Run, Girl (If You Can)

Chapter 206: Ooh Whos The Lucky Guy?

Chapter 206: Ooh Who's The Lucky Guy?

The organ music began to play and Keeley gripped her bouquet. It was almost her and Aaron's cue.

"You feeling any better?" she whispered to him at the top of the aisle.

"I am, thanks," he whispered back before straightening. It was time to make their grand entrance.

Cameron and the minister were already waiting up front because they were the first to come down. They walked slowly to the beat of the music before parting ways to stand in their designated spots.

The family members making up the bridal party came next with their spouses. Aiden and Valentina, the only other non-family groomsman and bridesmaid took up the rear. Cameron's niece then skipped down the aisle tossing flower petals as she went. One of his nephews was the ring bearer as well since Jennica's only nephew was too little.

Finally, the bridal march began. Jennica came down the aisle alone since her father had been out of the picture for so many years and her brother had walked with his wife. She was beaming for all she was worth.

Keeley glanced over at Cameron, who had actual tears in his eyes at the sight of his wife-to-be. He was beaming too.

She couldn't help but notice Aaron standing right next to him with a blank expression on his face. He had smiled very similar to how Cameron was right now on their wedding day even though he wasn't the type to smile.

He had been happy that day; she could tell. She had nearly forgotten that because her memories of that day had ended up mixed into her nightmares after being reborn. Aaron had genuinely wanted to marry her.

It didn't change anything. His decisions were entirely driven by selfishness. So what if he wanted to marry her? He did it knowing she was a target and never told her a thing.

They could have worked to overcome opposing forces together but he wanted to do everything his way. His way cost Keeley her ability to have children, her father, and eventually her life. Marrying him was her biggest regret.

She hardly paid attention to a word of the ceremony, too busy drowning in thoughts of the past and worrying about the future. At least she was able to smile and clap despite her teary eyes when they kissed. Cameron and Jennica were great together; if anyone could make it work they could.

Walking back down the aisle with her arm in Aaron's was agonizing with all of those thoughts on her mind. It took all of her effort not to burst out crying.

This was so much worse than Lydia's wedding because this time he was actually here. The memories wouldn't stop. When he noticed her tears, a stricken expression appeared on his face. He must be remembering how she blamed him for being depressed the last time she was at a wedding.

When they made it to the behind-the-scenes area, Aaron turned to face her. "Keeley, are you alright?"

"No," she choked out.

"Is this…because of me?"

She sniffled and wiped at her eyes, careful not to ruin her makeup. "Partially."

He sighed heavily. "And the other part?"

She wasn't able to answer because the photographer was calling for them. It was time to take more pictures before moving over to the luncheon in another area of the venue.

Keeley did her best to smile brightly. It wasn't too hard; she was really happy for her friend. She poured all of those feelings into her smile until her face went stiff.

Jennica had been thorough—she made sure that people's name cards were set next to others they would know as well as strangers to give people the chance to socialize more fully. Keeley was placed between Ryan and Valentina while Aaron was with Aiden at a different table.

"Jennica looks so happy, doesn't she?" Valentina remarked a bit teary-eyed.

Keeley glanced over at the table Jennica and Cameron were sitting at. Both were laughing as he fed her bits of chicken off his plate. She had her heart in her eyes, as if nothing in the world mattered but the man in front of her.

Keeley had been like that once too. Her traitorous eyes sought out Aaron but when he met her gaze she looked away in shame. His cold, dark eyes were even emptier than usual. This was too much.

"She does," she said thickly around the lump in her throat.

"Aww, you guys are so sweet getting emotional over your friend," Ryan said with a laugh.

They both shot him a glare for not reading the mood. Keeley was mourning her own marriage. Valentina was a romantic who was single as could be. There were a lot of emotions at play here, not just being happy for Jennica.

He tried to placate them by telling a funny story about something that happened to him at work the other day. It was relatively effective—Valentina grinned and bounced back instantly and Keeley was at least somewhat distracted.

They quickly fell into their usual pattern of bantering afterwards even though Keeley felt like she was faking it somewhat. Before they knew it, lunch was being cleared away and it was time for the bouquet toss.

Having already been through this once, she chose to stand in the front rather than the back like last time. Hopefully that lessened her chances.

No such luck—the bouquet came sailing at her face and she shrieked and covered her head with her arms to protect herself, catching it anyway. Seriously, what were the odds of catching two bouquets in back-to-back weddings this year?!

She stood frozen in shock as everyone cheered her on. When she collected herself, she handed the bouquet back to Jennica, red-faced.

This was such a stupid tradition. At her wedding Lacy Knighton caught the bouquet and did she get married? No!

Keeley folded her arms across her chest crossly as her friends teased her about catching the bouquet as the bride and groom had their first dance together as a married couple.

"Ooooh who's the lucky guy?"

"You better meet someone tomorrow if you want to be the next one to get married."

"I don't believe in this ridiculous superstition," she said coldly.

"Didn't you catch the bouquet at your other friend's wedding in April too though?" Valentina asked with a sparkle in her eye. "That almost proves you're going to get married this year!"

"How can that happen if I don't even like anyone?" she cried indignantly. "Stop teasing me!"

Ryan and Valentina exchanged glances before bursting out laughing. "Sorry, Keeley, you're too easy. The look on your face is priceless!" he said with a grin.

She pouted. Her friends were the worst.

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