Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 133 - Tools

Chapter 133 – Tools

For a whole two months, this small courtyard was constantly filled with surging heatwaves. From time to time, thick smoke, which seemed to have caught fire, would come out. Sometimes, there would even be violent explosions coming from the small rooms.

However, under the cover of the chaotic array, the smoke and flames in the small courtyard had already been diluted and scattered, and one couldn’t see the fireworks rising from the courtyard. The refining process was also covered by the array formation, and even the mortals around the residence didn’t notice it.

Although this was Ouyang Xulin’s first time forging, Yang Junshan could tell that he had already made sufficient preparations on the journey of refining. It was enough to the point where other than refining itself, he hadn’t even put in the effort to think about anything else related to refining.

Other than the noise and smoke that might happen during the refining process, he was able to calculate the type of talismans Yang Junshan would need and was able to prepare a corresponding talisman brush for each of them. However, the storage of spiritual valley s in the hut was only enough for two people to eat for ten days.

He could calculate the thirteen different situations that would appear after fusing witarticular type of spirit material, but he never expected that the continuous high temperature emitted by the crafting furnace would burn all the books in the small house into a ball of black dust, and even until the entire house was almost set ablaze. Helpless, Yang Junshan could only tear down the roof of the house, and then build a roof at an even higher height, barely blocking the sun and avoiding rain.

… ….

In short, from Yang Junshan’s point of view, Ouyang Xulin was actually a person who did not care about anything other than refining. Furthermore, when he was refining, Ouyang Xulin had to use a group of people to help him, not to handle matters during the refining process, but to handle matters other than refining such as buying, cooking, sleeping, organizing information and cleaning up the slag that had nothing to do with refining, but also matters related to him.

Although he was not as knowledgeable and knowledgeable as Ouyang Xulin, but he more or less knew a little about the things that could happen during the refining process. Adding on the fact that he was doing the refining for himself, Yang Junshan was basically able to coordinate with him quite well.

This fellow had yet to become a master refiner, but the refining process was no small matter compared to that of ordinary refiners!

Yang Junshan couldn’t help but shake his head and laugh bitterly. Normally, when he was completely immersed in refining, Ouyang Xulin would lose all of his emotions and desires, and only a expressionless face remained all day, as if he had gone insane.

This might have been the origin of his reputation as an “artifact nerd” in his previous life, or perhaps it was also the reason why he was able to achieve such great achievements in the field of artifact forging.

Within the crafting furnace, a three-inch square stamp floated above the raging Weapon Flame. After being refined by the Weapon Flame for two months, the brown color of the seal started to become brighter and brighter, gradually turning golden, and the flickering spiritual light became more and more resplendent. On the seal seat was a small and exquisite mountain range, and after two months of hard refinement, Yang Junshan’s lower grade tool finally started to take shape.

“If I were to refine another similar magical artifact, I could shorten the time by at least half!”

During these two months, most of the things Yang Junshan heard were orders that Ouyang Ziyun did not have any emotion. Most of them were orders for him to do something, but today, he suddenly said something along the lines of “someone”, making Yang Junshan, who had not communicated witeal “person” for the past two months, feel quite excited.

“What, looks like it’s going to be completed?” Compared to the current Ouyang Xulin, Yang Junshan found it harder to conceal the excitement in his expression.

Ouyang Xulin glanced at Yang Junshan indifferently, and it was as if he had instantly returned to that unearthly state, and said: “Refined? Because this is my first time refining it, I have no choice but to be careful and spend more time to avoid mistakes as much as possible. It’s more important to affect the magic tool’s own power! ”

Yang Junshan’s excitement immediately cooled down by more than half when he heard it, but then he immediately heard from Ouyang Xulin: “But it’s almost there, and everything else has been carried out perfectly, leaving behind the last tool’s surface runes and carving on the bottom, and that’s right, since you want to make the seal, and the seal itself is a king level item, it’s best for you to choose a name, when you make the seal, you have to coordinate your own spirit energy with the spirit weapon, which will havuge impact on the power of the tool itself.”

