Shadow of the Abyss

Chapter 40: Death of the Old Gods I

Second Layer of Hell, Irkalla.

Flames of Emerald Hell blazed over the torches carrying within them the Souls of the Damned that shrieked and bellowed, bearing twisted images that had be ravaged by tormt. The Souls of the Damned knew no mercy. They knew no love, no hate. There was only pain that was as madding as it was pleasurable.

Upon his throne ablaze with the very Flames of the Damned, Arse Snow sat with an incorrigible smile on his face. His ash hair fluttered with the winds that carried brimstone through the air, revealing his devilishly handsome face that carried a charm that masked his nefarious nature. His eyes remained red as a blood-stained moon, harboring two everchanging sigils within his irises.

He smiled from upon his Throne of Brimstone that blazed the very flames used to damn the souls of his layer of Hell. Below him stood a beautiful snow- wolf that seemed untouched by the hell themselves. There was an unholy air about the wolf, and yet there existed a noble radiance carried by only the Seraphim.

"My oh, my," The Monarch of Hell began staring down at the young boy unconscious within his court, abst of demons and devils. "Tebrae really is something. I did say I'd meet the boy upon his Tth. But to toss his soul in my dominion is quite excessive. Especially today of all days." He chuckled, gazing at the horrid plague of death reigning over his dominion just outside his castle.

"Looks like Beelzebub will have to wait."

The Monarch arose and drew towards the small soul flame of a small child. A boy no more than t. His soul was transluct, barely able to hold within his domain.

"Wake that ass up!" He shouted, slapping him across the face, snapping the boy's eyes op.

Altair jerked like a frighted fawn, trying to perceive his suring, but the momt his eyes rested upon the Lord before him all other things he perceived stilled.

[Eye of Sacrilege Has Activated]

[Monarch of Darkness, Arse Snow]



[Eye of Sacrilege Proficicy has increased by 50%]

"That's a neat eye you got there." The Monarch declared, lifting his lips into an arc. "Think of this as a gift. Next time you disrespect me, I'll toss you into a Hell Pit." He warned, rustling the boy's head.

Altair frowned as all his instincts in him warned him of his uninttional action. He hadn't meant to activate the Eye of Sacrilege, but the momt he peered into the Monarch's eyes, he'd lost control of his faculties.

Arse stood impressed, noting no visible sse of fear in the brat. He chuckled and circled him as if appraising merchandise. "Do you know who I am?"

"No…" Altair hesitantly answered.

"Really? You have no inkling?" Arse joked with a cheeky grin. He flicked the boy's head as he touched his chin. " I gave you all your good looks, and you still don't recognize me?" He th sighed. " How you hurt me, Altair, how you hurt me. You were ev named after my Late Mother.

And can't ev recognize your blood."

"No way…" Altair muttered, shaking his head. " You can't be!"

"I can't be what? I am one of the Nine Great Monarchs of Hell. The Empyrean of all that is Wrath and Pride." he leaned towards his son, his scarlet eyes mirroring Altair's single ruby eye. " You're, my little bastard."

"F-F-F-Father!" Muttered Altair in disbelief, unable to understand what was happing. One minute, he was locked in a battle of death. The next, he was before a man claiming to be his Father.

"Yup!" Arse joyed. "Look. We don't have a lot of time. Another Monarch is here to see me. And your existce is a secret. Although, I do have a big mouth.

So, let's say it might be a secret." He coughed into his palm as his son merely stared at him.


"Hmm? Why what?"

"Why did you abandon me?" The prince asked, pausing as he suddly shook his head. "No. How can I ev be sure what you are saying is true?"

"Not my problem if you don't believe me. But I didn't abandon you. You're what? T? We are immortals. You can be over a billion years old and still be a child to me, boy.

And I mean that in the literal sse." The Monarch sighed and folded his arms. "Look here. You are… Well... hmmm. I've got two wives. And if my First wife found out you are alive, you're dead.

She'll kill you and feed your remains to me."

"... You wouldn't eat me, right?"

"..." Arse smiled. " My first wife, Lilith, is quite insane. So we kept you a secret. Not to mtion all my other emies. if anyone found out you're a Snow. You're dead.

Same with your Mother."

"Mother said you were really strong." Altair pointed out with a deep frown.

"True. But what's before you is just a Shadow. A clone, if you will. I don't ev have one-millionth of my original power." He sighed yet again. " The sacrifices we make. Anyway.

I'm sure you have some questions. Ask away, kid."

"..." Altair glared, somewhat dissatisfied for some reason. He didn't know why, nor could he explain it, but he was upset. He'd always imagined his Father to be a solemn man. A man with a hard expression or outlook. But what stood before him was neither. "Do you love my Mother?"

"Dearly." He answered with a teasing grin. "But your mother's relationship with me is of your business."

"She is my mom."

"And that's my wife."

"Second wife, it seems."

"Your point?" Arse jeered, amused as the child before grew flush with rage. He poked at his cheeks and rustled his head as he'd done all his childr. " Boy, look. You are in quite a predicamt. Especially the older you get. The blood of Snow that runs through your veins is a powerful one.

And people will begin to notice if I don't outright snitch on you for shits and giggles."


"So..." Arse continued, joying his child's agonizing rage. "I've got a few things to tell you. What I'm about to give you is some peak wisdom. Think of it as my T Commandmts: One, Never trust a bitch with red hair. Trust me on this. Two, the pull-out game is not a real thing.

She will get pregnant. Three—"


" —Never get yourself more than one wife. It sounds fun. It is fun. But it's truly a nightmare. You better be writing this shit down. This is some grade-A wisdom right here.


"...Please stop talking…" Pleaded the Prince.

"Four…Bro's before hoes isn't a thing. The hoes come first. Remember, Booty is more important than Wa— "


Nearly dying of laughter at his son's flushed expression, Arse fell to his knees before exploding into laughter. "My God, you're so cute!" he joked, tugging at his cheeks.

"I hate you."

"Alright. Alright." Arse said, wiping away the tears. He coughed into his palm, having ough of bullying his child. " Look. I can't physically be there for you. But I am watching over your process.

And I will aid you the best I can within the bounds of the Shadow Proclamation." He looked into his son's eyes, showing a softness that was there before. A shred of humanity the young prince never seemed to notice. "This shadow… is yours. I can't always protect you, but I will give my life if need be. Right now, you're weak. Defseless.

And you lack a resolve that can make or break you."

"Resolve…" Repeated Altair, clching his fist.

"Hmmm. Indeed. That girl Ria has more than you. It's honestly pathetic. So I'm going to tell you something. But it's up to you whether you want to hear it."

"It's not more foolishness, is it?"

Arse grinned. He shook his head. " No. But it is something that can either make you a demon or devil."

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