Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 492: Sub-ritual Subverted

Chapter 492: Sub-ritual Subverted

492. Sub-ritual Subverted


It had been so long. I had waited for this moment for such a long time. After what felt like forever, I was going to evolve.

The last time I had undergone an evolution was after I killed the Lich of the Plaguelands. I had been waiting for this moment for ages. Before my Level 100 evolution, I would evolve rather regularly. It had only been a few months between killing Stephen and killing Lucerna. But it was to be expected that this was the longest evolution yet since the gap was the greatest too. Well, longest evolution except for maybe when I first became an [Imp].

I honestly didnt know how much time I spent in the Netherworld with Haec. I could throw out a few guesses make some estimates based on what I remembered. But that was pointless. The Netherworld didnt have a sun, nor did it have a moon. There was no day-night cycle, and we Demons didnt age either. So none of it mattered. 

All I knew was that it was a long time. We spent every passing moment together. No matter what we did, wed do it together. And then we evolved. And then we separated.

I had decided upon arriving at the Mortal Realm that I would find a way back to him. That I would do whatever it took to get back to him. That was the promise I had made to myself. He was my companion. My first companion.

Haec was there from the very beginning. He was there with the others. He survived, and as did I. Even if I had made so many more companions since I last saw him, he was still important to me. Because he was Haec. No one else could be Haec but him. Just like how I was Salvos only me.

I closed my eyes, hearing the words resound in my head.

[Evolution Available]

I was happy. I was pleased with myself. Now that I was Level 150, I could finally evolve. And just maybe, I would finally have the power to get back to him just fine once this war was over. I was going to do everything I could to hasten its end. Even if I had to find Levithus myself and kill him. 

I shook my head, focusing on the task at hand. 

I wonder what Subspecies options there will be?

I wondered aloud to myself. I was tempted to just explore my options there and then, but I knew I would pass out. Also, I might revert out of my Human form probably not, honestly. But that was a worry I had. 

However, what was more worrying was the danger at hand. I opened my eyes, facing the crimson pillar in the distance. The renewed sub-ritual in Lunaris was still raging on, pouring forth an innumerable number of Demons into the Mortal Realm.

My second Grand Skill ended. The period of invincibility gone. If I was attacked by a strong enough Archdemon while I was unconscious for long enough, I probably wouldnt be able to survive. Even though I still had my first Grand Skill my Divine Essence active.

I was strong, not unkillable as I was right now. I raised my head and sighed. 

I still have to deal with those Demons

Last I saw, Jaakko, Helen, Zack, and the other adventurers and soldiers gathered outside of Lunaris were still in grave danger. It wasnt just that there was the occasional Level 100 Archdemon emerging from the sub-ritual, it was also that they were trying to protect the injured and the remaining refugees of the city.

I had to help them. They couldnt handle these Demons alone. But there was a problem.

I am too tired.

I lay sprawled there, refusing to get up. It wasnt like when I used [Manifestation of the Old Gods] without my Grand Skill active. My body didnt ache, nor did I want to throw up. I was just exhausted. That battle with Ira took everything I had left. Perhaps it was those flurry of divine attacks my modified Skills that drew from my Divine Essence but I was so tired, I could just pass out right now.

I probably could have just lain there for the next six hours, but a loud thudding noise attracted my attention. Blinking, I looked up to see a hulking creature landing before me. A Demon that stood over ten feet in height a wall of flesh and bones. It had a pair of tusk-like horns that protruded from its skull-like face, and tendrils that writhed out next to its arms.

Its body shifted, and its golden eyes glimmered. I stared with wide eyes as it hissed at me.

[Changeling - Lvl. 145]


My eyes grew wide. I tried to get to my feet, but it lashed out with its tendril. The tip of the tentacle-like protrusion morphed, becoming a claw as I braced myself. 

And a blast of iridescent energy shot out past me. A voice screamed out one that I recognized well and clear.

[Heroic Champions Slash]! 

The wild [Changeling] shrieked in pain as it was blasted through the rubbles of the walls of Lunaris. I glanced back at Daniel who leapt down from the sky, rolling forward.



I blinked at him as he came to a halt next to me. I stared at him, utterly befuddled. 

How did you get here?


I brought him here.

Another familiar voice snorted. I spun around, narrowing my eyes as I took in the cloaked man standing next to me. Orgaf, the Thief of the Golden Scales, had somehow snuck up on me before I even realized it.

Wait, Orgaf when did you?

Five seconds before the [Hero] blasted that damn Archdemon from afar. I was already hiding in your shadows, ready to kill it with a [Dark Backstab].

He crossed his arms, grunting. He looked almost jealous of Daniel, and I smiled. 

Thanks, you guys. But I probably could have handled myself.

It is a dangerous Demon. Even I would struggle taking it in battle at full strength.

A gruff voice spoke. I blinked, spinning around once again. Laux Lionfist walked past me, heading towards where the wild [Changeling] had been.

Its still alive. I will finish it off then head to the encampment to rally the forces there.

Got it.

