Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 566: Club

Chapter 566: Club

566. Club

[Will O Wisp - Lvl. ???]

Rachel stared at the Grand Spirit at the [Will O Wisp]. She didnt expect to see such a high-leveled being here in the Demon Research Club. In fact, a Spirit was the last thing she expected to see in this club.

But Willy wasnt just any ordinary Spirit. He was the supervisor of the Demon Research Club.

And that made Rachel hesitate. If a Spirit was leading a club on Demon Research, it probably meant that this was more akin to a Demon Hunters club a place for those who wanted to slay Demons to gather.

The young girl immediately wanted to leave. But the president of the club the blonde girl named Valda cleared her throat and addressed the room.

Some of you may be wondering what this club is about. Well, if you think its about researching ways to effectively hunt and kill Demons I suggest leaving the room right now.

Valda crossed her arms. Rachel blinked. The room paused. It was a blunt statement the club president had said it so matter-of-factly, it took a moment for everyone in the room to process her words.


Rachel narrowed her eyes. And a young man shot to his feet, raising a hand.

Wait if were not here to become Demon Hunters, then why are we here?

Another student nodded in agreement, before a susurration quickly swept over the room. Valda simply rolled her eyes as she calmed them down, waving a hand dismissively.

Were here to learn more about Demonkind. Not to destroy them. But to understand them.

...understand them?

A middle-aged woman asked with a frown a third-year student, by her looks. She pointed accusingly at Valda as Rachel looked on.

Why would we want to understand Demons? Theyre the ones who destroyed my home country! Nixa is gone because of them!

Nixa is gone because of one Demon. Before the Demon King even invaded the Mortal Realm.

Valda shook her head as she placed a hand on the magic crystal. The glowing bright light flickered, and Rachel blinked. The young girl watched as the room dimmed, before a projection shone. A magical image unveiled itself on the ceiling as the gathered students stared.

A giant insect-like creature moved on the screen. It had bulbous eyes and a pair of thin, translucent wings. It flew with an army of monsters trailing behind it, and the middle-aged woman visibly recoiled.

W-what is that?!

Thats the Demon that destroyed your home country.

Valda replied simply as she gestured at the screen. She twisted her fingers against the surface of the magic crystal, changing the scene. 

And these are some of the Demons that besieged the city of Alyras before the invasion truly began

The president of the Demon Research Club took a step back as a blurred picture of a trio of Demons hovering in the air, just above some smoke and rubble. The image zoomed onto their necks as Valda shook her head.

As you can see, they are not the same Demons. In fact, they are quite different. Notably, you can see how these ones are collared, while the previous Demon was not.

Rachel stared at the screen, then glanced back at the watching students. Many of them were exchanging dubious glances some of them whispering conspiratorially as they shook their heads disapprovingly at Valda. However, the blonde girl didnt pay them any mind.

Other such distinctions include the fact that the previous Demon fought with a horde of monsters while these acted

Excuse me!

The same young man who had spoken up earlier interrupted Valda. He folded his arms with an indignant look on his face. She nodded at him as she drew back.

What is it?

Whats the point in knowing all this? I dont see why it matters if the Demons trying to kill us are wearing a collar, a shirt, or a damn ball gown! Theyre trying to kill us!

He shook a fist back at her. Rachel winced, but Valda didnt visibly react. Like she was used to this. She kept her cool as she answered his question.

As I said, our goal here is to understand Demonkind. Not as this existential threat, but as a people. As a society. Because as evinced by the last few years, there is still much we have yet to fully understand about them.

Rachel thought that was a satisfactory answer. Unfortunately, not everyone agreed with her. In fact, most seemed outrage by Valdas response.

This is not a club this is a cult!

The middle-aged woman exclaimed. She rose to her feet as she gestured at the room around them. 

This is just a ruse so you can worship the Demon King, isnt it?

Rachel watched as the crowd of students nodded in agreement at that outlandish accusation. Valdas brows snapped together.

Worship the Demon King?

The president of the Demon Research Club strode forward and shook her head.

How many Demons have you killed?


The middle-aged woman started, but Valda continued.

When your country was falling to Belzus terror, did you fight back? Did you try to stop him? And what about during the Demon Kings invasion? Did you do anything then?

Valdas questions made the middle-aged woman purse her lips. She drew back as the blonde girl loomed over her.  

I fought in the war I joined the United Coalition of the Human Lands to repel the Demon Kings invasion. I have killed dozens of Demons during my time in battle. What have you done?


The middle-aged woman bit her lower lip, then she shook her head. She hurried past Valda as she headed out of the room.

I dont need to answer that question, you [Cultist]!

Rachel blinked. She watched as the middle-aged woman slammed the door shut, exiting the room. For a moment, the crowd of students fell silent. Then Valda shook her head and took a step back.

Anyone who wants to leave can leave now. Id rather not deal with any more interruptions to my presentation before it is over.

The young man from earlier exchanged a glance with a group of his friends. They nodded at each other, before they got up and slowly walked out of the room. And when they left, another group of students trailed after them. Valda stood to the side, looking on as more and more of the gathered crowd vanished, until only Rachel remained.