Yang Junshan did not even think about it, and said: “Then we shall carve the words’ Mountain Lord ‘, let’s call him Mountain Monarch Seal!”

“Mountain Lord?”

Ouyang Xulin was still indifferent, his tone did not change at all as he said: “The name is indeed fitting, but Mountain Lord himself refers to a fierce tiger. If there is a fierce tiger sitting on the mountain above the magical equipment and it is able to fuse with the magical equipment, perhaps the quality and power of the weapon would be a level higher.”

Yang Junshan’s eyes immediately lit up, and said: “Then it’s still too late for you to carve even one!”

Ouyang Xulin shook his head: “The refinement of a magic tool, especially the refinement of a lifeblood tool, is closely related to the wielder of the magic tool. You have personally participated in many of the refining processes of this magic tool, and if I were to carve another fierce tiger now, it would be because I am unable to fuse the charm of a fierce tiger with your own aura.

The last time he heard his brother say that Hu Niu very rarely returned home, the entire Western Mountain had already been taken over by her as king. It waity that if Ouyang Xulin could see Hu Niu with his own eyes, perhaps he would be able to carve a image of a fierce tiger descending from the mountain on top of the spirit artifact, greatly raising the power of the spirit artifact itself.

Yang Junshan said helplessly: “If that’s the case, then forget it. However, if I were to raise the quality of my magic tools again in the future, can I carve a fierce tiger on the seat of the imperial seal?”

Ouyang Xulin said: “Don’t worry, your primeval stones are enough!”

Yang Junshan heaved a sigh of relief and said: “That’s good!”

Ouyang Xulin said: Come, it’s time, I need as much spiritual energy as possible in your body to support me. When the artifact is formed, the more spiritual energy the wielder absorbs, the more compatible it is with the wielder, and the easier it will be to refine it into a lifeblood tool. Furthermore, the stronger it will be, and it might even backfire on the cultivator himself.

After Ouyang Xulin finished speaking, he directly extended his hands into the Weapon Flame. Yang Junshan, who had already experienced the power of the Weapon Flame for the past few days, discovered that the Weapon Flame basically did not harm Ouyang Xulin at all.

Then, Ouyang Xulin started to carve some inscriptions on the four sides of the Mountain Monarch Seal. These inscriptions were not only beautiful, more importantly, the key point was that it required less spirit energy to activate its power, and was also the basis for whether or not the inscriptions would end perfectly.

At this moment, Yang Junshan was extending both his hands above the Mountain Monarch Seal and the spirit energy in his body was circulating unceasingly. After gathering at the center of his palm, he moved towards the Mountain Monarch Seal below him.

As for the Mountain Monarch Seal itself, it was like a Taotie as it swallowed Yang Junshan’s rich and abundant earth spirit energy, but it did not feel saturated at all. Every time Ouyang Xulin finished carving a tattoo, the artifact itself would exude a ball of vitality from the inside out.

Only after an entire day had passed did Ouyang Xulin manage to finish carving the patterns on the four sides of the Mountain Monarch Seal, and Yang Junshan had also used his Wutu Spiritual Energy to support himself for an entire day.

Ouyang Xulin raised his head and looked at Yang Junshan, and felt that Yang Junshan still had some strength left, so he continued to carve the second carvings, while Yang Junshan maintained his spirit energy output to the spirit weapon.

Another day had passed, and he had finished carving the second piece. Ouyang Xulin saw that Yang Junshan’s forehead was already perspiring slightly, and asked: “Are you resting?”

Yang Junshan asked: “Will interrupting the carving of the four sides affect the power of the spirit treasure?”

Ouyang Xulin said: “Of course it’s for the best, but is the spiritual energy in your body strong enough to support it? For a Mortal Realm cultivator to have such a storage of spirit energy is already astonishing enough. ”

Yang Junshan forced a smile and said: “Let’s continue, I have one Spirit Recovery Pill!”

Ouyang Xulin let out a “Wu” sound, and did not speak further, but continued to immerse himself in the third side of the carving.

That day at the battle at the swamp, although Yang Junshan did not use any Spirit Returning Pills, he still asked Fang Xuansheng for one. This Fang Xuansheng was truly generous, and while the Spirit Replenishing Pills were valuable, he gave them without any hesitation.

