Sins Paradise: Domination System

Chapter 366 366 – Trained Pet

"Lucy, are you there?"

I called out as I landed on the balcony, jumping down softly not to make any noise. The Vampire girl looked up from the thick book with a brown cover that she read with a displeased expression. It seemed like she still hadn't truly recovered from her condition when I last saw her at the party.

She sighed to let that displeasure go away and closed the book with a bam, "Do you need something from me, Arthur?"

"Not exactly you, but I need a bit of help from someone knowledgeable about other Underground Cities. Do you know someone?"

"A knowledgeable person, huh?" Lucy muttered, putting the book on a table beside her, and stood up. "You know that person already."

"Who is it?" I raised my brows curiously. "You?"

"No." She shook her head in denial. "While I know a lot, my knowledge is limited to Border City as I always lived here. The one who is responsible for the outside world and knows a lot isn't me."

I understood that she was a little bit… displeased. But why should she talk lengthy like that? Also, I knew the person already, but no one came into my mind besides Nina and Melissa, who worked here. And no, they were responsible for brothels and hotels, so they weren't the right person either.

That left one.

"Raven?" I asked curiously, feeling a little bit bitter as Lucy nodded.

The most knowledgeable person was Beatrice's dog… Great. This simplified things. That's if he still had the mind to even think or remember about that information.

I doubted Raven was disciplined enough to do his job by himself. So he should've ordered his subordinate to do it. Some documents certainly would be needed in transactions between two parties, even though it was an illegal one.

At that moment, a person flashed into my mind. This person followed Raven everywhere, acting like his servant before I met her. At least she should've known one or two things regarding the other Underground City.

If there was someone who would do documents, it was probably her.

Sighing, I jumped onto the railing. "Thanks. Do you need more blood?"

At my words, Lucy looked at me and nodded slightly. Even though her mood wasn't the best because I just disturbed her, blood was still a priority, huh?

I took out ten empty tubes and slashed my wrist slightly with <Sword Hand>. I grunted in pain as my blood poured out from the wound, filling the tubes with a trickling sound.

At the same time, I heard a loud gulp from the Vampire girl as her breathing turned rough. Her face flushed red as if she was aroused, and her thighs rubbed against each other in a cute manner.

I grinned at her and stopped the bleeding with <Heal> while plugging all the tubes with cork. The smell of blood immediately disappeared, and I threw those tubes filled with blood to Lucy.

She snapped out of her hunger pang and caught them all, albeit a little bit panicked not to spill a single one.

"Share them with Mia." I left such a message before jumping down and wearing my [Shadow Cape], delving into the shadow, and making my way to Nina's hotel.

Lucy ran toward the edge and looked confused as I was already gone. Her confused face looked rather cute, but it wasn't the time to enjoy that. I had already enjoyed my girls' company enough, and it was time to clear my Quest.

The person I wanted to meet was… Ria. The wolf girl who followed Raven before Beatrice charmed him and made him an obedient dog. Nina said her training would be done shortly. A week would be enough for that, surely.

I entered the hotel and looked around. The lobby was emptier compared to my last visit, but there were more dots in the area. That meant the business was blossoming, and the room was full of people.

No one bothered to look at the receptionist where the horny rabbit was sitting while doing her nails. I used this chance to show up behind her.


As I rose from the shadow and whispered to her, I noticed her pink ears perked up slightly as she turned around in surprise.

"M-Master?" She shouted. Her nail clippers fell to the ground and created noise.

The guests' eyes turned to the receptionist area, and I hid in the shadows again, making Nina more confused.

"Don't make a commotion." My voice rang near her ears as I climbed to the shadow underneath her hair. "Is Ria ready yet?"

"She is. As long as you give her meat, she will follow your order." Nina answered in a low voice, taking back her nail clips to appear as normal as possible. She also bowed to the guests, apologizing for making a noise.

"Bring her to the room where you gave me Tristan's bunny costume a few days ago. I need her for something."

"Yes, Master."

After answering, Nina put her nail clipper down and began to walk inside. As for me, I moved inside the room behind the receptionist's table through the gap. I exited the shadow inside and waited on the chair, taking out Garcia's milk inside a cup from my inventory.

I had many cups filled with milk from Cecil and Garcia, thanks to the orgy party.

Before long, the door was opened, and Nina entered the room with a red-haired wolfkin walking behind her. She growled angrily, but when the bunny girl narrowed her eyes, Ria immediately calmed down and purred softly.

"Master, I bring her," Nina said, stepping aside. Then she whispered to Ria, "Come on, greet him."

"Bas– M-Master, I-I am here." The redhead greeted me with much hostility.

'I thought her training was done. But this is far from it, no?' I thought as I looked at her.

Red leotard and fishnets. Wolf ears and tail instead of a bunny.

To test it… I decided to take out a slob of meat and throw it to Ria.

I swore I saw her eyes flash a strange glint before she leaped toward the meat, bit it, and began chewing it like a beast. She crouched and held the meat with both hands, and I used this chance to get a collar that made her unable to leave me from my inventory and put it on her neck.

She accepted it without saying a word, still enjoying her meat. I nodded at Nina. Now I understood how they taught her.

"Good job."

"It's my pleasure, Master!" Nina exclaimed with an exaggerated bow.

I turned back to Ria, who licked her palm after she finished the meat.

"Ria, paw."

"Auu!" She howled and gave me her hand, causing her face to flush red. It was probably an instinct, and she didn't even want to do it. "W-Wait–"

"Another one."

Before she finished her sentence, I interrupted her, and she gave me another hand, her tail wagging happily. This… They truly trained her to be like a pet!

'It must be Beatrice's fault.' I thought.

However, it seemed like Ria still maintained her sanity and knowledge, considering she was now muttering in defeat and said something like 'End my life' in embarrassment.

"Listen," I called out to her and crouched to match her gaze. She raised her head and looked at me, a bit of hate still in her eyes. "If you do your job well, I will stop ordering you. I will give you a new goal and new friends who will accept you. What do you think about it?"

"Are you serious?" She asked with a hint of suspicion. "Why should I trust you?"

"Because I am the Castitas Church's Paladin. And I swear on my and Goddess Teri's name that I will introduce you to some friends. Is that enough?"

Ria nodded slowly. Even when she grew up in the Underground City, she knew the weight of swearing using the Goddess' name.

"Good." I nodded, satisfied with Nina's training. They didn't break Ria's mind, which was good. "Before that, did you know a lot about other Underground Cities?"

"If it's about that, I know a little bit… Like their locations, specialty, and leaders… Why?"

"You don't need to know about it. Just know that your usefulness has increased with that." I stood up, taking a [Teleportation Gem] that led to Capital City out of my inventory. "Take this. We're going now." 

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