Shadow of the Abyss

Chapter 9: Mana

Bathed in a transluct light that bore through the many windows within the infirmary, lined with dozs of empty beds, stretching from one d to the other. The room remained silt. Eerily so, carrying only the monotonous drops of liquid within the two IV bags that provided more than just hydration or sodium slowly made its way into the veins of the young childr.

Altair shuddered, unaccustomed to the sudd coldness tering his veins for the last few hours. He'd joyed the cold before, hungered for it. But the ssation coursing through him did not bring comfort.

(A/N: IVs are cold AF. And they're not ev refrigerated.)

"You never get used to it," Syris said on an adjact bedding, twirling her slder fingers through her silvery hair. She continued in a pained full voice. "The longer it remains, the colder your body gets until the lids of your eyes grow heavy, leaving only the insipid need for rest, if only for a momt."

"Are you in hospitals a lot?"

"You can say that. That's how I know these IVs contain a rich amount of Protein, Amino acids, Fats, and other esstial nutrits, allowing recovery in hours rather than days. With this stuff, you can break a leg or two and be up and running within the hour."

"That's amazing… It would make training easier." Altair said. And he'd be right. The use of Boosters or Medical Serums was widespread amongst the dizs of Gisis, whose grasp of interspecies physiology remained unrivaled.

Syris looked at him. "On Gisis, we compact these Boosters, as you humans call them, into Balms, one can rub on the skin. With it, we can train for days or weeks with only the need for water. Although, Master says I'm too young to use them."

"Really. How old are you?'


Me too!" Altair said, so surprised he practically sprang to his feet. A vibrant glow flushed across his glistering cheeks and eyes. "But wait, how'd you Awak?"

"I'm only Half-Awak." Syris corrected in a proud tone, puffing out her flat chest; she pulled out the needle, having felt ough of the ice within her veins. She placed pressure on the small needle wound for a second or two, allowing it to close. "What are you, by the way?"

He tilted his head. "Human, as far as I know. Why? What are you?"

Behind the mask, her brows lifted, and frowned. "Human?" She said, clear mockery in her voice. "Who told you that? Well, I guess it doesn't matter. Not with the GCA granting people various getics. You are what you are nowadays."

There was a bitterness to her words, an almost loathing to them. That She quickly hid with a sudd giggle. But the Young Master was not so easily fooled, seeing through the veil of deceit. He chose to remain silt and change of topic.

"How does one become Half-Awaked?" He asked, noticing the tsion leaving her shoulders.

"You got to be awesome!" Syris said, her thusiasm awaking once more. "If you like, I could help. Let Syris kick your ass a few more times, and I'm sure you'll awak."

"It would seem you've got brain damage. I do believe you never landed a single hit on me." The young Master dangerously said, mustering a challging grin. He took hold of the machine that monitored his heart rate and IV and stepped toward Syris. "Mother has real swords back at my place. We can have a real fight there."

There was an exuberance to Syris upon hearing Altair's challge. She inched closer, her mask practically hitting the young Master's thin nose. "Bring it on!" She spun, ready to leave, pausing a few steps away, noticing something wrong. "What's wrong?"

'... How do you take out this thing without dying?" He pointed towards the butterfly needle, being pumped full of IV.

Pearly-sung laughter sprang from Syris. "Are you serious?"

Altair cheeks heated, and he swallowed, turning away. "... Maybe… Hey! Stop laughing!" He groaned, bowing his head wh suddly, she patted him like a lost puppy.

"There, there." She teased in faint amusemt; reaching for his right arm, she plucked out the needle and held it down for a few seconds or two. Leaving only a dot of blood visible over his arm as she pulled away. "See? It wasn't so bad?" She teased, breaking into laughter the momt she stared at the teary eye boy appearing as though he'd be abused.

"It's not funny!"

"It hella is!" Syris said, brushing up against Altair's shoulder. A teasing grin visible, "We'd better leave soon; Master will surely be back after her meeting."

'The woman in the mask?' Altair said, heading towards the exit and down the hall.

"Yup. I'm sure you've heard. I'm sure everyone has heard. That's the Reverd Mother." She explained and followed, eying the tapestries of the Hawk, Aros's noble crest that hung along the walls. "And she's my master… at least one of them."

