Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 125: Second World: How To Get Off An Omega's Blacklist

Chapter 125: Second World: How To Get Off An Omega's Blacklist

Wen Qinxi flung the door open wondering if Mama Qie was lost, Zhao royal family pavilion was in the opposite direction. From the character's memory, Zhao Xieshu and Mama Qie didn't see eye to eye. To be more exact Zhao Xieshu tried to get on her good side to win Qie Ranzhe's heart and get her blessing but Mama Qie was so cold to him that the omega was forced to give up. Now she had somehow stumbled upon his door patiently waiting for him.

He couldn't help but wonder if she came to rebuke him and play out some scene from a dog blood drama offering him millions to stay away from the Marshal. The old him might have been tempted to take her offer though unethical. Whatever the reason for this unannounced visit he opened the door with a fixed smile welcoming her inside not forgetting to guard against her.

He politely greeted her before serving her a hot cup of aromatic tea as this was the only tea he could find in the kitchen. After five minutes of brewing, Wen Qinxi placed the tray on the table before carefully pouring some into her teacup. The familiar scent astonished her, this was her favourite tea she drank every single day. Was it only a coincidence that Zhao Xieshu had this in his kitchen or was it fate? 

Using a roundabout method, she asked, "Is this your favourite tea as well," before taking a sip with an elated smile. That smile sent chills down Wen Qinxi spine as he casually replied,

"No, I don't drink tea. I prefer coffee." 

Mama Qie was vexed by his answer inquiring further. "Then why do you.....," she asked but paused unable to resist taking another sip. Naturally, Wen Qinxi knew why that tea was in his kitchen. This character was infatuated with Qie Ranzhe so much that he made it a priority to learn the Qie family habits so he could curry favour in the future but of course, Wen Qinxi didn't plan on mentioning this to her.

"Oh, I casually bought it just in case if l had guests. I guess it was a good decision then," said Wen Qinxi sipping warm water as the hangover effects crept up on him once more.

She accepted his answer looking around this small yet beautiful pavilion that was extremely homey. She had visited the Emperor's pavilion where the entire royal family resided excluding Zhao Xieshu. It was ten times bigger with expensive decorum but it wasn't as warm and cosy as Zhao Xieshu's pavilion."Oh, l almost forgot," she said gently pushing a bento towards Wen Qinxi, "Ran-er asked me to make you some clear noddle soup. It's good for hangovers."

Wen Qinxi had caught a glimpse of the bento when she walked in but never thought in a million years that it was meant for him. A warm fuzzy feeling spread all over his chest finding this overbearing CEO was rather cute. 

"Thank you," he said opening the lid with a beaming smile. The mouthwatering scent had him salivating but he had exercise restraint and reserve it for when she leaves otherwise he will embarrass himself eating like a gluttonous pig. Mama Qie didn't question why he wasn't eating happily enjoying her tea without a care in the world. It was only when she was gratified did she notice Zhao Xieshu had no attendant bots. This was extremely peculiar considering the palace had server bots in abundance yet the prince had not a single one so she asked, "Why don't you have server bots? Do you do everything by yourself?"

"I make my own meals and have cleaning bots come in every day....Forgive me for being blunt but did you come all the way just to give me the bento? I truly appreciate it but feel horrible if this is the only reason you came. I have troubled you Auntie Qie," he said with a meaningful expression but Mama Qie gently patted his hand saying,

"It's no trouble. I also came to ask you something important," her soothing tone so motherly reminding Wen Qinxi of his own mother, "I hope I am not overstepping my bounds but l just wanted to ask you what you think of my son?" 

Wen Qinxi almost spat out the mouthful of water. He would have been better off spitting it out as he choked instead to the point of violently coughing. 'What the fuck?' he thought with his watery eyes scrutinising Mama Qie. The motherly omega rubbed his back in a comforting manner. What happened? Wasn't Zhao Xieshu in her eyes a frivolous prince with no dignity and an embarrassment to the entire universe? Why the change in heart?

"Ahem....uhm.....well, why.....uhm....the sudden change?" he hesitantly asked his heart unwilling to let this woman off lightly. 

Mama Qie's face turned pale ashamed and apologetic, "I was wrong for judging your lifestyle and believed what others had to say about you. I am sorry and hope you can forgive me someday."

