Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 148

Chapter 148

Jin Ke also got up and did not joke again: Wei San, be careful when you play.

No matter how powerful they are, their mecha is also grade A. Wei San doesnt worry about it. The limit of grade A mecha was there. However strong the grade S was, with the grade A mechas, there was a limit.

Blood drop is no worse than the mecha of the chief soldiers of other military academies. As long as there is no main member to fight against her, it should not be too big a problem. Ying Chenghe has seen her previous trials and has a good understanding of the mecha. That was still a few months ago, and it would only be better now.

Then restrain them. Jin Ke lowered his eyes and said, I just happened to have a chance to have a greeting with the other 3S level commanders.

You guys sleep. Im going out. Wei San suddenly said.

Where are you going so late? Ying Chenghe subconsciously questioned.

I have things on hand. Wei San waved and turned to go outside.

Jin Ke laid down again. He never asked Wei San where she was going, in case she was going to see the expert.

Wei San would definitely not be willing to say.

After a while, Ying Chenghe spoke, If I remember correctly, the school is under martial law.

Wei San is also called the King of flipping the Wall. Jin Ke lightly refuted back.


Two boys who were under increasing pressure spent 50000 yuan each to rent a bed in Wei Sams dorm and slept for one night.

When she arrived one floor lower, Wei San took out Blood Drop.

The shopkeeper threw over a box of things: The materials you want.

Wei San took out the thick tube of metal liquid from the box. She wanted to change Blood Drops knife.

In the Hephaestus Competition, the school team was not allowed to use grade A or above mechas. At that time, the chief soldier would receive the key investigation before entering.

The performance of Blood Drop was perfect in all respects, but Wei San wanted to create some changes on the weapon.

She took the light knife down, poured the liquid out and put it into the mold.

She spent all night, before Wei San finally changed her lightsaber and hurried back to school.

Opening the bedroom door, Jin Ke and Ying Chenghe were sitting at her desk taking photos.

Wei Sanyi looked disgusted: Do you two need to be so saucy?

Ying Chenghe took Wei San to sit down and said, Ive come to sleep for the first time, so I need to leave some memories.

Wei San, who was full of decadence, sat between them with two dark circles under her eyes and was photographed.

The day before the departure, the principal members and the students of the school team stood on the playground together, swore an oath with the teachers, and then Major Lize ended the speech.

This time, we need everyone to show their ability to win the ranking together. Li Ze glanced at the young students below, who were only 20 years old at the most, but I hope you remember that this is just a game, not a bloody battle. Damocles Military Academy is behind you, you are here, it is here, and it will never disappear.


Thousands of students flew to the port in batches.

A local media controlled a micro drone to fly up to the sky and record this scene: a uniform military aircraft escorting young students to participate in the Hephaestus Competition. Dont know who will stay on the field forever.

A few years later, everyone knew that it was from here that a group of the best students in the third department of mechas set sail. Since then, the glory of Damocles Military Academy has been forever engraved in history.

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