Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 744 Lazy god

Chapter 744 Lazy god

The two that had appeared in front of me were of course Solista and Vivrum.

I didn't expect the two of them to suddenly show up like this since this was supposed to be where I met Terra, but here they were in this white space.

Solista said in a confused voice, "Why didn't you expect to see us? You came to see gods, are we not gods?"

Vivrum nodded in agreement after Solista said this.

I couldn't help revealing a bitter smile that also had a strange look to it.

That was because the moment that Solista had said this, it almost seemed as if she was like a jealous girlfriend who had caught me with someone else...

I realized my mistake as soon as I thought that since I remembered that the gods could read my thoughts. But to my surprise, it didn't seem like Solista reacted at all to that thought.

I thought that it was quite rude to think of her like that, but it didn't seem to faze her at all.

It seemed that she really was a god as she wasn't bothered by something small like this.

So after giving a cough to calm myself down, I said, "It isn't that I don't want to see you here, it's just that I didn't expect to see you here. After all, the place that I came from wasn't a place that was under your dominion. I thought that I was here to see Terra and not you two."

Both Solista and Vivrum nodded in response to this as if they could understand where I was coming from.

But then Solista said, "You are meeting him. He's been here the entire time."

I was immediately caught off guard by her saying this before looking around for the god that Solista was referring to. However, no matter how I looked around the area, it didn't seem like he was there.

All I was able to see was white space and nothing else.

It really seemed like there wasn't a single thing here.

So after looking around for a bit, I turned back and said, "What do you mean? I don't see him at all."

The way that the two of them stood there, it was almost as if they were smiling at me though I couldn't see their true appearances because of the light that surrounded them.

Solista raised a hand and pointed downwards.

When she did, it was only then that I saw that there was something lying on the ground there.

This was a figure of light just like the two of them, but this one was a figure of brown light.

With the way that this brown figure of light was lying there, it was almost as if he was sleeping. With the way that he was lying on his side and had one hand holding up his head, it seemed like he was just napping here.

However, I couldn't help finding this strange.

He was a god, did he really need to nap?

Solista said with a bitter laugh, "He's special, don't use him as a judge of all the gods. This idiot likes to slack off and will never respond unless he's prompted by the rest of us. That's why we had to come here and pull you into his divine realm or else he never would have spoken to you."

Vivrum just put her head in her hand after Solista said this.

It even seemed that she was giving a helpless sigh after hearing this.

I slowly looked down at the brown glowing figure that was on the ground with a strange look.

Then all of a sudden, Solista raised her foot and kicked that brown figure of light on the back of the head.

When she did, that brown figure of light's head slipped out of the hand that was holding it and fell right to the ground. With the force of the kick that she landed, he actually went forward and landed right on his face.

"Who is it? Who's bothering my nap?"

That was the first thing that this brown figure of light said after being kicked to the ground like this.

He didn't even ask who was attacking him, he just cared about who was disrupting his nap.

Solista shook her head with a sigh before saying, "See? This is just the kind of god that he is."

"I resent that."

That voice came from the brown glowing figure that was still on the ground.

I found that the brown glowing figure hadn't even turned himself over and was still just lying there on the ground, as if he wasn't going to flip himself over. It was almost as if he was getting comfortable in the position that he was in.

In that position, the brown glowing figure said, "I'm a very busy person since I manage all the ground in this world. It's a large world, so there's a lot for me to do."

Solista gave a disdainful snort as she said, "The land can take care of itself and it does. The only time that you have to interfere is when you have to after a large accident."

The brown glowing figure didn't even bother arguing as he simply said, "My job is to supervise and not get involved directly, so I'm busy supervising."

"You were just sleeping." Solista said in a straight voice.

"I was meditating." The brown figure of light on the ground replied without missing a beat.

"Ah, so that's the kind of god he is." That was my only thought when I saw him like this.

"I resent that!" The brown figure of light on the ground said again before finally getting up.

When he did, he looked at Solista and Vivrum before saying, "Oh, it's you two. What do you want with me? Did something big happen again?"

Solista just pointed at me as she said, "Not me, he's the one that's here to see you."

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