Wen Qinxi's expression changed several times unbelieving of this situation. Uncertain of how to respond he remained silent for a while. After some internal struggle, he finally part his lips to speak when the door was harshly opened from the outside. Whoever it was didn't even bother knocking just walking in as though walking into a toilet.

He scolded himself for not locking the door in the first place when he saw the mother and daughter pair walking in. They joyously acknowledged Mama Qie whilst treating the second person in the room like air. Wen Qinxi didn't mind in fact, he wanted to get all three hens out of his house but didn't know how to go about it without being too rude.

As luck would have it, the Empress suggested the three of them go shopping while Zhao Huangzhi clung to Mama Qie like a spoilt child. "Yes Auntie, let's go. We haven't spent time together in a while," said Zhao Huangzhi tugging Mama Qie's sleeve. This behaviour didn't bother Mama Qie before but now she found it appalling. Zhao Xieshu was isolated from the rest of the family and each time she asked after him in the past they would accuse him of being rude and disrespectful which was why they never included him. Turns out those were all lies, this prince was actually sweet and considerate making it hard for someone to dislike him.

"I am afraid I would have to refuse this time. I came to spend time with Prince Xieshu," she said trying to politely reject their offer but how could they let them cultivate a relationship so easily. Though the Emperor disagreed with Zhao Huangzhi marrying the Marshal, the Empress was hopeful. She believed her husband would one day realise the benefit in this union so she maintained a tight-knit friendship with Mama Qie. That is to say, when the time comes Mama Qie will naturally give her blessing and formally welcome the princess into the Qie Family. 

This is why she bad-mouthed Zhao Xieshu because she knew her stepson was a love rival to her precious daughter. Her plan worked flawlessly but who would have expected Mama Qie would come to Zhao Xieshu's pavilion out of her own volition intending to bridge the gap between her and the prince. Did the Empress' efforts count for nought? This wouldn't do.

"It's alright Mama Qie. You can go shopping. l promised my friend that I would go visit him today," said Wen Qinxi feeling his space was too crowded which was suffocating.

Mama Qie seemed conflicted but seeing that she had also shown up at Zhao Xieshu's door unannounced she reluctantly agreed. "This is great, let's head out now. I also want to show you my new collection that arrived yesterday...Come, come let's go," said the Empress dragging Mama Qie by the arm. 

Wen Qinxi smiled at Qie Ranzhe's mother saying, "Thank you so much for the soup. I will let you know what I think," as they approached the door.

As soon as the word soup came out of Zhao Xieshu's mouth, Zhao Huangzhi frowned with contempt written all over her face. "Soup? What soup?" she said but the Empress dragged her out as well unwilling to delay any longer. The longer they stayed in Zhao Xieshu's pavilion the more she felt her chest tighten. That child looked similar to the former Empress, a constant reminder that omega who reigned on the mouths of the people even though she was dead.

As soon as the door was shut, Wen Qinxi ran over to heat up the bento he had been coveting this entire time. He stood by the microwave impatiently tapping the counter with a spoon in his mouth closely watching the timer. With the timer hitting 0:01 seconds, Wen Qinxi opened the microwave door and ate a mouthful of the clear noodle soup almost burning his tongue. The taste was magnificent, a hangover cure bestowed by the heavens. Lost in this moment of bliss, he took a picture of the half-eaten soup, removed Qie Ranzhe from his blacklist before sending him the picture with the caption 'thanks'. 


A few streets over Qie Ranzhe was busy reprimanding his mother for going out shopping without accomplishing the mission. All she had to do was convince Zhao Xieshu to remove him from the blacklist but who knew she would run off to buy unnecessary things. Being scolded by her son, Mama Qie couldn't endure the embarrassment especially when the Empress kept circling like a vulture wanting to eavesdrop on their conversation so she cut the call without a second thought.

Qie Ranzhe for the second time today had his call rudely cut twice with no explanation. Anxious he tried to focus on the documents in front of him but it proved futile as he kept eyeing his communicator with expectant eyes. All he could think about was how he was going to survive the next one hour and a half without resolving things with Zhao Xieshu that is if the omega would accept his calls after he was off the blacklist.

Nervously tapping his desk his eyes intently watching the clock as though time would magically move faster by glaring at it, his communicator suddenly flashed drawing his attention. A picture of half-eaten soup with the caption 'thanks' appeared in his line of sight. A warm spring sprout within as he swiftly requested a video call ending his two hours and thirty minutes of suffering.

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