Altair glanced back, descding the spiraling stairs toward the outside. "How many Masters do you have?"

"Sev!" The proud Syris sang, leaping onto Altair. She pointed with wild exuberance! "Now go! GO! GO! GO!


The Young Master did, finding himself lost in this strange ssation Syris brought. A ssation he'd not expericed since the Slave Girl, Tessa. And while Altair did not crave comradery, he would not reject it. He dashed into the forest towards his home as a pair of eyes watched over them from a nearby window within the estate.

"What are those kids doing?" The Reverd Mother muttered, only to shrug, a faint smile over her lips. "Bah, who cares. Have fun, kiddos."

Winds fluttering against Altair's cheeks, he zoomed through the forest floor with an unexplainable excitemt to show off his home and his mother. He moved faster and faster and faster, finding his body twice as fast as before.

'Ev with the fatty on my back. I feel ev stronger!' He thought, a wide grin revealing two slightly elongated fangs, sharp as any sword. They'd not existed a few hours ago prior to receiving a booster to help recover. And Altair himself had not noticed.

It was noon a the time they arrived, and resting outside with a warm glow across her cheeks, sat Tebrae upon a rocking chair, her mind focused on the book that laid in her hand: Baptism of the Moon by Lunafreya.

She looked up, perceiving her child, and smiled, her gaze sweeping over Syris for less than a second. "My baby! You've returned to Mama!"

"Hiya Mama!" Altair said happily, greeting his mother in the usual fashion. "This is—"

Syris leaped down, straighted her gown, and offered introductions: "I am Syris of the Clouds. It's a pleasure." And thought: This woman might be the prettiest one I've ever se. And he looks just like her.

"Such formalities," Tebrae mused. "No need for that little one. Well? What are you doing here? Skipping school, I see." A flash flickered through Te's obsidian eyes, snaring the childr in a sinister chill as she lifted her palm, flashing a thumbs up. "Good job!

Mama was getting bored anyway!" she shrugged. " Life is so unbelievably dull without her precious man."

"Mommy," Altair said, eyes glowing with somberness.

"Baby," Tebrae whispered.


Syris froze, finding herself disturbed by the oddity of the Mother and Son. She tilted her head and murmured. "They're so weird."

Swinging her precious treasure a, Altair flashed a bright smile. "Mama! Syris and I want to continue our dual."

"There is no problem there, but are you sure?" She grinned, "Mother prepared a tight-knit schedule to teach you your Father's technique: Enigmatic Step. A killing technique predicated on the Mana within your body."

"Mana… " Syris interjected. " Forgive me, but Altair has yet to awak. How do you suppose he—"

"You have no mama in your body, little one, but you could conjure fire. How do you suppose you did that?" Tebrae asked.

Syris's throat grew dry. Not once in all her mystic lessons had she or her instructors inquired about such an elusive concept.

Mana, the ethereal source of natural ergy found scattered throughout the Myriad Heavs, whose mystery eluded to ascdce, innovation, and evolution. There wasn't much known about Mana besides its omniprest state, which took the form of small ergy nodes similar to Light Nodes.

"Being a Celestial, you are naturally attuned to Mana. And with the abundance within Earth's atmosphere, you are allowed to draw Mana from the atmosphere into your Half-Awak state to fuel your flames."

"H-How'd you know?" Syris stammered to say, a sweeping shudder snaring her where she stood. She froze.

And she thought, through crippling fear. "Who is this woman? How does she know… did Altair contact her through his Neruolink? Did he… betray me? No. I never ev told him."

"You are not the first Celestial I've met," Tebrae said, winking her way. "You can always tell wh you see one."

"Mom, you're making her uncomfortable," Altair interjected, noticing the tsion betwe Syris's brow, jaw, shoulders, and feet. It was as though she was ready to flee. He gestured to the masked child. " Syris, it's fine. Mother likes to toy with me too. She just knows things."

"You're a Master," Syris said.

Tebrae leaned towards her. Her expression was solemn and harsh. "I'm a Mama Bird!"

"... A what?"

She giggled, her solemness melting into a childlike grin. " I'm a Mama, and this," She lifted Altair towards the skies, "is my precious baby!"

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