Shadow of the Abyss

Chapter 5: Unworthy

The first hour of dawn had just struck the horizon bathing the Aros Forest in light, jarring the Young Master, wrapped in his mother's embrace, awake. He smiled warmly and looked up at his mother, staring down at him as if he was the only thing that mattered. He smiled, snuggling closer.

"Hiya, mama!" He sang, his large obsidian eyes pooling with such majestic wonder, warmth gathered within Tebrae's breast. She grinned.

"What do you want for breakfast?" She asked, rubbing her tder nose against his, cultivating a look of wonder within Altair's eyes. If there were anything he loved as much as his mother, it would be her cooking.

"Can I have anything?" He asked with starry eyes.

"Of course! Although I already know it."

"5 Blueberry Pancakes!" Altair and Tebrae said.

She smiled. " You got it, honey. Now get dressed, and don't forget to brush your teeth."

"Thanks, Mommy!" The young man sang cheerfully, as he did every morning before running into the shower. With his toothbrush, he hummed a song as he quickly brushed and showered: The horrors of yesterday were the last thing on his mind.

By the time he got out of the shower, the bewitching echoes of the sizzle of butter against the cast iron had rolled through the house. He shuttered and turned to the mirror, donning house Aros's traditional uniform that carried the simple colors of red and black with a crest of the hawk reaching for its prey. While he might be an outsider, Altair was naturally expected to dress the part.

He smiled, observing the regal hair he'd inherited from his mother. The oval shape of his face, with large beady eyes, seemingly capable of trapping light itself. He whirled through the door, finding a pillar of thick fluffy pancakes the size of him, already plated and ready to devour.

" I knew mommy loved Altair! Hug?!"

Not missing an opportunity, Te reached for her boy within the confines of their small rustic kitch, and she swirled him a. " you better have a good day today!"

"I will, Mommy!"

"And if some bitch messes with you?"

'Kill 'em!"

"Good job! Now, go eat!" Te said, lowering him to his feet. She smiled, gaze teary as she thought: Gods, thank you for this child. Thank you. Who would have thought: I, of all people, would deserve such a gem."

Altair had not noticed his mother's strange reaction, tearing through the pancakes that seemed as divine as the gods themselves. He moaned, blessing his mother, licking the plate clean in but a matter of minutes.

'Moms the best!' he told himself wh a sudd knock echoed through their home. It was harsh. He turned and hurried to the door, his smile fading as the fierce features of the Master of Swords welcomed him.

"Morning, Ser," Altair said flatly.

"Morning. Is your mother in? I've word from the Duke." The Master of Swords said.

'What would the duke want with mother?' the boy asked himself. He turned, glancing at his mother, who smiled kindly. She gestured to let him in.

"Kay, you can come in." The Young Master said cautiously, returning to his mother's side. He shot the man a piercing stare. Observing every action the Master of Swords did.

From tering his home to closing the door, Veltos motioned himself away from the door. He'd never trusted his back to anything that placed him in a compromising position.

"I was hoping to speak with your mother alone." he started, his unflinching stare settling on Altair.

But the boy remained. He'd not leave his mother. Not with him; ev if she were to command him to leave, Altair would stay.

"I'm sure you were," Tebrae replied. "But anything you have to say can be said before my child. He's an intelligt one."

'What a strange family.' the Master of Swords thought, having surveyed his surings the instant he tered the room. 'It's clean and simple. But for a woman of her beauty and skill, why does she live as though her net worth wasn't in the millions?'

"What I have to say is ssitive. Should it be leaked? You'll face the guillotine."

Tebrae merely smiled a sign of her indifferce. But the same could not be said for Altair, whose fingers clched, digging so tightly into his palm that blood slithered down his fist.

He trembled.

"The Duke would like you to remain inside until the Reverd Mother has tak her leave. That is it."

"That's all!" Altair said, in a bellowing cry. "you'd sd my mother to the block over what? Leaving her home?!"

Heat scorched his lungs as the hue in his obsidian eyes deeped unbeknownst to him.

And Tebrae slid her gaze to him. 'Just a little more,' She thought, rustling her fingers through his thick silky hair as she'd done so many times. 'Just a little more, my Child Of The Endless Night. Mommy longs for a reunion.'

"I mean no offse. But orders are orders." The Master of Swords said, a sour tang over the tips of his tongue. "I hope one day you will understand that: In the d, the freedom of choice remains with those in power. Now gather your things. We are leaving." He said, turning to face the door.

"Show me your hands," Tebrae said, with a warm smile to her dearest. She squatted down on one knee and stared at the bloody palms without expression, and looked him in the eye. "Remember this feeling, and let it temper your heart. Our lineage is one of blood. Hold back those tears, and work hard. And wh you come back, I shall teach you one of your Father's favorite techniques."

Altair holding back the large globs of tears, nodded. The hue within his gaze: deeper than the deepest night. " Yes. Mommy," he muttered, taking a step towards the door. Veltos followed behind without a word, lost in thought.

'That woman, she's an Awaked. But there's something off about her.' The Master of Swords thought, his footsteps soundless as he trailed after the silt Altair. 'That type of lesson she gave the boy was first-rate. She, too, is trained. But who trained her? She doesn't seem that old, but..."

"Boy, what is your surname." he proceeded to ask.

"Mother said I'm unworthy of knowing. Said that Father wishes I seek the name rather than it be giv to me. A lesson in pride, she called it." He answered, although he couldn't understand it himself.

He had asked his mother many times who his Father was. But Tebrae never budged, only smiling sheepishly. But his mother had promised him that he still lived. And that was ough... For now.

To his rear, Veltos was utterly flabbergasted by what he'd heard. It was the first time he'd ever heard of such a ridiculous claim. 'The boy was unworthy?' he thought, scuffing a the thought. 'If he is unworthy, th ar't we all?'

"I see. Th let me ask you this. Do you hate me?"

"Yes," Altair answered without any hesitation. And the Master of Sword laughed, snickering at the bluntness of his words.

"Is it because of the Slave Girl, Tessa? I won't lie. I didn't joy it. But it was my job." The said, and there was a bit of helplessness he couldn't quite hide. "We are all bound by chains. No escaping it.

The buzzing of cicadas, the croaking of frogs, and the echos of birds, pigeons, and crows resounded beath the dawn. Shadows of canopies glinted shards of light, fractured about, as the two walked siltly for a long time.

"She was my Frid," Altair said softly.

"I know, child." The Master of Swords whispered, feeling his age weighing him down." Life can be a cruel thing. But child… If you keep that gloom. You'll only sadd your mother. Go out and make some frids. The world is what you make of it. You can either live as an outcast or find yourself, someone you can trust."

Altair stopped. "And if they die again?"

"Will you be weak and not protect those you love?"


"Think about it, boy. You needn't answer me now."

Veltos vtured a veiled smile, thinking: In time, my child, you will understand true cruelty. What I offered that girl was released. I merely hope one day, you can understand both sides. The world isn't black and as you think. And within House Aros, you will gleam the truth. Or it shall destroy you.

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