Return of the Shattered Constellation

Chapter 69: Star, The Meeting (7)

Chapter 69: Star, The Meeting (7)

“And what did you want to talk to me about?” Chang-Sun suddenly asked the half-conscious Shin Geum-Gyu, bringing him back to reality.

“Pardon?” Geum-Gyu spoke with a goofy voice because he still couldn’t understand what Chang-Sun said.

Feeling icky, Shin Eun-Seo happened to look away from the window and watched her pathetic twin brother. Although Geum-Gyu was annoyed by his sister for a moment, he soon let out a long sigh when Chang-Sun calmly continued, “When we were in the lobby, you looked like you had something to say to me. Am I wrong?”

Chang-Sun was sitting across Geum-Gyu, but he really couldn’t tell what was going on inside Chang-Sun’s head.

“…You noticed it?” Geum-Gyu asked.

“You were clearly anxious, it would be more strange if I didn’t notice.” Chang-Sun shrugged.

Geum-Gyu sighed again, because although Chang-Sun spoke vaguely, he was sure that Chang-Sun knew what he was going to say on some level. The Chang-Sun Geum-Gyu had observed until now was capable enough, so he cut to the chase. “…Do you happen to know the divine name ‘World-Encircling Serpent’?”

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ is shocked to suddenly hear his name.]

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ irritatedly asks why you have such loose lips, pounding on the ground with his tail.]

Even now, Geum-Gyu was torn as he looked at Jörmungandr’s protesting messages. Should he tell Chang-Sun that it was nothing? Then Chang-Sun might doubt him, but the deity’s offer would still stand.

Geum-Gyu’s level was already over 20, but he still didn’t have a Guardian. Since this was a serious disadvantage for a Player, he was having a severe inner conflict about whether or not to accept the World-Encircling Serpent’s offer to become his Guardian. He knew that he had only managed to join the White Tiger Clan with Eun-Seo’s help, making Geum-Gyu even more torn. At this rate, he would only be a burden on Eun-Seo, unable to protect or help her.

Even today, he hadn’t done anything when Kim Hyeong-Jun had been rude to Eun-Seo. It had all been Chang-Sun. The same had happened with Lim Joo-Han because Geum-Gyu was too weak. Still, he calmed down and decided that he was going to tell Chang-Sun, since he had already planned on it. Even though it was sad to lose a potential Guardian, Geum-Gyu didn’t want to lie to his sister’s savior.

“Yeah, I know him because he’s one of the deities that are interested in me.” Chang-Sun nodded.

After hearing the expected answer, Geum-Gyu cleared his throat and continued, “That same deity asked me to observe every detail about you and report what I noticed in secret.”

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ grumbles that his whole plan is ruined.]

When Geum-Gyu saw the deity’s message, his nervousness subsided a little.

“Report?” Chang-Sun repeated.

“Yes, he also asked me to report in detail if I noticed your secret…” Geum-Gyu trailed off.

“Hey! Why did you wait this long to tell such big news?!” Eun-Seo, who had been anxiously listening to the conversation, pinched Geum-Gyu’s waist hard.

“Argh! It hurts! Why does it hurt so much?!” Geum-Gyu shrieked.

“Of course, it should hurt! You should have told me that right away!” Eun-Seo fiercely yelled.

“It hasn’t been long since I received the message! That’s why I’m telling you right now!” Geum-Gyu yelled back.

“Still, you should have told me as soon as you received it!” Eun-Seo pinched and twisted Geum-Gyu’s belly tight, as if she was never going to let it go.

Her grip had started off strong, but she grabbed him now with even more power, putting Geum-Gyu through hell. Even though Eun-Seo continued to give Geum-Gyu her death glare, both the Shin siblings grew timid and silent when they looked at Chang-Sun, worrying that he might be angry at the news.

“That’s a weird request.” Chang-Sun lightly snorted and crossed his legs, as if Jörmungandr’s offer was not such a big deal.

Geum-Gyu hesitantly asked, “Are you…not angry?”

“Angry? Why should I be angry?” Chang-Sun tilted his head.

“Well… I was actually torn…!” Geum-Gyu blankly opened and closed his mouth, looking for the right words to say.

“So, did you figure out anything?” Chang-Sun spoke.

“No-no!” Geum-Gyu waved both his hands fiercely in denial.

Chang-Sun had a cold expression on his face, but he let out a faint smile and chuckled, “Then, there’s no problem. Why would you apologize when you’ve done nothing wrong?”

For a moment, Geum-Gyu looked dumbfounded because he had never expected Chang-Sun to react like this. In fact, he was prepared for Chang-Sun to declare him as his enemy, and perhaps quit the White Tiger Clan, as anyone would have been angry to find out that someone they knew had received such a request.