On the third day, after he had finished carving half of the spirit pellet, the spirit energy in Yang Junshan’s body was finally exhausted, thus he took a bite out of the Spirit Recovery Pellet that was already in his mouth, and slowly the spirit energy in his body started to recover, but the Spirit Recovery Pellet that was used on others, that was able to recover at least sixty to seventy percent of his spirit energy, was only able to recover about forty percent of it.

But even though he only had these few, which were enough for Yang Junshan to finish carving the third piece, just in case, Yang Junshan took out an egg-sized pebble from the storage bag and swallowed it.

Ouyang Xulin raised his eyebrows and said: “Wutu Earth Essence Stone?”

Yang Junshan laughed, and although he could not say anything with the stone in his mouth, it was clear that he was hinting Ouyang Xulin to continue.

After finishing the third piece of carving, Ouyang Xulin asked, “There’s only one more, do you really not need to rest?”

Yang Junshan held onto the stone that had shrunk to half its size, and said vaguely: “Don’t worry, I can hold on!”

However, he still continued to carve and carve on the fourth side. Furthermore, after carving and carving on the first three sides, Ouyang Xulin, who had gradually become familiar with it, also increased the speed of his carvings.

Weng! * Weng! * Weng!

After carving half of the fourth side, the Mountain Monarch Seal gradually started to tremble, and the shaking became more and more intense.

“Try your best to control it well. Don’t let anything go wrong during the process!”

Ouyang Xulin bellowed, the speed of the carving inscriptions on his hands did not decrease at all, with each slash, he was able to accurately carve out an ornament on top of the shaking pendant.

Yang Junshan’s face had long turned as white as paper. With a “pu” sound, he spat ouile of broken stones, and then, with a flip of his hand, swallowed a Wutu Essence Stone. With a “beng” sound, he crushed the stone into pieces, and as such, despite losing a large amount of Essence from the stone, it was still a shortcut to replenish the spirit energy in his body.

A moment later, Ouyang Xulin gave a low roar and said: “It’s almost done, I have to suppress the rebound that I made when I created the artifact, so I can take this opportunity to inscribe it!”

Yang Junshan silently nodded his head. Veins suddenly bulged on his arms, and his palms seemed to have expanded by a lot.

Just as Ouyang Xulin’s voice fell, the last piece of inscriptions had already been completed in his hands, the inscriptions on the four sides of the seal lit up in unison, and a ball of dense and abundant earth spiritual energy suddenly exploded in all directions from the Mountain Monarch Seal. At the same time, the seal itself started to rise slowly under Yang Junshan’s pressure, as if it was about to break through the sky.

When the earth elemental spiritual energy that was spread out in all directions struck Yang Junshan, Yang Junshan, who was already at the end of his strength, spat out a mouthful of blood. The majority of it landed on the Yin Seal, but quickly seeped into it.

“A good chance!”

Ouyang Xulin, who was also a Martial Realm Cultivator, was also exhausted, but he was still better than Yang Junshan. Seeing that Yang Junshan was taking the opportunity to suppress the seal with his blood and sweat, he immediately reminded: “Quick, use your blood and work hard to carve the seal yourself!”

Yang Junshan took a deep breath, and the image of his initial cultivation suddenly appeared in his mind. At the same time, it was the most exquisite image of the crouching tiger diagram, and the bottom of the seal suddenly began to exude a blood-red color, gradually becoming more and more powerful. Two blood-red words that contained the charm of the crouching tiger diagram appeared above the seal, and it was the words “Mountain Lord”!

The moment those words were written, a thin layer of stone crumbs fell off from the bottom of the seal, only slightly highlighting the words’ Mountain Lord ‘. Afterwards, the entire magic tool started to emit a bloody aura, which was accompanied by a rich earth power, and gradually condensed into a crouching tiger in the air, looking exactly like the tiger in the crouching tiger picture.

“Artifact spirit, artifact spirit!” Ouyang Xulin pointed at the gradually fading crouching tiger in the air and screamed.

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