Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 545: Lost For a While

Chapter 545: Lost For a While

545. Lost For a While

How is she?

Haec asked as he strode away from the corpse of the [Ouroboros]. He stood on solid ground no longer atop the river of lava. He walked on the strange gray rocks. Like they had been shattered and ground to dust, before piling up at his feet like little grains.

He shook his head, focusing his gaze on Aemula. She was lying on the ground as she bled from multiple cut wounds from the wild Archdemons attack. Not only that, but her legs were bent backwards probably from the [Cerberus of Hell]s powerful blast.

The fact that she was still alive caught Haec by surprise. But he was glad to see her now. It gave him an excuse to leave Taburas behind. If the [Succubus] was with Aemula, hed be able to rest well knowing that the two of them would likely make it back to the Demon Kings Domain just fine.

Taburas shrugged as she took a step back from the unconscious [Fiend].

Aemula will probably live. But shell need a long [Rest] before shes able to fight again. Shes just dead weight as she is right now.

That doesnt mean we should leave her behind.

Haec replied simply, hefting Aemula over his shoulders. The [Succubus] scowled.

I didnt say that!

Then what were you implying?

He stared at Taburas with a frown. She shrank back, harrumphing.

Im stating facts. Aemula cant help us in her current state. But Im not suggesting that we leave her here to die. Lets just go back already, alright?

The [Succubus] raised her head, looking up at the open ceiling of the crevice. Haec followed her gaze, and all he saw was the scarred red sky above. A white rift tore through the heavens, and black lightning flashed high overhead, where he couldnt even see. He looked back down at Taburas as he sighed.

I dont believe we should return to the surface just yet. It is best for us to lay low down here until we are certain the [Cerberus of Hell] is gone.

Are you sure?

Taburas asked hesitantly. She fidgeted as she adjusted the summoning collar on her neck.

What if the Deathsquad Hunters track us down for desertion? 

I will handle it, Taburas. Do not worry.

Haec gave her a reassuring smile, but she didnt look convinced. He patted her on the shoulder and held her gaze.

I am the Heir of the Netherworld. I will explain our predicament to them. They will understand.


Taburas opened her mouth. Slowly, she smiled as she raised her head. 

I trust you, Haec. Let us survive this, together.

Let us do that.

Haec replied as he turned around. And as he swept his gaze over his surroundings, he could only feel a slight pang of guilt. But still, he pressed on.

Now come on.



It took Betrugil a while of swimming in lava before he found his way onto a beach. He gasped in relief when he clambered onto the rocky gray shore. He snuffed out the flames by rolling on the ground for a few moments. Then he got to his feet, patting himself down.

Alright, now how do I get back?

He swept his gaze over his surroundings. This rocky shore stretched out in both directions down the crevice, before breaking off into another ravine cutting through to the left. The bubbling streak of lava poured down alongside this little sliver of land, and he pursed his lips.

Hm, I think I may be completely lost.

Betrugil wasnt even sure which direction led back to the Demon Kings Domain. And even if he knew the way, he couldnt just walk there. He had to follow the path of the crevice. Which would have led him on a long roundabout journey if he picked the wrong ravine to follow. He sighed, lowering his head for a moment.

Then he heard a rumbling coming from down the nearby ravine. His eyes narrowed as he raised his clawed hands. A looming shadowed figure emerged down the corner. Eight spindly legs carried the beast along the walls of the crevice as it gazed upon him with glowing crimson eyes.

[Greater Arachne - Lvl. 85]

Betrugil rolled his eyes. 

And its going to be dangerous too? Just great

He braced himself as the wild Demon charged his way.


Defeated [Greater Arachne




Betrugil wasnt sure how much time had passed since he fell into the crevice. He wanted to climb out to traverse the surface of Revelation above. But when he heard the occasional echoes and screeches of the wild Demons above, he decided against that foolish decision.

He would rather stay down here, trekking the safe world of lava below. Well not so safe. The [Abraxas] leapt back as the pair of [Hellwolves] charged at him. They were in their Level 90s, so they werent too dangerous to him. But he was exhausted. After the battle against the [Cerberus of Hell] above, and now scouring these ravines and surviving the lava, he just needed to [Rest]. 

Fighting swarm after swarm of lower-leveled Demons wasnt as dangerous as it was completely tedious. He was pretty sure he had spent the same amount of time down at this point as he had spent at the Third Legion.

Betrugil had honestly considered just waiting in place for the Deathsquad Hunters to arrive. Maybe theyd execute him on the spot but in the off chance that they listened to him, he would be able to explain his circumstances to them, and be extracted back to the kingdom without dying.

He sighed as he slumped over a rock wall next to the pair of dead [Hellwolves]. He closed his eyes, taking a moment to [Rest] his bloodied and burnt body. He lay there as his vision was engulfed in darkness, and he could hear the crackle of thunder high above. 

He was an Archdemon of Sloth, but that didnt mean he was lazy. He just valued the little things in life such as relaxing after an arduous battle. Betrugil wasnt worried of being snuck up on during this moment of [Rest] since he trusted in his senses. He had survived the Netherworld for a long time, after all.

While he wouldve preferred hiding from Revelation in his Lair before it was discovered and destroyed by the Demon Kings soldiers he still had quite a lot of survival instincts that came from his long life. So he waited there, undisturbed for a while. Until he heard the soft sound of a set of approaching footfalls.