It didn’t matter what they ended up finding out, the fact that they had received such a request alone was unpleasant. Yet, Chang-Sun spoke like it didn’t affect him one bit. If anything, he lessened the burden on Geum-Gyu’s mind. That was when Geum-Gyu knew.

‘His caliber… it’s too high.’

Chang-Sun’s caliber was so different from that of ordinary people that to Geum-Gyu, he seemed like a god amongst men. The doubts and questions Geum-Gyu had about Chang-Sun disappeared like melting snow, leaving only the ‘light’ that seemed to radiate from his very being.

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ coils himself and buries his head out of boredom.]

“Anyhow, what did the deity offer you in return?” Chang-Sun asked.

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ furtively raises his head.]

Geum-Gyu wasn’t sure why he was still seeing the deity’s messages when he should have been done with Geum-Gyu, but he stopped paying attention to the messages and quickly answered, “He-he said he’ll teach me black magic spells.”

“Black magic spells?” Chang-Sun opened his eyes wide in surprise.

Wondering if he had said something wrong, Geum-Gyu continued more cautiously, “Yes, he said that the magic spells would suit me more than anything…”

“Report.” Chang-Sun immediately instructed.

“Pardon?” Geum-Gyu flinched.

“He said to observe and report about me, right? Do it.” Chang-Sun demanded once more.

“What…?” Geum-Gyu gaped.

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ stands up and blinks, failing to understand what is going on.]

Geum-Gyu didn’t understand either, so he just stood there blinking too.

“The black magic spells used by ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ are among the very best magic spells. They are called [Uroborus Structural Formula]. It’s very difficult to begin and continue learning these spells, so [Uroborus Structural Formula] users tend to be quite arrogant. If he offered to teach you these spells despite all this, the ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ must think highly of your talent.”

“…!” Geum-Gyu opened his eyes wide in shock.

“No… should I say he thought highly of your intelligence if he made such an offer? Either way, it seems like he saw something in you.” Chang-Sun assumed.

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ gapes, astonished that Chang-Sun somehow figured him out.]

This message popped up, indicating that even the deity was surprised, but Geum-Gyu didn’t even notice, busy calming himself down after hearing what Chang-Sun had said.

‘I have…a talent?’ Geum-Gyu thought, unable to control himself from trembling. Chang-Sun himself had said Geum-Gyu had a ‘talent’, a word that Geum-Gyu never thought would be attributed to him.

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ tells you to not be too happy, grumbling.]

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ says that he could cover a mountain with the followers and scholars that want to learn from him.]

Although the deity warned Geum-Gyu, the fact that the magic spells were hard didn’t matter to him. What mattered to him now was that he had received an opportunity.

“So, do as you’ve been asked.” Chang-Sun repeated, confirming to Geum-Gyu that he wasn’t dreaming.

With that, Geum-Gyu gave Chang-Sun a determined nod.

* * *

Dropping off the Shin sibling in Pangyo[1], Chang-Sun promised to have a group dinner after things quieted down, before the limousine drove off discreetly. The twins stood there quietly, until the limousine was so far away that they couldn’t see it anymore.

Geum-Gyu broke the silence. “Eun-Seo.”

“What?” Eun-Seo blankly asked.

“Starting from today, I’m his fan.” Geum-Gyu declared.

“Are you trying to teach a fish to swim?” Eun-Seo pompously crossed her arms. “Ask me anything you want to know about my oppa, and I’ll tell you everything. Mwahaha!”

A fan was bound to be happy when somebody else recognized their beloved star’s charm. Eun-Seo thought Geum-Gyu had finally recognized Chang-Sun’s charm and reveled in the moment.

“What the hell are you saying? I’m not a crazy sasaeng[2] like you…!” Geum-Gyu sarcastically remarked, looking at Eun-Seo with a disgusted face.


“Arghh! My leg! My leggg!” Geum-Gyu rolled around the ground after suddenly getting kicked in his shin by Eun-Seo.

Snorting, Eun-Seo stepped over her pathetic twin brother and headed inside her home.

* * *

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ asks how you know such information.]

“I think I’ll keep it a secret, just like you tried to keep a secret from me.” Chang-Sun shrugged.

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ angrily pounds the ground with his tail, saying you are indeed one sly snake.]

Chang-Sun didn’t mind Jörmungandr’s constant protesting messages, as he was deep in thought.

‘I didn’t think I would hear about [Uroborus Structural Formula].’ he thought.

Among the absolute evil type deities, Jörmungandr was one of the greatest scholars, alongside being a skilled black wizard. Therefore the ‘Uroboros Mountain’ magic school, the group that had Jörmungandr as its guardian, was considered the best in multiple planes, including Heaven. Before Chang-Sun had become the ‘Divine Twilight’, he had also taken a deep interest in the group.

