smelling so much like <Darkness>.]

[A few deities are shocked to their cores when you exited the Pale Divine Ground!]

[A few stars tilt their heads, wondering why you didn’t fall into the Pale Swamp!]

[The evil-type Societies have taken an interest in you.]

Among the many Celestials that were amazed as they looked at Chang-Sun…

[The Celestial ‘Abyss-Chasing Great Devil’ silently observes you, who have begun the verification test.]

… Chang-Sun could strongly feel Mephistopheles’ eyes on him.

‘The stigma… has become more vivid than before.’ Chang-Sun noticed.

He could feel the stigma, which he had to put his entire attention into if he wanted to unlock it before, more easily. Moreover, the <Darkness> inside the stigma had been amplified several times and boiled up as if it was going to run amok any second.

‘I can mix this with my skills to increase my damage output,’ Chang-Sun thought.

He smiled in relief. After all, it was certainly enough to make up for the 72 hours that he had lost.

“Hmm…? Are you…?” Hyeon-Ryong’s eyes suddenly widened.

Did Chang-Sun’s appearance change by any chance? He planned to hide his abilities from the three elders for as long as he could, so he tensed up when Hyeon-Ryong looked at him in surprise. However, he soon realized that Hyeon-Ryong was paying attention to something else.


A pitch-black light was shining out of him so brightly that it illuminated past Chang-Sun’s shirt.

[Your inventory has been forced open for an unknown reason!]

At the same time, his sleeve buttons came undone. Something then popped out and landed on Chang-Sun’s palms.

‘Egg?’ Chang-Sun wondered.

Although Chang-Sun had been feeding it all sorts of good food, [Jigwis’ Egg] had never shown any reaction. However, it now noticeably shook as if something inside the egg was trying to break free.

[The ‘Jigwis’ Egg’ is hatching!]


Cracks formed on the top part of the egg, and something broke out from it. Chang-Sun could see navy blue scales and a long, fat…

‘… Tail?’ Chang-Sun thought.

1. It’s an actual idiom in Korea. It’s similar to the English idiom ‘Time flies when you’re having fun.’ The literal phrase has been used to describe the following sentences. ☜

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