His eyes snapped open as he leapt to his feet. The [Abraxas] immediately tensed up, readying himself for battle. His eyes narrowed as he eyed the end of the crevice. The footsteps were too uniform and it approached him with a gradual pace, even if there were multiple of them.

It couldnt have been a wild Demons. They would move a lot more erratically. These footsteps sounded like they belonged to people. Which meant that the Deathsquad Hunters had finally found him. Now the question was if they were going to kill him on sight, or give him a chance to explain himself.

He saw the three shadowed figures approaching. He opened his mouth as they finally came into view, then he paused.

Wait, arent you Haec?

Betrugil stared at the crimson Demon walking out into view. Haec blinked back at the [Abraxas].

Betrugil? So you survived as well.

Well, survive is a strong word. Id say Ive survived so far. But Im surprised to see you down here. Im even more surprised to see youre alive too, Taburas.

The Archdemon of Sloth nodded at the [Succubus] standing off to the side. Taburas scowled, crossing her arms.

Shut up, Betrugil. Unlike you, we arent hiding away in some crevice, scared of fighting our way out.

He shrugged in response.

Im just saying Laxi died, and I thought you would too, considering your level. If I were you, Id have taken that remark as a compliment.

I dont give a shit

Taburas started, but Haec stopped her.

Thats enough, the two of you. Were on the same side. Were trying to escape this mess.

The Heir of the Netherworld spoke authoritatively. And the other Archdemon a [Fiend] with six arms at his side nodded in agreement.

Haec is right. If we squabble amongst ourselves, we arent going to survive our predicament. Were already tired and hurt

The [Fiend] shifted back uncomfortably. She winced with each step she took. Her legs were bloodied and injured like they had just recently healed. But she was still clearly hurt, and barely in any condition to fight. Betrugil raised a brow.

Who are you?

Im Aemula. Im pleased to meet you.


She smiled back at him. He just nodded in response.

Im Betrugil. But theres no need for you to remember my name since were all going to die anyway.

Thats uh

Aemula blinked, glancing at Betrugil, then looking back at Haec. Taburas just snorted.

Ignore the [Abraxas] hes an annoying little pest. We should just leave him alone if he really wants to die.

Im higher-leveled than you, you know?

Betrugil rolled his eyes. Taburas smirked, clinging onto Haec.

But theres three of us, and unlike you, were not just going to roll over and die at the first sign of trouble.

Honestly fair.

The [Abraxas] just nodded in agreement. Haec shook his head as he stepped forward. 

Look, standing around here and arguing amongst ourselves wont get us anywhere. We need to work together if we want to live

Haec started. But a powerful explosion interrupted him. He spun around as the rock wall behind him smashed open. A giant undulating figure burrowed out into the crevice, hissing as it towered over the four Archdemons.

Betrugil blinked as Haec, Taburas, and Aemula stared in horror at the wild Demon.

[Uroboros - Lvl. 155]

I did tell you were all going to die.

Betrugil spoke simply, and the [Uroboros] hissed, charging down at them.



It had been so long. I had been lost down here for ages. I couldnt keep track of time without the sun and that was only exacerbated by the fact that this layer of the Netherworld had been partially corrupted. It made it almost impossible to navigate. Even with [Planar Navigation] and my other Class Skills, I was pretty much trapped in place.

I was going to lose my mind down here. I couldnt even progress more than a few feet before my world was turned upside down. If I wanted to escape, I would have to wait in place for a passing Corrupted Netherstone to hitch a ride. 

But I refused to leave. I had already started my way down here, and I was going to keep going I was going to continue on until it was too dangerous for me to remain. And that was when I was going to try to make my escape.

So I persisted. Until finally


General Skill [Corruption Resistance] has leveled up!

[Corruption Resistance - Lvl. 2] -> [Corruption Resistance - Lvl. 3]!

Experience is awarded for the leveling of a General Skill!


General Skill [Corruption Resistance] has leveled up!

[Corruption Resistance - Lvl. 4] -> [Corruption Resistance - Lvl. 5]!

Experience is awarded for the leveling of a General Skill!


General Skill [Corruption Navigation] Learned!

Experience is awarded for the learning of a General Skill!


Class [Draconic Apprentice] Level Up!

[Draconic Apprentice - Lvl. 130] -> [Draconic Apprentice - Lvl. 131]

Gained 2 Secondary Skill Points! 


Class [Draconic Apprentice] Level Up!

[Draconic Apprentice - Lvl. 131] -> [Draconic Apprentice - Lvl. 132]

Gained 2 Secondary Skill Points! 


Class [Draconic Apprentice] Level Up!

[Draconic Apprentice - Lvl. 132] -> [Draconic Apprentice - Lvl. 133]

Gained 2 Secondary Skill Points! 


Finally! Im free!

The notifications resounded in my head, and I took a step forward as I sighed in relief. I felt an odd sensation overcome me, but there was a flicker around my body. I wasnt teleported into another spot whether it be upside down on the ceiling or standing on the wall. Even as I continued walking forward in this hallway of corrupted space, the corruption didnt affect me. 

Now then

I grinned as I raised my Divine Nebular Scythe.

Lets see what this second layer has to offer.

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