Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 819: Mobilization

Chapter 819: Mobilization

Nene carefully closed her workbook. She then closed her eyes and stretched her arms high above her head, letting out a long yawn. "Ah~! Finally done! That was so tough, my brain hurts."

After neatly arranging her workbook and pencil case into her school bag, Nene pondered for a brief moment before she walked over to the large, bulky monitor and gently pressed a square button on the front.

A soft beep resonated through the room as the screen flickered to life, emitting a hissing static as the display brightened. However, Nene didn't insert a videotape into the player. She reached for a brass key and inserted it into a small hole on the right side of the television, giving it a few turns.

Soon, the snowy static peeled away to reveal a new imagery on the screen. It was the latest show, and in Nene's understanding, it was like a never-ending tape that could play from morning until night without pause.

The screen now flashed scenes from the various island docks. Naval officers of their respective islands were bidding tearful goodbyes to their families before running toward the warships lined up along the piers.

A somber and emotional voiceover accompanied the footage. "Everyone! Let us honor our brave warriors! May they return home early and victorious!

"How dare the vile Fhtagn Covenant ambush the hero who had saved the Subterranean Sea—our great Governor Charles! This injustice will not be tolerated! After a fair vote by the Subterranean Sea Council attended by all incumbent governors, a unanimous decision had been reached: The Eastern Seas shall be fully liberated!"

Watching the scenes playing on the screen, a troubled expression crossed Nene's face. Though she didn't fully understand the words that the narrator had said, she knew what the images meant.

"Ah… are we going to war again?"

War meant death. And unlike most of her classmates, Nene already experienced and understood the terrifying reality of death.

Nene didn't enjoy watching what was being broadcast on the television now, but she had no choice. Hope Island had only one TV channel, and if she didn't watch this, there was nothing else to watch.

After thirty minutes of mobilization news and another half hour of a documentary on the life of Admiral Weister, it was finally the broadcast time for Nene's favorite program.

It was a storytelling show where the host was a man with a shark head. Speaking in an exaggerated tone, he would tell amusing tales that every child on the island loved. Everyone called him "Mr. Shark."

As Mr. Shark narrated the story for the day, Nene was soon captivated and completely engrossed in it. It was so much so that she didn't even notice the sound of her mother's room door unlocking. She only realized that her mother was back when the latter stood next to her.

"Mom, I have already completed my homework," Nene quickly explained as she sat up straight on the couch.

Looking rather weary and pale, Donna nodded. "Okay, that's good. Did you see my bag? I am heading to work."

Nene glanced at the screen once more before turning to look at her mother's back. With a hint of hesitation, she walked over to Donna and asked softly, "Mom… did you go to the dock today?"

Donna's expression slightly twisted with frustration as she stomped her foot hard and lamented. "How could the tent disappear just like that? Do I really have to wait until next year?"

Donna had taken out all her savings over the years in the hopes of being able to have just one last conversation with her deceased husband, even if it was only for five minutes. Yet, she could no longer find the tent with the glowing skeletal figure.

Noticing her mother's unstable emotions, Nene rushed to her side and gently hugged her.

Donna's breath hitched at Nene's touch. She tried her best effort to hold her emotions in, but her tears broke forth like a dam and began to stream down her cheeks once more.

"I just wanted to tell your dad that I don't hate him. I want to apologize to him. I shouldn't have yelled at him. I just wanted him to see how much you've grown."

A trace of confusion flashed across Nene's eyes. Truth be told, she had little memories of her father. It was hard for her to feel any strong emotions about someone who had been dead before she could remember things clearly.

As Nene comforted her mother, a few small heads peeked around the doorway. Her classmates had arrived.

Donna had also noticed them as well. She quickly turned around to backface them and wiped the tears from her face. She then turned to Nene, saying, "Go play with your friends, sweetie. But remember to not stay out too late and come back early."

The moment Nene stepped out of her front door, she spotted her desk mate, Molly, the chubby boy, and the skinny boy, Gaia.

Ever since Michiel brought them to meet his uncle, who was a former explorer, and proved that he hadn't been lying, the rest of the class had quickly warmed up to him despite his quiet, reserved nature.

The world of children wasn't so complicated. Somehow, despite their vastly different personalities, the four of them had formed their own clique.

"Nene, is that pretty sister of yours at home?" Michiel asked softly as he tried to sneak a glance into the house.

"No, why are you looking for her?" Nene replied. She knew he was referring to Sparkle. Whenever someone asked about Sparkle, she had always answered that the former was her elder sister.

A faint blush crept onto Michiel's cheeks. He stammered, trying to find the words to say but to no avail.

"Hey! Stop chatting! Hurry up, or we'll be late!" the chubby boy exclaimed as he waved his arms excitedly in the air to get the others to hurry.

"Where are we going?" Nene followed them with a trace of hesitation.

"Of course, we are heading to the docks! There are so many ships there right now! I heard that there are floating airships, too!" The chubby boy was evidently excited due to his curiosity about all novelty things.

Nene halted in her tracks. "The docks… my mom doesn't let me go there."

The chubby boy turned around and ran toward Nene. Grabbing her by the arm, he tugged her along toward the streets. "What are you afraid of? Michiel and his family live in the dock area, and he goes to school every day. Nothing ever happens to him."

"Yeah, yeah! Come on! If we miss it this time, we might never get to see it again!" Michiel chimed in.

Under her friends' persuasion, Nene eventually gave in and followed them to run toward the docks. When they arrived, Nene realized that she had been worrying for nothing.

They weren't the only ones here to watch the navy mobilization. The entire harbor district was packed with people. Not only were the main streets filled to the brim, but the side streets and alleys were also overflowing with onlookers.

Ships, dozens or maybe even hundreds of them, lined the piers. The faces of the dock laborers beamed with pride as they worked tirelessly to load Hope Island's naval ships with ammunition and supplies. Finally, they had jobs again.

"Michiel, is your uncle going on this expedition to fight the cult?" Nene asked.

Michiel wasn't sure how to respond. "I have no idea. Maybe? Ever since my uncle left, he hadn't contacted us. My mom had been so worried."

Just as everyone's gazes were fixated on the mobilization unfolding before them, the chubby boy suddenly pointed his pudgy finger toward the dark horizon.

"Look! Over there! What is that?"

All the heads in his vicinity turned in unison. The next moment, their mouths fell open in astonishment. Floating in the sky was a massive island. The blinking directional lights on it flickered like the bloodthirsty eyes of a monster.

A ripple of unease and panic descended upon the onlookers crowded at the docks. But before the fear could sink in, a nearby loudspeaker crackled to life to let them know that the island was nothing to worry about. It was the Governor's airborne warship. Only then did the crowd's anxiety melt away.

Everyone craned their necks to observe the colossal, imposing, floating island that was nearly as large as Hope Island itself.

The air buzzed with excitement and speculation.

"By the grace of Goddess Sparkle! When did the governor acquire such a powerful weapon? With that thing, the Fhtagnists don't stand the slightest chance!"

"Of course! Those monsters worshiping the evil god in the sea are no match for our Hope Island's navy! They are done for!"

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