Shadow of the Abyss

Chapter 15: Zamphis

"Tsk." The Prince hissed, shooting a sharp glare toward Syris. He turned to his mother. "Mom… why is she coming along! I thought it was just going to be us?"

"Aunty Te already said it's fine," Syris casually mtioned with a challging grin that welcomed a fight.

"I wasn't talking to you!"

"Well, you wer't whispering."

"You wanna fight!"

"Damn right!"

Sparks flying betwe these two, Tebrae beamed. 'Such cute chibi's. And my little Altair made a frid. So cute,' She thought, humming near the estate trance, awaiting the arrival of the Aros family, local Aerodynes[Flying Car], built using the technology gathered by the orbiting Gisis Colonly.

They didn't wait long as the soft hum of the repulsor, anti-gravity technology that allowed machines to levitate within the confines of any atmosphere to echo. The sound caught Altair's ears; as he glanced upward, catching sight of the dark chrome limo making a vertical landing.

His young eyes glowed as winds jetted past him whirling his hair through the air. "Mother, are we going in that?"

"It is a duke family vessel," Tebrae said. " Ev guests must ter and exit the Aros Estate with style." She glanced at him. "One of these costs nearly sev hundred thousand Sols. If you want one, you'd need to work hard. The finest things are usually the most expsive. Come along.

We've much to explore."

Entering the limo, a product of the R Corp, one of Gesis's most illustrious businesses dealing with automotive manufacturers and many other deavors. Syris and Altair marveled at the fine interior: At the cool leather that seemed to circulate Mana, calming the mind and body.

"Take us to Zamphis, Fujian District. I'm in the mood for Chinese for some reason. I wonder if they got Peking Dragon." Tebrae said, her motherly smile never fading. " Is that all right with you, little ones?"

They stared at her, and Syris said, " I've never had Peking Dragon. Not ev sure if that is a thing."

"Confirm. ETA: 5 min." The A.I. of the R Corp said as the repulsor flared to life. The Limo propelled itself a mile into the air tering a public Nexus Lane: designated tracks used to regulate Air Traffic.

Awe sprang over the Prince's refined features showcasing both his innocce and age as he sat by his mother's side, peering out of the window towards the Metropilis a them. Monolithic buildings wrapped in sheets of glistering silver towered through the skies, reaching miles into the azure skies, as hundreds of cars, both on the g and by air, whipped by. He watched with utter fascination.

It wasn't the first time he'd se it. It wasn't ev the first time he'd be awed at the spectacular innovation Earth had developed in a few hundred years. Yet the more he watched, the more he became lost in its innovations.

"If this keeps up. It'll look completely like Gisis in a few more years." Syris said, thralled by the view that was as breathtaking as it was impressive.

"Is that so bad?" Tebrae mused. "I'm still surprised Gisis allows Earth to govern itself to this extt. I'm sure their Sate is filled with debate regarding the annexation of Earth. The GCA might not have the power, but Gesis surely does. Th again, the power to lobby is surely a dangerous thing." she added, glaring at Syris. " Right?"

A wry laugh escaped, but Syris didn't dy her claim. "The Getic Clone Association is spding billions to delay the sate within Gisis. They want Earth all to themselves. And they might succeed. Now that—"

"The duke is currtly a board member? Quite a scheme you guys cooked up." Te mused. "With the inclusion of the Duke, a high-ranking member, you can claim Earth is under your authority. That way, no matter the 'Gold' you find. It will legally be yours. Forcing Gisis to assist rather than steal what's yours."

"Well… it's not so cut and dry, but you're not wrong." Syris begrudgingly said. She slid her gaze to Tebrae. " umm, can I ask you a question? Umm… how'd you know?"

"Know about what?" Tebrae teased, knowing exactly what she meant.

"Please… don't tell anyone. Don't tell them I'm a celestial," she said, somewhat insecure by the sse of exposure tugging at her skin. She squirmed in her seat. Unsure how to deal with her unease.

Tebrae glanced at her son, lost in the view, and spoke. " Syris… if that ev is your true name. I've no interest in who you were. But it seems you don't ev know the power of your race. Celestials, especially pure blood, td to be reincarnated with their memories intact. It's not a surprise, darling.

And since Celestial are rarely spotted in Gisis, not much is known of your kind. Aside from their overwhelming might, that is. But I could be wrong. I don't do business with Gisis."

'And yet you seem to know of it like the back of your hand.' Syris thought but didn't dare make her words real. And she looked at her, about to speak, wh Altair oped his mouth.

"Mother! Is that the teleporter? That'll take us from Tantal to the capital.

Tebrae stretched her gaze towards the large gate of swirling mass, twisting with direction. It coiled as the limo zoomed through the portal without issue. They materialized on the other side, within one of the largest cities on the planet.

"Do you know what Rippers are?" Tebrae calmly asked as the Aerodyne made its way east, tering the constant tug and flow of traffic. She glanced at the kids as they shook their heads. "They are people who are in the business of human trafficking. But instead of sex, they sell organs, limbs, sperm, eyes, and more. So don't wander off. I wouldn't want you two to be kidnapped on my watch.

Zamphis is well known for its crime."

The Prince glared at his mother, and an odd ssation of knowing overcame him. He'd felt his mother's words were there to scare him or to warn him of the unknown. But he had an awaress that nothing would happ. Nothing wh she was with him.

He grinned, leaning his head against his mother's shoulder. "Mom will protect me."

"You're damn right."

"That's right! Aunty Te will protect us." Syris shamelessly added, her mischievous smile deeping.

And th the rustle of movemt rippled through the Aerodyne as the A.I. came to life. "Zamphis, Fujian District: China Town arrived. Recommded Places: Ruins of California. Have a wonderful day."

"First stop! Food!" Altair cried, oping the door, within a parking structure lined with a plethora of vehicles. His eyes glowed an auspicious hue as he searched the area, fascinated by what lay beyond.

'Come along. Altair!" Tebrae shouted, heading downwards towards the elevator to the outside, to the streets outside.

"Humans are strange," Syris muttered, unable to take her eyes off the tall, muscular man with a pink Mohock, tattoos of a flaming bike trailing down his triceps.

"Facts." Altair agreed, nodding as his gaze stretched to the strange world a to the m and woman with arms and legs resembling that of machines; he could see the eyes of some m carrying ssory visors seemingly seared into the flesh, allowing them to see far clearer than the untrained eye.

He awed, holding onto his mother's palm as they mindlessly toured the city. His excitemt swayed so deep in his mind he jolted about asking as many questions as he could: To which Tebrae patitly answered.

Hunger seemed to be the last thing on the childr's minds as they ogled the various weapons shops, rune stores, and more till sweat slithered down their brows and a dryness tighted a their throats. And yet Altair couldn't pull his gaze away from the ticing silver within his sight.

"Mom! Can you teach me how to make runes?" Altair suddly asked, peering through the window at the rune sword inscribed with the blood of a Wyvern. He stilled, suddly tak by the quiver of knowing, of understanding a path beyond his absolute knowledge he'd never sought or known.

Neither Tebrae nor Magister Illyo had ever once spok to him about runemasters, of the audacious nature of the Rune Making. Yet the look Altair held seemed to gleam, understanding onto itself. Similar to one who'd be found lightmt.

Fascination filled his young heart as he sought to uncover more.

She smiled devilishly, narrowing her obsidian eyes that cascaded down like a plague of death: "Are you sure? To be a Rune Master requires a lot of death… and blood."

He turned to her, a violet hue building in his dark obsidian eyes.

"I know."

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