Orgaf nodded in response to the burly man. I watched Laux Lionfist leap forward, crashing into the [Changeling] as it picked itself up from the rubble. The wild Archdemon was already hurt quite badly from Daniels attack, but it still put up a good fight. I looked on as the Elite Ranked [Warrior] clashed in combat with it for a moment, before shaking my head.

You guys arrived a little bit too late.

I glanced towards Daniel and Orgaf. They both exchanged a confused look, and I laughed. 

You havent realized it yet, havent you?

Realized what, Salvos?

Daniel blinked, and Orgaf scoffed.

Oh, I have taken notice of it. I just have yet to comment on it yet.

You have absolutely no idea what shes talking about, do you?

The [Hero] spoke flatly as I beamed from ear to ear. Neither of them had realized it. I was just waiting for their reactions, practically brimming in excitement.

They both shifted uncomfortably, realizing I was waiting for them to say something. Daniel cleared his throat.

Salvos, Im 

He started, but another voice interrupted him. A distant echo from afar. An ethereal sound.


I paused as ball of blue fire zipped towards me. I stared at Willy as he came to a halt, flitting around in a panic. I smiled at him.

Hey, Willy. Dont worry, Im fine

Where are Novis, Bellum, and Oriur?

He spoke over me, speaking in a full sentence. For a moment, I stood there, smile still plastered on my face. 


Then I just laughed once again, not really caring about his lack of concern about my being. He was worried about my babies. And that was all that mattered. I was concerned about them too. So I gave him a reassuring look.

Theyre somewhere over in that forest there, last I saw them. Theyre fine, Willy. But we can go to them now if you want.

The [Will O Wisp] simply sighed in relief, flames returning to a normal green as a pair of figures landed just behind him. Amanda nearly collapsed on the ground, panting in exhaustion.

This is the last time I do you a favor

Thank you, Amanda.

Edithe smiled as she bowed her head at the former assassin sprawled on the floor. She stepped forward, looking towards me with a smile.

Edithe! Did you notice anything?

I called out, waving at her. The redhead walked towards me with a look of relief on her face.

Salvos, Im glad youre

And she paused. Her eyes grew wide. Daniel and Orgaf looked towards her with sidelong glances, realizing that she noticed it immediately. They waited for what she had to say as she stared at me in shock.  

Youre Level 150.

Edithe spoke slowly. The two Human men froze. Daniels jaw dropped, and Orgaf uncrossed his arms. Amanda blinked, looking up from where she lay. Laux Lionfist halted mid-step, dragging the dead [Changeling] behind him. Even Willy stopped flying away, turning to face me when he heard what the redhead said.

I just grinned in response.


I could feel their gazes boring into me. I could almost sense their [Identification] being used on me. And they all saw the same thing.


Daniel was at a loss for words. Laux Lionfist smirked, nodding to himself.

What a feat 

So fast

Amanda gasped, and Orgaf just harrumphed.

I knew shed get it soon.

Edithe just walked towards me, looking me up and down. She looked at me like I wasnt real, and I poked her side. Flinching, she stared at me for a moment. Then she nodded mechanically.

Youre an Elite Ranked adventurer now, Salvos.

I am.

I agreed with her. Because it was a fact. It was the truth. I was now Level 150. The redhead almost looked at me differently. Everyone present even if they were my companions, my friends, or just plain strangers stared at me in a different light. But even though I was stronger now even though I was soon going to be evolving one thing still stayed the same.

And I am still Salvos.

I smiled, and Edithe blinked. Then she laughed.

You are, Salvos. You are.




Willy and I left to find the baby Wyverns while everyone else moved to stop the sub-ritual. Daniel gave his usual heroic speech as Amanda watched from the side, while Orgaf slipped away on his own to slaughter the Demons. Laux Lionfist rallied the adventurers and soldiers, while Edithe used her magic to support the assault into Lunaris. 

It took a bit, but together, they managed to repel the hordes of wild Demons and put a stop to the sub-ritual. I wasnt sure who did it if it was Edithe or some random [Mage] from the gathered forces but the crimson pillar dissipated as Willy, the baby Wyverns, and I watched from the side.

I hugged Novis, Bellum, and Oriur tightly as the [Will O Wisp] eyed me curiously.


Why wouldnt I be close? Theyre my babies, after all.


Willy stared at me, at a loss of words for once. But I didnt elaborate. I just felt happy knowing the baby Wyverns were safe. They cuddled against me, crying as they usually did, but I didnt find myself getting annoyed by them or panicking over them. Instead, I soothed them calmly, until they went to sleep. 

I even carried them with me as Willy and I returned to the encampment just outside of Lunaris once the battle was over. Laux Lionfist, Daniel, and the soldiers and adventurers were gathered there, resting and recuperating, tending to the wounded.

Amanda was off who knew where, and Edithe took over watch of the baby Wyverns with Willy for me. I had no idea what shadow Orgaf was hiding in, but he was around here somewhere. I found a private room amongst the encampment and created a [Fragments Pocket Dimension] around the room so that no one could interrupt me. 

Edithe had said shed make sure no one barged in during the process, and I trusted her, but I also wanted to add some extra precautions. Finally, I collapsed onto a bed and closed my eyes as I smiled.

Now, to choose my evolution.

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