Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 127: Second World: Drooling Over the Marshal

Chapter 127: Second World: Drooling Over the Marshal

Wen Qinxi's face transitioned from a mere frown graduating to wide-eyed before settling on downcast expression with downright embarrassment. His face changed colour faster than a chameleon on a rainbow background. From waxing all the way to wrapping his legs around Qie Ranzhe's waist, he saw it all. Seeing himself acting so coquettish, Wen Qinxi felt so ashamed he felt like offing himself and start the world all over again but of course, he couldn't do that. He desperately wanted to know what he did in the room after the system stopped recording.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! Jolie what the fuck! How can l act this way? This isn't me? I don't jump on people and act all flirty. Shit!" he said banging his head against the desk.

"Haha, you don't jump on people but you jump on our CEO.....haha. Congratulations boss you have captured Qie Ranzhe's attention for the second time," said the system creating electronic fireworks for the new couple.

Wen Qinxi, in a panic, had a moment of epiphany. Zhao Xieshu was a paranoid character and installed hidden cameras all over his pavilion. Yes, there must be video surveillance somewhere. Determined to find what his drunken self did he searched everywhere. He finally found the footage and wanted to press play but he was anxious terrified to know what lewd things he did to the Marshal.

"Why so fuckin nervous? Its obvious your virginity is still intact so press play," said the system seeing him this jittery.

"Whose fuckin nervous? How come you are still here? Go make yourself useful elsewhere," he said with his index finger rubbing against his thumb a nervous habit associated with the character. 

The system obediently complied leaving behind a distressed Wen Qinxi staring fixedly at the paused footage with a blank expression. "What's there to worry about? It's not like we haven't done this before," he said to himself brazenly pressing play which he immediately regretted.

Covering his mouth with his sweaty palm eyes as wide as a light bulb he watched the entire thing his face as red as a tomato. "OMG what the fuck was 'just this once'? Shit!" he cursed wishing the ground would just open up and swallow him whole. So this was the new him? A flirtatious horny creature with no shame. He rewatched the footage over and over again his fingers trembling uncontrollably as a sensation of coldness took hold of his body.

In the real world, he would be considered a harmless good boy harbouring no ill will. In university, he had gone out drinking with his dorm mates passing out drunk once or twice to the point of not remembering his name but he had never behaved so smutty towards anyone be it, girl or boy. But towards his boss, he just couldn't keep his sticky paws off him. In his mind, this was too illogical unless...

"Fuck no! Infatuation my ass!" he said trying to delete the evidence but it was already embedded in his mind. There was no forgetting that scene. He even told Qie Ranzhe that if he wears his uniform the next time they meet he would accept his proposal. What was up with that? Did he have some kind of fetish for a man in a uniform? To confirm his theory he frantically searched the Valim Network for pictures of the Marshal at formal events.

The network didn't disappointing having so many of the Marshal's images some shot close up and others from a distance. All of them seemed to be taken without him being aware of it but he looked picturesque with the camera capturing his strong points. In a short period, Wen Qinxi lost himself drooling over Qie Ranzhe like a kid drooling at a candy store.

This was to say what happened in the first world would have happened even if he wasn't drugged, the ecstasy just nudged him in the right direction. "Okay, I admit his so fuckin hot," he said zooming in to take a glimpse of those alluring lips he kissed last night but his reminiscing was cut short by the sound of communicator beeping. "What?" he answered with his eyes glued to the Marshal's image.

Captain Rueda, "....."

"Prince Xieshu, it's me. I ran.....Uhm...I ran into some kind of trouble," said the captain in a shaky voice breathing heavily as though she was running away from something.

"Oh shit, sorry. What sort of trouble?" he asked gathering his things to leave immediately. He had sent her on a recon mission to dig up some dirt on Emperor Zhao. She was following up on some leads but as she approached Valim airspace her mecha was suddenly attacked by EMP (electromagnetic pulse) device shutting down her mecha mid-air. With a loud bang, the mecha came crashing down right outside the capital forcing the captain to take off on foot as the perpetrators pursued after her.

Panic-stricken, Wen Qinxi asked for her coordinates as he rushed out of the pavilion. He had to get the team to rescue her while creating a diversion. What he feared the most was Captain Rueda committing murder-suicide taking the bastards down with her. According to her character setting, she was the kind that would rather die than surrender into enemy hands. 

Wen Qinxi casually strolled to the palace armoury were they kept the mechas and spaceships belonging to the royal guard. His intention was to commandeer a spaceship or mecha to serve as a distraction while the team safely extracted Captain Rueda. He naturally couldn't use his own mecha otherwise that would be like showcasing his technology to the entire universe. 

Though he didn't have access to this part of the palace Zhao Xieshu already hacked the system ages ago and made an all-access pass that could even allow him to enter the Emperor only bathroom at will. It's just that it hadn't been used before but it worked letting Wen Qinxi in with no issues. After some sneaking around he caught sight of two mechas standing side by side and one of them belonged to Zhao Xieshu's douchebag of a brother, Zhao Lazhie.

An ominous grin quirked up on Wen Qinxi's face his eyes filled with mischief staring at White Eagle, Zhao Lazhie's mecha. It was time to play with his brother's favourite toy without permission.

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