Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 695 Alliance

The conversation between Klaus Park and Mingmei Tuan was as productive as it could have been. They became closer and she showed him her true face and her life, so that she could gain his full trust. That was the minimum for someone who would be like a deputy Guild leader.

So, in the early evening, when Mingmei returned to the hotel and Klaus to his home, they met again, but this time at Rise Online.

However, compared to the huge objectives, problems and missions that Kaizen and the others had ahead of them, their group was too small, and they needed help to cover the entire Kingdom of Mibothen if they were to accomplish all their objectives. So, since Kaizen had reconnected with Emma, there was no better person to collaborate with than her - after all, she is the leader of the largest guild in Tretidian.

"Wow! This place is much nicer than you made it sound on the call, Klaus." said the Bloody Lily, entering the main enclosure of the makeshift camp in that building high up in the Eldoria Mountains.

Accompanying her were her subordinates: Dathan, Araxie, Eraskan, Dodir and Orkoi, who didn't have very different reactions from their leader.

Kaizen nodded to Bloody Lily, trying to maintain a professional tone.

Dathan, the deputy leader of the Crimson Soldiers, approached Kaizen and extended his right hand to greet him. "It's been a while since we last spoke, Kaizen."

The Psyker returned the greeting. "Yes, and if I remember correctly you were one of those who supported me in that brief partnership during the first invasion of the capital."

"I just followed what seemed most advantageous. Klank trusted you and I trusted Klank, so I saw no problem in working with you... However, I confess that it's reassuring to have your partnership on a mission like this." Dathan replied.

"I say the same." Kaizen said. "We're all here to join forces and draw up a plan to cover the Kingdom of Mibothen. However, before we begin, I'd like to start the introductions. If we're going to work together, it doesn't hurt to spend some time telling each other what we can do." He waved his hand for his group to begin.

Andrew gave a friendly smile, and stepped forward, his shining armor creaking briefly. "My nickname is Adriel, but everyone can call me Andrew. I'm an Arcane Warrior, and I'm someone who battles in a versatile way."

Then it was Xisrith's turn to introduce himself. "It's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm Xisrith, a diplomat of the descendragon race. As you can see..." She said, placing her hand on the handle of her katana. "... I'm a swordswoman."

Everyone's eyes rested on the next person, right next to Xisrith: Jayaa.

Jayaa took his lute from his back, cleared his throat and when he raised his head again, he began to sing:

"I am Jayaa, the bard, in song I'm clad! With tales and tunes, both old and rad! Let's weave stories and melodies, hand in hand, In this musical journey, across the land! And...🎶"

"Khum! Jayaa, please be a little briefer." Kaizen asked.

And the Bloody Lily, who was about to start clapping her hands to the rhythm of the melody, hid her hands.

"Right, right... If you want it the boring way, I'm the bard Jayaa, future international pop star." He said and bowed exaggeratedly forward, as if he were making a formal greeting to a king.

"Ah, now I think it's my turn." Alina said, barely giving Jayaa time to raise her head and see everyone's reaction. "I'm Alina Sylly and I'm a mage versed in almost all the advanced fields of magic."

"What?!" All the Crimson Soldiers asked at the same time, surprised and partly in shock.

The one who seemed most intrigued by Alina Eraskan, a short player with white hair, blue eyes and a white owl on his right shoulder. "You're joking, aren't you?" he asked, approaching her with a frown, a raised eyebrow and a hand on her chin.

However, Eraskan suddenly stopped walking towards Alina so excitedly, because he felt Kaizen's gaze on him, and the way Kaizen looked was not peaceful. Eraskan took a few steps back and rephrased his question.

"I mean, isn't it impossible for such a powerful mage to exist and not be proportionally known?" Eraskan asked.

"In reality, I spent most of my life locked up in a library and it was Kaizen who saved me from that place which was already starting to become tedious. I owe him my life." She said, looking at him fondly and Kaizen returned her gaze.

Kaizen then looked at Bloody Lily and his Crimson Soldiers, as a way of asking them to come forward.