The young girl hesitated. She wasnt sure whether she should get up and leave, following the other students, or to stay here and listen to Valdas presentation. After a moments deliberation, Rachel finally decided against leaving. Because her interest was piqued because it was the first time she had met someone who was even remotely interested in Demons beyond wanting to kill them. And she sat back down in the empty room. 

The president of the Demon Research Club stared at Rachel her only audience. And she sighed as she massaged her temples.

Well that didnt go great.

You think?

An ethereal voice scoffed, and Rachel stared at Willy. The [Will O Wisp] laughed as he flitted around her shoulders.

Scared them off. Again.

I know. But its not my fault

Fourth time. No new members.

Look, you dont have to remind me about that, alright? Just

Valda shook her head as Willy chuckled. Rachel looked at the Grand Spirit as he teased the president of the Demon Research Club. The young girl certainly didnt expect him to behave like that when she first saw him.

She had expected the Grand Spirit to act in a dignified manner. Especially considering his levels. But he was rather carefree.

Just let me finish this orientation

Valda grumbled as she turned and pointed to Rachel. 



The young girl blinked, looking down at herself. Valda nodded as she gestured at her only audience member.

Youre Rachel the Child Wonder, arent you? Ive heard about you.

Um, yep. Thats me?

Rachel answered apprehensively. The president of the Demon Research Club placed a hand on her chin.

Why didnt you leave with the others? Are you actually interested in learning about Demonkind? Because if its just you I guess I can answer any questions you have.

Before she runs too. 

Willy added in, and Valda scowled. Rachel glanced past the two of them, looking towards Jonas just standing at the corner with three other students. She gestured at the blond man as she scratched the back of her head. 

Oh, I was just invited to join the club by him. But Im staying here because it seems interesting?

Rachel didnt exactly want to divulge that she was here to find a way to get to Salvos to get to the Netherworld. It would sound insane to anyone, anyway. So the young girl just shook her head.

Why was this club started, anyway? What made you want to research Demons, Ms Valda?

Just call me Valda. And its a complicated reason.

Valda pursed her lips, but continued to explain.

To simplify things I decided to create this club because of Salvos.

Because of Salvos?

Rachels eyes went round. She leaned forward as Valda nodded.

I met Salvos while she was attending Mavos Academy over two years ago. And I grew to admire her a lot. She was someone I aspired to become. I thought that she was a [Hero]. The second coming of Alexander.

Valda spoke as she faced the ceiling, staring at the projection of Salvos facing down the trio of Demons in Alyras. But the blonde girl shook her head and placed a hand on the magic crystal. The image vanished.

Rachel narrowed her eyes as she listened on. And Valda spoke through gritted teeth.

Then I learned that Salvos was a Demon. Now I dont know how to feel about her. I am

The blonde girl closed her eyes.

I am uncertain.

Valda lowered her head as she fell silent. Rachel hesitated. The young girl wasnt sure whether she should pipe up or whether there was anything to say at all. The room held still for a moment, until she finally mustered up the courage to speak.

Whats wrong if Salvos is a Demon?

The words naturally left Rachels mouth. It was a question she had been wanting to ask so many people but shed managed to stop herself from doing so, just to avoid an argument. However, right now, she felt free to speak her mind.

Whats wrong with being a Demon? Salvos is still Salvos, isnt she? So why does it matter whether shes a Human or a Demon?

Rachel cocked her head, and Valda blinked. 


The blonde girl tried to work her jaw. And she just chuckled to herself. 

Thats what I ask myself. And thats why I wish to learn more about Demonkind. So I can cleanse my preconceived notions from my mind. So I can judge Salvos for who she is

She smiled as she drew back from the magic crystal, looking down at herself.

Was I tricked? Or was that the real Salvos, even if she was in disguise? If she was Id be happy. But I do not know.

Rachel stared at Valda. The young girl didnt say a word. Instead, she glanced up towards the silent Grand Spirit, before looking towards Jonas who wore a concerned look for his friend. No one said a word.

And Rachel tilted her head back. convinced me.

The young girl spoke as she hopped to her feet. Valda blinked and glanced back. 

Wait, that wasnt my pitch

But you convinced me, anyway!

Rachel grinned as she strode forward. She grabbed the blonde girls hands and smiled brightly.

I want to join the Demon Research Club!

Valda stared for a moment, utterly confused. And slowly, she glanced back towards Jonas for confirmation. He shrugged back at her, and she tried to steel herself.

I-I see? Welcome to the club?

She patted Rachels shoulder uncertainly. The young girl smiled in return.

Im glad to be here!

After all, Valda was apparently someone Salvos used to know. And Rachel knew that this meant she was treading down the right path.




And as Rachel met with Valda, Jonas, and Willy in Mavos Academy, before joining the Demon Research Club, the rest of the world moved.

Daniel Song led an army into battle against the Elves. 

Edithe Dawnrise surveyed the Netherfied Lands.

Saffron Merryster rode for the Vaun Qieur Empire.

Orgaf wandered the Beastmen Plains.

And somewhere, deep in the Netherworld, beneath the destruction of Revelation

Salvos woke up. 

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