Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 148: Second World: Taking Responsibility For Huangzhi 2

Chapter 148: Second World: Taking Responsibility For Huangzhi 2

The Empress' face was riddled with shame but Zhao Huangzhi's was flushed in anger. Her flawless plan had clearly been seen through by that freak of an omega ruining everything. She desperately wanted to strangle him but retrained herself lying through her teeth. "Ran-ge this footage obviously doctored. Don't believe this slut's lies," she said reaching out to touch Qie Ranzhe's arm but Wen Qinxi lost it tossing the empty prosecco bottle in between them before it smashed aganist the wall shattering into a million pieces. Zhao Huangzhi flinched her face pale in shock while Empress Wuzhishu screamed her lungs out terrified of Zhao Xieshu.

Wen Qinxi had been angry so many times earning him the title of firecracker from his mother and brother but this kind of burning rage was new to him. His fingers were uncontrollably shaking with purple veins bulging on the side of his neck. His bloodshot eyes emitting an unmistakable kill intent like he was going to end Zhao Huangzhi at this very moment.

Qie Ranzhe felt an overpowering churn in the pit of his stomach. He wanted to appease Zhao Xieshu and let him know he will never leave him but based on the omega's temperament he knew touching Zhao Xieshu right now would further infuriate him. His heart hurt for Zhao Xieshu and it was all because of him.

"You used my fuckin name to get to him yet claim innocence. You know what," he said tapping on his communicator fiddling with something.

"What are you doing?" said a panicked Zhao Huangzhi her eyes brimming with tears shaking in rage.

"Oops, my hand slipped but it's a good thing, right? At least now the entire universe can judge whether its fake or not," said Wen Qinxi with a sinister smirk as he lazily leaned back on the couch.

Zhao Huangzhi and the Empress were fraught with anger. All their misdeeds had been publicized and soon the entire empire will know what they did to the Marshal.

"Zhao Xieshu you bitch.....your hand didn't slip. You fuckin did it on purpose. We all saw that," yelled Zhao Huangzhi tossing couch cushions at him, "Ran-ge my reputation is ruined by that witch. You have to help me. Take responsibility for me. We have always got along together so what can stop us from having a harmonious marriage. I love you Ran-ge and I will do anything so long as I end up with you," her pitiful cries loud enough to be heard from the outside that any passerby would think she was being bullied.

Qie Ranzhe was about to shut her down but Wen Qinxi tightly gripped his elbow saying, "He belongs to me so he can't take responsibility for your actions...Qie Ranzhe do you want to take responsibility for her?"

A definite and resolute no came from the Marshal urging Zhao Xieshu to continue, "There you have it. Even he feels he shouldn't have to take responsibility so fuck off!" he said ready to take his leave. This discussion was obviously pointless and he had already said what he needed to say but before he stood up Zhao Huangzhi suddenly panicked and flung her half full glass of prosecco to his face. Her action came unexpected but Zhao Xieshu's reaction was even more unexpected.

From the game room Machu had finished checking on Wen Qinxi his heart rate soaring towards 250 bpm living him no choice but to try and talk him into calming down.

'Gecko, can you hear me? It's just a game don't let yourself get this worked up.' said Machu in a soothing tone but it was barely effective.

Wen Qinxi wasn't listening to anyone yelling, "Just because you are girl you think I won't kick the crap out of you? We are both omegas so I can beat the shit out of you and teach you some manners,' he said launching forward with his fist powerful enough to break Zhao Huangzhi's jaw but Qie Ranzhe suddenly pulled him into his embrace just in time. Because of this sudden move, Wen Qinxi lost his footing falling straight into Qie Ranzhe's chest but he didn't concern himself with that cursing at Zhao Huangzhi with no restraint. The atmosphere was so intense that the guards outside dared not intervene unless asked.

Wen Qinxi had completely lost it with the Marshal facing him while embracing his waist attempting to calm him down but Wen Qinxi kept looking over Qie Ranzhe's shoulder firing insults at Zhao Huangzhi. The princess wasn't quiet either calling his mother vulgar names and tossing her shoe at him when she got outsmarted by Zhao Xieshu.

This carried on for thirty seconds and would have gone on longer if Emperor Zhao hadn't shown up. Qie Ranzhe immediately turned around to face Emperor Zhao while hiding Zhao Xieshu behind his back in a protective stance. The emperor was livid but because he was terrified of the guard dog Marshal, he didn't scold Zhao Xieshu just stating the facts further infuriating Zhao Huangzhi and Empress Wuzhishu.

"As I have said several times before, Zhao Huangzhi can't marry into the Qie Family. My decision is look what sort of shame you have brought to the royal family. Huan Huan why don't listen to fa-," said Emperor Zhao struggling to suppress his anger before Zhao Huangzhi rudely cut him off.

"You are so fuckin biased. Just because his mother had money you let him marry the love of my life. Is it my fault that my mother's family doesn't have a fuckin cent, huh? Why didn't just kill the bastard when his mother died. Wouldn't have that saved you the trouble of raising such a troublemaker? Mother is right, you are fuckin weak," said Zhao Huangzhi completely out of her mind. That was the only possible explanation why she dared to speak such words to the emperor.

Empress Wuzhishu tried to shut her daughter's mouth by tugging her elbow but Zhao Huangzhi shrugged her arm away ready to spit out more venomous words. "Don't fuckin touch me, if you weren't too poor it would have been me marrying the Marshal right now," she said to her mother before turning to face her father, "are you going to make him marry me or you did rather be a coward?"

Emperor Qie scowled glaring at his daughter. The words obedient, sweet and delicate always came up when he thought of his daughter who would marry into a big family and stabilize his power for his sons when they take over in the future but these words didn't apply anymore. Was Zhao Huangzhi pretending all these years or this was a temporary possession? In denial, he decided on possession resorting to slapping her hard across the face in order to cast whatever spirit it was out.

Pa! Was the loud sound that brought the entire room to silence with Zhao Huangzhi's screams breaking the still atmosphere. For the first time in her entire life someone actually dared to hit her and that person was her father. She screamed at him cursing him to his grave which undoubtedly landed her another slap.

Satisfied, Wen Qinxi broke Qie Ranzhe's hold on him leaving the room without a single word. As expected, Qie Ranzhe immediately followed behind him in silence glad that at least Zhao Xieshu didn't hate him and they would soon move on from this or so he thought.

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