In this school, the group members’ research mainly focused on the circle of life and death, so they naturally came out with all kinds of bizarre and extraordinary results that ordinary people couldn’t even begin to fathom.

‘I didn’t learn it at the time because I was busy learning about runes.’ Chang-Sun recalled.

On the basis of difficulty, [Uroborus Structural Formula] was just as difficult as runes for new learners, but unlike the forgotten runes, [Uroborus Structural Formula] was becoming more and more popular.

Anyways, Geum-Gyu was now able to learn such magic spells. Although Chang-Sun knew that the reason why Geum-Gyu could learn those spells was him, he thought it was for the better since Geum-Gyu would gain power in no time under Jörmungandr’s care. If Chang-Sun could have Geum-Gyu on his side, there was no harm in that.

‘It’ll be good if he can teach me how to be more versatile with my magic spells.’ Chang-Sun thought.

Gyeo-Ul, who was now sitting across from Chang-Sun, quietly looked at him. Chang-Sun could sense that Gyeo-Ul felt nervous. Chang-Sun had a guess as to why Gyeo-Ul felt that way, and he smiled bitterly. Gyeo-Ul was nervous because Chang-Sun was dropping him off in front of his home, meaning he would see how and where Gyeo-Ul lived.

“You said you live in Noryangjin[3], right?” Chang-Sun asked.

“…Yes, that’s right, sir.” Gyeo-Ul nodded.

“You’re lying, aren’t you?” Chang-Sun tilted his head.

“No-no, I’m not lying. It’s not big, but I’m staying at a goshiwon[4]…”

“Tell me the truth while I’m being nice.” Chang-Sun faintly smiled.

Gyeo-Ul stayed silent.

“When we get to Noryangjin, I’m going to follow you to your goshiwon, and if I don’t see the room you told me about, I’ll smack you in the back of your head.” Chang-Sun spoke in an arrogant tone, crossing his arms.

As Chang-Sun pressed him further, the big Gyeo-Ul’s shoulder drooped down more and more. Although he looked cold and distant in front of others like the Shin siblings, he somehow seemed vulnerable now alone in front of Chang-Sun.

“You don’t have a home, do you?” Chang-Sun asked.

“…No, sir, I don’t have a home.” Gyeo-Ul looked at his feet.

“Where did you stay before?” Chang-Sun asked, stroking his chin.

Gyeo-Ul fidgeted with his fingers. “I used the house deposit to get my spear.”


Chang-Sun lightly clicked his tongue because he had already guessed that was the situation on some level after finding out about Gyeo-Ul’s story. Since Gyeo-Ul had been discriminated against and hated for his entire life, he had even failed to receive mandatory education. It was no surprise to hear that Gyeo-Ul didn’t have a proper home. The studios he had stayed in would have probably also been a mess, and Chang-Sun wasn’t sure if those studios even had hot water.

Nevertheless, Gyeo-Ul wandered the dungeon with his long spear. Considering how Players had to spend most of their money on weapons to work as a Player, Gyeo-Ul would have spent all of what little money he had to get his.

‘It seems he luckily didn’t get ripped off while getting the weapon, but that’s it. That’s the problem.’ Chang-Sun thought bitterly.

On the other hand, Chang-Sun could understand why Gyeo-Ul had gambled and spent all his money on getting the weapon. He must have thought that capturing a Jigwi was the only way to cure him of his curse, so it would be more strange if he hadn’t done so. What would have happened if he had failed to meet Chang-Sun and kill the Jigwis? Chang-Sun didn’t want to imagine it.

‘Xerxes, you idiot. Do you even know how your son is doing?’ Chang-Sun called for his old colleague in his thoughts and lightly sighed. God only knew where Xerxes was now.

Chang-Sun would feel like a piece of trash if he didn’t help his friend’s son in a time of need.

‘I have to help him learn what it’s like to be a half-spirit.’ Chang-Sun thought.

“This is for the better.” said Chang-Sun finally, nodding his head.

“…Pardon?” Gyeo-Ul, who had been drooping his shoulders and walking on eggshells around Chang-Sun an awful lot for such a large man, asked back. Wondering what Chang-Sun meant, Gyeo-Ul opened his eyes wide like a golden retriever.

“Stay in my home for the time being.” Chang-Sun instructed.

“…!” Gyeo-Ul gaped.

1. A region in Korea ☜

2. Korean term for a stalker fan. ☜

3. A region in Korea ☜

4. This is a type of accommodation that can be found in Korea. People studying for exams usually stay in this kind of accommodation to focus only on studying. Since the accommodation is cheap, people who aren’t studying for exams often stay here too. ☜

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