Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 619: Gain

"Argh… these texts are really giving me a headache, even though they've been translated," Charles commented, his brows knitted together as he threw the documents in his hand onto the table.

The papers recorded magic inscriptions of the Western Seas. Their so-called spells were of an entirely different field that he had never dabbled in. The strange, worm-like script on the papers was similar to the patterns seen in their magical formations.

Putting aside the matter of one's innate magical aptitude, a deep and comprehensive understanding of this strange script was a fundamental requirement for learning magic.

Simply put, their magic involved channeling magic in the surroundings into their bodies and then activating the spells through this peculiar script. That was the summary of the so-called magic of the Western Seas.

According to them, in ancient times, there were mages who were even more powerful than Julio. However, Charles expressed skepticism of the claim and felt that it was more of a boasting rather than the truth.

The reason was that the Western Seas had been struggling over the past decades while the other sea regions had been expanding.

In the face of gunpowder and firearms, the mages were clearly outmatched.

The only value of their magic was that their powers could be passed on.

However, technological advancements could be passed on to the next generation as well and were more powerful than magic.

The main criterion Charles used to evaluate the worth of something was whether it would be valuable for exploration. And evidently, these magical teachings seemed to be of no help to him.

"Charles, don't dismiss it so quickly," Anna interjected Charles' train of thought. "Their magic still has its uses. Look, they even have alchemy. And I'm talking about true alchemy, where they can transmute actual gold."

Anna's eyes sparkled with interest as she scanned the documents. She seemed genuinely fascinated by the contents.

"And what use is there for gold right now? Are we going to use it to barter with the Divinities and ask them to sell the darkness back to us?" Charles asked, his tone laced with a hint of sarcasm.

"It might not be useful for surface exploration, but material transformation could be incredibly beneficial for our developing industries. Don't forget; gold is not just a currency; it's an industrial material as well. The microchip in your smartphone contains gold, but there are no gold mines in the seascape," Anna explained.

"Time… We don't have time…" Charles lamented as he glanced at the piles of documents on the table.

Of course, Charles knew the potential brilliance that could arise from the collision of a magical system with an industrial one. Perhaps, it could even spark a so-called magical-tech revolution.

After all, he had already witnessed hints of it. His prosthetic limb was a product of integrating magic into gears.

However, those were all concerns for the future. If they couldn't recover the darkness, there was no future to speak of.

Charles rose to his feet and reached for his coat. "Julio's method is useless. The magic from the Western Seas is of no help too. We can only see what those demi-gods from the Sea of Mist have."

"Where are you going?" Anna asked.

"To find the Haikors and ask them to contact their God. We've already shared our technology unconditionally. Now, it's their turn to reveal their cards."

Anna's tentacles extended and coiled around Charles' waist to pull him back. "There's no need to go look for them. I have a way to contact them."

"You do? Oh, right. You have dealt with them before." A look of realization settled upon Charles' face as he placed his coat back down on the table.

Anna knelt on the table as she started to sift through the various documents sent by the Western Seas. She totally ignored Charles as she seemed entirely absorbed in what the Western Seas' mages had to offer.

"Aren't you going to get started?" Charles interjected, feeling puzzled by Anna's behavior. "Didn't you say you were going to contact them?"

"Do I have to do that myself? I just need to think about it and someone else outside will handle it. Just wait patiently," Anna answered.

True to her words, it didn't take long before several towering Haikors entered the room. Behind them were several bizarre lizard-like Apostles.

The Apostles huddled together to form an elongated chain. The next moment, their figures began to blur, gradually transforming into a half-transparent, half-black form of Paiper's worm-like body.

It seems like Paiper has some ability to replace another's matter composition. Is this Paiper's power? Charles thought to himself.

Paiper hovered in mid-air. Charles' room was too large to contain Paiper's ten-meter-long body. However, Its tail segment easily phased through the wall and stayed outside the room.

The tall Haikors crossed their hands over their chests and bowed deferentially to their God before they silently turned and left the room.

"Is there something you need, Charles?" a voice that sounded like a middle-aged man rang in Charles' ears.

"We need to consolidate everything we have and gather them all to see how we can enhance the strength of the explorers. Everyone else has given their information. We're missing yours."

Paiper's mouthparts twitched slightly before it spat out a blob of red, pulsating chunk of flesh wrapped in a transparent, slimy membrane onto the ground. The mass wasn't dead; it was still moving.

"This is a blessing from a Divinity. However, such a blessing is highly unstable and requires us to personally assist in the infusion."

Before Charles could respond, Anna interrupted. "You guys actually possess a Divinity's corpse, and you are just giving us this meager piece to dismiss us?"

Paiper turned its mouthpart toward the visibly upset Anna. "How much do you think an ordinary human can absorb from it? This power is very peculiar. If the infused power is greater than the user themselves, the power will take over the user."

Charles stared intently at the writhing mass on the ground. "So… this so-called blessing of a Divinity is a chunk of flesh from the Divinity's corpse? And we are supposed to eat it?"

"No, this is a specially cultivated medium under the Divinity's aura. Through it, you can harness traces of the Divinity's power. If an ordinary human consumes the flesh of a Divinity directly, they will face only one outcome: death."

Charles carefully scrutinized the lump of mass squirming like a maggot on the ground. "Then what happens when a human consumes this?"

"First and foremost, they will never die again."

"What?!" Charles stared at Paiper in shock.

"Don't misunderstand," Paiper began. "I meant that the body will never die, not the consciousness. Upon accepting this power, the body's vitality will be maintained for eternity.

"Sickness, hunger, pain—all those can still affect you, but they won't be able to destroy the body. The moment you die, the body will continue to exist independently of you."

"So does that mean, if I consume this thing, my body essentially gains immortality? This doesn't sound like a great deal. Since this is a drawback, then what are the benefits? What do I stand to gain in exchange for such a hefty price?"

"You'll be able to harness a Divinity's power more effectively. For example, the relics and those that you've fused into your body will no longer be external to you. They will become an intrinsic part of your being."

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