Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 161: Second World: Hickey Spills XieXie's Secrets

Chapter 161: Second World: Hickey Spills XieXie's Secrets

Wen Qinxi heaved a sigh of relief once he kicked out Qie Ranzhe. He suddenly understood the pressure women faced in society to hurry up get married and have children. Frustrated he finished off his congee that suddenly tasted like sawdust in his mouth. This congee was meant as bribe for his omega womb leaving a lingering sour taste in his mouth. His goal was to help his boss get out of the game not have in-game babies with him.

He angrily cleared up the dishes before heading off to his secret room to engage in yet another round of PK aganist the mysterious cube shaped box that was mocking his intelligence. He vowed to bash it open if he couldn't figure it out by end of day.

After two hours of engaging in a cold war with the box an unexpected guest forced him to cease fire. Puzzled, he checked the security camera only to find Machu peering at the camera his face so close he could see the Admiral's nose hairs.

Using the intercom he reprimanded him saying, "What in the world are you doing? Are you trying to eat my camera or something?"

Startled, Machu took a step back nervously fixing his clothes. He had somehow managed to embarrass himself in front of the boss' future wife. "S-sorry your Highness. brought this for you," he said lifting up the communicator. Actually he didn't have to bring it in himself, delivery would have worked just fine but he was curious to know how Zhao Xieshu managed to train no train was the wrong word, managed to turn his boss into a loyal love sick puppy especially when the Marshal didn't like him much from the beginning. Another reason was that he had to get out the office with that embarrassing chicken dance video circulating among his colleagues.

Wen Qinxi didn't dally any longer opening the door for him to let him in but Machu refused to enter the prince's pavilion standing outside the door while handing him the communicator. His reason wasn't for the sake of the prince's reputation or it being inappropriate for an alpha being alone with an omega. No, his reason was Qie Ranzhe's possessive jealous nature which he had personally witnessed growing up together. If he could be jealous over his puppy licking Machu's hand then how about Machu being alone in a room with the prince.

Back then Qie Ranzhe ignored him for two weeks never letting him play with his puppy ever again how about now? The punishment would probably be much more severe. He shuddered at the thought of how Qie Ranzhe would retaliate subconsciously taking another step back.

Wen Qinxi was befuddled by his reaction leading him to say, "Admiral, are you afraid I will bite you?"

Machu anxiously rubbed the back of his neck handing over the communicator without answering Zhao Xieshu's question. "The Marshal told me to give this to you," he said as his gaze fell on the t-shirt Zhao Xieshu was wearing. It seemed the Marshal wasn't the only fool struck by love. All his worries suddenly disappeared pleased to know that at least the feelings were mutual.

"Oh, thanks," replied Wen Qinxi finding the possessive Qie Ranzhe quite humorous. The guy actually went through his entire communicator to see who he was talking to, "So you aren't going to come in?"

"No, actually l was wondering how, I really don't how to ask this. You know how stiff Ran-ge is yet in such a short time you have him running around in casual clothes and posting on Valim Network. Please don't be offended it's just that I have known him since childhood and this kind of behavior sprung out of nowhere which makes me worry," said Machu pouring out his heart in concern for the Marshal. Qie Ranzhe was so high in love but this kind of love was the type that could destroy a man once it got shut down. If their relationship didn't work out he was fairly certain Qie Ranzhe wouldn't be able to come back from this.

Wen Qinxi didn't know what to say but he could understand Machu's concerns. "I don't know why there is sudden change in behavior but one thing you should know is that I am not his enemy and all I want is for him to succeed so you don't have to be on guard aganist me," he said his face revealing an earnest and heartfelt expression that put Machu's heart at ease. Wen Qinxi had to commend Qie Ranzhe for having such a loyal friend looking out for him in game and in the real world.

Machu seemed satisfied by this answer with his entire body relaxing with a beaming smile. With that he excused himself heading back to the headquarters in a hurry as though afraid to stay a minute longer.

Wen Qinxi leisuirely returned to his desk while checking his communicator for any missed calls or messages only to find his inbox packed with an overwhelming amount of messages all of them linked to to his Valim Network account but none of them seemed relevant ignoring them with no second thought.

It was then that he received a video call request from Xiao Hua who had called him three times already. Thinking it was something important, Wen Qinxi accepted the video call request but instantly regreted it soon after.

"Xie Xie did you sleep well last night?" said the pink haired omega with a mocking smile seated on a carpet in what seemed to be his bedroom.

Wen Qinxi, "....."

"Wait don't answer yet," said Xiao Hua linking in the rest of Xianxi on the call initiating a conference call. Even Captain Rueda and Meng Prof weren't spared also getting roped into this meaningless conversation. At first glance you would think they were discussing some important mission not Zhao Xieshu's extra curriculum activities.

"Someone had an eventful evening last night even leaving some evidence behind and feeding us a mouthful of dog food with that couple's wear. jealous," said Teng pushing her twin away who taking more than half of the screen.

Wen Qinxi was struck dumb lost as to what evidence she was referring to and Captain Rueda could clearly see the confusion in his eyes so she helped him gesturing with her own neck the exact location of that conspicuous hickey. Wen Qinxi's eyes widened picking up the communicator heading for the bathroom to stare at the now deep purple hickey confessing last night's events to the entire universe.

"The Marshal did a number on you last night, didn't he? It must have been that good that he woke up laying claim on you to the entire universe. Hahahahaha...Xie Xie you are a fuckin legend," said Hauidan with a proud look on his face like a parent at their child's graduation except in this case it was a graduation ceremony for attaining a degree in bedroom affairs.

" misunderstand it's not what you think," said Wen Qinxi rummaging through his bathroom cabinet for a band aid to cover up his shame.

"Xie Xie how did you manage to bewitch an alpha without using an ounce of your pheromones?" said Tong his head lying on Teng's shoulder like a spoilt child. This question was indeed valid considering that Prof's suppressant was at a godly level and no alpha pheromones in the entire universe could surpass it's strength. No matter how much pheromones an alpha released in the presence of Xianxi team members, they would be the least bit affected barely producing a significant amount of their omega pheromones as a natural response.

"Don't speak nonsense. Nothing of great importance happened last night. Don't you guys have something else to do?" replied Wen Qinxi plastering a band aid on the hickey concealing it from the rest of world but it was already too late, everyone had seen it already.

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