Saving the Villain

Chapter 278 Chained By Pain, Rage, And Madness IV

"Come to me. If no company wants you, enter my legal team. I already had a position ready for you."

Rocco smiled at Conrad's offer, facing him ever so slowly. "Why? Do you pity me?"

"No. Never." Conrad's expression was plain like always, holding Rocco's gaze. "I am offering this job to you because I recognize your skill, capabilities, talent, and your dedication to your work."

"That's nice, man. You make me tear up," Rocco humored, but Conrad maintained his seriousness.

"Rocco," called Conrad, watching Rocco drink another mouthful of rum. "I am not helping you. What I'm doing is recruiting you. I would've done it before, but I knew you would refuse. Working for your friend will blur the lines of friendship when a problem arises at work. I know you didn't want that sort of thing to end the relationships you value."

"However, if cutting friendship with you is the only way that will make you accept this offer, then I am not your friend," he continued solemnly. "Maynard will not dare touch me and even if he does, that is the last time he will ever feel his hand."

Conrad waited for Rocco's answer patiently. His jaw tightened as anxiety crawled under his skin. At the end of the day, Conrad sees Rocco as a good friend and the only person who gave Conrad a challenge during high school and even during their university days.

Rocco was already talented and naturally gifted. His hardworking nature just added to his strong traits. Yet, even when Conrad worked just as hard, he just never beat Rocco or dethroned him more than once.

In other words, Conrad's respect for this man was more than what it appeared. Seeing that money was suppressing this man's light angered Conrad. The only reason Conrad didn't meddle immediately was that he knew Rocco. Rocco wouldn't appreciate it if Conrad suddenly jumped in.

Therefore, here Conrad was, offering the man a job to solve at least one problem before they move on to the next. Conrad just needed to hear Rocco agree but to no avail.

"Thanks." Rocco smacked his lips and glanced at Conrad. "I really appreciate you, man. I really do. But…"

He trailed off, setting his eyes on the rum within his grasp. "But I have to decline."

"Be rational, Rocco." Rocco's answer didn't please Conrad as his expression grew colder. "My offer has nothing to do with your sense of pride or anything of the sort. I've said it already. I'm not helping you, but hiring you."

"I know." Rocco let out a brief chuckle. "But I will still decline."


"I know you don't have bad intentions," Rocco continued before Conrad could start his argument. "I also know you are sincere with everything you said just now. You're always like that, Conny."

Conrad frowned upon hearing what Rocco just called him. But he didn't speak and just remained silent.

"You know, Conrad, I've been thinking a lot these days. Two months ago, the people I thought were on the same boat as I was just pushed me out of that boat because they were afraid the boat will sink. To be honest, I was mad and furious whenever I think about it. They left me drifting in the middle of nowhere and went on with their lives." Rocco let out a bitter chuckle. "But recently, I realized that wasn't what truly makes me angry. It's not them, but what I cannot understand is why Maynard could go this far?"

"We're friends, aren't we? From high school until two months ago, we're good friends. You are a busy man, but sometimes, we even talked about having close family ties once we get married. We planned to drag you with us and even thought of finding you someone since you obviously didn't have the time," he continued in the same tone, reminiscing those good old days. "So, I cannot understand how he could do this to me. Misunderstandings are normal in friendship; that's how friendship grows stronger. However, isn't this going too far?"

Conrad had the same question. He didn't have a clear guess of what fueled Maynard to take such extreme action against Rocco. He tried reaching out to Maynard, but the man refused to talk to Conrad. And Conrad didn't feel the need to pry to know the details. What was important to him was the current and the resolution.

Whatever sparked this madness, Conrad was certain it was something personal.

After all, Maynard always had an explosive temper and Rocco unknowingly let Maynard have it his way. Conrad could still remember that time Maynard was so pissed that Rocco was dating this girl, and did his best, so they break up. Maynard was a territorial person, and sometimes, he would develop dependency.

pAn,Da-n0v e1,c Whenever Maynard feel like someone who was precious to him would abandon him for another, he would go crazy. The reason Conrad treated him coldly, knowing he couldn't bear taking such responsibility on his shoulder. He warned Rocco about it, but the latter didn't listen. Or rather, Rocco was just too nice and sincerely treasured their brotherhood that he turned a blind eye to this problem.

Now, both of them were hurting.

"I'm fucking fed up." Rocco shook his head, letting out another wave of chuckles. "That's why I came in here."

He then faced Conrad and stretched his arm, planting it on Conrad's shoulder. "I really appreciate that you want to help me, but at this point, I'm just fed up. Don't take this personally, but I'm tired of people like you. It's exhausting that rich people like you can change a person's life on a whim. You can make it a living hell or take it to another level just because you have money."

"I know you are not like that." Rocco patted Conrad's shoulder mildly before retrieving his hand. "That is why I came here to refuse your offer."


"Thank you for the drink." Rocco didn't let Conrad negotiate, pushing himself up with a grin. "Don't worry about me. Don't forget who I am, and this problem? This is nothing."

Conrad frowned, watching Rocco nod his head reassuringly. The latter didn't idle, turning on his heel, waving while walking away.

"I'll see you around," was the words Rocco uttered as he sauntered off.

Conrad watched his figure going farther and farther. Until this day, Conrad would sometimes think of this night.

What if he stopped him?

What would happen if Conrad just turned stubborn and forced Rocco to stay? Or just dragged his friend like how that same friend used to drag him around, regardless of Conrad's refusal?

Would Rocco avoid the worse?

If Conrad stopped him that night and kept him in check, would Rocco avoid being convicted of attempted murder? Which then subsequently led to an actual murder two years later, taking the life of Maynard's wife.

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