Bloody Lily took the floor with a confident smile. "I am Bloody Lily, leader of the Crimson Soldiers Guild. Honestly, my main role is to lead and coordinate our efforts, I don't have many opportunities for missions. However, my specialty lies in a hybrid form of combat between bow and sword. I'm an archer as well as a fencer."

Dathan, the deputy leader of the Crimson Soldiers, gave a brief salute. "I'm Dathan. As deputy leader, my role is to support Blood Lily and lead in her absence, as well as leading various missions. I am a Master of Arms, specializing in various forms of combat, from swords to spears."

Araxie, a woman with golden hair like the sun and piercing eyes, stepped forward. "I'm Araxie, resistance specialist and Tank. My main responsibility is to ensure that my allies suffer as little damage as possible."

Dodir, a tall, black-haired young man, followed Araxie. "I'm Dodir, and I specialize in direct combat, I'm practically a Tank, but without all the stamina and just the determination. I believe I can help create distractions and confuse our enemies, which can be crucial in delicate situations."

Eraskan, the white-haired player with the owl on his shoulder, looked at everyone with a friendly smile. "I am Eraskan, and my loyalty is to magical creatures. I have a strong bond with my owl, Lilith, and I can summon other creatures to assist us when necessary. I'm also a master of tracking and exploration magic."

Finally, Orkoi, a warrior of medium height, said something. "I am Orkoi, a hunter. My speed and stamina are my greatest assets, but I can guarantee support with potion boosts and ranged attacks."

Kaizen nodded, satisfied with the introductions. "Excellent. Now that everyone knows each other better, we can discuss our strategy for helping the Kingdom of Mibothen. As you know, we have a number of important objectives to fulfill. Bloody Lily, perhaps you could share more details about what we're up against."

Bloody Lily agreed and began to detail the challenges that awaited them, especially the clues he had and obtained from Klank.

Apparently, Klank and hundreds of other people were teleported deep into a very deep mountain, somewhere in the Kingdom of Mibothen, given the local creatures in the cave. He said he saw nothing before being teleported, at least nothing but the sky taking on an iridescent green hue.

In the middle of the meeting, Klaus Park raised his hand, drawing everyone's attention, and stood up to speak.

"Given everything Lily has said so far, I think it's best if we form groups to split up. One group should go to the Royal Capital of Mibothen, another will have to remain here, protecting the place for the Guilds allied to the Crimson Soldiers, and the other will explore the kingdom to look for survivors and answers to find Klank. Obviously, the group that goes to the Capital will be the most at risk, because that's probably where most of the answers will be and also most of the dangers."

The Bloody Lily exchanged glances with Kaizen, smiled and nodded. "I agree, we have our differences, but that's what can make us even stronger. We each have unique abilities that we can combine to overcome any challenge."

Thus, the meeting went from details and theories about what happened in Mibothen to strategies, elaborate plans and defined objectives.

Alina wanted to accompany Kaizen, but he convinced her to stay, because since Linus Farwynn was trapped in this place, she was the best person to protect him, after all, she was the only one who understood how these magical barriers worked. Meanwhile, Andrew also proposed to follow Kaizen into battle in the Capital, but he was the only Arcane Warrior in the group and according to Alina, arcane objects are extremely sensitive to demons and can sense them from miles away. In other words, marching with Andrew to the Capital would be like marching with a lighthouse over your head.

In the end, the group set to go to the Capital was: Bloody Lily, Eraskan, Jayaa and Kaizen.

Neither Dathan nor Xisrith, both leaders, were considered to go to the Capital, as each of them would command one of the other groups.

Xisrith was in charge of the Mibothen exploration group, which included Orkoi, Araxie, Dodir and Xisrith herself. A small group, but only the first, because reinforcements from the other guilds would soon arrive.

The group responsible for protecting the fortress at the top of the Eldoria Mountains was actually a duo: Dathan and Alina. They were powerful enough to take care of this outpost on their own, and Dathan had personal contact with Lily, so he could keep her abreast of the situation over the course of the days.

The final plan was to lay siege to the capital, so as not to let Chaos get his physical form, no matter what.

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